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2 files changed, 23 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Annex/Content.hs b/Annex/Content.hs
index 5985bf227..0f9c4acdf 100644
--- a/Annex/Content.hs
+++ b/Annex/Content.hs
@@ -447,12 +447,12 @@ downloadUrl urls file = go =<< annexWebDownloadCommand <$> Annex.getGitConfig
liftIO $ anyM (\u -> u headers opts file) urls
go (Just basecmd) = liftIO $ anyM (downloadcmd basecmd) urls
downloadcmd basecmd url =
- boolSystem "sh" [Param "-c", Param $ gencmd basecmd url]
+ boolSystem "sh" [Param "-c", Param $ gencmd url basecmd]
<&&> doesFileExist file
- gencmd basecmd url =
- replace "%file" (shellEscape file) $
- replace "%url" (shellEscape url)
- basecmd
+ gencmd url = massReplace
+ [ ("%file", shellEscape file)
+ , ("%url", shellEscape url)
+ ]
{- Copies a key's content, when present, to a temp file.
- This is used to speed up some rsyncs. -}
diff --git a/Utility/Misc.hs b/Utility/Misc.hs
index c04409563..1bb6de79f 100644
--- a/Utility/Misc.hs
+++ b/Utility/Misc.hs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Foreign
import Data.Char
+import Data.List
import Control.Applicative
import System.Posix.Process (getAnyProcessStatus)
@@ -70,6 +71,23 @@ segmentDelim p l = map reverse $ go [] [] l
| p i = go [] ([i]:c:r) is
| otherwise = go (i:c) r is
+{- Replaces multiple values in a string.
+ -
+ - Takes care to skip over just-replaced values, so that they are not
+ - mangled. For example, massReplace [("foo", "new foo")] does not
+ - replace the "new foo" with "new new foo".
+ -}
+massReplace :: [(String, String)] -> String -> String
+massReplace vs = go [] vs
+ where
+ go acc _ [] = concat $ reverse acc
+ go acc [] (c:cs) = go ([c]:acc) vs cs
+ go acc ((val, replacement):rest) s
+ | val `isPrefixOf` s =
+ go (replacement:acc) vs (drop (length val) s)
+ | otherwise = go acc rest s
{- Given two orderings, returns the second if the first is EQ and returns
- the first otherwise.