diff options
8 files changed, 42 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/Annex/Difference.hs b/Annex/Difference.hs
index cb363e80c..07789e7bb 100644
--- a/Annex/Difference.hs
+++ b/Annex/Difference.hs
@@ -31,9 +31,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
setDifferences :: Annex ()
setDifferences = do
u <- getUUID
- otherds <- either error return
- =<< sanityCheckDifferences . allDifferences
- <$> recordedDifferences
+ otherds <- allDifferences <$> recordedDifferences
ds <- mappend otherds . annexDifferences <$> Annex.getGitConfig
when (ds /= mempty) $ do
ds'@(Differences l) <- ifM (isJust <$> getVersion)
diff --git a/Locations.hs b/Locations.hs
index dcbde4bd9..ed0962230 100644
--- a/Locations.hs
+++ b/Locations.hs
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ gitAnnexLocation' key r config crippled
| Git.repoIsLocalBare r
|| crippled
- || hasDifference (== ObjectHashLower True) (annexDifferences config) =
+ || hasDifference (== ObjectHashLower) (annexDifferences config) =
check $ map inrepo $ annexLocations key
{- Non-bare repositories only use hashDirMixed, so
- don't need to do any work to check if the file is
diff --git a/Logs/Difference.hs b/Logs/Difference.hs
index 68d624f99..fcebffee9 100644
--- a/Logs/Difference.hs
+++ b/Logs/Difference.hs
@@ -24,10 +24,11 @@ import Logs.UUIDBased
import Logs.Difference.Pure
recordDifferences :: Differences -> UUID -> Annex ()
-recordDifferences differences uuid = do
+recordDifferences (Differences differences) uuid = do
ts <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
Annex.Branch.change differenceLog $
showLog id . changeLog ts uuid (show differences) . parseLog Just
+recordDifferences UnknownDifferences _ = return ()
-- Map of UUIDs that have Differences recorded.
-- If a new version of git-annex has added a Difference this version
diff --git a/Logs/Difference/Pure.hs b/Logs/Difference/Pure.hs
index 76d995a01..bbd4d348d 100644
--- a/Logs/Difference/Pure.hs
+++ b/Logs/Difference/Pure.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Logs.UUIDBased
parseDifferencesLog :: String -> (M.Map UUID Differences)
parseDifferencesLog = simpleMap
- . parseLog (Just . fromMaybe UnknownDifferences . readish)
+ . parseLog (Just . maybe UnknownDifferences Differences . readish)
-- The sum of all recorded differences, across all UUIDs.
allDifferences :: M.Map UUID Differences -> Differences
diff --git a/Types/Difference.hs b/Types/Difference.hs
index 7d0c28224..f92a30736 100644
--- a/Types/Difference.hs
+++ b/Types/Difference.hs
@@ -9,123 +9,74 @@ module Types.Difference (
- sanityCheckDifferences,
) where
-import Utility.PartialPrelude
import qualified Git
import qualified Git.Config
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
-import Control.Applicative
-- Describes differences from the v5 repository format.
--- The serilization is stored in difference.log, so avoid changes that
+-- The serialization is stored in difference.log, so avoid changes that
-- would break compatability.
--- Not breaking comparability is why a list of Differences is used, rather
+-- Not breaking compatability is why a list of Differences is used, rather
-- than a sum type. With a sum type, adding a new field for some future
-- difference would serialize to a value that an older version could not
-- parse, even if that new field was not used. With the Differences list,
-- old versions can still parse it, unless the new Difference constructor
-- is used.
+-- The constructors intentionally do not have parameters; this is to
+-- ensure that any Difference that can be expressed is supported.
+-- So, a new repository version would be Version6, rather than Version Int.
data Difference
- = Version Int
- | ObjectHashLower Bool
- | ObjectHashDirectories Int
- | BranchHashDirectories Int
- deriving (Show, Read, Ord)
-instance Eq Difference where
- Version a == Version b = a == b
- ObjectHashLower a == ObjectHashLower b = a == b
- ObjectHashDirectories a == ObjectHashDirectories b = a == b
- BranchHashDirectories a == BranchHashDirectories b = a == b
- _ == _ = False
+ = ObjectHashLower
+ | OneLevelObjectHash
+ | OneLevelBranchHash
+ deriving (Show, Read, Ord, Eq, Enum, Bounded)
data Differences
= Differences [Difference]
| UnknownDifferences
- deriving (Show, Read, Ord)
instance Eq Differences where
- Differences a == Differences b = simplify (defver:a) == simplify (defver:b)
- _ == _ = False
+ Differences a == Differences b = canon a == canon b
+ _ == _ = False -- UnknownDifferences cannot be equal
instance Monoid Differences where
mempty = Differences []
- mappend (Differences l1) (Differences l2) = Differences (simplify (l1 ++ l2))
+ mappend (Differences l1) (Differences l2) = Differences (canon (l1 ++ l2))
mappend _ _ = UnknownDifferences
--- This is the default repository version that is assumed when no other one
--- is given. Note that [] == [Version 5]
-defver :: Difference
-defver = Version 5
--- Given [Version 6, Version 5], returns [Version 6]
-simplify :: [Difference] -> [Difference]
-simplify = go . sort
- where
- go [] = []
- go (d:[]) = [d]
- go (d1:d2:ds)
- | like d1 d2 = go (d2:ds)
- | otherwise = d1 : go (d2:ds)
- like (Version _) (Version _) = True
- like _ _ = False
+canon :: [Difference] -> [Difference]
+canon = nub . sort
getDifferences :: Git.Repo -> Differences
-getDifferences r = checksane $ Differences $ catMaybes
- [ ObjectHashLower
- <$> getmaybebool (differenceConfigKey (ObjectHashLower undefined))
- , ObjectHashDirectories
- <$> getmayberead (differenceConfigKey (ObjectHashDirectories undefined))
- , BranchHashDirectories
- <$> getmayberead (differenceConfigKey (BranchHashDirectories undefined))
- ]
+getDifferences r = Differences $ catMaybes $
+ map getmaybe [minBound .. maxBound]
- getmaybe k = Git.Config.getMaybe k r
- getmayberead k = readish =<< getmaybe k
- getmaybebool k = Git.Config.isTrue =<< getmaybe k
- checksane = either error id . sanityCheckDifferences
+ getmaybe d = case Git.Config.isTrue =<< Git.Config.getMaybe (differenceConfigKey d) r of
+ Just True -> Just d
+ _ -> Nothing
differenceConfigKey :: Difference -> String
-differenceConfigKey (Version _) = "annex.version"
-differenceConfigKey (ObjectHashLower _) = tunable "objecthashlower"
-differenceConfigKey (ObjectHashDirectories _) = tunable "objecthashdirectories"
-differenceConfigKey (BranchHashDirectories _) = tunable "branchhashdirectories"
+differenceConfigKey ObjectHashLower = tunable "objecthashlower"
+differenceConfigKey OneLevelObjectHash = tunable "objecthash1"
+differenceConfigKey OneLevelBranchHash = tunable "branchhash1"
differenceConfigVal :: Difference -> String
-differenceConfigVal (Version v) = show v
-differenceConfigVal (ObjectHashLower b) = Git.Config.boolConfig b
-differenceConfigVal (ObjectHashDirectories n) = show n
-differenceConfigVal (BranchHashDirectories n) = show n
+differenceConfigVal _ = Git.Config.boolConfig True
tunable :: String -> String
tunable k = "annex.tune." ++ k
-sanityCheckDifferences :: Differences -> Either String Differences
-sanityCheckDifferences d@(Differences l)
- | null problems = Right d
- | otherwise = Left (intercalate "; " problems)
- where
- problems = catMaybes (map check l)
- check (ObjectHashDirectories n)
- | n == 1 || n == 2 = Nothing
- | otherwise = Just $ "Bad value for objecthashdirectories -- should be 1 or 2, not " ++ show n
- check (BranchHashDirectories n)
- | n == 1 || n == 2 = Nothing
- | otherwise = Just $ "Bad value for branhhashdirectories -- should be 1 or 2, not " ++ show n
- check _ = Nothing
-sanityCheckDifferences UnknownDifferences = Left "unknown differences detected; update git-annex"
hasDifference :: (Difference -> Bool) -> Differences -> Bool
hasDifference f (Differences l) = any f l
hasDifference _ UnknownDifferences = False
diff --git a/doc/git-annex.mdwn b/doc/git-annex.mdwn
index 06eb85e11..80dce0ddc 100644
--- a/doc/git-annex.mdwn
+++ b/doc/git-annex.mdwn
@@ -1839,7 +1839,7 @@ Here are all the supported configuration settings.
Used by hook special remotes and external special remotes to record
the type of the remote.
-* `annex.tune.objecthashdirectories`, `annex.tune.objecthashlower`, `annex.tune.branchhashdirectories`
+* `annex.tune.objecthash1`, `annex.tune.objecthashlower`, `annex.tune.branchhash1`
These can be passed to `git annex init` to tune the repository.
They cannot be safely changed in a running repository.
diff --git a/doc/internals.mdwn b/doc/internals.mdwn
index 4eb72ceac..a562d6067 100644
--- a/doc/internals.mdwn
+++ b/doc/internals.mdwn
@@ -265,4 +265,4 @@ that should prevent merging.
- e605dca6-446a-11e0-8b2a-002170d25c55 [Version 5] timestamp=1422387398.30395s
+ e605dca6-446a-11e0-8b2a-002170d25c55 [ObjectHashLower] timestamp=1422387398.30395s
diff --git a/doc/tuning.mdwn b/doc/tuning.mdwn
index 761071b6b..cbe0eca64 100644
--- a/doc/tuning.mdwn
+++ b/doc/tuning.mdwn
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ done by passing `-c name=value` parameters to `git annex init`.
For example, this will make git-annex use only 1 level for hash directories
in `.git/annex/objects`:
- git -c annex.tune.objecthashdirectories=1 annex init
+ git -c annex.tune.objecthash1=true annex init
It's very important to keep in mind that this makes a nonstandard format
git-annex repository. In general, this cannot safely be used with
@@ -29,16 +29,18 @@ Again, tuned repositories are an experimental feature; use with caution!
The following tuning parameters are available:
-* `annex.tune.objecthashdirectories` (default: 2)
- Sets the number of hash directories to use in `.git/annex/objects/`
+* `annex.tune.objecthash1=true`
+ Use just one level of hash directories in `.git/annex/objects/`,
+ instead of the default two levels.
-* `annex.tune.objecthashlower` (default: false)
- Set to true to make the hash directories in `.git/annex/objects/` use
- all lower-case.
+* `annex.tune.objecthashlower=true`
+ Make the hash directories in `.git/annex/objects/` use
+ all lower-case, instead of the default mixed-case.
-* `annex.tune.branchhashdirectories` (default: 2)
- Sets the number of hash directories to use in the git-annex branch.
+* `annex.tune.branchhash1=true`
+ Use just one level of hash directories in the git-annex branch,
+ instead of the default two levels.
Note that git-annex will automatically propigate these setting to
-`.git/config` for tuned repsitories. You should never directly change
+`.git/config` for tuned repositories. You should never directly change
these settings in `.git/config`