diff options
12 files changed, 18 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/Utility/CoProcess.hs b/Utility/CoProcess.hs
index c1134011b..0c8e95e17 100644
--- a/Utility/CoProcess.hs
+++ b/Utility/CoProcess.hs
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ query ch send receive = do
s <- readMVar ch
restartable s (send $ coProcessTo s) $ const $
restartable s (hFlush $ coProcessTo s) $ const $
- restartable s (receive $ coProcessFrom s) $
+ restartable s (receive $ coProcessFrom s)
restartable s a cont
diff --git a/Utility/DBus.hs b/Utility/DBus.hs
index 3523a3aa3..bfcaa4471 100644
--- a/Utility/DBus.hs
+++ b/Utility/DBus.hs
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
module Utility.DBus where
+import Utility.PartialPrelude
import Utility.Exception
import DBus.Client
@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ type ServiceName = String
listServiceNames :: Client -> IO [ServiceName]
listServiceNames client = do
reply <- callDBus client "ListNames" []
- return $ fromMaybe [] $ fromVariant (methodReturnBody reply !! 0)
+ return $ fromMaybe [] $ fromVariant =<< headMaybe (methodReturnBody reply)
callDBus :: Client -> MemberName -> [Variant] -> IO MethodReturn
callDBus client name params = call_ client $
diff --git a/Utility/Daemon.hs b/Utility/Daemon.hs
index 11aa57686..5d47be035 100644
--- a/Utility/Daemon.hs
+++ b/Utility/Daemon.hs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ daemonize logfd pidfile changedirectory a = do
_ <- forkProcess child1
- checkalreadyrunning f = maybe noop (const $ alreadyRunning)
+ checkalreadyrunning f = maybe noop (const alreadyRunning)
=<< checkDaemon f
child1 = do
_ <- createSession
diff --git a/Utility/DataUnits.hs b/Utility/DataUnits.hs
index 2a936f1fd..7399809eb 100644
--- a/Utility/DataUnits.hs
+++ b/Utility/DataUnits.hs
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ roughSize units short i
| i < 0 = '-' : findUnit units' (negate i)
| otherwise = findUnit units' i
- units' = reverse $ sort units -- largest first
+ units' = sortBy (flip compare) units -- largest first
findUnit (u@(Unit s _ _):us) i'
| i' >= s = showUnit i' u
diff --git a/Utility/Directory.hs b/Utility/Directory.hs
index f1bcfada3..c2a50714c 100644
--- a/Utility/Directory.hs
+++ b/Utility/Directory.hs
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ dirContents d = map (d </>) . filter (not . dirCruft) <$> getDirectoryContents d
- When the directory does not exist, no exception is thrown,
- instead, [] is returned. -}
dirContentsRecursive :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
-dirContentsRecursive topdir = dirContentsRecursiveSkipping (const False) True topdir
+dirContentsRecursive = dirContentsRecursiveSkipping (const False) True
{- Skips directories whose basenames match the skipdir. -}
dirContentsRecursiveSkipping :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
diff --git a/Utility/Exception.hs b/Utility/Exception.hs
index cf2c615c7..6f3c059f6 100644
--- a/Utility/Exception.hs
+++ b/Utility/Exception.hs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Utility.Data
{- Catches IO errors and returns a Bool -}
catchBoolIO :: IO Bool -> IO Bool
-catchBoolIO a = catchDefaultIO False a
+catchBoolIO = catchDefaultIO False
{- Catches IO errors and returns a Maybe -}
catchMaybeIO :: IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
diff --git a/Utility/Gpg.hs b/Utility/Gpg.hs
index 05c03d6ef..a00bf99da 100644
--- a/Utility/Gpg.hs
+++ b/Utility/Gpg.hs
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ findPubKeys :: String -> IO KeyIds
findPubKeys for = KeyIds . parse . lines <$> readStrict params
params = [Params "--with-colons --list-public-keys", Param for]
- parse = catMaybes . map (keyIdField . split ":")
+ parse = mapMaybe (keyIdField . split ":")
keyIdField ("pub":_:_:_:f:_) = Just f
keyIdField _ = Nothing
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ genSecretKey keytype passphrase userid keysize =
Algo n -> show n
, Just $ "Key-Length: " ++ show keysize
, Just $ "Name-Real: " ++ userid
- , Just $ "Expire-Date: 0"
+ , Just "Expire-Date: 0"
, if null passphrase
then Nothing
else Just $ "Passphrase: " ++ passphrase
diff --git a/Utility/HumanNumber.hs b/Utility/HumanNumber.hs
index 904135987..d5f647cd6 100644
--- a/Utility/HumanNumber.hs
+++ b/Utility/HumanNumber.hs
@@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ showImprecise precision n
int :: Integer
(int, frac) = properFraction n
remainder = round (frac * 10 ^ precision) :: Integer
- pad0s s = (take (precision - length s) (repeat '0')) ++ s
+ pad0s s = replicate (precision - length s) '0' ++ s
striptrailing0s = reverse . dropWhile (== '0') . reverse
diff --git a/Utility/HumanTime.hs b/Utility/HumanTime.hs
index 297b2bd97..f52fd5b1b 100644
--- a/Utility/HumanTime.hs
+++ b/Utility/HumanTime.hs
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ parseDuration = Duration <$$> go 0
fromDuration :: Duration -> String
fromDuration Duration { durationSeconds = d }
| d == 0 = "0s"
- | otherwise = concat $ map showunit $ go [] units d
+ | otherwise = concatMap showunit $ go [] units d
showunit (u, n)
| n > 0 = show n ++ [u]
diff --git a/Utility/LinuxMkLibs.hs b/Utility/LinuxMkLibs.hs
index 76e6266dd..f4744fcb2 100644
--- a/Utility/LinuxMkLibs.hs
+++ b/Utility/LinuxMkLibs.hs
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ inTop top f = top ++ f
- link to. Note that some of the libraries may not exist
- (eg, -}
parseLdd :: String -> [FilePath]
-parseLdd = catMaybes . map (getlib . dropWhile isSpace) . lines
+parseLdd = mapMaybe (getlib . dropWhile isSpace) . lines
getlib l = headMaybe . words =<< lastMaybe (split " => " l)
diff --git a/Utility/Lsof.hs b/Utility/Lsof.hs
index 63009f723..b0d2bc53c 100644
--- a/Utility/Lsof.hs
+++ b/Utility/Lsof.hs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
-{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, CPP #-}
module Utility.Lsof where
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ parseFormatted s = bundle $ go [] $ lines s
{- Parses lsof's default output format. -}
parseDefault :: LsofParser
-parseDefault = catMaybes . map parseline . drop 1 . lines
+parseDefault = mapMaybe parseline . drop 1 . lines
parseline l = case words l of
(command : spid : _user : _fd : _type : _device : _size : _node : rest) ->
diff --git a/Utility/Matcher.hs b/Utility/Matcher.hs
index eabc585f4..5647c3e30 100644
--- a/Utility/Matcher.hs
+++ b/Utility/Matcher.hs
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ generate = simplify . process MAny . tokenGroups
process m [] = m
process m ts = uncurry process $ consume m ts
- consume m ((One And):rest) = term (m `MAnd`) rest
- consume m ((One Or):rest) = term (m `MOr`) rest
- consume m ((One Not):rest) = term (\p -> m `MAnd` (MNot p)) rest
- consume m ((One (Operation o)):rest) = (m `MAnd` MOp o, rest)
+ consume m (One And:rest) = term (m `MAnd`) rest
+ consume m (One Or:rest) = term (m `MOr`) rest
+ consume m (One Not:rest) = term (\p -> m `MAnd` (MNot p)) rest
+ consume m (One (Operation o):rest) = (m `MAnd` MOp o, rest)
consume m (Group g:rest) = (process m g, rest)
consume m (_:rest) = consume m rest
consume m [] = (m, [])