diff options
6 files changed, 102 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/Backend/File.hs b/Backend/File.hs
index ee7315021..9bc5a2aa6 100644
--- a/Backend/File.hs
+++ b/Backend/File.hs
@@ -65,12 +65,7 @@ copyKeyFile key file = do
trycopy full (r:rs) = do
probablythere <- probablyPresent r
if probablythere
- then do
- showNote $ "copying from " ++ Git.repoDescribe r ++ "..."
- copied <- Remotes.copyFromRemote r key file
- if copied
- then return True
- else trycopy full rs
+ then docopy r (trycopy full rs)
else trycopy full rs
-- This check is to avoid an ugly message if a remote is a
-- drive that is not mounted. Avoid checking inAnnex for ssh
@@ -82,6 +77,12 @@ copyKeyFile key file = do
if not $ Git.repoIsUrl r
then liftIO $ doesFileExist $ annexLocation r key
else return True
+ docopy r continue = do
+ showNote $ "copying from " ++ Git.repoDescribe r ++ "..."
+ copied <- Remotes.copyFromRemote r key file
+ if copied
+ then return True
+ else continue
{- Checks remotes to verify that enough copies of a key exist to allow
- for a key to be safely removed (with no data loss), and fails with an
diff --git a/Command/Move.hs b/Command/Move.hs
index d96d36138..fa847e6ba 100644
--- a/Command/Move.hs
+++ b/Command/Move.hs
@@ -7,13 +7,11 @@
module Command.Move where
-import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO)
import Command
import qualified Command.Drop
import qualified Annex
-import Locations
import LocationLog
import Types
import Core
@@ -86,26 +84,17 @@ toPerform move key = do
return Nothing
Right False -> do
showNote $ "to " ++ Git.repoDescribe remote ++ "..."
- let tmpfile = annexTmpLocation remote ++ keyFile key
- ok <- Remotes.copyToRemote remote key tmpfile
+ ok <- Remotes.copyToRemote remote key
if ok
- then return $ Just $ toCleanup move remote key tmpfile
+ then return $ Just $ toCleanup move remote key
else return Nothing -- failed
Right True -> return $ Just $ Command.Drop.cleanup key
-toCleanup :: Bool -> Git.Repo -> Key -> FilePath -> CommandCleanup
-toCleanup move remote key tmpfile = do
- -- Tell remote to use the transferred content.
- ok <- Remotes.runCmd remote "git-annex" ["setkey", "--quiet",
- "--backend=" ++ backendName key,
- "--key=" ++ keyName key,
- tmpfile]
- if ok
- then do
- remoteHasKey remote key True
- if move
- then Command.Drop.cleanup key
- else return True
- else return False
+toCleanup :: Bool -> Git.Repo -> Key -> CommandCleanup
+toCleanup move remote key = do
+ remoteHasKey remote key True
+ if move
+ then Command.Drop.cleanup key
+ else return True
{- Moves (or copies) the content of an annexed file from another repository
- to the current repository and updates locationlog information on both.
@@ -140,7 +129,9 @@ fromCleanup True remote key = do
["--quiet", "--force",
"--backend=" ++ backendName key,
keyName key]
- when ok $
- remoteHasKey remote key False
+ -- better safe than sorry: assume the remote dropped the key
+ -- even if it seemed to fail; the failure could have occurred
+ -- after it really dropped it
+ remoteHasKey remote key False
return ok
fromCleanup False _ _ = return True
diff --git a/Command/RecvKey.hs b/Command/RecvKey.hs
index 3232010d4..840b32861 100644
--- a/Command/RecvKey.hs
+++ b/Command/RecvKey.hs
@@ -34,5 +34,9 @@ start keyname = do
ok <- getViaTmp key (liftIO . rsyncServerReceive)
if ok
- then return Nothing
+ then do
+ -- forcibly quit after receiving one key,
+ -- and shutdown cleanly so queued git commands run
+ _ <- shutdown 0
+ liftIO exitSuccess
else liftIO exitFailure
diff --git a/Remotes.hs b/Remotes.hs
index 70356de02..19d1bfdd3 100644
--- a/Remotes.hs
+++ b/Remotes.hs
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ module Remotes (
- runCmd,
) where
@@ -23,11 +22,10 @@ import Control.Exception.Extensible
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.String.Utils
-import System.Directory hiding (copyFile)
-import System.Posix.Directory
import System.Cmd.Utils
import Data.List (intersect, sortBy)
import Control.Monad (when, unless, filterM)
+import Data.Maybe
import Types
import qualified GitRepo as Git
@@ -39,6 +37,7 @@ import Utility
import qualified Core
import Messages
import CopyFile
+import RsyncFile
{- Human visible list of remotes. -}
list :: [Git.Repo] -> String
@@ -227,92 +226,95 @@ tryGitConfigRead r
then new : exchange ls new
else old : exchange ls new
-{- Tries to copy a key's content from a remote to a file. -}
+{- Tries to copy a key's content from a remote's annex to a file. -}
copyFromRemote :: Git.Repo -> Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
copyFromRemote r key file
- | not $ Git.repoIsUrl r = getlocal
- | Git.repoIsSsh r = getssh
+ | not $ Git.repoIsUrl r = liftIO $ copyFile (annexLocation r key) file
+ | Git.repoIsSsh r = rsynchelper r True key file
| otherwise = error "copying from non-ssh repo not supported"
- where
- keyloc = annexLocation r key
- getlocal = liftIO $ copyFile keyloc file
- getssh = remoteCopyFile True r (sshLocation r keyloc) file
-{- Tries to copy a key's content to a file on a remote. -}
-copyToRemote :: Git.Repo -> Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
-copyToRemote r key file = do
- g <- Annex.gitRepo
- let keyloc = annexLocation g key
- if not $ Git.repoIsUrl r
- then putlocal keyloc
- else if Git.repoIsSsh r
- then putssh keyloc
- else error "copying to non-ssh repo not supported"
- where
- putlocal src = liftIO $ copyFile src file
- putssh src = remoteCopyFile False r src (sshLocation r file)
-sshLocation :: Git.Repo -> FilePath -> FilePath
-sshLocation r file = Git.urlHost r ++ ":" ++ shellEscape file
+{- Tries to copy a key's content to a remote's annex. -}
+copyToRemote :: Git.Repo -> Key -> Annex Bool
+copyToRemote r key
+ | not $ Git.repoIsUrl r = do
+ g <- Annex.gitRepo
+ let keysrc = annexLocation g key
+ let keydest = annexLocation r key
+ liftIO $ copyFile keysrc keydest
+ | Git.repoIsSsh r = do
+ g <- Annex.gitRepo
+ let keysrc = annexLocation g key
+ rsynchelper r False key keysrc
+ | otherwise = error "copying to non-ssh repo not supported"
-{- Copies a file from or to a remote, using rsync. -}
-remoteCopyFile :: Bool -> Git.Repo -> String -> String -> Annex Bool
-remoteCopyFile recv r src dest = do
+rsynchelper :: Git.Repo -> Bool -> Key -> FilePath -> Annex (Bool)
+rsynchelper r sending key file = do
showProgress -- make way for progress bar
- o <- repoConfig r configopt ""
- res <- liftIO $ boolSystem cmd $ options ++ words o ++ [src, dest]
+ p <- rsyncParams r sending key file
+ liftIO $ putStrLn $ unwords p
+ res <- liftIO $ boolSystem "rsync" p
if res
then return res
else do
showLongNote "rsync failed -- run git annex again to resume file transfer"
return res
+{- Generates rsync parameters that ssh to the remote and asks it
+ - to either receive or send the key's content. -}
+rsyncParams :: Git.Repo -> Bool -> Key -> FilePath -> Annex [String]
+rsyncParams r sending key file = do
+ -- Note that the command is terminated with "--", because
+ -- rsync will tack on its own options to this command,
+ -- and they need to be ignored.
+ shellcmd <- git_annex_shell r
+ (if sending then "sendkey" else "recvkey")
+ ["--backend=" ++ backendName key, keyName key, "--"]
+ -- Convert the ssh command into rsync command line.
+ let eparam = rsyncShell $ fromJust shellcmd
+ o <- repoConfig r "rsync-options" ""
+ let base = options ++ words o ++ eparam
+ if sending
+ then return $ base ++ [dummy, file]
+ else return $ base ++ [file, dummy]
- cmd = "rsync"
- configopt= "rsync-options"
-- inplace makes rsync resume partial files
options = ["-p", "--progress", "--inplace"]
+ -- the rsync shell parameter controls where rsync
+ -- does, so the source/dest parameter can be a dummy value,
+ -- that just enables remote rsync mode.
+ dummy = ":"
-{- Uses a supplied function to run a git-annex-shell command on a remote. -}
+{- Uses a supplied function to run a git-annex-shell command on a remote.
+ -
+ - Or, if the remote does not support running remote commands, returns
+ - a specified error value. -}
:: Git.Repo
- -> ((String -> [String] -> IO a), a)
+ -> (String -> [String] -> IO a, a)
-> String
-> [String]
-> Annex a
-onRemote r (with, errorval) command params
- | not $ Git.repoIsUrl r = liftIO $ with shellcmd shellopts
+onRemote r (with, errorval) command params = do
+ s <- git_annex_shell r command params
+ case s of
+ Just shellcmd -> liftIO $ with (shellcmd !! 0) (tail shellcmd)
+ Nothing -> return errorval
+{- Generates parameters to run a git-annex-shell command on a remote. -}
+git_annex_shell :: Git.Repo -> String -> [String] -> Annex (Maybe [String])
+git_annex_shell r command params
+ | not $ Git.repoIsUrl r = return $ Just (shellcmd:shellopts)
| Git.repoIsSsh r = do
sshoptions <- repoConfig r "ssh-options" ""
- liftIO $ with "ssh" $
- words sshoptions ++ [Git.urlHost r, sshcmd]
- | otherwise = return errorval
+ return $ Just $ ["ssh"] ++ words sshoptions ++
+ [Git.urlHost r, sshcmd]
+ | otherwise = return Nothing
dir = Git.workTree r
shellcmd = "git-annex-shell"
shellopts = command:dir:params
sshcmd = shellcmd ++ " " ++ unwords (map shellEscape shellopts)
-{- Runs a command in a remote, using ssh if necessary.
- - (Honors annex-ssh-options.) -}
-runCmd :: Git.Repo -> String -> [String] -> Annex Bool
-runCmd r command params = do
- sshoptions <- repoConfig r "ssh-options" ""
- if not $ Git.repoIsUrl r
- then do
- cwd <- liftIO getCurrentDirectory
- liftIO $ bracket_
- (changeWorkingDirectory (Git.workTree r))
- (changeWorkingDirectory cwd)
- (boolSystem command params)
- else if Git.repoIsSsh r
- then liftIO $ boolSystem "ssh" $
- words sshoptions ++ [Git.urlHost r, sshcmd]
- else error "running command in non-ssh repo not supported"
- where
- sshcmd = "cd " ++ shellEscape (Git.workTree r) ++
- " && " ++ shellEscape command ++ " " ++
- unwords (map shellEscape params)
{- Looks up a per-remote config option in git config.
- Failing that, tries looking for a global config option. -}
repoConfig :: Git.Repo -> String -> String -> Annex String
diff --git a/RsyncFile.hs b/RsyncFile.hs
index 14f6dc926..274e66151 100644
--- a/RsyncFile.hs
+++ b/RsyncFile.hs
@@ -7,8 +7,20 @@
module RsyncFile where
-import Utility
import System.Posix.Process
+import Data.String.Utils
+import Utility
+{- Generates parameters to make rsync use a specified command as its remote
+ - shell. -}
+rsyncShell :: [String] -> [String]
+rsyncShell command = ["-e", unwords $ map escape command]
+ where
+ {- rsync requires some weird, non-shell like quoting in
+ - here. A doubled single quote inside the single quoted
+ - string is a single quote. -}
+ escape s = "'" ++ (join "''" $ split "'" s) ++ "'"
{- Runs rsync in server mode to send a file, and exits. -}
rsyncServerSend :: FilePath -> IO ()
diff --git a/doc/todo/git-annex-shell.mdwn b/doc/todo/git-annex-shell.mdwn
index 47db0c1ca..a9e3b43ed 100644
--- a/doc/todo/git-annex-shell.mdwn
+++ b/doc/todo/git-annex-shell.mdwn
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
I've been considering adding a `git-annex-shell` command. This would
be similar to `git-shell` (and in fact would pass unknown commands off to
@@ -11,38 +13,3 @@ be similar to `git-shell` (and in fact would pass unknown commands off to
* Could possibly allow multiple things to be done with one ssh connection
in future.
* Allows expanding `~` and `~user` in repopath on the remote system.
-## Design
-`git-annex-shell -c <command> <repopath> <arguments>`
-### options
-Need at least `--quiet`, `--backend`, `--key`, `--force`
-### commands
-* `configlist repopath`
- Returns `git config --list`, for use by `tryGitConfigRead`.
- May filter the listed config to only the options git-annex really needs,
- to prevent info disclosure.
-* `inannex repopath key ...`
- Checks if the keys are in the annex; shell exits zero if so.
-* `dropkey repopath key ... `
- Same as `git annex dropkey`, and taking the same dashed options.
-* `setkey repopath tmpfile`
- Same as `git annex setkey`, and taking the same dashed options.
-### TODO
-* To be usable as a locked down shell, needs a way to launch the
- rsync server, for file receiving. Safely?
-* Also needs a way to support receiving files by scp.