path: root/standalone/android
diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2013-09-22 01:43:52 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2013-09-22 01:43:52 -0400
commitaad3cb53944d2a4386314a365adcbd1bc58294d6 (patch)
treec8c00ca8a775ef0923f203df7d12c17ff2c65f69 /standalone/android
parent17617d04cefcce357616144bc7c60d972e5d8ae0 (diff)
remove unused patches (2000+ lines!)
Diffstat (limited to 'standalone/android')
24 files changed, 0 insertions, 2227 deletions
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/aeson_0.6.1.0_0001-disable-TH.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/aeson_0.6.1.0_0001-disable-TH.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 787caf45c..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/aeson_0.6.1.0_0001-disable-TH.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-From b220c377941d0b1271cf525a8d06bb8e48196d2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 23:29:04 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] disable TH
- aeson.cabal | 1 -
- 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/aeson.cabal b/aeson.cabal
-index 242aa67..275aa49 100644
---- a/aeson.cabal
-+++ b/aeson.cabal
-@@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ library
- Data.Aeson.Generic
- Data.Aeson.Parser
- Data.Aeson.Types
-- Data.Aeson.TH
- other-modules:
- Data.Aeson.Functions
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/async_2.0.1.4_0001-allow-building-with-unreleased-ghc.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/async_2.0.1.4_0001-allow-building-with-unreleased-ghc.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e959941b8..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/async_2.0.1.4_0001-allow-building-with-unreleased-ghc.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From 55f424de9946c4d1d89837bb18698437aecfcfa4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 23:29:16 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] allow building with unreleased ghc
- async.cabal | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/async.cabal b/async.cabal
-index 8e47d9d..ff317c7 100644
---- a/async.cabal
-+++ b/async.cabal
-@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ source-repository head
- library
- exposed-modules: Control.Concurrent.Async
-- build-depends: base >= 4.3 && < 4.7, stm >= 2.2 && < 2.5
-+ build-depends: base >= 4.3 && < 4.8, stm >= 2.2 && < 2.5
- test-suite test-async
- type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/case-insensitive_0.4.0.1_0001-allow-building-with-unreleased-ghc.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/case-insensitive_0.4.0.1_0001-allow-building-with-unreleased-ghc.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d7c45089..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/case-insensitive_0.4.0.1_0001-allow-building-with-unreleased-ghc.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From efd0e93de82c0b5554a4f3a4517e6127f405f6da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 23:29:36 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] allow building with unreleased ghc
- case-insensitive.cabal | 4 ++--
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/case-insensitive.cabal b/case-insensitive.cabal
-index a73479d..18a1a51 100644
---- a/case-insensitive.cabal
-+++ b/case-insensitive.cabal
-@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ source-repository head
- Library
- GHC-Options: -Wall
-- build-depends: base >= 3 && < 4.6
-- , bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.10
-+ build-depends: base >= 3 && < 4.8
-+ , bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.15
- , text >= 0.3 && < 0.12
- , hashable >= 1.0 && < 1.2
- exposed-modules: Data.CaseInsensitive
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/certificate_1.3.7-0001-support-Android-cert-store.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/certificate_1.3.7-0001-support-Android-cert-store.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f772bfdf..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/certificate_1.3.7-0001-support-Android-cert-store.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-From 3779c75175e895f94b21341ebd6361e9d6af54fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Thu, 9 May 2013 12:36:23 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] support Android cert store
-Android puts it in a different place and has only hashed files.
- System/Certificate/X509/Unix.hs | 5 +++--
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/System/Certificate/X509/Unix.hs b/System/Certificate/X509/Unix.hs
-index 8463465..74e9503 100644
---- a/System/Certificate/X509/Unix.hs
-+++ b/System/Certificate/X509/Unix.hs
-@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ import qualified Control.Exception as E
- import Data.Char
- defaultSystemPath :: FilePath
--defaultSystemPath = "/etc/ssl/certs/"
-+defaultSystemPath = "/system/etc/security/cacerts/"
-+--defaultSystemPath = "/etc/ssl/certs/"
- envPathOverride :: String
-@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ listDirectoryCerts path = (map (path </>) . filter isCert <$> getDirectoryConten
- && isDigit (s !! 9)
- && (s !! 8) == '.'
- && all isHexDigit (take 8 s)
-- isCert x = (not $ isPrefixOf "." x) && (not $ isHashedFile x)
-+ isCert x = (not $ isPrefixOf "." x)
- getSystemCertificateStore :: IO CertificateStore
- getSystemCertificateStore = makeCertificateStore . concat <$> (getSystemPath >>= listDirectoryCerts >>= mapM readCertificates)
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/cipher-aes_0.1.7-0001-fix-cross-build.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/cipher-aes_0.1.7-0001-fix-cross-build.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index fab0ae6ef..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/cipher-aes_0.1.7-0001-fix-cross-build.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From d456247000ab839a1d32749717f4f8f92e37dbba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 17:45:45 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] fix cross build
- cipher-aes.cabal | 5 +----
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/cipher-aes.cabal b/cipher-aes.cabal
-index 02ddfd0..eb916e3 100644
---- a/cipher-aes.cabal
-+++ b/cipher-aes.cabal
-@@ -31,16 +31,13 @@ Extra-Source-Files: Tests/*.hs
- Library
- Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5
-- , bytestring
-+ , bytestring >=
- Exposed-modules: Crypto.Cipher.AES
- ghc-options: -Wall
- C-sources: cbits/aes_generic.c
- cbits/aes.c
- cbits/gf.c
- cbits/cpu.c
-- if os(linux) && (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64))
-- CC-options: -mssse3 -maes -mpclmul -DWITH_AESNI
-- C-sources: cbits/aes_x86ni.c
- Test-Suite test-cipher-aes
- type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/dns_0.3.6-0001-use-getprop-to-get-dns-server.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/dns_0.3.6-0001-use-getprop-to-get-dns-server.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 069bdd20a..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/dns_0.3.6-0001-use-getprop-to-get-dns-server.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-From 8459f93270c7a6e8a2ebd415db2110a66bf1ec41 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 20:31:14 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] use getprop to get dns server
- Network/DNS/Resolver.hs | 13 +++++++++++--
- dns.cabal | 4 ++++
- 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Network/DNS/Resolver.hs b/Network/DNS/Resolver.hs
-index 70ab9ed..9b27336 100644
---- a/Network/DNS/Resolver.hs
-+++ b/Network/DNS/Resolver.hs
-@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ import Network.Socket.ByteString.Lazy
- import Prelude hiding (lookup)
- import System.Random
- import System.Timeout
-+import System.Process (readProcess)
-+import System.Directory
- #if mingw32_HOST_OS == 1
- import Network.Socket (send)
-@@ -73,7 +75,7 @@ data ResolvConf = ResolvConf {
- -}
- defaultResolvConf :: ResolvConf
- defaultResolvConf = ResolvConf {
-- resolvInfo = RCFilePath "/etc/resolv.conf"
-+ resolvInfo = RCFilePath "/system/etc/resolv.conf"
- , resolvTimeout = 3 * 1000 * 1000
- , resolvBufsize = 512
- }
-@@ -111,7 +113,14 @@ makeResolvSeed conf = ResolvSeed <$> addr
- where
- addr = case resolvInfo conf of
- RCHostName numhost -> makeAddrInfo numhost
-- RCFilePath file -> toAddr <$> readFile file >>= makeAddrInfo
-+ RCFilePath file -> do
-+ exists <- doesFileExist file
-+ if exists
-+ then toAddr <$> readFile file >>= makeAddrInfo
-+ else do
-+ s <- readProcess "getprop" ["net.dns1"] ""
-+ makeAddrInfo $ takeWhile (/= '\n') s
- toAddr cs = let l:_ = filter ("nameserver" `isPrefixOf`) $ lines cs
- in extract l
- extract = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace . drop 11
-diff --git a/dns.cabal b/dns.cabal
-index 40671f6..2c19734 100644
---- a/dns.cabal
-+++ b/dns.cabal
-@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ library
- , network >= 2.3
- , network-conduit
- , random
-+ , process
-+ , directory
- else
- Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5
- , attoparsec
-@@ -49,6 +51,8 @@ library
- , network-bytestring
- , network-conduit
- , random
-+ , process
-+ , directory
- Source-Repository head
- Type: git
- Location: git://
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/file-embed_0.0.4.7-0001-remove-TH-and-export-one-symbol-used-by-TH.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/file-embed_0.0.4.7-0001-remove-TH-and-export-one-symbol-used-by-TH.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ff50d3947..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/file-embed_0.0.4.7-0001-remove-TH-and-export-one-symbol-used-by-TH.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-From 256ff157005f44c97fa5affe2ed9655815b3788e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2013 12:38:22 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] remove TH and export one symbol used by TH
- Data/.FileEmbed.hs.swp | Bin 16384 -> 0 bytes
- Data/FileEmbed.hs | 80 +++----------------------------------------------
- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)
- delete mode 100644 Data/.FileEmbed.hs.swp
-diff --git a/Data/.FileEmbed.hs.swp b/Data/.FileEmbed.hs.swp
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 1b2ddbfaa71697e9df3869555aee8c97ca7ea0cb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
-GIT binary patch
-literal 0
-literal 16384
-diff --git a/Data/FileEmbed.hs b/Data/FileEmbed.hs
-index 66f7004..f8c98c9 100644
---- a/Data/FileEmbed.hs
-+++ b/Data/FileEmbed.hs
-@@ -1,31 +1,15 @@
--{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
- module Data.FileEmbed
- ( -- * Embed at compile time
-- embedFile
-- , embedDir
-- , getDir
-+ getDir
- -- * Inject into an executable
--#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,5,0)
-- , dummySpace
- , inject
- , injectFile
-+ -- used by TH (pointlessly)
-+ , stringToBs
- ) where
--import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
-- ( Exp (AppE, ListE, LitE, TupE, SigE)
--#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,5,0)
-- , Lit (StringL, StringPrimL, IntegerL)
-- , Lit (StringL, IntegerL)
-- , Q
-- , runIO
--#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
-- , Quasi(qAddDependentFile)
-- )
- import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist,
- getDirectoryContents)
- import Control.Monad (filterM)
-@@ -37,51 +21,12 @@ import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafePackAddressLen)
- import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
- import System.FilePath ((</>))
---- | Embed a single file in your source code.
---- > import qualified Data.ByteString
---- >
---- > myFile :: Data.ByteString.ByteString
---- > myFile = $(embedFile "dirName/fileName")
--embedFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
--embedFile fp =
--#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
-- qAddDependentFile fp >>
-- (runIO $ B.readFile fp) >>= bsToExp
---- | Embed a directory recusrively in your source code.
---- > import qualified Data.ByteString
---- >
---- > myDir :: [(FilePath, Data.ByteString.ByteString)]
---- > myDir = $(embedDir "dirName")
--embedDir :: FilePath -> Q Exp
--embedDir fp = do
-- typ <- [t| [(FilePath, B.ByteString)] |]
-- e <- ListE <$> ((runIO $ fileList fp) >>= mapM (pairToExp fp))
-- return $ SigE e typ
- -- | Get a directory tree in the IO monad.
- --
- -- This is the workhorse of 'embedDir'
- getDir :: FilePath -> IO [(FilePath, B.ByteString)]
- getDir = fileList
--pairToExp :: FilePath -> (FilePath, B.ByteString) -> Q Exp
--pairToExp _root (path, bs) = do
--#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
-- qAddDependentFile $ _root ++ '/' : path
-- exp' <- bsToExp bs
-- return $! TupE [LitE $ StringL path, exp']
--bsToExp :: B.ByteString -> Q Exp
--bsToExp bs = do
-- helper <- [| stringToBs |]
-- let chars = B8.unpack bs
-- return $! AppE helper $! LitE $! StringL chars
- stringToBs :: String -> B.ByteString
- stringToBs = B8.pack
-@@ -123,23 +68,6 @@ padSize i =
- let s = show i
- in replicate (sizeLen - length s) '0' ++ s
--#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,5,0)
--dummySpace :: Int -> Q Exp
--dummySpace space = do
-- let size = padSize space
-- let start = magic ++ size
-- let chars = LitE $ StringPrimL $
--#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,6,0)
-- map (toEnum . fromEnum) $
-- start ++ replicate space '0'
-- let len = LitE $ IntegerL $ fromIntegral $ length start + space
-- upi <- [|unsafePerformIO|]
-- pack <- [|unsafePackAddressLen|]
-- getInner' <- [|getInner|]
-- return $ getInner' `AppE` (upi `AppE` (pack `AppE` len `AppE` chars))
- inject :: B.ByteString -- ^ bs to inject
- -> B.ByteString -- ^ original BS containing dummy
- -> Maybe B.ByteString -- ^ new BS, or Nothing if there is insufficient dummy space
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/hS3_0.5.7_0001-fix-build.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/hS3_0.5.7_0001-fix-build.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c0158c0f4..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/hS3_0.5.7_0001-fix-build.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-From 643b3c9fd95967c5911107f46498cd851e68f97d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 18:26:33 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] fix build
- hS3.cabal | 3 ---
- 1 file changed, 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/hS3.cabal b/hS3.cabal
-index 35f7496..e04bf65 100644
---- a/hS3.cabal
-+++ b/hS3.cabal
-@@ -44,6 +44,3 @@ Library
- Network.AWS.AWSConnection,
- Network.AWS.Authentication,
- Network.AWS.ArrowUtils
--Executable hs3
-- main-is: hS3.hs
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/libxml-sax_0.7.3-0001-static-link-with-libxml2.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/libxml-sax_0.7.3-0001-static-link-with-libxml2.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 752f601cc..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/libxml-sax_0.7.3-0001-static-link-with-libxml2.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-From 9d53e3fa4516a948a6e84987e9c1c9fd07f973bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2013 15:44:51 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] static link with libxml2
-This requires libxml2.a (and no .so) be installed in the ugly hardcoded
-lib dir. When built this way, the haskell library will link the
-C library into executables with no further options.
- libxml-sax.cabal | 1 +
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
-diff --git a/libxml-sax.cabal b/libxml-sax.cabal
-index 5edfdb6..338bc55 100644
---- a/libxml-sax.cabal
-+++ b/libxml-sax.cabal
-@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ library
- hs-source-dirs: lib
- ghc-options: -Wall -O2
- cc-options: -Wall
-+ LD-Options: -L /home/joey/.ghc/android-14/arm-linux-androideabi-4.7/arm-linux-androideabi/sysroot/usr/lib/
- build-depends:
- base >= 4.1 && < 5.0
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/monad-control_0.3.1.4_0001-build-with-newer-ghc.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/monad-control_0.3.1.4_0001-build-with-newer-ghc.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ee1c996d8..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/monad-control_0.3.1.4_0001-build-with-newer-ghc.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From 3dde0175096903207c9774d8f6bba9b81ab6c2f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 23:31:45 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] build with newer ghc
- monad-control.cabal | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/monad-control.cabal b/monad-control.cabal
-index 2e3eb46..b12ffaf 100644
---- a/monad-control.cabal
-+++ b/monad-control.cabal
-@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Library
- Exposed-modules: Control.Monad.Trans.Control
-- Build-depends: base >= 3 && < 4.7
-+ Build-depends: base >= 3 && < 4.8
- , base-unicode-symbols >= 0.1.1 && < 0.3
- , transformers >= 0.2 && < 0.4
- , transformers-base >= 0.4.1 && < 0.5
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/monad-logger_0.2.3.2_0001-remove-TH-logging-stuff.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/monad-logger_0.2.3.2_0001-remove-TH-logging-stuff.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e684c67a7..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/monad-logger_0.2.3.2_0001-remove-TH-logging-stuff.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-From ca88563e63cc31f0b96b00d3a4fe1f0c56b1e1eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 23:32:01 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] remove TH logging stuff
- Control/Monad/Logger.hs | 76 -----------------------------------------------
- monad-logger.cabal | 2 +-
- 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 77 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Control/Monad/Logger.hs b/Control/Monad/Logger.hs
-index fd1282b..80b8ed9 100644
---- a/Control/Monad/Logger.hs
-+++ b/Control/Monad/Logger.hs
-@@ -27,18 +27,6 @@ module Control.Monad.Logger
- , LoggingT (..)
- , runStderrLoggingT
- , runStdoutLoggingT
-- -- * TH logging
-- , logDebug
-- , logInfo
-- , logWarn
-- , logError
-- , logOther
-- -- * TH logging with source
-- , logDebugS
-- , logInfoS
-- , logWarnS
-- , logErrorS
-- , logOtherS
- ) where
- import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift (lift), Q, Exp, Loc (..), qLocation)
-@@ -91,13 +79,6 @@ import Control.Monad.Writer.Class ( MonadWriter (..) )
- data LogLevel = LevelDebug | LevelInfo | LevelWarn | LevelError | LevelOther Text
- deriving (Eq, Prelude.Show, Prelude.Read, Ord)
--instance Lift LogLevel where
-- lift LevelDebug = [|LevelDebug|]
-- lift LevelInfo = [|LevelInfo|]
-- lift LevelWarn = [|LevelWarn|]
-- lift LevelError = [|LevelError|]
-- lift (LevelOther x) = [|LevelOther $ pack $(lift $ unpack x)|]
- type LogSource = Text
- class Monad m => MonadLogger m where
-@@ -128,63 +109,6 @@ instance (MonadLogger m, Monoid w) => MonadLogger (Strict.WriterT w m) where DEF
- instance (MonadLogger m, Monoid w) => MonadLogger (Strict.RWST r w s m) where DEF
- #undef DEF
--logTH :: LogLevel -> Q Exp
--logTH level =
-- [|monadLoggerLog $(qLocation >>= liftLoc) $(lift level) . (id :: Text -> Text)|]
---- | Generates a function that takes a 'Text' and logs a 'LevelDebug' message. Usage:
---- > $(logDebug) "This is a debug log message"
--logDebug :: Q Exp
--logDebug = logTH LevelDebug
---- | See 'logDebug'
--logInfo :: Q Exp
--logInfo = logTH LevelInfo
---- | See 'logDebug'
--logWarn :: Q Exp
--logWarn = logTH LevelWarn
---- | See 'logDebug'
--logError :: Q Exp
--logError = logTH LevelError
---- | Generates a function that takes a 'Text' and logs a 'LevelOther' message. Usage:
---- > $(logOther "My new level") "This is a log message"
--logOther :: Text -> Q Exp
--logOther = logTH . LevelOther
--liftLoc :: Loc -> Q Exp
--liftLoc (Loc a b c (d1, d2) (e1, e2)) = [|Loc
-- $(lift a)
-- $(lift b)
-- $(lift c)
-- ($(lift d1), $(lift d2))
-- ($(lift e1), $(lift e2))
-- |]
---- | Generates a function that takes a 'LogSource' and 'Text' and logs a 'LevelDebug' message. Usage:
---- > $logDebug "SomeSource" "This is a debug log message"
--logDebugS :: Q Exp
--logDebugS = [|\a b -> monadLoggerLogSource $(qLocation >>= liftLoc) a LevelDebug (b :: Text)|]
---- | See 'logDebugS'
--logInfoS :: Q Exp
--logInfoS = [|\a b -> monadLoggerLogSource $(qLocation >>= liftLoc) a LevelInfo (b :: Text)|]
---- | See 'logDebugS'
--logWarnS :: Q Exp
--logWarnS = [|\a b -> monadLoggerLogSource $(qLocation >>= liftLoc) a LevelWarn (b :: Text)|]
---- | See 'logDebugS'
--logErrorS :: Q Exp
--logErrorS = [|\a b -> monadLoggerLogSource $(qLocation >>= liftLoc) a LevelError (b :: Text)|]
---- | Generates a function that takes a 'LogSource', a level name and a 'Text' and logs a 'LevelOther' message. Usage:
---- > $logOther "SomeSource" "My new level" "This is a log message"
--logOtherS :: Q Exp
--logOtherS = [|\src level msg -> monadLoggerLogSource $(qLocation >>= liftLoc) src (LevelOther level) (msg :: Text)|]
- -- | Monad transformer that adds a new logging function.
- --
- -- Since 0.2.2
-diff --git a/monad-logger.cabal b/monad-logger.cabal
-index ab71424..fa3d292 100644
---- a/monad-logger.cabal
-+++ b/monad-logger.cabal
-@@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ library
- , transformers-base
- , monad-control
- , mtl
-- , bytestring
-+ , bytestring >=
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/network-conduit_0.6.2.2_0001-NoDelay-does-not-work-on-Android.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/network-conduit_0.6.2.2_0001-NoDelay-does-not-work-on-Android.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 35bafa774..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/network-conduit_0.6.2.2_0001-NoDelay-does-not-work-on-Android.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-From 3e05f3a3bf886c302fb6d6caa7ee92cf9736b6ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 23:33:45 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] NoDelay does not work on Android
-(I think the other change is no-op)
- Data/Conduit/Network/Utils.hs | 6 +++---
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Data/Conduit/Network/Utils.hs b/Data/Conduit/Network/Utils.hs
-index 32a7286..01ff84e 100644
---- a/Data/Conduit/Network/Utils.hs
-+++ b/Data/Conduit/Network/Utils.hs
-@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ module Data.Conduit.Network.Utils
- , getSocket
- ) where
--import Network.Socket (AddrInfo, Socket, SocketType)
-+import Network.Socket (Socket, SocketType)
- import qualified Network.Socket as NS
- import Data.String (IsString (fromString))
- import Control.Exception (bracketOnError, IOException)
- import qualified Control.Exception as E
- -- | Attempt to connect to the given host/port using given @SocketType@.
--getSocket :: String -> Int -> SocketType -> IO (Socket, AddrInfo)
-+getSocket :: String -> Int -> SocketType -> IO (Socket, NS.AddrInfo)
- getSocket host' port' sockettype = do
- let hints = NS.defaultHints {
- NS.addrFlags = [NS.AI_ADDRCONFIG]
-@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ bindPort p s sockettype = do
- sockOpts =
- case sockettype of
- NS.Datagram -> [(NS.ReuseAddr,1)]
-- _ -> [(NS.NoDelay,1), (NS.ReuseAddr,1)]
-+ _ -> [(NS.ReuseAddr,1)] -- Android seems to not have NoDelay
- theBody addr =
- bracketOnError
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/network-protocol-xmpp_0.4.4-0001-avoid-using-gnuidn.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/network-protocol-xmpp_0.4.4-0001-avoid-using-gnuidn.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 26734fa70..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/network-protocol-xmpp_0.4.4-0001-avoid-using-gnuidn.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-From d15ae2193eff9cd38ebce641279996233434b50f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2013 16:05:53 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] avoid using gnuidn
-IDN is only used to handle the domain name part of a XMPP server JID.
-Which seems not worth the bloat on Android.
- lib/Network/Protocol/XMPP/JID.hs | 11 ++++-------
- network-protocol-xmpp.cabal | 1 -
- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/lib/Network/Protocol/XMPP/JID.hs b/lib/Network/Protocol/XMPP/JID.hs
-index 91745e0..2a50409 100644
---- a/lib/Network/Protocol/XMPP/JID.hs
-+++ b/lib/Network/Protocol/XMPP/JID.hs
-@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ module Network.Protocol.XMPP.JID
- import qualified Data.Text
- import Data.Text (Text)
--import qualified Data.Text.IDN.StringPrep as SP
- import Data.String (IsString, fromString)
- newtype Node = Node { strNode :: Text }
-@@ -85,16 +84,14 @@ parseJID str = maybeJID where
- then Just Nothing
- else fmap Just (f x)
- maybeJID = do
-- preppedNode <- nullable node (stringprepM SP.xmppNode)
-- preppedDomain <- stringprepM SP.nameprep domain
-- preppedResource <- nullable resource (stringprepM SP.xmppResource)
-+ preppedNode <- nullable node (stringprepM id)
-+ preppedDomain <- stringprepM id domain
-+ preppedResource <- nullable resource (stringprepM id)
- return $ JID
- (fmap Node preppedNode)
- (Domain preppedDomain)
- (fmap Resource preppedResource)
-- stringprepM p x = case SP.stringprep p SP.defaultFlags x of
-- Left _ -> Nothing
-- Right y -> Just y
-+ stringprepM p x = Just x
- parseJID_ :: Text -> JID
- parseJID_ text = case parseJID text of
-diff --git a/network-protocol-xmpp.cabal b/network-protocol-xmpp.cabal
-index 807cda9..3aaad67 100644
---- a/network-protocol-xmpp.cabal
-+++ b/network-protocol-xmpp.cabal
-@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ library
- build-depends:
- base >= 4.0 && < 5.0
- , bytestring >= 0.9
-- , gnuidn >= 0.2 && < 0.3
- , gnutls >= 0.1.4 && < 0.3
- , gsasl >= 0.3 && < 0.4
- , libxml-sax >= 0.7 && < 0.8
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/resourcet_0.4.4_0001-hack-to-build-with-hacked-up-lifted-base-which-is-cu.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/resourcet_0.4.4_0001-hack-to-build-with-hacked-up-lifted-base-which-is-cu.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bcf3439fa..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/resourcet_0.4.4_0001-hack-to-build-with-hacked-up-lifted-base-which-is-cu.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-From c10ab80793a21dce0c7516725e1ca3b36a87aa25 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 23:35:08 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] hack to build with hacked up lifted-base, which is currently
- lacking a mask
- Control/Monad/Trans/Resource.hs | 6 +++---
- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Control/Monad/Trans/Resource.hs b/Control/Monad/Trans/Resource.hs
-index d209dd8..61ab349 100644
---- a/Control/Monad/Trans/Resource.hs
-+++ b/Control/Monad/Trans/Resource.hs
-@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
--{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, ImpredicativeTypes #-}
- #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
- {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
- #endif
-@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ GOX(Monoid w, Strict.WriterT w)
- --
- -- Since 0.3.0
- resourceForkIO :: MonadBaseControl IO m => ResourceT m () -> ResourceT m ThreadId
--resourceForkIO (ResourceT f) = ResourceT $ \r -> L.mask $ \restore ->
-+resourceForkIO (ResourceT f) = ResourceT $ \r ->
- -- We need to make sure the counter is incremented before this call
- -- returns. Otherwise, the parent thread may call runResourceT before
- -- the child thread increments, and all resources will be freed
-@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ resourceForkIO (ResourceT f) = ResourceT $ \r -> L.mask $ \restore ->
- (liftBaseDiscard forkIO $ bracket_
- (return ())
- (stateCleanup r)
-- (restore $ f r))
-+ (return ()))
- -- | A @Monad@ based on some monad which allows running of some 'IO' actions,
- -- via unsafe calls. This applies to 'IO' and 'ST', for instance.
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/shakespeare-i18n_1.0.0.2_0001-remove-TH.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/shakespeare-i18n_1.0.0.2_0001-remove-TH.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 60528db0d..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/shakespeare-i18n_1.0.0.2_0001-remove-TH.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-From b128412ecee9677b788abecbbf1fd1edd447eea2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 23:35:59 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] remove TH
- Text/Shakespeare/I18N.hs | 130 +---------------------------------------------
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 129 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Text/Shakespeare/I18N.hs b/Text/Shakespeare/I18N.hs
-index 1b486ed..aa5e358 100644
---- a/Text/Shakespeare/I18N.hs
-+++ b/Text/Shakespeare/I18N.hs
-@@ -51,10 +51,7 @@
- --
- -- You can also adapt those instructions for use with other systems.
- module Text.Shakespeare.I18N
-- ( mkMessage
-- , mkMessageFor
-- , mkMessageVariant
-- , RenderMessage (..)
-+ ( RenderMessage (..)
- , ToMessage (..)
- , SomeMessage (..)
- , Lang
-@@ -115,133 +112,8 @@ type Lang = Text
- --
- -- 3. create a 'RenderMessage' instance
- --
--mkMessage :: String -- ^ base name to use for translation type
-- -> FilePath -- ^ subdirectory which contains the translation files
-- -> Lang -- ^ default translation language
-- -> Q [Dec]
--mkMessage dt folder lang =
-- mkMessageCommon True "Msg" "Message" dt dt folder lang
---- | create 'RenderMessage' instance for an existing data-type
--mkMessageFor :: String -- ^ master translation data type
-- -> String -- ^ existing type to add translations for
-- -> FilePath -- ^ path to translation folder
-- -> Lang -- ^ default language
-- -> Q [Dec]
--mkMessageFor master dt folder lang = mkMessageCommon False "" "" master dt folder lang
---- | create an additional set of translations for a type created by `mkMessage`
--mkMessageVariant :: String -- ^ master translation data type
-- -> String -- ^ existing type to add translations for
-- -> FilePath -- ^ path to translation folder
-- -> Lang -- ^ default language
-- -> Q [Dec]
--mkMessageVariant master dt folder lang = mkMessageCommon False "Msg" "Message" master dt folder lang
---- |used by 'mkMessage' and 'mkMessageFor' to generate a 'RenderMessage' and possibly a message data type
--mkMessageCommon :: Bool -- ^ generate a new datatype from the constructors found in the .msg files
-- -> String -- ^ string to append to constructor names
-- -> String -- ^ string to append to datatype name
-- -> String -- ^ base name of master datatype
-- -> String -- ^ base name of translation datatype
-- -> FilePath -- ^ path to translation folder
-- -> Lang -- ^ default lang
-- -> Q [Dec]
--mkMessageCommon genType prefix postfix master dt folder lang = do
-- files <- qRunIO $ getDirectoryContents folder
-- (_files', contents) <- qRunIO $ fmap (unzip . catMaybes) $ mapM (loadLang folder) files
--#ifdef GHC_7_4
-- mapM_ qAddDependentFile _files'
-- sdef <-
-- case lookup lang contents of
-- Nothing -> error $ "Did not find main language file: " ++ unpack lang
-- Just def -> toSDefs def
-- mapM_ (checkDef sdef) $ map snd contents
-- let mname = mkName $ dt ++ postfix
-- c1 <- fmap concat $ mapM (toClauses prefix dt) contents
-- c2 <- mapM (sToClause prefix dt) sdef
-- c3 <- defClause
-- return $
-- ( if genType
-- then ((DataD [] mname [] (map (toCon dt) sdef) []) :)
-- else id)
-- [ InstanceD
-- []
-- (ConT ''RenderMessage `AppT` (ConT $ mkName master) `AppT` ConT mname)
-- [ FunD (mkName "renderMessage") $ c1 ++ c2 ++ [c3]
-- ]
-- ]
--toClauses :: String -> String -> (Lang, [Def]) -> Q [Clause]
--toClauses prefix dt (lang, defs) =
-- mapM go defs
-- where
-- go def = do
-- a <- newName "lang"
-- (pat, bod) <- mkBody dt (prefix ++ constr def) (map fst $ vars def) (content def)
-- guard <- fmap NormalG [|$(return $ VarE a) == pack $(lift $ unpack lang)|]
-- return $ Clause
-- [WildP, ConP (mkName ":") [VarP a, WildP], pat]
-- (GuardedB [(guard, bod)])
-- []
--mkBody :: String -- ^ datatype
-- -> String -- ^ constructor
-- -> [String] -- ^ variable names
-- -> [Content]
-- -> Q (Pat, Exp)
--mkBody dt cs vs ct = do
-- vp <- mapM go vs
-- let pat = RecP (mkName cs) (map (varName dt *** VarP) vp)
-- let ct' = map (fixVars vp) ct
-- pack' <- [|Data.Text.pack|]
-- tomsg <- [|toMessage|]
-- let ct'' = map (toH pack' tomsg) ct'
-- mapp <- [|mappend|]
-- let app a b = InfixE (Just a) mapp (Just b)
-- e <-
-- case ct'' of
-- [] -> [|mempty|]
-- [x] -> return x
-- (x:xs) -> return $ foldl' app x xs
-- return (pat, e)
-- where
-- toH pack' _ (Raw s) = pack' `AppE` SigE (LitE (StringL s)) (ConT ''String)
-- toH _ tomsg (Var d) = tomsg `AppE` derefToExp [] d
-- go x = do
-- let y = mkName $ '_' : x
-- return (x, y)
-- fixVars vp (Var d) = Var $ fixDeref vp d
-- fixVars _ (Raw s) = Raw s
-- fixDeref vp (DerefIdent (Ident i)) = DerefIdent $ Ident $ fixIdent vp i
-- fixDeref vp (DerefBranch a b) = DerefBranch (fixDeref vp a) (fixDeref vp b)
-- fixDeref _ d = d
-- fixIdent vp i =
-- case lookup i vp of
-- Nothing -> i
-- Just y -> nameBase y
--sToClause :: String -> String -> SDef -> Q Clause
--sToClause prefix dt sdef = do
-- (pat, bod) <- mkBody dt (prefix ++ sconstr sdef) (map fst $ svars sdef) (scontent sdef)
-- return $ Clause
-- [WildP, ConP (mkName "[]") [], pat]
-- (NormalB bod)
-- []
--defClause :: Q Clause
--defClause = do
-- a <- newName "sub"
-- c <- newName "langs"
-- d <- newName "msg"
-- rm <- [|renderMessage|]
-- return $ Clause
-- [VarP a, ConP (mkName ":") [WildP, VarP c], VarP d]
-- (NormalB $ rm `AppE` VarE a `AppE` VarE c `AppE` VarE d)
-- []
- toCon :: String -> SDef -> Con
- toCon dt (SDef c vs _) =
- RecC (mkName $ "Msg" ++ c) $ map go vs
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/split_0.2.1.2_0001-modify-to-build-with-unreleased-ghc.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/split_0.2.1.2_0001-modify-to-build-with-unreleased-ghc.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 472ccd678..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/split_0.2.1.2_0001-modify-to-build-with-unreleased-ghc.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From 2feaef797641587a3da83753ee17d20e712c79cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 23:36:30 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] modify to build with unreleased ghc
- split.cabal | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/split.cabal b/split.cabal
-index 2183c3e..29b9b32 100644
---- a/split.cabal
-+++ b/split.cabal
-@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Source-repository head
- Library
- ghc-options: -Wall
-- build-depends: base <4.7
-+ build-depends: base <4.8
- exposed-modules: Data.List.Split, Data.List.Split.Internals
- default-language: Haskell2010
- Hs-source-dirs: src
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/syb_0.3.7_0001-hack-for-cross-compiling.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/syb_0.3.7_0001-hack-for-cross-compiling.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e18d6127f..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/syb_0.3.7_0001-hack-for-cross-compiling.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-From c40fe2c484096c5de4cac8ca14a0ca5d892999f7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 23:36:43 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] hack for cross-compiling
- syb.cabal | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/syb.cabal b/syb.cabal
-index 0aee93d..0a645c6 100644
---- a/syb.cabal
-+++ b/syb.cabal
-@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ description:
- category: Generics
- stability: provisional
--build-type: Custom
-+build-type: Simple
- cabal-version: >= 1.6
- extra-source-files: tests/*.hs,
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/unix-time_0.1.4_0001-hacks-for-android.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/unix-time_0.1.4_0001-hacks-for-android.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cff7e76e3..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/unix-time_0.1.4_0001-hacks-for-android.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-From 4023b952871ad2bc248db887716d06932ac0dbb9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Wed, 8 May 2013 14:00:19 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] hacks for android
- cbits/conv.c | 4 +---
- unix-time.cabal | 28 ++--------------------------
- 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/cbits/conv.c b/cbits/conv.c
-index 3b6a129..5a68f91 100644
---- a/cbits/conv.c
-+++ b/cbits/conv.c
-@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
--#include "config.h"
- #if IS_LINUX
- /* Linux cheats AC_CHECK_FUNCS(strptime_l), sigh. */
- #define THREAD_SAFE 0
-@@ -51,7 +49,7 @@ time_t c_parse_unix_time_gmt(char *fmt, char *src) {
- #else
- strptime(src, fmt, &dst);
- #endif
-- return timegm(&dst);
-+ return NULL; /* timegm(&dst); */
- }
- void c_format_unix_time(char *fmt, time_t src, char* dst, int siz) {
-diff --git a/unix-time.cabal b/unix-time.cabal
-index a905d63..f32d952 100644
---- a/unix-time.cabal
-+++ b/unix-time.cabal
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Synopsis: Unix time parser/formatter and utilities
- Description: Fast parser\/formatter\/utilities for Unix time
- Category: Data
- Cabal-Version: >= 1.10
--Build-Type: Configure
-+Build-Type: Simple
- Extra-Source-Files: cbits/conv.c cbits/ configure
- Extra-Tmp-Files: config.log config.status autom4te.cache cbits/config.h
-@@ -21,34 +21,10 @@ Library
- Data.UnixTime.Types
- Data.UnixTime.Sys
- Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5
-- , bytestring
-+ , bytestring (>=
- , old-time
- C-Sources: cbits/conv.c
--Test-Suite doctests
-- Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
-- HS-Source-Dirs: test
-- Ghc-Options: -threaded -Wall
-- Main-Is: doctests.hs
-- Build-Depends: base
-- , doctest >= 0.9.3
--Test-Suite spec
-- Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
-- Default-Language: Haskell2010
-- Hs-Source-Dirs: test
-- Ghc-Options: -Wall
-- Main-Is: Spec.hs
-- Other-Modules: UnixTimeSpec
-- Build-Depends: base
-- , bytestring
-- , hspec
-- , old-locale
-- , old-time
-- , QuickCheck
-- , time
-- , unix-time
- Source-Repository head
- Type: git
- Location:
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/unix_2.6.0.1_0001-remove-stuff-not-available-on-Android.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/unix_2.6.0.1_0001-remove-stuff-not-available-on-Android.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ff1da944c..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/unix_2.6.0.1_0001-remove-stuff-not-available-on-Android.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-From abca378462337ca0eb13a7e4d3073cb96a50d36c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 23:37:23 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] remove stuff not available on Android
- System/Posix/Resource.hsc | 4 ++++
- System/Posix/Terminal/Common.hsc | 29 +++--------------------------
- 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/System/Posix/Resource.hsc b/System/Posix/Resource.hsc
-index 6651998..2615b1e 100644
---- a/System/Posix/Resource.hsc
-+++ b/System/Posix/Resource.hsc
-@@ -101,7 +101,9 @@ packResource ResourceTotalMemory = (#const RLIMIT_AS)
- #endif
- unpackRLimit :: CRLim -> ResourceLimit
-+#if 0
- unpackRLimit (#const RLIM_INFINITY) = ResourceLimitInfinity
- unpackRLimit (#const RLIM_SAVED_MAX) = ResourceLimitUnknown
- unpackRLimit (#const RLIM_SAVED_CUR) = ResourceLimitUnknown
-@@ -109,7 +111,9 @@ unpackRLimit (#const RLIM_SAVED_CUR) = ResourceLimitUnknown
- unpackRLimit other = ResourceLimit (fromIntegral other)
- packRLimit :: ResourceLimit -> Bool -> CRLim
-+#if 0
- packRLimit ResourceLimitInfinity _ = (#const RLIM_INFINITY)
- packRLimit ResourceLimitUnknown True = (#const RLIM_SAVED_CUR)
- packRLimit ResourceLimitUnknown False = (#const RLIM_SAVED_MAX)
-diff --git a/System/Posix/Terminal/Common.hsc b/System/Posix/Terminal/Common.hsc
-index 3a6254d..32a22f2 100644
---- a/System/Posix/Terminal/Common.hsc
-+++ b/System/Posix/Terminal/Common.hsc
-@@ -419,11 +419,7 @@ foreign import ccall unsafe "tcsendbreak"
- -- | @drainOutput fd@ calls @tcdrain@ to block until all output
- -- written to @Fd@ @fd@ has been transmitted.
- drainOutput :: Fd -> IO ()
--drainOutput (Fd fd) = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "drainOutput" (c_tcdrain fd)
--foreign import ccall unsafe "tcdrain"
-- c_tcdrain :: CInt -> IO CInt
-+drainOutput (Fd fd) = error "drainOutput not implemented"
- data QueueSelector
- = InputQueue -- TCIFLUSH
-@@ -434,16 +430,7 @@ data QueueSelector
- -- pending input and\/or output for @Fd@ @fd@,
- -- as indicated by the @QueueSelector@ @queues@.
- discardData :: Fd -> QueueSelector -> IO ()
--discardData (Fd fd) queue =
-- throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "discardData" (c_tcflush fd (queue2Int queue))
-- where
-- queue2Int :: QueueSelector -> CInt
-- queue2Int InputQueue = (#const TCIFLUSH)
-- queue2Int OutputQueue = (#const TCOFLUSH)
-- queue2Int BothQueues = (#const TCIOFLUSH)
--foreign import ccall unsafe "tcflush"
-- c_tcflush :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
-+discardData (Fd fd) queue = error "discardData not implemented"
- data FlowAction
- = SuspendOutput -- ^ TCOOFF
-@@ -455,17 +442,7 @@ data FlowAction
- -- flow of data on @Fd@ @fd@, as indicated by
- -- @action@.
- controlFlow :: Fd -> FlowAction -> IO ()
--controlFlow (Fd fd) action =
-- throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "controlFlow" (c_tcflow fd (action2Int action))
-- where
-- action2Int :: FlowAction -> CInt
-- action2Int SuspendOutput = (#const TCOOFF)
-- action2Int RestartOutput = (#const TCOON)
-- action2Int TransmitStop = (#const TCIOFF)
-- action2Int TransmitStart = (#const TCION)
--foreign import ccall unsafe "tcflow"
-- c_tcflow :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
-+controlFlow (Fd fd) action = error "controlFlow not implemented"
- -- | @getTerminalProcessGroupID fd@ calls @tcgetpgrp@ to
- -- obtain the @ProcessGroupID@ of the foreground process group
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/wai-extra_1.3.2.1_0001-disable-CGI-module.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/wai-extra_1.3.2.1_0001-disable-CGI-module.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d5d6e2ba..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/wai-extra_1.3.2.1_0001-disable-CGI-module.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-From dc6d0128e666dcab07ddee56a22a4177ebfc0c7b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 23:38:33 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] disable CGI module
-I don't need it and it failed to build.
- wai-extra.cabal | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/wai-extra.cabal b/wai-extra.cabal
-index 9e9f0fc..007dd0f 100644
---- a/wai-extra.cabal
-+++ b/wai-extra.cabal
-@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Library
- , void >= 0.5 && < 0.6
- , stringsearch >= 0.3 && < 0.4
-- Exposed-modules: Network.Wai.Handler.CGI
-+ Exposed-modules:
- Network.Wai.Middleware.AcceptOverride
- Network.Wai.Middleware.Autohead
- Network.Wai.Middleware.CleanPath
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/xml-hamlet_0.4.0.3-0001-remove-TH-code.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/xml-hamlet_0.4.0.3-0001-remove-TH-code.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e6bda563d..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/xml-hamlet_0.4.0.3-0001-remove-TH-code.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-From 3e988dec5ea248611d07d59914e3eb131dc6a165 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2013 17:44:46 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] remove TH code
- Text/Hamlet/XML.hs | 81 +-----------------------------------------------------
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 80 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Text/Hamlet/XML.hs b/Text/Hamlet/XML.hs
-index f587410..bf8ce9e 100644
---- a/Text/Hamlet/XML.hs
-+++ b/Text/Hamlet/XML.hs
-@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
- {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields #-}
- module Text.Hamlet.XML
-- ( xml
-- , xmlFile
-+ (
- ) where
- import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
-@@ -18,81 +17,3 @@ import Data.String (fromString)
- import qualified Data.Foldable as F
- import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
- import qualified Data.Map as Map
--xml :: QuasiQuoter
--xml = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = strToExp }
--xmlFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
--xmlFile = strToExp . TL.unpack <=< qRunIO . readUtf8File
--strToExp :: String -> Q Exp
--strToExp s =
-- case parseDoc s of
-- Error e -> error e
-- Ok x -> docsToExp [] x
--docsToExp :: Scope -> [Doc] -> Q Exp
--docsToExp scope docs = [| concat $(fmap ListE $ mapM (docToExp scope) docs) |]
--docToExp :: Scope -> Doc -> Q Exp
--docToExp scope (DocTag name attrs cs) =
-- [| [ X.NodeElement (X.Element ($(liftName name)) $(mkAttrs scope attrs) $(docsToExp scope cs))
-- ] |]
--docToExp _ (DocContent (ContentRaw s)) = [| [ X.NodeContent (pack $(lift s)) ] |]
--docToExp scope (DocContent (ContentVar d)) = [| [ X.NodeContent $(return $ derefToExp scope d) ] |]
--docToExp scope (DocContent (ContentEmbed d)) = return $ derefToExp scope d
--docToExp scope (DocForall deref ident@(Ident ident') inside) = do
-- let list' = derefToExp scope deref
-- name <- newName ident'
-- let scope' = (ident, VarE name) : scope
-- inside' <- docsToExp scope' inside
-- let lam = LamE [VarP name] inside'
-- [| F.concatMap $(return lam) $(return list') |]
--docToExp scope (DocWith [] inside) = docsToExp scope inside
--docToExp scope (DocWith ((deref, ident@(Ident name)):dis) inside) = do
-- let deref' = derefToExp scope deref
-- name' <- newName name
-- let scope' = (ident, VarE name') : scope
-- inside' <- docToExp scope' (DocWith dis inside)
-- let lam = LamE [VarP name'] inside'
-- return $ lam `AppE` deref'
--docToExp scope (DocMaybe deref ident@(Ident name) just nothing) = do
-- let deref' = derefToExp scope deref
-- name' <- newName name
-- let scope' = (ident, VarE name') : scope
-- inside' <- docsToExp scope' just
-- let inside'' = LamE [VarP name'] inside'
-- nothing' <-
-- case nothing of
-- Nothing -> [| [] |]
-- Just n -> docsToExp scope n
-- [| maybe $(return nothing') $(return inside'') $(return deref') |]
--docToExp scope (DocCond conds final) = do
-- unit <- [| () |]
-- body <- fmap GuardedB $ mapM go $ conds ++ [(DerefIdent $ Ident "otherwise", fromMaybe [] final)]
-- return $ CaseE unit [Match (TupP []) body []]
-- where
-- go (deref, inside) = do
-- inside' <- docsToExp scope inside
-- return (NormalG $ derefToExp scope deref, inside')
--mkAttrs :: Scope -> [(Maybe Deref, String, [Content])] -> Q Exp
--mkAttrs _ [] = [| Map.empty |]
--mkAttrs scope ((mderef, name, value):rest) = do
-- rest' <- mkAttrs scope rest
-- this <- [| Map.insert $(liftName name) (T.concat $(fmap ListE $ mapM go value)) |]
-- let with = [| $(return this) $(return rest') |]
-- case mderef of
-- Nothing -> with
-- Just deref -> [| if $(return $ derefToExp scope deref) then $(with) else $(return rest') |]
-- where
-- go (ContentRaw s) = [| pack $(lift s) |]
-- go (ContentVar d) = return $ derefToExp scope d
-- go ContentEmbed{} = error "Cannot use embed interpolation in attribute value"
--liftName :: String -> Q Exp
--liftName s = do
-- X.Name local mns _ <- return $ fromString s
-- case mns of
-- Nothing -> [| X.Name (pack $(lift $ unpack local)) Nothing Nothing |]
-- Just ns -> [| X.Name (pack $(lift $ unpack local)) (Just $ pack $(lift $ unpack ns)) Nothing |]
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/yesod-default_1.1.3.2_0001-remove-TH.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/yesod-default_1.1.3.2_0001-remove-TH.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e6048ee0a..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/yesod-default_1.1.3.2_0001-remove-TH.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-From 8ff7908799eb69d440168ff3df1fe3187879df33 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2013 23:39:57 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] remove TH
- Yesod/Default/Util.hs | 61 +------------------------------------------------
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 60 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Yesod/Default/Util.hs b/Yesod/Default/Util.hs
-index 578b9bc..178e342 100644
---- a/Yesod/Default/Util.hs
-+++ b/Yesod/Default/Util.hs
-@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
- module Yesod.Default.Util
- ( addStaticContentExternal
- , globFile
-- , widgetFileNoReload
-- , widgetFileReload
- , TemplateLanguage (..)
- , defaultTemplateLanguages
- , WidgetFileSettings
-@@ -21,9 +19,6 @@ import Yesod.Core -- purposely using complete import so that Haddock will see ad
- import Control.Monad (when, unless)
- import System.Directory (doesFileExist, createDirectoryIfMissing)
- import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
--import Text.Lucius (luciusFile, luciusFileReload)
--import Text.Julius (juliusFile, juliusFileReload)
--import Text.Cassius (cassiusFile, cassiusFileReload)
- import Text.Hamlet (HamletSettings, defaultHamletSettings)
- import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
- import Data.Default (Default (def))
-@@ -72,13 +67,7 @@ data TemplateLanguage = TemplateLanguage
- defaultTemplateLanguages :: HamletSettings -> [TemplateLanguage]
- defaultTemplateLanguages hset =
-- [ TemplateLanguage False "hamlet" whamletFile' whamletFile'
-- , TemplateLanguage True "cassius" cassiusFile cassiusFileReload
-- , TemplateLanguage True "julius" juliusFile juliusFileReload
-- , TemplateLanguage True "lucius" luciusFile luciusFileReload
-- ]
-- where
-- whamletFile' = whamletFileWithSettings hset
-+ [ ]
- data WidgetFileSettings = WidgetFileSettings
- { wfsLanguages :: HamletSettings -> [TemplateLanguage]
-@@ -87,51 +76,3 @@ data WidgetFileSettings = WidgetFileSettings
- instance Default WidgetFileSettings where
- def = WidgetFileSettings defaultTemplateLanguages defaultHamletSettings
--widgetFileNoReload :: WidgetFileSettings -> FilePath -> Q Exp
--widgetFileNoReload wfs x = combine "widgetFileNoReload" x False $ wfsLanguages wfs $ wfsHamletSettings wfs
--widgetFileReload :: WidgetFileSettings -> FilePath -> Q Exp
--widgetFileReload wfs x = combine "widgetFileReload" x True $ wfsLanguages wfs $ wfsHamletSettings wfs
--combine :: String -> String -> Bool -> [TemplateLanguage] -> Q Exp
--combine func file isReload tls = do
-- mexps <- qmexps
-- case catMaybes mexps of
-- [] -> error $ concat
-- [ "Called "
-- , func
-- , " on "
-- , show file
-- , ", but no template were found."
-- ]
-- exps -> return $ DoE $ map NoBindS exps
-- where
-- qmexps :: Q [Maybe Exp]
-- qmexps = mapM go tls
-- go :: TemplateLanguage -> Q (Maybe Exp)
-- go tl = whenExists file (tlRequiresToWidget tl) (tlExtension tl) ((if isReload then tlReload else tlNoReload) tl)
--whenExists :: String
-- -> Bool -- ^ requires toWidget wrap
-- -> String -> (FilePath -> Q Exp) -> Q (Maybe Exp)
--whenExists = warnUnlessExists False
--warnUnlessExists :: Bool
-- -> String
-- -> Bool -- ^ requires toWidget wrap
-- -> String -> (FilePath -> Q Exp) -> Q (Maybe Exp)
--warnUnlessExists shouldWarn x wrap glob f = do
-- let fn = globFile glob x
-- e <- qRunIO $ doesFileExist fn
-- when (shouldWarn && not e) $ qRunIO $ putStrLn $ "widget file not found: " ++ fn
-- if e
-- then do
-- ex <- f fn
-- if wrap
-- then do
-- tw <- [|toWidget|]
-- return $ Just $ tw `AppE` ex
-- else return $ Just ex
-- else return Nothing
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/yesod-routes_1.1.2_0001-remove-TH-and-export-module-used-by-TH-splices.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/yesod-routes_1.1.2_0001-remove-TH-and-export-module-used-by-TH-splices.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 33bcff447..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/yesod-routes_1.1.2_0001-remove-TH-and-export-module-used-by-TH-splices.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,674 +0,0 @@
-From 06176b0f3dbbe559490f0971e0db205287793286 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2013 21:01:12 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] remove TH and export module used by TH splices
- Yesod/Routes/Overlap.hs | 74 ----------
- Yesod/Routes/Parse.hs | 115 ---------------
- Yesod/Routes/TH.hs | 12 --
- Yesod/Routes/TH/Dispatch.hs | 344 --------------------------------------------
- Yesod/Routes/TH/Types.hs | 16 ---
- yesod-routes.cabal | 21 ---
- 6 files changed, 582 deletions(-)
- delete mode 100644 Yesod/Routes/Overlap.hs
- delete mode 100644 Yesod/Routes/Parse.hs
- delete mode 100644 Yesod/Routes/TH.hs
- delete mode 100644 Yesod/Routes/TH/Dispatch.hs
-diff --git a/Yesod/Routes/Overlap.hs b/Yesod/Routes/Overlap.hs
-deleted file mode 100644
-index ae45a02..0000000
---- a/Yesod/Routes/Overlap.hs
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
---- | Check for overlapping routes.
--module Yesod.Routes.Overlap
-- ( findOverlaps
-- , findOverlapNames
-- , Overlap (..)
-- ) where
--import Yesod.Routes.TH.Types
--import Data.List (intercalate)
--data Overlap t = Overlap
-- { overlapParents :: [String] -> [String] -- ^ parent resource trees
-- , overlap1 :: ResourceTree t
-- , overlap2 :: ResourceTree t
-- }
--findOverlaps :: ([String] -> [String]) -> [ResourceTree t] -> [Overlap t]
--findOverlaps _ [] = []
--findOverlaps front (x:xs) = concatMap (findOverlap front x) xs ++ findOverlaps front xs
--findOverlap :: ([String] -> [String]) -> ResourceTree t -> ResourceTree t -> [Overlap t]
--findOverlap front x y =
-- here rest
-- where
-- here
-- | overlaps (resourceTreePieces x) (resourceTreePieces y) (hasSuffix x) (hasSuffix y) = (Overlap front x y:)
-- | otherwise = id
-- rest =
-- case x of
-- ResourceParent name _ children -> findOverlaps (front . (name:)) children
-- ResourceLeaf{} -> []
--hasSuffix :: ResourceTree t -> Bool
--hasSuffix (ResourceLeaf r) =
-- case resourceDispatch r of
-- Subsite{} -> True
-- Methods Just{} _ -> True
-- Methods Nothing _ -> False
--hasSuffix ResourceParent{} = True
--overlaps :: [(CheckOverlap, Piece t)] -> [(CheckOverlap, Piece t)] -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
---- No pieces on either side, will overlap regardless of suffix
--overlaps [] [] _ _ = True
---- No pieces on the left, will overlap if the left side has a suffix
--overlaps [] _ suffixX _ = suffixX
---- Ditto for the right
--overlaps _ [] _ suffixY = suffixY
---- As soon as we ignore a single piece (via CheckOverlap == False), we say that
---- the routes don't overlap at all. In other words, disabling overlap checking
---- on a single piece disables it on the whole route.
--overlaps ((False, _):_) _ _ _ = False
--overlaps _ ((False, _):_) _ _ = False
---- Compare the actual pieces
--overlaps ((True, pieceX):xs) ((True, pieceY):ys) suffixX suffixY =
-- piecesOverlap pieceX pieceY && overlaps xs ys suffixX suffixY
--piecesOverlap :: Piece t -> Piece t -> Bool
---- Statics only match if they equal. Dynamics match with anything
--piecesOverlap (Static x) (Static y) = x == y
--piecesOverlap _ _ = True
--findOverlapNames :: [ResourceTree t] -> [(String, String)]
--findOverlapNames =
-- map go . findOverlaps id
-- where
-- go (Overlap front x y) =
-- (go' $ resourceTreeName x, go' $ resourceTreeName y)
-- where
-- go' = intercalate "/" . front . return
-diff --git a/Yesod/Routes/Parse.hs b/Yesod/Routes/Parse.hs
-deleted file mode 100644
-index fc16eef..0000000
---- a/Yesod/Routes/Parse.hs
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
--{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
--{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
--{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields #-} -- QuasiQuoter
--module Yesod.Routes.Parse
-- ( parseRoutes
-- , parseRoutesFile
-- , parseRoutesNoCheck
-- , parseRoutesFileNoCheck
-- , parseType
-- ) where
--import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
--import Data.Char (isUpper)
--import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
--import qualified System.IO as SIO
--import Yesod.Routes.TH
--import Yesod.Routes.Overlap (findOverlapNames)
---- | A quasi-quoter to parse a string into a list of 'Resource's. Checks for
---- overlapping routes, failing if present; use 'parseRoutesNoCheck' to skip the
---- checking. See documentation site for details on syntax.
--parseRoutes :: QuasiQuoter
--parseRoutes = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = x }
-- where
-- x s = do
-- let res = resourcesFromString s
-- case findOverlapNames res of
-- [] -> lift res
-- z -> error $ "Overlapping routes: " ++ unlines (map show z)
--parseRoutesFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
--parseRoutesFile = parseRoutesFileWith parseRoutes
--parseRoutesFileNoCheck :: FilePath -> Q Exp
--parseRoutesFileNoCheck = parseRoutesFileWith parseRoutesNoCheck
--parseRoutesFileWith :: QuasiQuoter -> FilePath -> Q Exp
--parseRoutesFileWith qq fp = do
-- s <- qRunIO $ readUtf8File fp
-- quoteExp qq s
--readUtf8File :: FilePath -> IO String
--readUtf8File fp = do
-- h <- SIO.openFile fp SIO.ReadMode
-- SIO.hSetEncoding h SIO.utf8_bom
-- SIO.hGetContents h
---- | Same as 'parseRoutes', but performs no overlap checking.
--parseRoutesNoCheck :: QuasiQuoter
--parseRoutesNoCheck = QuasiQuoter
-- { quoteExp = lift . resourcesFromString
-- }
---- | Convert a multi-line string to a set of resources. See documentation for
---- the format of this string. This is a partial function which calls 'error' on
---- invalid input.
--resourcesFromString :: String -> [ResourceTree String]
--resourcesFromString =
-- fst . parse 0 . lines
-- where
-- parse _ [] = ([], [])
-- parse indent (thisLine:otherLines)
-- | length spaces < indent = ([], thisLine : otherLines)
-- | otherwise = (this others, remainder)
-- where
-- spaces = takeWhile (== ' ') thisLine
-- (others, remainder) = parse indent otherLines'
-- (this, otherLines') =
-- case takeWhile (/= "--") $ words thisLine of
-- [pattern, constr] | last constr == ':' ->
-- let (children, otherLines'') = parse (length spaces + 1) otherLines
-- (pieces, Nothing) = piecesFromString $ drop1Slash pattern
-- in ((ResourceParent (init constr) pieces children :), otherLines'')
-- (pattern:constr:rest) ->
-- let (pieces, mmulti) = piecesFromString $ drop1Slash pattern
-- disp = dispatchFromString rest mmulti
-- in ((ResourceLeaf (Resource constr pieces disp):), otherLines)
-- [] -> (id, otherLines)
-- _ -> error $ "Invalid resource line: " ++ thisLine
--dispatchFromString :: [String] -> Maybe String -> Dispatch String
--dispatchFromString rest mmulti
-- | null rest = Methods mmulti []
-- | all (all isUpper) rest = Methods mmulti rest
--dispatchFromString [subTyp, subFun] Nothing =
-- Subsite subTyp subFun
--dispatchFromString [_, _] Just{} =
-- error "Subsites cannot have a multipiece"
--dispatchFromString rest _ = error $ "Invalid list of methods: " ++ show rest
--drop1Slash :: String -> String
--drop1Slash ('/':x) = x
--drop1Slash x = x
--piecesFromString :: String -> ([(CheckOverlap, Piece String)], Maybe String)
--piecesFromString "" = ([], Nothing)
--piecesFromString x =
-- case (this, rest) of
-- (Left typ, ([], Nothing)) -> ([], Just typ)
-- (Left _, _) -> error "Multipiece must be last piece"
-- (Right piece, (pieces, mtyp)) -> (piece:pieces, mtyp)
-- where
-- (y, z) = break (== '/') x
-- this = pieceFromString y
-- rest = piecesFromString $ drop 1 z
--parseType :: String -> Type
--parseType = ConT . mkName -- FIXME handle more complicated stuff
--pieceFromString :: String -> Either String (CheckOverlap, Piece String)
--pieceFromString ('#':'!':x) = Right $ (False, Dynamic x)
--pieceFromString ('#':x) = Right $ (True, Dynamic x)
--pieceFromString ('*':x) = Left x
--pieceFromString ('!':x) = Right $ (False, Static x)
--pieceFromString x = Right $ (True, Static x)
-diff --git a/Yesod/Routes/TH.hs b/Yesod/Routes/TH.hs
-deleted file mode 100644
-index 41045b3..0000000
---- a/Yesod/Routes/TH.hs
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
--{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
--module Yesod.Routes.TH
-- ( module Yesod.Routes.TH.Types
-- -- * Functions
-- , module Yesod.Routes.TH.RenderRoute
-- -- ** Dispatch
-- , module Yesod.Routes.TH.Dispatch
-- ) where
--import Yesod.Routes.TH.Types
--import Yesod.Routes.TH.RenderRoute
--import Yesod.Routes.TH.Dispatch
-diff --git a/Yesod/Routes/TH/Dispatch.hs b/Yesod/Routes/TH/Dispatch.hs
-deleted file mode 100644
-index a52f69a..0000000
---- a/Yesod/Routes/TH/Dispatch.hs
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
--{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
--module Yesod.Routes.TH.Dispatch
-- ( -- ** Dispatch
-- mkDispatchClause
-- ) where
--import Prelude hiding (exp)
--import Yesod.Routes.TH.Types
--import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
--import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
--import Control.Monad (forM, replicateM)
--import Data.Text (pack)
--import qualified Yesod.Routes.Dispatch as D
--import qualified Data.Map as Map
--import Data.Char (toLower)
--import Web.PathPieces (PathPiece (..), PathMultiPiece (..))
--import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
--import Data.List (foldl')
--data FlatResource a = FlatResource [(String, [(CheckOverlap, Piece a)])] String [(CheckOverlap, Piece a)] (Dispatch a)
--flatten :: [ResourceTree a] -> [FlatResource a]
--flatten =
-- concatMap (go id)
-- where
-- go front (ResourceLeaf (Resource a b c)) = [FlatResource (front []) a b c]
-- go front (ResourceParent name pieces children) =
-- concatMap (go (front . ((name, pieces):))) children
---- |
---- This function will generate a single clause that will address all
---- your routing needs. It takes four arguments. The fourth (a list of
---- 'Resource's) is self-explanatory. We\'ll discuss the first
---- three. But first, let\'s cover the terminology.
---- Dispatching involves a master type and a sub type. When you dispatch to the
---- top level type, master and sub are the same. Each time to dispatch to
---- another subsite, the sub changes. This requires two changes:
---- * Getting the new sub value. This is handled via 'subsiteFunc'.
---- * Figure out a way to convert sub routes to the original master route. To
---- address this, we keep a toMaster function, and each time we dispatch to a
---- new subsite, we compose it with the constructor for that subsite.
---- Dispatching acts on two different components: the request method and a list
---- of path pieces. If we cannot match the path pieces, we need to return a 404
---- response. If the path pieces match, but the method is not supported, we need
---- to return a 405 response.
---- The final result of dispatch is going to be an application type. A simple
---- example would be the WAI Application type. However, our handler functions
---- will need more input: the master/subsite, the toMaster function, and the
---- type-safe route. Therefore, we need to have another type, the handler type,
---- and a function that turns a handler into an application, i.e.
---- > runHandler :: handler sub master -> master -> sub -> Route sub -> (Route sub -> Route master) -> app
---- This is the first argument to our function. Note that this will almost
---- certainly need to be a method of a typeclass, since it will want to behave
---- differently based on the subsite.
---- Note that the 404 response passed in is an application, while the 405
---- response is a handler, since the former can\'t be passed the type-safe
---- route.
---- In the case of a subsite, we don\'t directly deal with a handler function.
---- Instead, we redispatch to the subsite, passing on the updated sub value and
---- toMaster function, as well as any remaining, unparsed path pieces. This
---- function looks like:
---- > dispatcher :: master -> sub -> (Route sub -> Route master) -> app -> handler sub master -> Text -> [Text] -> app
---- Where the parameters mean master, sub, toMaster, 404 response, 405 response,
---- request method and path pieces. This is the second argument of our function.
---- Finally, we need a way to decide which of the possible formats
---- should the handler send the data out. Think of each URL holding an
---- abstract object which has multiple representation (JSON, plain HTML
---- etc). Each client might have a preference on which format it wants
---- the abstract object in. For example, a javascript making a request
---- (on behalf of a browser) might prefer a JSON object over a plain
---- HTML file where as a user browsing with javascript disabled would
---- want the page in HTML. The third argument is a function that
---- converts the abstract object to the desired representation
---- depending on the preferences sent by the client.
---- The typical values for the first three arguments are,
---- @'yesodRunner'@ for the first, @'yesodDispatch'@ for the second and
---- @fmap 'chooseRep'@.
--mkDispatchClause :: Q Exp -- ^ runHandler function
-- -> Q Exp -- ^ dispatcher function
-- -> Q Exp -- ^ fixHandler function
-- -> [ResourceTree a]
-- -> Q Clause
--mkDispatchClause runHandler dispatcher fixHandler ress' = do
-- -- Allocate the names to be used. Start off with the names passed to the
-- -- function itself (with a 0 suffix).
-- --
-- -- We don't reuse names so as to avoid shadowing names (triggers warnings
-- -- with -Wall). Additionally, we want to ensure that none of the code
-- -- passed to toDispatch uses variables from the closure to prevent the
-- -- dispatch data structure from being rebuilt on each run.
-- master0 <- newName "master0"
-- sub0 <- newName "sub0"
-- toMaster0 <- newName "toMaster0"
-- app4040 <- newName "app4040"
-- handler4050 <- newName "handler4050"
-- method0 <- newName "method0"
-- pieces0 <- newName "pieces0"
-- -- Name of the dispatch function
-- dispatch <- newName "dispatch"
-- -- Dispatch function applied to the pieces
-- let dispatched = VarE dispatch `AppE` VarE pieces0
-- -- The 'D.Route's used in the dispatch function
-- routes <- mapM (buildRoute runHandler dispatcher fixHandler) ress
-- -- The dispatch function itself
-- toDispatch <- [|D.toDispatch|]
-- let dispatchFun = FunD dispatch [Clause [] (NormalB $ toDispatch `AppE` ListE routes) []]
-- -- The input to the clause.
-- let pats = map VarP [master0, sub0, toMaster0, app4040, handler4050, method0, pieces0]
-- -- For each resource that dispatches based on methods, build up a map for handling the dispatching.
-- methodMaps <- catMaybes <$> mapM (buildMethodMap fixHandler) ress
-- u <- [|case $(return dispatched) of
-- Just f -> f $(return $ VarE master0)
-- $(return $ VarE sub0)
-- $(return $ VarE toMaster0)
-- $(return $ VarE app4040)
-- $(return $ VarE handler4050)
-- $(return $ VarE method0)
-- Nothing -> $(return $ VarE app4040)
-- |]
-- return $ Clause pats (NormalB u) $ dispatchFun : methodMaps
-- where
-- ress = flatten ress'
---- | Determine the name of the method map for a given resource name.
--methodMapName :: String -> Name
--methodMapName s = mkName $ "methods" ++ s
--buildMethodMap :: Q Exp -- ^ fixHandler
-- -> FlatResource a
-- -> Q (Maybe Dec)
--buildMethodMap _ (FlatResource _ _ _ (Methods _ [])) = return Nothing -- single handle function
--buildMethodMap fixHandler (FlatResource parents name pieces' (Methods mmulti methods)) = do
-- fromList <- [|Map.fromList|]
-- methods' <- mapM go methods
-- let exp = fromList `AppE` ListE methods'
-- let fun = FunD (methodMapName name) [Clause [] (NormalB exp) []]
-- return $ Just fun
-- where
-- pieces = concat $ map snd parents ++ [pieces']
-- go method = do
-- fh <- fixHandler
-- let func = VarE $ mkName $ map toLower method ++ name
-- pack' <- [|pack|]
-- let isDynamic Dynamic{} = True
-- isDynamic _ = False
-- let argCount = length (filter (isDynamic . snd) pieces) + maybe 0 (const 1) mmulti
-- xs <- replicateM argCount $ newName "arg"
-- let rhs = LamE (map VarP xs) $ fh `AppE` (foldl' AppE func $ map VarE xs)
-- return $ TupE [pack' `AppE` LitE (StringL method), rhs]
--buildMethodMap _ (FlatResource _ _ _ Subsite{}) = return Nothing
---- | Build a single 'D.Route' expression.
--buildRoute :: Q Exp -> Q Exp -> Q Exp -> FlatResource a -> Q Exp
--buildRoute runHandler dispatcher fixHandler (FlatResource parents name resPieces resDisp) = do
-- -- First two arguments to D.Route
-- routePieces <- ListE <$> mapM (convertPiece . snd) allPieces
-- isMulti <-
-- case resDisp of
-- Methods Nothing _ -> [|False|]
-- _ -> [|True|]
-- [|D.Route $(return routePieces) $(return isMulti) $(routeArg3 runHandler dispatcher fixHandler parents name (map snd allPieces) resDisp)|]
-- where
-- allPieces = concat $ map snd parents ++ [resPieces]
--routeArg3 :: Q Exp -- ^ runHandler
-- -> Q Exp -- ^ dispatcher
-- -> Q Exp -- ^ fixHandler
-- -> [(String, [(CheckOverlap, Piece a)])]
-- -> String -- ^ name of resource
-- -> [Piece a]
-- -> Dispatch a
-- -> Q Exp
--routeArg3 runHandler dispatcher fixHandler parents name resPieces resDisp = do
-- pieces <- newName "pieces"
-- -- Allocate input piece variables (xs) and variables that have been
-- -- converted via fromPathPiece (ys)
-- xs <- forM resPieces $ \piece ->
-- case piece of
-- Static _ -> return Nothing
-- Dynamic _ -> Just <$> newName "x"
-- -- Note: the zipping with Ints is just a workaround for (apparently) a bug
-- -- in GHC where the identifiers are considered to be overlapping. Using
-- -- newName should avoid the problem, but it doesn't.
-- ys <- forM (zip (catMaybes xs) [1..]) $ \(x, i) -> do
-- y <- newName $ "y" ++ show (i :: Int)
-- return (x, y)
-- -- In case we have multi pieces at the end
-- xrest <- newName "xrest"
-- yrest <- newName "yrest"
-- -- Determine the pattern for matching the pieces
-- pat <-
-- case resDisp of
-- Methods Nothing _ -> return $ ListP $ map (maybe WildP VarP) xs
-- _ -> do
-- let cons = mkName ":"
-- return $ foldr (\a b -> ConP cons [maybe WildP VarP a, b]) (VarP xrest) xs
-- -- Convert the xs
-- fromPathPiece' <- [|fromPathPiece|]
-- xstmts <- forM ys $ \(x, y) -> return $ BindS (VarP y) (fromPathPiece' `AppE` VarE x)
-- -- Convert the xrest if appropriate
-- (reststmts, yrest') <-
-- case resDisp of
-- Methods (Just _) _ -> do
-- fromPathMultiPiece' <- [|fromPathMultiPiece|]
-- return ([BindS (VarP yrest) (fromPathMultiPiece' `AppE` VarE xrest)], [yrest])
-- _ -> return ([], [])
-- -- The final expression that actually uses the values we've computed
-- caller <- buildCaller runHandler dispatcher fixHandler xrest parents name resDisp $ map snd ys ++ yrest'
-- -- Put together all the statements
-- just <- [|Just|]
-- let stmts = concat
-- [ xstmts
-- , reststmts
-- , [NoBindS $ just `AppE` caller]
-- ]
-- errorMsg <- [|error "Invariant violated"|]
-- let matches =
-- [ Match pat (NormalB $ DoE stmts) []
-- , Match WildP (NormalB errorMsg) []
-- ]
-- return $ LamE [VarP pieces] $ CaseE (VarE pieces) matches
---- | The final expression in the individual Route definitions.
--buildCaller :: Q Exp -- ^ runHandler
-- -> Q Exp -- ^ dispatcher
-- -> Q Exp -- ^ fixHandler
-- -> Name -- ^ xrest
-- -> [(String, [(CheckOverlap, Piece a)])]
-- -> String -- ^ name of resource
-- -> Dispatch a
-- -> [Name] -- ^ ys
-- -> Q Exp
--buildCaller runHandler dispatcher fixHandler xrest parents name resDisp ys = do
-- master <- newName "master"
-- sub <- newName "sub"
-- toMaster <- newName "toMaster"
-- app404 <- newName "_app404"
-- handler405 <- newName "_handler405"
-- method <- newName "_method"
-- let pat = map VarP [master, sub, toMaster, app404, handler405, method]
-- -- Create the route
-- let route = routeFromDynamics parents name ys
-- exp <-
-- case resDisp of
-- Methods _ ms -> do
-- handler <- newName "handler"
-- -- Run the whole thing
-- runner <- [|$(runHandler)
-- $(return $ VarE handler)
-- $(return $ VarE master)
-- $(return $ VarE sub)
-- (Just $(return route))
-- $(return $ VarE toMaster)|]
-- let myLet handlerExp =
-- LetE [FunD handler [Clause [] (NormalB handlerExp) []]] runner
-- if null ms
-- then do
-- -- Just a single handler
-- fh <- fixHandler
-- let he = fh `AppE` foldl' (\a b -> a `AppE` VarE b) (VarE $ mkName $ "handle" ++ name) ys
-- return $ myLet he
-- else do
-- -- Individual methods
-- mf <- [|Map.lookup $(return $ VarE method) $(return $ VarE $ methodMapName name)|]
-- f <- newName "f"
-- let apply = foldl' (\a b -> a `AppE` VarE b) (VarE f) ys
-- let body405 =
-- VarE handler405
-- `AppE` route
-- return $ CaseE mf
-- [ Match (ConP 'Just [VarP f]) (NormalB $ myLet apply) []
-- , Match (ConP 'Nothing []) (NormalB body405) []
-- ]
-- Subsite _ getSub -> do
-- let sub2 = foldl' (\a b -> a `AppE` VarE b) (VarE (mkName getSub) `AppE` VarE sub) ys
-- [|$(dispatcher)
-- $(return $ VarE master)
-- $(return sub2)
-- ($(return $ VarE toMaster) . $(return route))
-- $(return $ VarE app404)
-- ($(return $ VarE handler405) . $(return route))
-- $(return $ VarE method)
-- $(return $ VarE xrest)
-- |]
-- return $ LamE pat exp
---- | Convert a 'Piece' to a 'D.Piece'
--convertPiece :: Piece a -> Q Exp
--convertPiece (Static s) = [|D.Static (pack $(lift s))|]
--convertPiece (Dynamic _) = [|D.Dynamic|]
--routeFromDynamics :: [(String, [(CheckOverlap, Piece a)])] -- ^ parents
-- -> String -- ^ constructor name
-- -> [Name]
-- -> Exp
--routeFromDynamics [] name ys = foldl' (\a b -> a `AppE` VarE b) (ConE $ mkName name) ys
--routeFromDynamics ((parent, pieces):rest) name ys =
-- foldl' (\a b -> a `AppE` b) (ConE $ mkName parent) here
-- where
-- (here', ys') = splitAt (length $ filter (isDynamic . snd) pieces) ys
-- isDynamic Dynamic{} = True
-- isDynamic _ = False
-- here = map VarE here' ++ [routeFromDynamics rest name ys']
-diff --git a/Yesod/Routes/TH/Types.hs b/Yesod/Routes/TH/Types.hs
-index 52cd446..18208d3 100644
---- a/Yesod/Routes/TH/Types.hs
-+++ b/Yesod/Routes/TH/Types.hs
-@@ -29,10 +29,6 @@ instance Functor ResourceTree where
- fmap f (ResourceLeaf r) = ResourceLeaf (fmap f r)
- fmap f (ResourceParent a b c) = ResourceParent a (map (second $ fmap f) b) $ map (fmap f) c
--instance Lift t => Lift (ResourceTree t) where
-- lift (ResourceLeaf r) = [|ResourceLeaf $(lift r)|]
-- lift (ResourceParent a b c) = [|ResourceParent $(lift a) $(lift b) $(lift c)|]
- data Resource typ = Resource
- { resourceName :: String
- , resourcePieces :: [(CheckOverlap, Piece typ)]
-@@ -45,9 +41,6 @@ type CheckOverlap = Bool
- instance Functor Resource where
- fmap f (Resource a b c) = Resource a (map (second $ fmap f) b) (fmap f c)
--instance Lift t => Lift (Resource t) where
-- lift (Resource a b c) = [|Resource $(lift a) $(lift b) $(lift c)|]
- data Piece typ = Static String | Dynamic typ
- deriving Show
-@@ -55,10 +48,6 @@ instance Functor Piece where
- fmap _ (Static s) = (Static s)
- fmap f (Dynamic t) = Dynamic (f t)
--instance Lift t => Lift (Piece t) where
-- lift (Static s) = [|Static $(lift s)|]
-- lift (Dynamic t) = [|Dynamic $(lift t)|]
- data Dispatch typ =
- Methods
- { methodsMulti :: Maybe typ -- ^ type of the multi piece at the end
-@@ -74,11 +63,6 @@ instance Functor Dispatch where
- fmap f (Methods a b) = Methods (fmap f a) b
- fmap f (Subsite a b) = Subsite (f a) b
--instance Lift t => Lift (Dispatch t) where
-- lift (Methods Nothing b) = [|Methods Nothing $(lift b)|]
-- lift (Methods (Just t) b) = [|Methods (Just $(lift t)) $(lift b)|]
-- lift (Subsite t b) = [|Subsite $(lift t) $(lift b)|]
- resourceMulti :: Resource typ -> Maybe typ
- resourceMulti Resource { resourceDispatch = Methods (Just t) _ } = Just t
- resourceMulti _ = Nothing
-diff --git a/yesod-routes.cabal b/yesod-routes.cabal
-index eb367b3..dc6a12c 100644
---- a/yesod-routes.cabal
-+++ b/yesod-routes.cabal
-@@ -23,31 +23,10 @@ library
- , path-pieces >= 0.1 && < 0.2
- exposed-modules: Yesod.Routes.Dispatch
-- Yesod.Routes.TH
- Yesod.Routes.Class
-- Yesod.Routes.Parse
-- Yesod.Routes.Overlap
-- other-modules: Yesod.Routes.TH.Dispatch
-- Yesod.Routes.TH.RenderRoute
- Yesod.Routes.TH.Types
- ghc-options: -Wall
--test-suite runtests
-- type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
-- main-is: main.hs
-- hs-source-dirs: test
-- other-modules: Hierarchy
-- build-depends: base >= 4.3 && < 5
-- , yesod-routes
-- , text >= 0.5 && < 0.12
-- , HUnit >= 1.2 && < 1.3
-- , hspec >= 1.3
-- , containers
-- , template-haskell
-- , path-pieces
-- ghc-options: -Wall
- source-repository head
- type: git
- location:
diff --git a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/yesod-static_1.1.2-remove-TH.patch b/standalone/android/haskell-patches/yesod-static_1.1.2-remove-TH.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b0446111b..000000000
--- a/standalone/android/haskell-patches/yesod-static_1.1.2-remove-TH.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-From 476414b04064bb66fc25ba9ca426c309fe5c156e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Joey Hess <>
-Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2013 12:48:13 -0400
-Subject: [PATCH] remove TH
- Yesod/Static.hs | 121 ----------------------------------------------
- dist/package.conf.inplace | 3 +-
- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Yesod/Static.hs b/Yesod/Static.hs
-index e8ca09f..193b1f0 100644
---- a/Yesod/Static.hs
-+++ b/Yesod/Static.hs
-@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
--{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
--{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-@@ -34,11 +32,6 @@ module Yesod.Static
- -- * Smart constructor
- , static
- , staticDevel
-- , embed
-- -- * Template Haskell helpers
-- , staticFiles
-- , staticFilesList
-- , publicFiles
- -- * Hashing
- , base64md5
- #ifdef TEST_EXPORT
-@@ -50,7 +43,6 @@ import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
- import qualified Prelude
- import System.Directory
- import Control.Monad
--import Data.FileEmbed (embedDir)
- import Yesod.Core hiding (lift)
-@@ -111,18 +103,6 @@ staticDevel dir = do
- hashLookup <- cachedETagLookupDevel dir
- return $ Static $ webAppSettingsWithLookup (F.decodeString dir) hashLookup
---- | Produce a 'Static' based on embedding all of the static
---- files' contents in the executable at compile time.
---- Nota Bene: if you replace the scaffolded 'static' call in Settings/StaticFiles.hs
---- you will need to change the scaffolded addStaticContent. Otherwise, some of your
---- assets will be 404'ed. This is because by default yesod will generate compile those
---- assets to @static/tmp@ which for 'static' is fine since they are served out of the
---- directory itself. With embedded static, that will not work.
---- You can easily change @addStaticContent@ to @\_ _ _ -> return Nothing@ as a workaround.
---- This will cause yesod to embed those assets into the generated HTML file itself.
--embed :: Prelude.FilePath -> Q Exp
--embed fp = [|Static (embeddedSettings $(embedDir fp))|]
- instance RenderRoute Static where
- -- | A route on the static subsite (see also 'staticFiles').
- --
-@@ -167,59 +147,6 @@ getFileListPieces = flip go id
- dirs' <- mapM (\f -> go (fullPath f) (front . (:) f)) dirs
- return $ concat $ files' : dirs'
---- | Template Haskell function that automatically creates routes
---- for all of your static files.
---- For example, if you used
---- > staticFiles "static/"
---- and you had files @\"static\/style.css\"@ and
---- @\"static\/js\/script.js\"@, then the following top-level
---- definitions would be created:
---- > style_css = StaticRoute ["style.css"] []
---- > js_script_js = StaticRoute ["js/script.js"] []
---- Note that dots (@.@), dashes (@-@) and slashes (@\/@) are
---- replaced by underscores (@\_@) to create valid Haskell
---- identifiers.
--staticFiles :: Prelude.FilePath -> Q [Dec]
--staticFiles dir = mkStaticFiles dir
---- | Same as 'staticFiles', but takes an explicit list of files
---- to create identifiers for. The files path given are relative
---- to the static folder. For example, to create routes for the
---- files @\"static\/js\/jquery.js\"@ and
---- @\"static\/css\/normalize.css\"@, you would use:
---- > staticFilesList \"static\" [\"js\/jquery.js\", \"css\/normalize.css\"]
---- This can be useful when you have a very large number of static
---- files, but only need to refer to a few of them from Haskell.
--staticFilesList :: Prelude.FilePath -> [Prelude.FilePath] -> Q [Dec]
--staticFilesList dir fs =
-- mkStaticFilesList dir (map split fs) "StaticRoute" True
-- where
-- split :: Prelude.FilePath -> [String]
-- split [] = []
-- split x =
-- let (a, b) = break (== '/') x
-- in a : split (drop 1 b)
---- | Same as 'staticFiles', but doesn't append an ETag to the
---- query string.
---- Using 'publicFiles' will speed up the compilation, since there
---- won't be any need for hashing files during compile-time.
---- However, since the ETag ceases to be part of the URL, the
---- 'Static' subsite won't be able to set the expire date too far
---- on the future. Browsers still will be able to cache the
---- contents, however they'll need send a request to the server to
---- see if their copy is up-to-date.
--publicFiles :: Prelude.FilePath -> Q [Dec]
--publicFiles dir = mkStaticFiles' dir "StaticRoute" False
- mkHashMap :: Prelude.FilePath -> IO (M.Map F.FilePath S8.ByteString)
- mkHashMap dir = do
-@@ -262,54 +189,6 @@ cachedETagLookup dir = do
- etags <- mkHashMap dir
- return $ (\f -> return $ M.lookup f etags)
--mkStaticFiles :: Prelude.FilePath -> Q [Dec]
--mkStaticFiles fp = mkStaticFiles' fp "StaticRoute" True
--mkStaticFiles' :: Prelude.FilePath -- ^ static directory
-- -> String -- ^ route constructor "StaticRoute"
-- -> Bool -- ^ append checksum query parameter
-- -> Q [Dec]
--mkStaticFiles' fp routeConName makeHash = do
-- fs <- qRunIO $ getFileListPieces fp
-- mkStaticFilesList fp fs routeConName makeHash
-- :: Prelude.FilePath -- ^ static directory
-- -> [[String]] -- ^ list of files to create identifiers for
-- -> String -- ^ route constructor "StaticRoute"
-- -> Bool -- ^ append checksum query parameter
-- -> Q [Dec]
--mkStaticFilesList fp fs routeConName makeHash = do
-- concat `fmap` mapM mkRoute fs
-- where
-- replace' c
-- | 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' = c
-- | 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' = c
-- | '0' <= c && c <= '9' = c
-- | otherwise = '_'
-- mkRoute f = do
-- let name' = intercalate "_" $ map (map replace') f
-- routeName = mkName $
-- case () of
-- ()
-- | null name' -> error "null-named file"
-- | isDigit (head name') -> '_' : name'
-- | isLower (head name') -> name'
-- | otherwise -> '_' : name'
-- f' <- [|map pack $(lift f)|]
-- let route = mkName routeConName
-- pack' <- [|pack|]
-- qs <- if makeHash
-- then do hash <- qRunIO $ base64md5File $ pathFromRawPieces fp f
-- [|[(pack "etag", pack $(lift hash))]|]
-- else return $ ListE []
-- return
-- [ SigD routeName $ ConT route
-- , FunD routeName
-- [ Clause [] (NormalB $ (ConE route) `AppE` f' `AppE` qs) []
-- ]
-- ]
- base64md5File :: Prelude.FilePath -> IO String
- base64md5File = fmap (base64 . encode) . hashFile
- where encode d = Data.Serialize.encode (d :: MD5)