path: root/doc/forum
diff options
authorGravatar <Florian@web>2014-01-12 13:31:33 +0000
committerGravatar admin <>2014-01-12 13:31:33 +0000
commit0e59afa31e4b63e9051a6ef02fc34095b9eb4eb7 (patch)
tree3c06bf89452b8a8f2117b3e69fea4fd5b5774727 /doc/forum
parent9b344a011f8dfee1972be788855bb146da07472f (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/forum')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/forum/Weird_directories_appearing.mdwn b/doc/forum/Weird_directories_appearing.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b2e59793
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/forum/Weird_directories_appearing.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+Can someone explain this behavior to me? System is ArchLinux with the newest prebuilt tarballs as of Jan 12th.
+ ~ % mkdir GA1
+ ~ % cd GA1
+ ~/GA1 % git init
+ Initialized empty Git repository in /home/florian/GA1/.git/
+ ~/GA1 (git)-[master] % git annex init
+ init ok
+ (Recording state in git...)
+ ~/GA1 (git)-[master] % echo "GA1" > testfile
+ ~/GA1 (git)-[master] % git annex add .
+ add testfile ok
+ (Recording state in git...)
+ ~/GA1 (git)-[master] % git annex sync
+ commit ok
+ ~/GA1 (git)-[master] % cd ..
+ ~ % git clone GA1 GA2
+ Cloning into 'GA2'...
+ done.
+ ~ % cd GA2
+ ~/GA2 (git)-[master] % git annex init
+ init ok
+ (Recording state in git...)
+ ~/GA2 (git)-[master] % git annex get .
+ get testfile (merging origin/git-annex into git-annex...)
+ (Recording state in git...)
+ (from origin...) ok
+ (Recording state in git...)
+ ~/GA2 (git)-[master] % git annex unlock testfile
+ unlock testfile (copying...) ok
+ ~/GA2 (git)-[master] % echo "GA2" > testfile
+ commit ok
+ pull origin
+ ok
+ push origin
+ Counting objects: 27, done.
+ Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
+ Compressing objects: 100% (16/16), done.
+ Writing objects: 100% (20/20), 1.88 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
+ Total 20 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
+ To /home/florian/GA1
+ f0654aa..8d0bdf9 master -> synced/master
+ * [new branch] git-annex -> synced/git-annex
+ ok
+ ~/GA2 (git)-[master] % cd ../GA1
+ ~/GA1 (git)-[master] % git annex sync
+ (merging synced/git-annex into git-annex...)
+ commit ok
+ merge synced/master
+ Updating f0654aa..8d0bdf9
+ Fast-forward
+ e6a/e57/SHA256E-s4--241dca52164d30bee7a0be8c097f02e382acff765a9d4136718a37abd437a57c.log | 1 +
+ testfile | 2 +-
+ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+ create mode 100644 e6a/e57/SHA256E-s4--241dca52164d30bee7a0be8c097f02e382acff765a9d4136718a37abd437a57c.log
+ ok
+ ~/GA1 (git)-[master] % ll
+ total 4
+ drwxr-x--- 1 florian florian 6 Jan 12 13:59 e6a/
+ lrwxrwxrwx 1 florian florian 178 Jan 12 13:59 testfile -> .git/annex/objects/V6/ZM/SHA256E-s4--241dca52164d30bee7a0be8c097f02e382acff765a9d4136718a37abd437a57c/SHA256E-s4--241dca52164d30bee7a0be8c097f02e382acff765a9d4136718a37abd437a57c
+ ~/GA1 (git)-[master] % cat e6a/e57/SHA256E-s4--241dca52164d30bee7a0be8c097f02e382acff765a9d4136718a37abd437a57c.log
+ 1389531554.951523s 1 dedf9799-0131-4773-8939-8f76294fa8e9
+Where does the e6a directory comes from? I don't suspect a bug there, but in my conception of git-annex.