path: root/doc/forum/Help_Windows_walkthrough.mdwn
diff options
authorGravatar hcb <hcb@web>2013-09-01 09:20:25 +0000
committerGravatar admin <>2013-09-01 09:20:25 +0000
commite67293f8c59bc43bc69c26c2e0b707b2fd5cbe7a (patch)
treebe5e181a980f480ea40037329ab100e9793a8a5a /doc/forum/Help_Windows_walkthrough.mdwn
parent1ce5dfc18908b8a217ec673f4ee20f2ed25147d7 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/forum/Help_Windows_walkthrough.mdwn')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/forum/Help_Windows_walkthrough.mdwn b/doc/forum/Help_Windows_walkthrough.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dbe61b556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/forum/Help_Windows_walkthrough.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+i am trying to run the walkthrough on Windows 7. When i try to get the contents of a file, i only get a some git annex text string and not the real file. Both repositories are on the same ntfs filesystem.
+C:\tmp>git annex version
+git-annex version: 4.20130827-g4f18612
+build flags: Pairing Testsuite S3 WebDAV DNS
+local repository version: 4
+default repository version: 3
+supported repository versions: 3 4
+upgrade supported from repository versions: 2
+C:\tmp\server>git --version
+git version 1.8.3.msysgit.0
+# walkthrough.bat
+ doskey /history > commands.log
+ mkdir laptop
+ cd laptop
+ git init
+ git annex init laptop
+ cd ..
+ git clone laptop server
+ cd server
+ git annex init server
+ git remote add laptop c:\tmp\laptop
+ cd ..\laptop
+ git remote add server c:\tmp\server
+ copy ..\1.pdf .
+ git annex add 1.pdf
+ git commit -m add
+ dir
+ cd ..\server
+ dir
+ git fetch laptop
+ git merge laptop/master
+ git annex get 1.pdf
+ dir
+ type 1.pdf
+# walkthrough.log
+ C:\tmp>walkthrough.bat
+ C:\tmp>doskey /history 1>commands.log
+ C:\tmp>mkdir laptop
+ C:\tmp>cd laptop
+ C:\tmp\laptop>git init
+ Initialized empty Git repository in C:/tmp/laptop/.git/
+ C:\tmp\laptop>git annex init laptop
+ init laptop
+ Detected a crippled filesystem.
+ Enabling direct mode.
+ Detected a filesystem without fifo support.
+ Disabling ssh connection caching.
+ ok
+ (Recording state in git...)
+ C:\tmp\laptop>cd ..
+ C:\tmp>git clone laptop server
+ Cloning into 'server'...
+ done.
+ warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.
+ C:\tmp>cd server
+ C:\tmp\server>git annex init server
+ init server
+ Detected a crippled filesystem.
+ Enabling direct mode.
+ Detected a filesystem without fifo support.
+ Disabling ssh connection caching.
+ ok
+ (Recording state in git...)
+ C:\tmp\server>git remote add laptop c:\tmp\laptop
+ C:\tmp\server>cd ..\laptop
+ C:\tmp\laptop>git remote add server c:\tmp\server
+ C:\tmp\laptop>copy ..\1.pdf .
+ 1 file(s) copied.
+ C:\tmp\laptop>git annex add 1.pdf
+ add 1.pdf (checksum...) ok
+ (Recording state in git...)
+ C:\tmp\laptop>git commit -m add
+ [master (root-commit) 7ad1514] add
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+ create mode 120000 1.pdf
+ C:\tmp\laptop>dir
+ Volume in drive C has no label.
+ Volume Serial Number is x
+ Directory of C:\tmp\laptop
+ 09/01/2013 11:03 AM <DIR> .
+ 09/01/2013 11:03 AM <DIR> ..
+ 08/30/2013 12:43 PM 37,500 1.pdf
+ 1 File(s) 37,500 bytes
+ 2 Dir(s) 7,698,817,024 bytes free
+ C:\tmp\laptop>cd ..\server
+ C:\tmp\server>dir
+ Volume in drive C has no label.
+ Volume Serial Number is x
+ Directory of C:\tmp\server
+ 09/01/2013 11:03 AM <DIR> .
+ 09/01/2013 11:03 AM <DIR> ..
+ 0 File(s) 0 bytes
+ 2 Dir(s) 7,698,817,024 bytes free
+ C:\tmp\server>git fetch laptop
+ remote: Counting objects: 9, done.
+ remote: Compressing objects: 100% (6/6), done.
+ remote: Total 8 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
+ Unpacking objects: 100% (8/8), done.
+ From c:\tmp\laptop
+ * [new branch] git-annex -> laptop/git-annex
+ * [new branch] master -> laptop/master
+ C:\tmp\server>git merge laptop/master
+ C:\tmp\server>git annex get 1.pdf
+ get 1.pdf (merging laptop/git-annex origin/git-annex into git-annex...)
+ (Recording state in git...)
+ (from laptop...)
+ 1.pdf
+ 37500 100% 4.51MB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#1, to-check=0/1)
+ sent 37573 bytes received 31 bytes 75208.00 bytes/sec
+ total size is 37500 speedup is 1.00
+ ok
+ (Recording state in git...)
+ C:\tmp\server>dir
+ Volume in drive C has no label.
+ Volume Serial Number is x
+ Directory of C:\tmp\server
+ 09/01/2013 11:03 AM <DIR> .
+ 09/01/2013 11:03 AM <DIR> ..
+ 09/01/2013 11:03 AM 194 1.pdf
+ 1 File(s) 194 bytes
+ 2 Dir(s) 7,698,767,872 bytes free
+ C:\tmp\server>type 1.pdf
+ .git/annex/objects/kM/0q/SHA256E-s37500--32d8190c7e189d45f48245a100e4cc981ea1bbc
+ 02ac8bfa6188db73e41ce06f3.pdf/SHA256E-s37500--32d8190c7e189d45f48245a100e4cc981e
+ a1bbc02ac8bfa6188db73e41ce06f3.pdfC:\tmp\server>
+ C:\tmp\server>