path: root/doc/bugs/git_annex_adjust_--unlock_seems_to_cause_migration_of_a_file_to_another_backe...
diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2017-09-29 12:55:42 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2017-09-29 12:55:42 -0400
commit0dfc1d4e6eb37aadaba47a210539b2438fba97f5 (patch)
treee0beee12909c581f06829060a93a72d6686ca730 /doc/bugs/git_annex_adjust_--unlock_seems_to_cause_migration_of_a_file_to_another_backend.mdwn
parentbd2a9fb40ef0bbe812e8ea375a5caabd6e628ef2 (diff)
remove old closed bugs and todo items to speed up wiki updates and reduce size
Remove closed bugs and todos that were last edited or commented before 2017. Command line used: for f in $(grep -l '|done\]\]' -- *.mdwn); do d="$(echo "$f" | sed 's/.mdwn$//')"; if [ -z "$(git log --since=01-01-2017 --pretty=oneline -- "$f")" -a -z "$(git log --since=01-01-2017 --pretty=oneline -- "$d")" ]; then git rm -- "./$f" ; git rm -rf "./$d"; fi; done for f in $(grep -l '\[\[done\]\]' -- *.mdwn); do d="$(echo "$f" | sed 's/.mdwn$//')"; if [ -z "$(git log --since=01-01-2017 --pretty=oneline -- "$f")" -a -z "$(git log --since=01-01-2017 --pretty=oneline -- "$d")" ]; then git rm -- "./$f" ; git rm -rf "./$d"; fi; done
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/bugs/git_annex_adjust_--unlock_seems_to_cause_migration_of_a_file_to_another_backend.mdwn')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/doc/bugs/git_annex_adjust_--unlock_seems_to_cause_migration_of_a_file_to_another_backend.mdwn b/doc/bugs/git_annex_adjust_--unlock_seems_to_cause_migration_of_a_file_to_another_backend.mdwn
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cb93952a..000000000
--- a/doc/bugs/git_annex_adjust_--unlock_seems_to_cause_migration_of_a_file_to_another_backend.mdwn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-### Please describe the problem.
-Interestingly, on my first attempt I had two files which migrated from MD5 to MD5E backend, but may be I have done some steps differently which provoked also also utils/test/test_data.tar.gz to get to the same destiny (actually later replicated on a fresh clone).
-I am also a bit confused why git diff reports change in the symlink if file is already a real file (I guess all the smudging magic)
-### Please provide any additional information below.
-[[!format sh """
-# If you can, paste a complete transcript of the problem occurring here.
-# If the problem is with the git-annex assistant, paste in .git/annex/daemon.log
-$> git status
-On branch master
-Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
-nothing to commit, working directory clean
-$> git annex adjust --unlock
-Checking out files: 100% (468/468), done.
-Switched to branch 'adjusted/master(unlocked)'
-git annex adjust --unlock 23.70s user 35.25s system 32% cpu 2:59.41 total
-changes on filesystem:
- vtkutils/vtkKWRGBATransferFunctionEditorTester-scalars.mgh | 2 +-
-$> git status
-On branch adjusted/master(unlocked)
-Changes not staged for commit:
- (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
- (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
- modified: vtkutils/vtkKWRGBATransferFunctionEditorTester-scalars.mgh
-no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
-changes on filesystem:
- vtkutils/vtkKWRGBATransferFunctionEditorTester-scalars.mgh | 2 +-
-$> git diff
-diff --git a/vtkutils/vtkKWRGBATransferFunctionEditorTester-scalars.mgh b/vtkutils/vtkKWRGBATransferFunctionEditorTester-scalars.mgh
-index 9ea90d3..7bc0177 100644
---- a/vtkutils/vtkKWRGBATransferFunctionEditorTester-scalars.mgh
-+++ b/vtkutils/vtkKWRGBATransferFunctionEditorTester-scalars.mgh
-@@ -1 +1 @@
-changes on filesystem:
- vtkutils/vtkKWRGBATransferFunctionEditorTester-scalars.mgh | 2 +-
-$> ls -ld vtkutils/vtkKWRGBATransferFunctionEditorTester-scalars.mgh
--rw------- 1 yoh yoh 655672 Jun 1 23:28 vtkutils/vtkKWRGBATransferFunctionEditorTester-scalars.mgh
-$> git annex version
-git-annex version: 6.20160523+gitg33c00ab-1~ndall+1
-[[!meta author=yoh]]
-> [[fixed|done]] --[[Joey]]