path: root/configure.hs
diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2010-11-18 13:30:42 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2010-11-18 13:30:42 -0400
commit54513c69baffa40f2fcce42eb8651fdd98e05277 (patch)
treef3934b369e7b5b259b88abeee228381fb2bcd6e0 /configure.hs
parent5c7d1b027916ce3fc207329f926041d2bcad3bcd (diff)
Add configure step to build process.
* configure: Check to see if cp -a can be used. * configure: Check to see if cp --reflink=auto can be used.
Diffstat (limited to 'configure.hs')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/configure.hs b/configure.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fa07be3ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configure.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+{- Checks system configuration and generates SysConfig.hs.
+ -}
+import System.IO
+import System.Cmd
+import System.Exit
+import System.Directory
+type Test = IO Bool
+data TestDesc = TestDesc String String Test
+data Config = Config String Bool
+tests :: [TestDesc]
+tests = [
+ TestDesc "cp -a" "cp_a" cp_a
+ , TestDesc "cp --reflink" "cp_reflink" cp_reflink
+ ]
+tmpDir :: String
+tmpDir = "tmp"
+testFile :: String
+testFile = tmpDir ++ "/testfile"
+quiet :: String -> String
+quiet s = s ++ " 2>/dev/null"
+cp_a :: Test
+cp_a = testCmd $ quiet $ "cp -a " ++ testFile ++ " " ++ testFile ++ ".new"
+cp_reflink :: Test
+cp_reflink = testCmd $ quiet $ "cp --reflink=auto " ++ testFile ++ " " ++ testFile ++ ".new"
+testCmd :: String -> Test
+testCmd c = do
+ ret <- system c
+ return $ ret == ExitSuccess
+testStart :: String -> IO ()
+testStart s = do
+ putStr $ " checking " ++ s ++ "..."
+ hFlush stdout
+testEnd :: Bool -> IO ()
+testEnd r = putStrLn $ " " ++ (show r)
+writeSysConfig :: [Config] -> IO ()
+writeSysConfig config = do
+ writeFile "SysConfig.hs" $ unlines $ header ++ vars config ++ footer
+ where
+ header = [
+ "{- Automatically generated by configure. -}"
+ , "module SysConfig where"
+ ]
+ footer = []
+ vars [] = []
+ vars (c:cs) = showvar c ++ vars cs
+ showvar (Config name val) = [
+ name ++ " :: Bool"
+ , name ++ " = " ++ show val
+ ]
+runTests :: [TestDesc] -> IO [Config]
+runTests [] = return []
+runTests ((TestDesc tname key t):ts) = do
+ testStart tname
+ val <- t
+ testEnd val
+ rest <- runTests ts
+ return $ (Config key val):rest
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True tmpDir
+ writeFile testFile "test file contents"
+ config <- runTests tests
+ removeDirectoryRecursive tmpDir
+ writeSysConfig config