path: root/Utility
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authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-06-18 21:29:30 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-06-18 21:29:30 -0400
commit2bfcc0b09c5dd37c5e0ab65cb089232bfcc31934 (patch)
treec76335917d4753dbe07854baa6ffde905e10c7c8 /Utility
parentae7d07ddcb5768cf477410e019d42601d8c2b744 (diff)
kqueue: add directory content tracking, and change determination
This *may* now return Add or Delete Changes as appropriate. All I know for sure is that it compiles. I had hoped to avoid maintaining my own state about the content of the directory tree, and rely on git to check what was changed. But I can't; I need to know about new and deleted subdirectories to add them to the watch list, and git doesn't deal with (empty) directories. So, wrote all the code to scan directories, remember their past contents, compare with current contents, generate appropriate Change events, and update bookkeeping info appropriately.
Diffstat (limited to 'Utility')
2 files changed, 121 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/Utility/Directory.hs b/Utility/Directory.hs
index b8ed63a36..2f2960a9d 100644
--- a/Utility/Directory.hs
+++ b/Utility/Directory.hs
@@ -56,33 +56,6 @@ dirContentsRecursive' topdir (dir:dirs) = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
, collect (dirEntry:files) dirs' entries
-{- Gets the subdirectories in a directory, and their subdirectories,
- - recursively, and lazily. Prunes sections of the tree matching a
- - condition. -}
-dirTree :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> Bool) -> IO [FilePath]
-dirTree topdir prune
- | prune topdir = return []
- | otherwise = (:) topdir <$> dirTree' topdir prune [""]
-dirTree' :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> Bool) -> [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
-dirTree' _ _ [] = return []
-dirTree' topdir prune (dir:dirs)
- | prune dir = dirTree' topdir prune dirs
- | otherwise = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
- subdirs <- collect [] =<< dirContents (topdir </> dir)
- subdirs' <- dirTree' topdir prune (subdirs ++ dirs)
- return $ subdirs ++ subdirs'
- where
- collect dirs' [] = return dirs'
- collect dirs' (entry:entries)
- | dirCruft entry || prune entry = collect dirs' entries
- | otherwise = do
- let dirEntry = dir </> entry
- ifM (doesDirectoryExist $ topdir </> dirEntry)
- ( collect (dirEntry:dirs') entries
- , collect dirs' entries
- )
{- Moves one filename to another.
- First tries a rename, but falls back to moving across devices if needed. -}
moveFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
diff --git a/Utility/Kqueue.hs b/Utility/Kqueue.hs
index d0b3c8a99..911eb71a9 100644
--- a/Utility/Kqueue.hs
+++ b/Utility/Kqueue.hs
@@ -8,14 +8,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
module Utility.Kqueue (
- scanRecursive,
- addSubDir,
- removeSubDir,
+ Change(..),
) where
import Common
@@ -25,60 +21,144 @@ import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Marshal
import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+data Change
+ = Deleted FilePath
+ | Added FilePath
+ deriving (Show)
+isAdd :: Change -> Bool
+isAdd (Added _) = True
+isAdd (Deleted _) = False
+isDelete :: Change -> Bool
+isDelete = not . isAdd
+changedFile :: Change -> FilePath
+changedFile (Added f) = f
+changedFile (Deleted f) = f
-type DirMap = M.Map Fd FilePath
+data Kqueue = Kqueue Fd DirMap Pruner
-data Kqueue = Kqueue Fd DirMap
+type Pruner = FilePath -> Bool
+type DirMap = M.Map Fd DirInfo
+{- A directory, and its last known contents (with filenames relative to it) -}
+data DirInfo = DirInfo
+ { dirName :: FilePath
+ , dirCache :: S.Set FilePath
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+getDirInfo :: FilePath -> IO DirInfo
+getDirInfo dir = do
+ contents <- S.fromList . filter (not . dirCruft)
+ <$> getDirectoryContents dir
+ return $ DirInfo dir contents
+{- Difference between the dirCaches of two DirInfos. -}
+(//) :: DirInfo -> DirInfo -> [Change]
+old // new = deleted ++ added
+ where
+ deleted = calc Deleted old new
+ added = calc Added new old
+ calc a x y = map a . map (dirName x </>) $
+ S.toList $ S.difference (dirCache x) (dirCache y)
{- Builds a map of directories in a tree, possibly pruning some.
- - Opens each directory in the tree. -}
-scanRecursive :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> Bool) -> IO DirMap
-scanRecursive dir prune = M.fromList <$> (mapM opendir =<< dirTree dir prune)
+ - Opens each directory in the tree, and records its current contents. -}
+scanRecursive :: FilePath -> Pruner -> IO DirMap
+scanRecursive topdir prune = M.fromList <$> walk [] [topdir]
- opendir d = (,)
- <$> openFd d ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags
- <*> pure d
-{- Adds a subdirectory (and all its subdirectories, unless pruned) to a
- - directory map. -}
-addSubDir :: DirMap -> FilePath -> (FilePath -> Bool) -> IO DirMap
-addSubDir dirmap dir prune = M.union dirmap <$> scanRecursive dir prune
-{- Removes a subdirectory (and all its subdirectories) from a directory map. -}
-removeSubDir :: FilePath -> DirMap -> IO DirMap
-removeSubDir dir dirmap = do
- mapM_ closeFd $ M.keys toremove) $ closeFd
+ walk c [] = return c
+ walk c (dir:rest)
+ | prune dir = walk c rest
+ | otherwise = do
+ info <- getDirInfo dir
+ fd <- openFd dir ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags
+ dirs <- filterM (\d -> doesDirectoryExist $ dir </> d)
+ (S.toList $ dirCache info)
+ walk ((fd, info):c) (dirs++rest)
+{- Adds a list of subdirectories (and all their children), unless pruned to a
+ - directory map. Adding a subdirectory that's already in the map will
+ - cause its contents to be refreshed. -}
+addSubDirs :: DirMap -> Pruner -> [FilePath] -> IO DirMap
+addSubDirs dirmap prune dirs = do
+ newmap <- foldr M.union M.empty <$>
+ mapM (\d -> scanRecursive d prune) dirs
+ return $ M.union newmap dirmap -- prefer newmap
+{- Removes a subdirectory (and all its children) from a directory map. -}
+removeSubDir :: DirMap -> FilePath -> IO DirMap
+removeSubDir dirmap dir = do
+ mapM_ closeFd $ M.keys toremove
return rest
- (toremove, rest) = M.partition (dirContains dir) dirmap
+ (toremove, rest) = M.partition (dirContains dir . dirName) dirmap
foreign import ccall unsafe "libkqueue.h init_kqueue" c_init_kqueue
:: CInt -> Ptr Fd -> IO Fd
foreign import ccall unsafe "libkqueue.h waitchange_kqueue" c_waitchange_kqueue
:: Fd -> IO Fd
-{- Initializes a Kqueue to watch a map of directories. -}
-initKqueue :: DirMap -> IO Kqueue
-initKqueue dirmap = withArrayLen (M.keys dirmap) $ \fdcnt c_fds -> do
- h <- c_init_kqueue (fromIntegral fdcnt) c_fds
- return $ Kqueue h dirmap
+{- Initializes a Kqueue to watch a directory, and all its subdirectories. -}
+initKqueue :: FilePath -> Pruner -> IO Kqueue
+initKqueue dir pruned = do
+ dirmap <- scanRecursive dir pruned
+ withArrayLen (M.keys dirmap) $ \fdcnt c_fds -> do
+ h <- c_init_kqueue (fromIntegral fdcnt) c_fds
+ return $ Kqueue h dirmap pruned
{- Stops a Kqueue. Note: Does not directly close the Fds in the dirmap,
- so it can be reused. -}
stopKqueue :: Kqueue -> IO ()
-stopKqueue (Kqueue h _) = closeFd h
+stopKqueue (Kqueue h _ _) = closeFd h
-{- Waits for a change on a Kqueue, and returns the directory
- - where a change took place.
- -
- - The kqueue interface does not tell what type of change took place in
+{- Waits for a change on a Kqueue.
+ - May update the Kqueue.
+ -}
+waitChange :: Kqueue -> IO (Kqueue, [Change])
+waitChange kq@(Kqueue h dirmap _) = do
+ changedfd <- c_waitchange_kqueue h
+ case M.lookup changedfd dirmap of
+ Nothing -> return (kq, [])
+ Just info -> handleChange kq changedfd info
+{- The kqueue interface does not tell what type of change took place in
- the directory; it could be an added file, a deleted file, a renamed
- file, a new subdirectory, or a deleted subdirectory, or a moved
- - subdirectory.
+ - subdirectory.
- - Note that if subdirectories have changed, the caller should re-run
- - initKqueue to get them watched. -}
-waitChange :: Kqueue -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
-waitChange (Kqueue h dirmap) = do
- changed <- c_waitchange_kqueue h
- return $ M.lookup changed dirmap
+ - So to determine this, the contents of the directory are compared
+ - with its last cached contents. The Kqueue is updated to watch new
+ - directories as necessary.
+ -}
+handleChange :: Kqueue -> Fd -> DirInfo -> IO (Kqueue, [Change])
+handleChange kq@(Kqueue h dirmap pruner) fd olddirinfo =
+ go =<< catchMaybeIO (getDirInfo $ dirName olddirinfo)
+ where
+ go (Just newdirinfo) = do
+ let changes = olddirinfo // newdirinfo
+ let (added, deleted) = partition isAdd changes
+ -- Scan newly added directories to add to the map.
+ -- (Newly added files will fail getDirInfo.)
+ newdirinfos <- catMaybes <$>
+ mapM (catchMaybeIO . getDirInfo . changedFile) added
+ newmap <- addSubDirs dirmap pruner $ map dirName newdirinfos
+ -- Remove deleted directories from the map.
+ newmap' <- foldM removeSubDir newmap (map changedFile deleted)
+ -- Update the cached dirinfo just looked up.
+ let newmap'' = M.insertWith' const fd newdirinfo newmap'
+ ret (newmap'', changes)
+ go Nothing = do
+ -- The directory has been moved or deleted, so
+ -- remove it from our map.
+ newmap <- removeSubDir dirmap (dirName olddirinfo)
+ ret (newmap, [])
+ ret (newmap, changes) = return $ (Kqueue h newmap pruner, changes)