path: root/Utility
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authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-06-19 09:56:03 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-06-19 09:56:03 -0400
commit2a61df23e72ed4880f8927e6094acd9b256bb13b (patch)
treedd33d00dcb2f3650685ba043732e1b2d01b2e125 /Utility
parent627504744c80c8a7b3f4b43e3646a5ad5c35d92f (diff)
kqueue recursive directory adding
Diffstat (limited to 'Utility')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/Utility/Kqueue.hs b/Utility/Kqueue.hs
index 1f65b2dba..a0edcb5a9 100644
--- a/Utility/Kqueue.hs
+++ b/Utility/Kqueue.hs
@@ -48,7 +48,11 @@ changedFile :: Change -> FilePath
changedFile (Added f) = f
changedFile (Deleted f) = f
-data Kqueue = Kqueue Fd DirMap Pruner
+data Kqueue = Kqueue
+ { kqueueFd :: Fd
+ , kqueueMap :: DirMap
+ , kqueuePruner :: Pruner
+ }
type Pruner = FilePath -> Bool
@@ -115,6 +119,13 @@ removeSubDir dirmap dir = do
(toremove, rest) = M.partition (dirContains dir . dirName) dirmap
+findDirContents :: DirMap -> FilePath -> [FilePath]
+findDirContents dirmap dir = concatMap absolutecontents $ search
+ where
+ absolutecontents i = map (dirName i </>) (S.toList $ dirCache i)
+ search = map snd $ M.toList $
+ M.filter (\i -> dirName i == dir) dirmap
foreign import ccall unsafe "libkqueue.h init_kqueue" c_init_kqueue
:: IO Fd
foreign import ccall unsafe "libkqueue.h addfds_kqueue" c_addfds_kqueue
@@ -140,7 +151,7 @@ updateKqueue (Kqueue h dirmap _) =
{- Stops a Kqueue. Note: Does not directly close the Fds in the dirmap,
- so it can be reused. -}
stopKqueue :: Kqueue -> IO ()
-stopKqueue (Kqueue h _ _) = closeFd h
+stopKqueue = closeFd . kqueueFd
{- Waits for a change on a Kqueue.
- May update the Kqueue.
@@ -206,22 +217,30 @@ runHooks kq hooks = do
(kq', changes) <- waitChange kq
forM_ changes $ \c -> do
print c
- dispatch kq' c
+ dispatch (kqueueMap kq') c
runHooks kq' hooks
-- Kqueue returns changes for both whole directories
-- being added and deleted, and individual files being
-- added and deleted.
- dispatch q change
- | isAdd change = withstatus change $ dispatchadd q
+ dispatch dirmap change
+ | isAdd change = withstatus change $ dispatchadd dirmap
| otherwise = callhook delDirHook Nothing change
- dispatchadd q change s
- | Files.isSymbolicLink s = callhook addSymlinkHook (Just s) change
- | Files.isDirectory s = print $ "TODO: recursive directory add: " ++ show change
- | Files.isRegularFile s = callhook addHook (Just s) change
- | otherwise = print "not a file??"
+ dispatchadd dirmap change s
+ | Files.isSymbolicLink s =
+ callhook addSymlinkHook (Just s) change
+ | Files.isDirectory s = do
+ -- Recursively add directory contents.
+ let contents = findDirContents dirmap $
+ changedFile change
+ forM_ contents $ \f ->
+ withstatus (Added f) $
+ dispatchadd dirmap
+ | Files.isRegularFile s =
+ callhook addHook (Just s) change
+ | otherwise = noop
callhook h s change = case h hooks of
- Nothing -> print "missing hook??"
+ Nothing -> noop
Just a -> a (changedFile change) s
withstatus change a = maybe noop (a change) =<<
(catchMaybeIO (getSymbolicLinkStatus (changedFile change)))