path: root/Utility/Path.hs
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authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2011-08-22 16:14:12 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2011-08-22 16:14:12 -0400
commit203148363f459635b1be40b8c6ed376073230dda (patch)
tree422df5684fc77663c6a3c7fd601c1eff27b3758b /Utility/Path.hs
parent4c73d77b42e97ad740d5731ad73c40a31c0c84f9 (diff)
split groups of related functions out of Utility
Diffstat (limited to 'Utility/Path.hs')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Utility/Path.hs b/Utility/Path.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..517c175bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utility/Path.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+{- path manipulation
+ -
+ - Copyright 2010-2011 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Utility.Path where
+import Data.String.Utils
+import System.Path
+import System.FilePath
+import System.Directory
+import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
+import Control.Monad (liftM2)
+{- Returns the parent directory of a path. Parent of / is "" -}
+parentDir :: FilePath -> FilePath
+parentDir dir =
+ if not $ null dirs
+ then slash ++ join s (take (length dirs - 1) dirs)
+ else ""
+ where
+ dirs = filter (not . null) $ split s dir
+ slash = if isAbsolute dir then s else ""
+ s = [pathSeparator]
+prop_parentDir_basics :: FilePath -> Bool
+prop_parentDir_basics dir
+ | null dir = True
+ | dir == "/" = parentDir dir == ""
+ | otherwise = p /= dir
+ where
+ p = parentDir dir
+{- Checks if the first FilePath is, or could be said to contain the second.
+ - For example, "foo/" contains "foo/bar". Also, "foo", "./foo", "foo/" etc
+ - are all equivilant.
+ -}
+dirContains :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool
+dirContains a b = a == b || a' == b' || (a'++"/") `isPrefixOf` b'
+ where
+ norm p = fromMaybe "" $ absNormPath p "."
+ a' = norm a
+ b' = norm b
+{- Converts a filename into a normalized, absolute path. -}
+absPath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
+absPath file = do
+ cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
+ return $ absPathFrom cwd file
+{- Converts a filename into a normalized, absolute path
+ - from the specified cwd. -}
+absPathFrom :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+absPathFrom cwd file = fromMaybe bad $ absNormPath cwd file
+ where
+ bad = error $ "unable to normalize " ++ file
+{- Constructs a relative path from the CWD to a file.
+ -
+ - For example, assuming CWD is /tmp/foo/bar:
+ - relPathCwdToFile "/tmp/foo" == ".."
+ - relPathCwdToFile "/tmp/foo/bar" == ""
+ -}
+relPathCwdToFile :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
+relPathCwdToFile f = liftM2 relPathDirToFile getCurrentDirectory (absPath f)
+{- Constructs a relative path from a directory to a file.
+ -
+ - Both must be absolute, and normalized (eg with absNormpath).
+ -}
+relPathDirToFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+relPathDirToFile from to = path
+ where
+ s = [pathSeparator]
+ pfrom = split s from
+ pto = split s to
+ common = map fst $ filter same $ zip pfrom pto
+ same (c,d) = c == d
+ uncommon = drop numcommon pto
+ dotdots = replicate (length pfrom - numcommon) ".."
+ numcommon = length common
+ path = join s $ dotdots ++ uncommon
+prop_relPathDirToFile_basics :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Bool
+prop_relPathDirToFile_basics from to
+ | from == to = null r
+ | otherwise = not (null r)
+ where
+ r = relPathDirToFile from to