path: root/Upgrade
diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-11-11 00:51:07 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-11-11 00:51:07 -0400
commit264bd9ebe37855d4005022df057da13ec8080afb (patch)
treef32f13646ece29c8f6336b8680cb07dd55187be5 /Upgrade
parentd9f5cc9f73ea046fcd2b59b5e75d4600593ac05b (diff)
where indenting
Diffstat (limited to 'Upgrade')
3 files changed, 93 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/Upgrade/V0.hs b/Upgrade/V0.hs
index 8f3af337e..00a08cb45 100644
--- a/Upgrade/V0.hs
+++ b/Upgrade/V0.hs
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ getKeysPresent0 dir = ifM (liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist dir)
<$> (filterM present =<< getDirectoryContents dir)
, return []
- where
- present d = do
- result <- tryIO $
- getFileStatus $ dir ++ "/" ++ takeFileName d
- case result of
- Right s -> return $ isRegularFile s
- Left _ -> return False
+ where
+ present d = do
+ result <- tryIO $
+ getFileStatus $ dir ++ "/" ++ takeFileName d
+ case result of
+ Right s -> return $ isRegularFile s
+ Left _ -> return False
diff --git a/Upgrade/V1.hs b/Upgrade/V1.hs
index 8f7de3950..966b51a44 100644
--- a/Upgrade/V1.hs
+++ b/Upgrade/V1.hs
@@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ moveContent = do
showAction "moving content"
files <- getKeyFilesPresent1
forM_ files move
- where
- move f = do
- let k = fileKey1 (takeFileName f)
- let d = parentDir f
- liftIO $ allowWrite d
- liftIO $ allowWrite f
- moveAnnex k f
- liftIO $ removeDirectory d
+ where
+ move f = do
+ let k = fileKey1 (takeFileName f)
+ let d = parentDir f
+ liftIO $ allowWrite d
+ liftIO $ allowWrite f
+ moveAnnex k f
+ liftIO $ removeDirectory d
updateSymlinks :: Annex ()
updateSymlinks = do
@@ -86,54 +86,54 @@ updateSymlinks = do
(files, cleanup) <- inRepo $ LsFiles.inRepo [top]
forM_ files fixlink
void $ liftIO cleanup
- where
- fixlink f = do
- r <- lookupFile1 f
- case r of
- Nothing -> noop
- Just (k, _) -> do
- link <- calcGitLink f k
- liftIO $ removeFile f
- liftIO $ createSymbolicLink link f
- Annex.Queue.addCommand "add" [Param "--"] [f]
+ where
+ fixlink f = do
+ r <- lookupFile1 f
+ case r of
+ Nothing -> noop
+ Just (k, _) -> do
+ link <- calcGitLink f k
+ liftIO $ removeFile f
+ liftIO $ createSymbolicLink link f
+ Annex.Queue.addCommand "add" [Param "--"] [f]
moveLocationLogs :: Annex ()
moveLocationLogs = do
showAction "moving location logs"
logkeys <- oldlocationlogs
forM_ logkeys move
- where
- oldlocationlogs = do
- dir <- fromRepo Upgrade.V2.gitStateDir
- ifM (liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist dir)
- ( mapMaybe oldlog2key
- <$> (liftIO $ getDirectoryContents dir)
- , return []
- )
- move (l, k) = do
- dest <- fromRepo $ logFile2 k
- dir <- fromRepo Upgrade.V2.gitStateDir
- let f = dir </> l
- liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir dest)
- -- could just git mv, but this way deals with
- -- log files that are not checked into git,
- -- as well as merging with already upgraded
- -- logs that have been pulled from elsewhere
- old <- liftIO $ readLog1 f
- new <- liftIO $ readLog1 dest
- liftIO $ writeLog1 dest (old++new)
- Annex.Queue.addCommand "add" [Param "--"] [dest]
- Annex.Queue.addCommand "add" [Param "--"] [f]
- Annex.Queue.addCommand "rm" [Param "--quiet", Param "-f", Param "--"] [f]
+ where
+ oldlocationlogs = do
+ dir <- fromRepo Upgrade.V2.gitStateDir
+ ifM (liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist dir)
+ ( mapMaybe oldlog2key
+ <$> (liftIO $ getDirectoryContents dir)
+ , return []
+ )
+ move (l, k) = do
+ dest <- fromRepo $ logFile2 k
+ dir <- fromRepo Upgrade.V2.gitStateDir
+ let f = dir </> l
+ liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir dest)
+ -- could just git mv, but this way deals with
+ -- log files that are not checked into git,
+ -- as well as merging with already upgraded
+ -- logs that have been pulled from elsewhere
+ old <- liftIO $ readLog1 f
+ new <- liftIO $ readLog1 dest
+ liftIO $ writeLog1 dest (old++new)
+ Annex.Queue.addCommand "add" [Param "--"] [dest]
+ Annex.Queue.addCommand "add" [Param "--"] [f]
+ Annex.Queue.addCommand "rm" [Param "--quiet", Param "-f", Param "--"] [f]
oldlog2key :: FilePath -> Maybe (FilePath, Key)
oldlog2key l
| drop len l == ".log" && sane = Just (l, k)
| otherwise = Nothing
- where
- len = length l - 4
- k = readKey1 (take len l)
- sane = (not . null $ keyName k) && (not . null $ keyBackendName k)
+ where
+ len = length l - 4
+ k = readKey1 (take len l)
+ sane = (not . null $ keyName k) && (not . null $ keyBackendName k)
-- WORM backend keys: "WORM:mtime:size:filename"
-- all the rest: "backend:key"
@@ -150,25 +150,25 @@ readKey1 v
, keySize = s
, keyMtime = t
- where
- bits = split ":" v
- b = Prelude.head bits
- n = join ":" $ drop (if wormy then 3 else 1) bits
- t = if wormy
- then Just ( (bits !! 1) :: EpochTime)
- else Nothing
- s = if wormy
- then Just ( (bits !! 2) :: Integer)
- else Nothing
- wormy = Prelude.head bits == "WORM"
- mixup = wormy && isUpper (Prelude.head $ bits !! 1)
+ where
+ bits = split ":" v
+ b = Prelude.head bits
+ n = join ":" $ drop (if wormy then 3 else 1) bits
+ t = if wormy
+ then Just ( (bits !! 1) :: EpochTime)
+ else Nothing
+ s = if wormy
+ then Just ( (bits !! 2) :: Integer)
+ else Nothing
+ wormy = Prelude.head bits == "WORM"
+ mixup = wormy && isUpper (Prelude.head $ bits !! 1)
showKey1 :: Key -> String
showKey1 Key { keyName = n , keyBackendName = b, keySize = s, keyMtime = t } =
join ":" $ filter (not . null) [b, showifhere t, showifhere s, n]
- where
- showifhere Nothing = ""
- showifhere (Just v) = show v
+ where
+ showifhere Nothing = ""
+ showifhere (Just v) = show v
keyFile1 :: Key -> FilePath
keyFile1 key = replace "/" "%" $ replace "%" "&s" $ replace "&" "&a" $ showKey1 key
@@ -190,21 +190,21 @@ lookupFile1 file = do
case tl of
Left _ -> return Nothing
Right l -> makekey l
- where
- getsymlink = takeFileName <$> readSymbolicLink file
- makekey l = case maybeLookupBackendName bname of
- Nothing -> do
- unless (null kname || null bname ||
- not (isLinkToAnnex l)) $
- warning skip
- return Nothing
- Just backend -> return $ Just (k, backend)
- where
- k = fileKey1 l
- bname = keyBackendName k
- kname = keyName k
- skip = "skipping " ++ file ++
- " (unknown backend " ++ bname ++ ")"
+ where
+ getsymlink = takeFileName <$> readSymbolicLink file
+ makekey l = case maybeLookupBackendName bname of
+ Nothing -> do
+ unless (null kname || null bname ||
+ not (isLinkToAnnex l)) $
+ warning skip
+ return Nothing
+ Just backend -> return $ Just (k, backend)
+ where
+ k = fileKey1 l
+ bname = keyBackendName k
+ kname = keyName k
+ skip = "skipping " ++ file ++
+ " (unknown backend " ++ bname ++ ")"
getKeyFilesPresent1 :: Annex [FilePath]
getKeyFilesPresent1 = getKeyFilesPresent1' =<< fromRepo gitAnnexObjectDir
@@ -217,12 +217,12 @@ getKeyFilesPresent1' dir =
liftIO $ filterM present files
, return []
- where
- present f = do
- result <- tryIO $ getFileStatus f
- case result of
- Right s -> return $ isRegularFile s
- Left _ -> return False
+ where
+ present f = do
+ result <- tryIO $ getFileStatus f
+ case result of
+ Right s -> return $ isRegularFile s
+ Left _ -> return False
logFile1 :: Git.Repo -> Key -> String
logFile1 repo key = Upgrade.V2.gitStateDir repo ++ keyFile1 key ++ ".log"
diff --git a/Upgrade/V2.hs b/Upgrade/V2.hs
index 1f4a40f3c..beddc5b8b 100644
--- a/Upgrade/V2.hs
+++ b/Upgrade/V2.hs
@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ locationLogs = do
levelb <- mapM tryDirContents levela
files <- mapM tryDirContents (concat levelb)
return $ mapMaybe islogfile (concat files)
- where
- tryDirContents d = catchDefaultIO [] $ dirContents d
- islogfile f = maybe Nothing (\k -> Just (k, f)) $
- logFileKey $ takeFileName f
+ where
+ tryDirContents d = catchDefaultIO [] $ dirContents d
+ islogfile f = maybe Nothing (\k -> Just (k, f)) $
+ logFileKey $ takeFileName f
inject :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Annex ()
inject source dest = do