path: root/Remote
diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-11-19 14:08:39 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-11-19 14:08:39 -0400
commit877ca5d739c6a80b1ee91ba00f828bc576e08569 (patch)
tree5b78b6ed3949bbbe8e231150f67050278510d5a5 /Remote
parentaf4886c315f908eb3c59982360fafcc9cdd3ae29 (diff)
new storage regime implemented for webdav
Diffstat (limited to 'Remote')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/Remote/WebDAV.hs b/Remote/WebDAV.hs
index b3d342d19..84f675bbd 100644
--- a/Remote/WebDAV.hs
+++ b/Remote/WebDAV.hs
@@ -87,28 +87,30 @@ webdavSetup u c = do
store :: Remote -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
store r k _f p = metered (Just p) k $ \meterupdate ->
davAction r False $ \(baseurl, user, pass) -> do
- let url = davLocation baseurl k
f <- inRepo $ gitAnnexLocation k
liftIO $ withMeteredFile f meterupdate $
- storeHelper r k url user pass
+ storeHelper r k baseurl user pass
storeEncrypted :: Remote -> (Cipher, Key) -> Key -> MeterUpdate -> Annex Bool
storeEncrypted r (cipher, enck) k p = metered (Just p) k $ \meterupdate ->
davAction r False $ \(baseurl, user, pass) -> do
- let url = davLocation baseurl enck
f <- inRepo $ gitAnnexLocation k
liftIO $ encrypt cipher (streamMeteredFile f meterupdate) $
- readBytes $ storeHelper r enck url user pass
+ readBytes $ storeHelper r enck baseurl user pass
storeHelper :: Remote -> Key -> DavUrl -> DavUser -> DavPass -> L.ByteString -> IO Bool
-storeHelper r k urlbase user pass b = catchBoolIO $ do
- davMkdir (urlParent urlbase) user pass
- storeChunks k undefined undefined chunksize storer recorder finalizer
+storeHelper r k baseurl user pass b = catchBoolIO $ do
+ davMkdir tmpurl user pass
+ storeChunks k tmpurl keyurl chunksize storer recorder finalizer
+ tmpurl = tmpLocation baseurl k
+ keyurl = davLocation baseurl k
chunksize = chunkSize $ config r
storer urls = storeChunked chunksize urls storehttp b
recorder url s = storehttp url (L8.fromString s)
- finalizer srcurl desturl =
+ finalizer srcurl desturl = do
+ void $ catchMaybeHttp (deleteContent desturl user pass)
+ davMkdir (urlParent desturl) user pass
moveContent srcurl (B8.fromString desturl) user pass
storehttp url v = putContentAndProps url user pass
(noProps, (contentType, v))
@@ -152,7 +154,7 @@ remove :: Remote -> Key -> Annex Bool
remove r k = davAction r False $ \(baseurl, user, pass) -> liftIO $ do
-- Delete the key's whole directory, including any chunked
-- files, etc, in a single action.
- let url = urlParent $ davLocation baseurl k
+ let url = davLocation baseurl k
isJust <$> catchMaybeHttp (deleteContent url user pass)
checkPresent :: Remote -> Key -> Annex (Either String Bool)
@@ -191,12 +193,12 @@ withStoredFiles
-> IO a
withStoredFiles r k baseurl user pass onerr a
| isJust $ chunkSize $ config r = do
- let chunkcount = url ++ chunkCount
- maybe (onerr chunkcount) (a . listChunks url . L8.toString)
+ let chunkcount = keyurl ++ chunkCount
+ maybe (onerr chunkcount) (a . listChunks keyurl . L8.toString)
=<< davGetUrlContent chunkcount user pass
- | otherwise = a [url]
+ | otherwise = a [keyurl]
- url = davLocation baseurl k
+ keyurl = davLocation baseurl k ++ keyFile k
davAction :: Remote -> a -> ((DavUrl, DavUser, DavPass) -> Annex a) -> Annex a
davAction r unconfigured action = case config r of
@@ -214,9 +216,15 @@ toDavUser = B8.fromString
toDavPass :: String -> DavPass
toDavPass = B8.fromString
-{- The location to use to store a Key. -}
+{- The directory where files(s) for a key are stored. -}
davLocation :: DavUrl -> Key -> DavUrl
-davLocation baseurl k = davUrl baseurl $ keyPath k hashDirLower
+davLocation baseurl k = addTrailingPathSeparator $
+ davUrl baseurl $ hashDirLower k </> keyFile k
+{- Where we store temporary data for a key as it's being uploaded. -}
+tmpLocation :: DavUrl -> Key -> DavUrl
+tmpLocation baseurl k = addTrailingPathSeparator $
+ davUrl baseurl $ "tmp" </> keyFile k
davUrl :: DavUrl -> FilePath -> DavUrl
davUrl baseurl file = baseurl </> file
@@ -280,8 +288,9 @@ throwIO :: String -> IO a
throwIO msg = ioError $ mkIOError userErrorType msg Nothing Nothing
urlParent :: DavUrl -> DavUrl
-urlParent url = reverse $ dropWhile (== '/') $ reverse $
- normalizePathSegments (url ++ "/..")
+urlParent url = dropTrailingPathSeparator $
+ normalizePathSegments (dropTrailingPathSeparator url ++ "/..")
+ where
{- Test if a WebDAV store is usable, by writing to a test file, and then
- deleting the file. Exits with an IO error if not. -}