path: root/Remote/Directory.hs
diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-11-16 17:58:08 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-11-16 17:58:08 -0400
commit9fc8fc98a9279b822e5c0104fee8dab00debda90 (patch)
tree891e5bd35975a312bff502fb0afa5369a32a18cc /Remote/Directory.hs
parent54399a70122023a5279566080f8ba82f889bccf8 (diff)
generic chunked content helper
However, directory still uses its optimzed chunked file writer, as it uses less memory than the generic one in the helper.
Diffstat (limited to 'Remote/Directory.hs')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/Remote/Directory.hs b/Remote/Directory.hs
index 006638a2f..6bf725379 100644
--- a/Remote/Directory.hs
+++ b/Remote/Directory.hs
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ import Config
import Utility.FileMode
import Remote.Helper.Special
import Remote.Helper.Encryptable
+import Remote.Helper.Chunked
import Crypto
-import Utility.DataUnits
import Data.Int
import Annex.Content
@@ -58,19 +58,6 @@ gen r u c = do
remotetype = remote
-type ChunkSize = Maybe Int64
-chunkSize :: Maybe RemoteConfig -> ChunkSize
-chunkSize Nothing = Nothing
-chunkSize (Just m) =
- case M.lookup "chunksize" m of
- Nothing -> Nothing
- Just v -> case readSize dataUnits v of
- Nothing -> error "bad chunksize"
- Just size
- | size <= 0 -> error "bad chunksize"
- | otherwise -> Just $ fromInteger size
directorySetup :: UUID -> RemoteConfig -> Annex RemoteConfig
directorySetup u c = do
-- verify configuration is sane
@@ -89,14 +76,6 @@ directorySetup u c = do
locations :: FilePath -> Key -> [FilePath]
locations d k = map (d </>) (keyPaths k)
-{- An infinite stream of chunks to use for a given file. -}
-chunkStream :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
-chunkStream f = map (\n -> f ++ ".chunk" ++ show n) [1 :: Integer ..]
-{- A file that records the number of chunks used. -}
-chunkCount :: FilePath -> FilePath
-chunkCount f = f ++ ".chunkcount"
withCheckedFiles :: (FilePath -> IO Bool) -> ChunkSize -> FilePath -> Key -> ([FilePath] -> IO Bool) -> IO Bool
withCheckedFiles _ _ [] _ _ = return False
withCheckedFiles check Nothing d k a = go $ locations d k
@@ -107,18 +86,14 @@ withCheckedFiles check (Just _) d k a = go $ locations d k
go [] = return False
go (f:fs) = do
- let chunkcount = chunkCount f
+ let chunkcount = f ++ chunkCount
ifM (check chunkcount)
( do
- count <- readcount chunkcount
- let chunks = take count $ chunkStream f
+ chunks <- getChunks f <$> readFile chunkcount
ifM (all id <$> mapM check chunks)
( a chunks , return False )
, go fs
- readcount f = fromMaybe (error $ "cannot parse " ++ f)
- . (readish :: String -> Maybe Int)
- <$> readFile f
withStoredFiles :: ChunkSize -> FilePath -> Key -> ([FilePath] -> IO Bool) -> IO Bool
withStoredFiles = withCheckedFiles doesFileExist
@@ -203,45 +178,26 @@ meteredWriteFile' meterupdate dest startstate feeder =
meterupdate $ toInteger $ S.length c
feed state cs h
-{- Generates a list of destinations to write to in order to store a key.
- - When chunksize is specified, this list will be a list of chunks.
- - The action should store the file, and return a list of the destinations
- - it stored it to, or [] on error.
- - The stored files are only put into their final place once storage is
- - complete.
- -}
storeHelper :: FilePath -> ChunkSize -> Key -> ([FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]) -> Annex Bool
-storeHelper d chunksize key a = prep <&&> check <&&> go
+storeHelper d chunksize key storer = check <&&> go
- desttemplate = Prelude.head $ locations d key
- dir = parentDir desttemplate
- tmpdests = case chunksize of
- Nothing -> [desttemplate ++ tmpprefix]
- Just _ -> map (++ tmpprefix) (chunkStream desttemplate)
- tmpprefix = ".tmp"
- detmpprefix f = take (length f - tmpprefixlen) f
- tmpprefixlen = length tmpprefix
- prep = liftIO $ catchBoolIO $ do
- createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
- allowWrite dir
- return True
+ basedest = Prelude.head $ locations d key
+ dir = parentDir basedest
{- The size is not exactly known when encrypting the key;
- this assumes that at least the size of the key is
- needed as free space. -}
check = checkDiskSpace (Just dir) key 0
go = liftIO $ catchBoolIO $ do
- stored <- a tmpdests
- forM_ stored $ \f -> do
- let dest = detmpprefix f
- renameFile f dest
- preventWrite dest
- when (chunksize /= Nothing) $ do
- let chunkcount = chunkCount desttemplate
- _ <- tryIO $ allowWrite chunkcount
- writeFile chunkcount (show $ length stored)
- preventWrite chunkcount
- preventWrite dir
- return (not $ null stored)
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
+ allowWrite dir
+ preventWrite dir `after` storeChunks basedest chunksize storer recorder finalizer
+ finalizer f dest = do
+ renameFile f dest
+ preventWrite dest
+ recorder f s = do
+ void $ tryIO $ allowWrite f
+ writeFile f s
+ preventWrite f
retrieve :: FilePath -> ChunkSize -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
retrieve d chunksize k _ f = metered Nothing k $ \meterupdate ->