path: root/Remote.hs
diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2011-03-28 23:22:31 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2011-03-28 23:22:31 -0400
commitb1db436816b6b70ff0b9891bbc4a5468d9b895b3 (patch)
tree9515513e4143a7797734165d3e351f15366f808b /Remote.hs
parent235720d27e5c1044ddd8904d7140c9e8841e5715 (diff)
started on initremote
Diffstat (limited to 'Remote.hs')
1 files changed, 73 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Remote.hs b/Remote.hs
index 6aab4a741..f281d565a 100644
--- a/Remote.hs
+++ b/Remote.hs
@@ -19,13 +19,19 @@ module Remote (
- remotesWithoutUUID
+ remotesWithoutUUID,
+ configGet,
+ configSet,
+ keyValToMap
) where
import Control.Monad.State (liftIO)
import Control.Monad (when, liftM)
import Data.List
import Data.String.Utils
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Maybe
import RemoteClass
import qualified Remote.Git
@@ -35,6 +41,7 @@ import UUID
import qualified Annex
import Trust
import LocationLog
+import Locations
import Messages
{- Add generators for new Remotes here. -}
@@ -120,3 +127,68 @@ remotesWithUUID rs us = filter (\r -> uuid r `elem` us) rs
remotesWithoutUUID :: [Remote Annex] -> [UUID] -> [Remote Annex]
remotesWithoutUUID rs us = filter (\r -> uuid r `notElem` us) rs
+{- Filename of remote.log. -}
+remoteLog :: Annex FilePath
+remoteLog = do
+ g <- Annex.gitRepo
+ return $ gitStateDir g ++ "remote.log"
+{- Reads the uuid and config of the specified remote from the remoteLog. -}
+configGet :: String -> Annex (Maybe (UUID, M.Map String String))
+configGet n = do
+ rs <- readRemoteLog
+ let matches = filter (matchName n) rs
+ case matches of
+ [] -> return Nothing
+ ((u, _, c):_) -> return $ Just (u, c)
+{- Changes or adds a remote's config in the remoteLog. -}
+configSet :: String -> UUID -> M.Map String String -> Annex ()
+configSet n u c = do
+ rs <- readRemoteLog
+ let others = filter (not . matchName n) rs
+ writeRemoteLog $ (u, n, c):others
+matchName :: String -> (UUID, String, M.Map String String) -> Bool
+matchName n (_, n', _) = n == n'
+readRemoteLog :: Annex [(UUID, String, M.Map String String)]
+readRemoteLog = do
+ l <- remoteLog
+ s <- liftIO $ catch (readFile l) ignoreerror
+ return $ remoteLogParse s
+ where
+ ignoreerror _ = return []
+writeRemoteLog :: [(UUID, String, M.Map String String)] -> Annex ()
+writeRemoteLog rs = do
+ l <- remoteLog
+ liftIO $ writeFile l $ unlines $ map toline rs
+ where
+ toline (u, n, c) = u ++ " " ++ n ++ (unwords $ mapToKeyVal c)
+remoteLogParse :: String -> [(UUID, String, M.Map String String)]
+remoteLogParse s = catMaybes $ map parseline $ filter (not . null) $ lines s
+ where
+ parseline l
+ | length w > 2 = Just (u, n, c)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ w = words l
+ u = w !! 0
+ n = w !! 1
+ c = keyValToMap $ drop 2 w
+{- Given Strings like "key=value", generates a Map. -}
+keyValToMap :: [String] -> M.Map String String
+keyValToMap ws = M.fromList $ map (/=/) ws
+ where
+ (/=/) s = (k, v)
+ where
+ k = takeWhile (/= '=') s
+ v = drop (1 + length k) s
+mapToKeyVal :: M.Map String String -> [String]
+mapToKeyVal m = map toword $ M.toList m
+ where
+ toword (k, v) = k ++ "=" ++ v