path: root/Logs/Remote.hs
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authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2011-10-15 16:21:08 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2011-10-15 16:21:08 -0400
commit1a29b5b52eec641a5456d7c8dc24356c90107bc0 (patch)
tree0b902c278129bd085e8db986af168a4e46d3dea6 /Logs/Remote.hs
parent279150ccd5ad937a44cbff798ab7bb118ad1dbee (diff)
reorganize log modules
no code changes
Diffstat (limited to 'Logs/Remote.hs')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Logs/Remote.hs b/Logs/Remote.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47c2d7472
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Logs/Remote.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+{- git-annex remote log
+ -
+ - Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Logs.Remote (
+ readRemoteLog,
+ configSet,
+ keyValToConfig,
+ configToKeyVal,
+ prop_idempotent_configEscape
+) where
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
+import Data.Char
+import Common.Annex
+import qualified Annex.Branch
+import Types.Remote
+import Logs.UUID
+import Logs.UUIDBased
+{- Filename of remote.log. -}
+remoteLog :: FilePath
+remoteLog = "remote.log"
+{- Adds or updates a remote's config in the log. -}
+configSet :: UUID -> RemoteConfig -> Annex ()
+configSet u c = do
+ ts <- liftIO $ getPOSIXTime
+ Annex.Branch.change remoteLog $
+ showLog showConfig . changeLog ts u c . parseLog parseConfig
+{- Map of remotes by uuid containing key/value config maps. -}
+readRemoteLog :: Annex (M.Map UUID RemoteConfig)
+readRemoteLog = (simpleMap . parseLog parseConfig) <$> Annex.Branch.get remoteLog
+parseConfig :: String -> Maybe RemoteConfig
+parseConfig = Just . keyValToConfig . words
+showConfig :: RemoteConfig -> String
+showConfig = unwords . configToKeyVal
+{- Given Strings like "key=value", generates a RemoteConfig. -}
+keyValToConfig :: [String] -> RemoteConfig
+keyValToConfig ws = M.fromList $ map (/=/) ws
+ where
+ (/=/) s = (k, v)
+ where
+ k = takeWhile (/= '=') s
+ v = configUnEscape $ drop (1 + length k) s
+configToKeyVal :: M.Map String String -> [String]
+configToKeyVal m = map toword $ sort $ M.toList m
+ where
+ toword (k, v) = k ++ "=" ++ configEscape v
+configEscape :: String -> String
+configEscape = (>>= escape)
+ where
+ escape c
+ | isSpace c || c `elem` "&" = "&" ++ show (ord c) ++ ";"
+ | otherwise = [c]
+configUnEscape :: String -> String
+configUnEscape = unescape
+ where
+ unescape [] = []
+ unescape (c:rest)
+ | c == '&' = entity rest
+ | otherwise = c : unescape rest
+ entity s = if ok
+ then chr (read num) : unescape rest
+ else '&' : unescape s
+ where
+ num = takeWhile isNumber s
+ r = drop (length num) s
+ rest = drop 1 r
+ ok = not (null num) &&
+ not (null r) && head r == ';'
+{- for quickcheck -}
+prop_idempotent_configEscape :: String -> Bool
+prop_idempotent_configEscape s = s == (configUnEscape . configEscape) s