path: root/Command
diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-06-13 12:36:33 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-06-13 12:46:39 -0400
commitccc50052453ccaf2db0c371c5c36b5eea3e9191a (patch)
treedfb2ce0b7bfed5c8490cda68b6cd733bef72c473 /Command
parentc31ddeda84542414dd58e03473a23a6de8890390 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'Command')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 382 deletions
diff --git a/Command/Watch.hs b/Command/Watch.hs
index 54be556c9..5681b3861 100644
--- a/Command/Watch.hs
+++ b/Command/Watch.hs
@@ -1,108 +1,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-{- git-annex watch daemon
+{- git-annex watch command
- Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
- -
- - Overview of threads and MVars, etc:
- -
- - Thread 1: parent
- - The initial thread run, double forks to background, starts other
- - threads, and then stops, waiting for them to terminate,
- - or for a ctrl-c.
- - Thread 2: inotify
- - Notices new files, and calls handlers for events, queuing changes.
- - Thread 3: inotify internal
- - Used by haskell inotify library to ensure inotify event buffer is
- - kept drained.
- - Thread 4: inotify initial scan
- - A MVar lock is used to prevent other inotify handlers from running
- - until this is complete.
- - Thread 5: committer
- - Waits for changes to occur, and runs the git queue to update its
- - index, then commits.
- - Thread 6: status logger
- - Wakes up periodically and records the daemon's status to disk.
- -
- - State MVar:
- - The Annex state is stored here, which allows resuscitating the
- - Annex monad in IO actions run by the inotify and committer
- - threads. Thus, a single state is shared amoung the threads, and
- - only one at a time can access it.
- - DaemonStatus MVar:
- - The daemon's current status. This MVar should only be manipulated
- - from inside the Annex monad, which ensures it's accessed only
- - after the State MVar.
- - ChangeChan STM TChan:
- - Changes are indicated by writing to this channel. The committer
- - reads from it.
module Command.Watch where
import Common.Annex
+import Assistant
import Command
-import Utility.Daemon
-import Utility.LogFile
-import Utility.ThreadLock
-import qualified Annex
-import qualified Annex.Queue
-import qualified Command.Add
-import qualified Git.Command
-import qualified Git.UpdateIndex
-import qualified Git.HashObject
-import qualified Git.LsFiles
-import qualified Backend
-import Annex.Content
-import Annex.CatFile
-import Git.Types
import Option
-import Control.Concurrent
-import Control.Concurrent.STM
-import Data.Time.Clock
-import Data.Bits.Utils
-import System.Posix.Types
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
-#if defined linux_HOST_OS
-import Utility.Inotify
-import System.INotify
-data DaemonStatus = DaemonStatus
- -- False when the daemon is performing its startup scan
- { scanComplete :: Bool
- -- Time when a previous process of the daemon was running ok
- , lastRunning :: Maybe EpochTime
- }
-newDaemonStatus :: Annex DaemonStatus
-newDaemonStatus = return $ DaemonStatus
- { scanComplete = False
- , lastRunning = Nothing
- }
-getDaemonStatus :: MVar DaemonStatus -> Annex DaemonStatus
-getDaemonStatus = liftIO . readMVar
-modifyDaemonStatus :: MVar DaemonStatus -> (DaemonStatus -> DaemonStatus) -> Annex ()
-modifyDaemonStatus status a = liftIO $ modifyMVar_ status (return . a)
-type ChangeChan = TChan Change
-type Handler = FilePath -> Maybe FileStatus -> MVar DaemonStatus -> Annex (Maybe Change)
-data Change = Change
- { changeTime :: UTCTime
- , changeFile :: FilePath
- , changeDesc :: String
- }
- deriving (Show)
def :: [Command]
def = [withOptions [foregroundOption, stopOption] $
command "watch" paramNothing seek "watch for changes"]
@@ -121,296 +33,6 @@ stopOption = Option.flag [] "stop" "stop daemon"
start :: Bool -> Bool -> CommandStart
start foreground stopdaemon = notBareRepo $ do
if stopdaemon
- then liftIO . stopDaemon =<< fromRepo gitAnnexPidFile
- else withStateMVar $ startDaemon foreground
+ then stopDaemon
+ else startDaemon foreground -- does not return
-startDaemon :: Bool -> MVar Annex.AnnexState -> Annex ()
-startDaemon foreground st
- | foreground = do
- showStart "watch" "."
- go id
- | otherwise = do
- logfd <- liftIO . openLog =<< fromRepo gitAnnexLogFile
- pidfile <- fromRepo gitAnnexPidFile
- go $ daemonize logfd (Just pidfile) False
- where
- go a = do
- daemonstatus <- newDaemonStatus
- liftIO $ a $ do
- dstatus <- newMVar daemonstatus
- changechan <- runChangeChan newTChan
- watch st dstatus changechan
-watch :: MVar Annex.AnnexState -> MVar DaemonStatus -> ChangeChan -> IO ()
-#if defined linux_HOST_OS
-watch st dstatus changechan = withINotify $ \i -> do
- -- The commit thread is started early, so that the user
- -- can immediately begin adding files and having them
- -- committed, even while the startup scan is taking place.
- _ <- forkIO $ commitThread st changechan
- runStateMVar st $
- showAction "scanning"
- -- This does not return until the startup scan is done.
- -- That can take some time for large trees.
- watchDir i "." (ignored . takeFileName) hooks
- runStateMVar st $
- modifyDaemonStatus dstatus $ \s -> s { scanComplete = True }
- -- Notice any files that were deleted before inotify
- -- was started.
- runStateMVar st $ do
- inRepo $ "add" [Param "--update"]
- showAction "started"
- waitForTermination
- where
- hook a = Just $ runHandler st dstatus changechan a
- hooks = WatchHooks
- { addHook = hook onAdd
- , delHook = hook onDel
- , addSymlinkHook = hook onAddSymlink
- , delDirHook = hook onDelDir
- , errHook = hook onErr
- }
-watch = error "watch mode is so far only available on Linux"
-ignored :: FilePath -> Bool
-ignored ".git" = True
-ignored ".gitignore" = True
-ignored ".gitattributes" = True
-ignored _ = False
-{- Stores the Annex state in a MVar, so that threaded actions can access
- - it.
- -
- - Once the action is finished, retrieves the state from the MVar.
- -}
-withStateMVar :: (MVar Annex.AnnexState -> Annex a) -> Annex a
-withStateMVar a = do
- state <- Annex.getState id
- mvar <- liftIO $ newMVar state
- r <- a mvar
- newstate <- liftIO $ takeMVar mvar
- Annex.changeState (const newstate)
- return r
-{- Runs an Annex action, using the state from the MVar. -}
-runStateMVar :: MVar Annex.AnnexState -> Annex a -> IO a
-runStateMVar mvar a = do
- startstate <- takeMVar mvar
- !(r, newstate) <- startstate a
- putMVar mvar newstate
- return r
-runChangeChan :: STM a -> IO a
-runChangeChan = atomically
-{- Runs an action handler, inside the Annex monad, and if there was a
- - change, adds it to the ChangeChan.
- -
- - Exceptions are ignored, otherwise a whole watcher thread could be crashed.
- -}
-runHandler :: MVar Annex.AnnexState -> MVar DaemonStatus -> ChangeChan -> Handler -> FilePath -> Maybe FileStatus -> IO ()
-runHandler st dstatus changechan handler file filestatus = void $ do
- r <- tryIO go
- case r of
- Left e -> print e
- Right Nothing -> noop
- Right (Just change) -> void $
- runChangeChan $ writeTChan changechan change
- where
- go = runStateMVar st $ handler file filestatus dstatus
-{- Handlers call this when they made a change that needs to get committed. -}
-madeChange :: FilePath -> String -> Annex (Maybe Change)
-madeChange file desc = do
- -- Just in case the commit thread is not flushing the queue fast enough.
- Annex.Queue.flushWhenFull
- liftIO $ Just <$> (Change <$> getCurrentTime <*> pure file <*> pure desc)
-noChange :: Annex (Maybe Change)
-noChange = return Nothing
-{- Adding a file is tricky; the file has to be replaced with a symlink
- - but this is race prone, as the symlink could be changed immediately
- - after creation. To avoid that race, git add is not used to stage the
- - symlink.
- -
- - Inotify will notice the new symlink, so this Handler does not stage it
- - or return a Change, leaving that to onAddSymlink.
- -
- - During initial directory scan, this will be run for any files that
- - are already checked into git. We don't want to turn those into symlinks,
- - so do a check. This is rather expensive, but only happens during
- - startup.
- -}
-onAdd :: Handler
-onAdd file _filestatus dstatus = do
- ifM (scanComplete <$> getDaemonStatus dstatus)
- ( go
- , ifM (null <$> inRepo (Git.LsFiles.notInRepo False [file]))
- ( noChange
- , go
- )
- )
- where
- go = do
- showStart "add" file
- handle =<< Command.Add.ingest file
- noChange
- handle Nothing = showEndFail
- handle (Just key) = do
- file key True
- showEndOk
-{- A symlink might be an arbitrary symlink, which is just added.
- - Or, if it is a git-annex symlink, ensure it points to the content
- - before adding it.
- -
- -}
-onAddSymlink :: Handler
-onAddSymlink file filestatus dstatus = go =<< Backend.lookupFile file
- where
- go (Just (key, _)) = do
- link <- calcGitLink file key
- ifM ((==) link <$> liftIO (readSymbolicLink file))
- ( ensurestaged link =<< getDaemonStatus dstatus
- , do
- liftIO $ removeFile file
- liftIO $ createSymbolicLink link file
- addlink link
- )
- go Nothing = do -- other symlink
- link <- liftIO (readSymbolicLink file)
- ensurestaged link =<< getDaemonStatus dstatus
- {- This is often called on symlinks that are already
- - staged correctly. A symlink may have been deleted
- - and being re-added, or added when the watcher was
- - not running. So they're normally restaged to make sure.
- -
- - As an optimisation, during the status scan, avoid
- - restaging everything. Only links that were created since
- - the last time the daemon was running are staged.
- - (If the daemon has never ran before, avoid staging
- - links too.)
- -}
- ensurestaged link daemonstatus
- | scanComplete daemonstatus = addlink link
- | otherwise = case filestatus of
- Just s
- | safe (statusChangeTime s) -> noChange
- _ -> addlink link
- where
- safe t = maybe True (> t) (lastRunning daemonstatus)
- {- For speed, tries to reuse the existing blob for
- - the symlink target. -}
- addlink link = do
- v <- catObjectDetails $ Ref $ ':':file
- case v of
- Just (currlink, sha)
- | s2w8 link == L.unpack currlink ->
- stageSymlink file sha
- _ -> do
- sha <- inRepo $
- Git.HashObject.hashObject BlobObject link
- stageSymlink file sha
- madeChange file "link"
-onDel :: Handler
-onDel file _ _dstatus = do
- Annex.Queue.addUpdateIndex =<<
- inRepo (Git.UpdateIndex.unstageFile file)
- madeChange file "rm"
-{- A directory has been deleted, or moved, so tell git to remove anything
- - that was inside it from its cache. Since it could reappear at any time,
- - use --cached to only delete it from the index.
- -
- - Note: This could use unstageFile, but would need to run another git
- - command to get the recursive list of files in the directory, so rm is
- - just as good. -}
-onDelDir :: Handler
-onDelDir dir _ _dstatus = do
- Annex.Queue.addCommand "rm"
- [Params "--quiet -r --cached --ignore-unmatch --"] [dir]
- madeChange dir "rmdir"
-{- Called when there's an error with inotify. -}
-onErr :: Handler
-onErr msg _ _dstatus = do
- warning msg
- return Nothing
-{- Adds a symlink to the index, without ever accessing the actual symlink
- - on disk. -}
-stageSymlink :: FilePath -> Sha -> Annex ()
-stageSymlink file sha =
- Annex.Queue.addUpdateIndex =<<
- inRepo (Git.UpdateIndex.stageSymlink file sha)
-{- Gets all unhandled changes.
- - Blocks until at least one change is made. -}
-getChanges :: ChangeChan -> IO [Change]
-getChanges chan = runChangeChan $ do
- c <- readTChan chan
- go [c]
- where
- go l = do
- v <- tryReadTChan chan
- case v of
- Nothing -> return l
- Just c -> go (c:l)
-{- Puts unhandled changes back into the channel.
- - Note: Original order is not preserved. -}
-refillChanges :: ChangeChan -> [Change] -> IO ()
-refillChanges chan cs = runChangeChan $ mapM_ (writeTChan chan) cs
-{- This thread makes git commits at appropriate times. -}
-commitThread :: MVar Annex.AnnexState -> ChangeChan -> IO ()
-commitThread st changechan = forever $ do
- -- First, a simple rate limiter.
- threadDelay oneSecond
- -- Next, wait until at least one change has been made.
- cs <- getChanges changechan
- -- Now see if now's a good time to commit.
- time <- getCurrentTime
- if shouldCommit time cs
- then void $ tryIO $ runStateMVar st commitStaged
- else refillChanges changechan cs
- where
- oneSecond = 1000000 -- microseconds
-commitStaged :: Annex ()
-commitStaged = do
- Annex.Queue.flush
- inRepo $ "commit"
- [ Param "--allow-empty-message"
- , Param "-m", Param ""
- -- Empty commits may be made if tree changes cancel
- -- each other out, etc
- , Param "--allow-empty"
- -- Avoid running the usual git-annex pre-commit hook;
- -- watch does the same symlink fixing, and we don't want
- -- to deal with unlocked files in these commits.
- , Param "--quiet"
- ]
-{- Decide if now is a good time to make a commit.
- - Note that the list of change times has an undefined order.
- -
- - Current strategy: If there have been 10 commits within the past second,
- - a batch activity is taking place, so wait for later.
- -}
-shouldCommit :: UTCTime -> [Change] -> Bool
-shouldCommit now changes
- | len == 0 = False
- | len > 10000 = True -- avoid bloating queue too much
- | length (filter thisSecond changes) < 10 = True
- | otherwise = False -- batch activity
- where
- len = length changes
- thisSecond c = now `diffUTCTime` changeTime c <= 1