path: root/CmdLine/GitAnnexShell.hs
diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2014-01-26 16:25:55 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2014-01-26 16:25:55 -0400
commit4f050ca9b80d0565e408137f2422e808b82cfd11 (patch)
tree5aca9688e49dee8915a962de4baf4c305ccbfa9e /CmdLine/GitAnnexShell.hs
parent541178b499d084e4041ae4b9d62bf86f5a97c3ff (diff)
reorganize some files and imports
Diffstat (limited to 'CmdLine/GitAnnexShell.hs')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/CmdLine/GitAnnexShell.hs b/CmdLine/GitAnnexShell.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7b5bd1c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CmdLine/GitAnnexShell.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+{- git-annex-shell main program
+ -
+ - Copyright 2010-2012 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module CmdLine.GitAnnexShell where
+import System.Environment
+import System.Console.GetOpt
+import Common.Annex
+import qualified Git.Construct
+import CmdLine
+import Command
+import Annex.UUID
+import Annex (setField)
+import Fields
+import Utility.UserInfo
+import Remote.GCrypt (getGCryptUUID)
+import qualified Annex
+import Init
+import qualified Command.ConfigList
+import qualified Command.InAnnex
+import qualified Command.DropKey
+import qualified Command.RecvKey
+import qualified Command.SendKey
+import qualified Command.TransferInfo
+import qualified Command.Commit
+import qualified Command.GCryptSetup
+cmds_readonly :: [Command]
+cmds_readonly = concat
+ [ gitAnnexShellCheck Command.ConfigList.def
+ , gitAnnexShellCheck Command.InAnnex.def
+ , gitAnnexShellCheck Command.SendKey.def
+ , gitAnnexShellCheck Command.TransferInfo.def
+ ]
+cmds_notreadonly :: [Command]
+cmds_notreadonly = concat
+ [ gitAnnexShellCheck Command.RecvKey.def
+ , gitAnnexShellCheck Command.DropKey.def
+ , gitAnnexShellCheck Command.Commit.def
+ , Command.GCryptSetup.def
+ ]
+cmds :: [Command]
+cmds = map adddirparam $ cmds_readonly ++ cmds_notreadonly
+ where
+ adddirparam c = c { cmdparamdesc = "DIRECTORY " ++ cmdparamdesc c }
+options :: [OptDescr (Annex ())]
+options = commonOptions ++
+ [ Option [] ["uuid"] (ReqArg checkUUID paramUUID) "local repository uuid"
+ ]
+ where
+ checkUUID expected = getUUID >>= check
+ where
+ check u | u == toUUID expected = noop
+ check NoUUID = checkGCryptUUID expected
+ check u = unexpectedUUID expected u
+ checkGCryptUUID expected = check =<< getGCryptUUID True =<< gitRepo
+ where
+ check (Just u) | u == toUUID expected = noop
+ check Nothing = unexpected expected "uninitialized repository"
+ check (Just u) = unexpectedUUID expected u
+ unexpectedUUID expected u = unexpected expected $ "UUID " ++ fromUUID u
+ unexpected expected s = error $
+ "expected repository UUID " ++ expected ++ " but found " ++ s
+header :: String
+header = "git-annex-shell [-c] command [parameters ...] [option ...]"
+run :: [String] -> IO ()
+run [] = failure
+-- skip leading -c options, passed by eg, ssh
+run ("-c":p) = run p
+-- a command can be either a builtin or something to pass to git-shell
+run c@(cmd:dir:params)
+ | cmd `elem` builtins = builtin cmd dir params
+ | otherwise = external c
+run c@(cmd:_)
+ -- Handle the case of being the user's login shell. It will be passed
+ -- a single string containing all the real parameters.
+ | "git-annex-shell " `isPrefixOf` cmd = run $ drop 1 $ shellUnEscape cmd
+ | cmd `elem` builtins = failure
+ | otherwise = external c
+builtins :: [String]
+builtins = map cmdname cmds
+builtin :: String -> String -> [String] -> IO ()
+builtin cmd dir params = do
+ checkNotReadOnly cmd
+ checkDirectory $ Just dir
+ let (params', fieldparams, opts) = partitionParams params
+ fields = filter checkField $ parseFields fieldparams
+ cmds' = map (newcmd $ unwords opts) cmds
+ dispatch False (cmd : params') cmds' options fields header $
+ Git.Construct.repoAbsPath dir >>= Git.Construct.fromAbsPath
+ where
+ addrsyncopts opts seek k = setField "RsyncOptions" opts >> seek k
+ newcmd opts c = c { cmdseek = addrsyncopts opts (cmdseek c) }
+external :: [String] -> IO ()
+external params = do
+ {- Normal git-shell commands all have the directory as their last
+ - parameter. -}
+ let lastparam = lastMaybe =<< shellUnEscape <$> lastMaybe params
+ (params', _, _) = partitionParams params
+ checkDirectory lastparam
+ checkNotLimited
+ unlessM (boolSystem "git-shell" $ map Param $ "-c":params') $
+ error "git-shell failed"
+{- Split the input list into 3 groups separated with a double dash --.
+ - Parameters between two -- markers are field settings, in the form:
+ - field=value field=value
+ -
+ - Parameters after the last -- are the command itself and its arguments e.g.,
+ - rsync --bandwidth=100.
+ -}
+partitionParams :: [String] -> ([String], [String], [String])
+partitionParams ps = case segment (== "--") ps of
+ params:fieldparams:rest -> ( params, fieldparams, intercalate ["--"] rest )
+ [params] -> (params, [], [])
+ _ -> ([], [], [])
+parseFields :: [String] -> [(String, String)]
+parseFields = map (separate (== '='))
+{- Only allow known fields to be set, ignore others.
+ - Make sure that field values make sense. -}
+checkField :: (String, String) -> Bool
+checkField (field, value)
+ | field == fieldName remoteUUID = fieldCheck remoteUUID value
+ | field == fieldName associatedFile = fieldCheck associatedFile value
+ | field == fieldName direct = fieldCheck direct value
+ | otherwise = False
+failure :: IO ()
+failure = error $ "bad parameters\n\n" ++ usage header cmds
+checkNotLimited :: IO ()
+checkNotLimited = checkEnv "GIT_ANNEX_SHELL_LIMITED"
+checkNotReadOnly :: String -> IO ()
+checkNotReadOnly cmd
+ | cmd `elem` map cmdname cmds_readonly = noop
+ | otherwise = checkEnv "GIT_ANNEX_SHELL_READONLY"
+checkDirectory :: Maybe FilePath -> IO ()
+checkDirectory mdir = do
+ v <- catchMaybeIO $ getEnv "GIT_ANNEX_SHELL_DIRECTORY"
+ case (v, mdir) of
+ (Nothing, _) -> noop
+ (Just d, Nothing) -> req d Nothing
+ (Just d, Just dir)
+ | d `equalFilePath` dir -> noop
+ | otherwise -> do
+ home <- myHomeDir
+ d' <- canondir home d
+ dir' <- canondir home dir
+ if d' `equalFilePath` dir'
+ then noop
+ else req d' (Just dir')
+ where
+ req d mdir' = error $ unwords
+ [ "Only allowed to access"
+ , d
+ , maybe "and could not determine directory from command line" ("not " ++) mdir'
+ ]
+ {- A directory may start with ~/ or in some cases, even /~/,
+ - or could just be relative to home, or of course could
+ - be absolute. -}
+ canondir home d
+ | "~/" `isPrefixOf` d = return d
+ | "/~/" `isPrefixOf` d = return $ drop 1 d
+ | otherwise = relHome $ absPathFrom home d
+checkEnv :: String -> IO ()
+checkEnv var = do
+ v <- catchMaybeIO $ getEnv var
+ case v of
+ Nothing -> noop
+ Just "" -> noop
+ Just _ -> error $ "Action blocked by " ++ var
+{- Modifies a Command to check that it is run in either a git-annex
+ - repository, or a repository with a gcrypt-id set. -}
+gitAnnexShellCheck :: [Command] -> [Command]
+gitAnnexShellCheck = map $ addCheck okforshell . dontCheck repoExists
+ where
+ okforshell = unlessM (isInitialized <||> isJust . gcryptId <$> Annex.getGitConfig) $
+ error "Not a git-annex or gcrypt repository."