path: root/Build
diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2015-05-08 14:03:02 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2015-05-08 14:26:37 -0400
commit51ffddd49c884144e9f9520a3e997a65a94aa57e (patch)
tree7f862d206c2903db3ed9189098db742e5de2647b /Build
parentd1c76795790313c4036e6684886bb8ac03c6b8eb (diff)
use a batch file to run msysgit's ssh, instead of copying
copying failed because dlls are not in path. This batch file is based on the one msysgit uses to start gitk
Diffstat (limited to 'Build')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/Build/NullSoftInstaller.hs b/Build/NullSoftInstaller.hs
index e9a22d843..41cf360a2 100644
--- a/Build/NullSoftInstaller.hs
+++ b/Build/NullSoftInstaller.hs
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ main = do
let htmlhelp = tmpdir </> "git-annex.html"
writeFile htmlhelp htmlHelpText
writeFile nsifile $ makeInstaller gitannex license htmlhelp
- (catMaybes (extrabins ++ dllpaths))
+ (wrappers ++ catMaybes (extrabins ++ dllpaths))
[ webappscript, autostartscript ]
mustSucceed "makensis" [File nsifile]
removeFile nsifile -- left behind if makensis fails
@@ -152,9 +152,6 @@ makeInstaller gitannex license htmlhelp extrabins launchers = nsis $ do
section "cmd" [] $ do
setOutPath "$INSTDIR\\cmd"
mapM_ addfile (gitannex:extrabins)
- -- copy msysgit's ssh into cmd so it's always in PATH
- -- (bin is only in PATH from git bash)
- copyFiles [] "$INSTDIR\\bin\\ssh.exe" "$INSTDIR\\cmd\\ssh.exe"
section "meta" [] $ do
setOutPath "$INSTDIR\\doc\\git\\html"
addfile htmlhelp
@@ -200,3 +197,6 @@ findCygLibs p = filter iscyg . mapMaybe parse . lines <$> readProcess "ldd" [p]
(dll:"=>":_dllpath:_offset:[]) -> Just dll
_ -> Nothing
iscyg f = "cyg" `isPrefixOf` f || "lib" `isPrefixOf` f
+wrappers :: [FilePath]
+wrappers = ["standalone\\windows\\ssh.cmd"]