path: root/Build
diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2013-12-27 00:05:15 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2013-12-27 00:05:15 -0400
commitd56ac258e654c8c3668993e81050db2f319517a5 (patch)
treed49e9b4f337c193b10a41a25d746be726ea03779 /Build
parent5b90565eefd2745d079c76d95894aded94ae1cec (diff)
-Wall clean
Diffstat (limited to 'Build')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/Build/EvilSplicer.hs b/Build/EvilSplicer.hs
index 47402b522..b5eb5173d 100644
--- a/Build/EvilSplicer.hs
+++ b/Build/EvilSplicer.hs
@@ -34,13 +34,14 @@ import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.String
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Either
-import Data.List
+import Data.List hiding (find)
import Data.String.Utils
import Data.Char
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import Control.Monad
+import Prelude hiding (log)
import Utility.Monad
import Utility.Misc
@@ -85,27 +86,27 @@ coordsParser = (try singleline <|> try weird <|> multiline) <?> "Coords"
singleline = do
line <- number
- char ':'
+ void $ char ':'
startcol <- number
- char '-'
+ void $ char '-'
endcol <- number
return $ (Coord line startcol, Coord line endcol)
weird = do
line <- number
- char ':'
+ void $ char ':'
col <- number
return $ (Coord line col, Coord line col)
multiline = do
start <- fromparens
- char '-'
+ void $ char '-'
end <- fromparens
return $ (start, end)
fromparens = between (char '(') (char ')') $ do
line <- number
- char ','
+ void $ char ','
col <- number
return $ Coord line col
@@ -121,19 +122,19 @@ indentedLine = indent >> restOfLine
spliceParser :: Parser Splice
spliceParser = do
file <- many1 (noneOf ":\n")
- char ':'
+ void $ char ':'
(start, end) <- coordsParser
- string ": Splicing "
+ void $ string ": Splicing "
splicetype <- tosplicetype
<$> (string "expression" <|> string "declarations")
- newline
+ void newline
getthline <- expressionextractor
expression <- unlines <$> many1 getthline
- indent
- string "======>"
- newline
+ void indent
+ void $ string "======>"
+ void newline
getcodeline <- expressionextractor
realcoords <- try (Right <$> getrealcoords file) <|> (Left <$> getcodeline)
@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ spliceParser = do
expressionextractor = do
i <- lookAhead indent
return $ try $ do
- string i
+ void $ string i
{- When splicing declarations, GHC will output a splice
@@ -165,9 +166,9 @@ spliceParser = do
- the first line will give the actual coordinates of the
- line that was spliced. -}
getrealcoords file = do
- indent
- string file
- char ':'
+ void indent
+ void $ string file
+ void $ char ':'
char '\n' `after` coordsParser
{- Extracts the splices, ignoring the rest of the compiler output. -}
@@ -196,6 +197,7 @@ splicesExtractor = rights <$> many extract
- starts with "import "
applySplices :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> [Splice] -> IO ()
+applySplices _ _ [] = noop
applySplices destdir imports splices@(first:_) = do
let f = splicedFile first
let dest = (destdir </> f)
@@ -237,10 +239,10 @@ expandDeclarationSplice s lls = concat [before, [splice], end]
{- Expression splices are expanded within their line. -}
expandExpressionSplice :: Splice -> [String] -> [String]
-expandExpressionSplice s lls = concat [before, spliced:padding, end]
+expandExpressionSplice sp lls = concat [before, spliced:padding, end]
- cs = spliceStart s
- ce = spliceEnd s
+ cs = spliceStart sp
+ ce = spliceEnd sp
(before, rest) = splitAt (coordLine cs - 1) lls
(oldlines, end) = splitAt (1 + coordLine (offsetCoord ce cs)) rest
@@ -251,7 +253,7 @@ expandExpressionSplice s lls = concat [before, spliced:padding, end]
_ -> ([], [], [])
spliced = concat
[ joinsplice $ deqqstart $ take (coordColumn cs - 1) splicestart
- , addindent (findindent splicestart) (mangleCode $ splicedCode s)
+ , addindent (findindent splicestart) (mangleCode $ splicedCode sp)
, deqqend $ drop (coordColumn ce) spliceend
@@ -260,7 +262,7 @@ expandExpressionSplice s lls = concat [before, spliced:padding, end]
{- splicing leaves $() quasiquote behind; remove it -}
deqqstart s = case reverse s of
- ('(':'$':rest) -> reverse rest
+ ('(':'$':restq) -> reverse restq
_ -> s
deqqend (')':s) = s
deqqend s = s
@@ -331,27 +333,27 @@ mangleCode = flip_colon
-- skip lambdas inside tuples or parens
prefix <- noneOf "(, \n"
preindent <- many1 $ oneOf " \n"
- string "\\ "
+ void $ string "\\ "
lambdaparams <- restofline
continuedlambdaparams <- many $ try $ do
- indent <- many1 $ char ' '
+ indent1 <- many1 $ char ' '
p <- satisfy isLetter
aram <- many $ satisfy isAlphaNum <|> oneOf "_"
- newline
- return $ indent ++ p:aram ++ "\n"
- indent <- many1 $ char ' '
- string "-> "
+ void newline
+ return $ indent1 ++ p:aram ++ "\n"
+ indent1 <- many1 $ char ' '
+ void $ string "-> "
firstline <- restofline
lambdalines <- many $ try $ do
- string indent
- char ' '
+ void $ string indent1
+ void $ char ' '
l <- restofline
- return $ indent ++ " " ++ l
+ return $ indent1 ++ " " ++ l
return $ concat
[ prefix:preindent
, "(\\ " ++ lambdaparams ++ "\n"
, concat continuedlambdaparams
- , indent ++ "-> "
+ , indent1 ++ "-> "
, lambdaparens $ intercalate "\n" (firstline:lambdalines)
, ")\n"
@@ -376,27 +378,27 @@ mangleCode = flip_colon
- layer of parens even when a lambda seems to be in parent.
lambdaparenhack = parsecAndReplace $ do
- indent <- many1 $ char ' '
+ indent1 <- many1 $ char ' '
staticr <- string "StaticR"
- newline
- string indent
+ void newline
+ void $ string indent1
yesod_dispatch_env <- restofline
- string indent
+ void $ string indent1
lambdaprefix <- string "(\\ "
l1 <- restofline
- string indent
+ void $ string indent1
lambdaarrow <- string " ->"
l2 <- restofline
l3 <- if '{' `elem` l2 && '}' `elem` l2
then return ""
else do
- string indent
+ void $ string indent1
return $ unlines
- [ indent ++ staticr
- , indent ++ yesod_dispatch_env
- , indent ++ "(" ++ lambdaprefix ++ l1
- , indent ++ lambdaarrow ++ l2 ++ l3 ++ ")"
+ [ indent1 ++ staticr
+ , indent1 ++ yesod_dispatch_env
+ , indent1 ++ "(" ++ lambdaprefix ++ l1
+ , indent1 ++ lambdaarrow ++ l2 ++ l3 ++ ")"
restofline = manyTill (noneOf "\n") newline
@@ -408,9 +410,9 @@ mangleCode = flip_colon
- To work around what is likely a GHC bug, just collapse
- multiline strings. -}
collapse_multiline_strings = parsecAndReplace $ do
- string "\\\n"
- many1 $ oneOf " \t"
- string "\\"
+ void $ string "\\\n"
+ void $ many1 $ oneOf " \t"
+ void $ string "\\"
return "\\n"
{- GHC outputs splices using explicit braces rather than layout.
@@ -439,8 +441,8 @@ mangleCode = flip_colon
- all whitespace up until it.
case_layout = parsecAndReplace $ do
- newline
- indent <- many1 $ char ' '
+ void newline
+ indent1 <- many1 $ char ' '
prefix <- manyTill (noneOf "\n") (try (string "-> "))
if length prefix > 10
then unexpected "too long a prefix"
@@ -448,24 +450,24 @@ mangleCode = flip_colon
then unexpected "lambda expression"
else if null prefix
then unexpected "second line of lambda"
- else return $ "\n" ++ indent ++ "; " ++ prefix ++ " -> "
+ else return $ "\n" ++ indent1 ++ "; " ++ prefix ++ " -> "
{- Sometimes cases themselves span multiple lines:
- Nothing
- -> foo
case_layout_multiline = parsecAndReplace $ do
- newline
- indent <- many1 $ char ' '
+ void newline
+ indent1 <- many1 $ char ' '
firstline <- restofline
- string indent
+ void $ string indent1
indent2 <- many1 $ char ' '
- string "-> "
+ void $ string "-> "
if "\\ " `isInfixOf` firstline
then unexpected "lambda expression"
- else return $ "\n" ++ indent ++ "; " ++ firstline ++ "\n"
- ++ indent ++ indent2 ++ "-> "
+ else return $ "\n" ++ indent1 ++ "; " ++ firstline ++ "\n"
+ ++ indent1 ++ indent2 ++ "-> "
{- (foo, \ -> bar) is not valid haskell, GHC.
- Change to (foo, bar)
@@ -497,11 +499,11 @@ mangleCode = flip_colon
- signature is easily inferred, so is just removed.
remove_unnecessary_type_signatures = parsecAndReplace $ do
- string " ::"
- newline
- many1 $ char ' '
- string "Text.Css.Block Text.Css.Resolved"
- newline
+ void $ string " ::"
+ void newline
+ void $ many1 $ char ' '
+ void $ string "Text.Css.Block Text.Css.Resolved"
+ void newline
return ""
{- GHC may add full package and version qualifications for
@@ -520,15 +522,14 @@ mangleCode = flip_colon
qualifiedSymbol :: Parser String
qualifiedSymbol = do
- s <- token
- char ':'
+ s <- hstoken
+ void $ char ':'
if length s < 5
then unexpected "too short to be a namespace"
- else do
- token
+ else hstoken
- token :: Parser String
- token = do
+ hstoken :: Parser String
+ hstoken = do
t <- satisfy isLetter
oken <- many $ satisfy isAlphaNum <|> oneOf "-.'"
return $ t:oken
@@ -561,25 +562,25 @@ mangleCode = flip_colon
yesod_url_render_hack :: String -> String
yesod_url_render_hack = parsecAndReplace $ do
- string "(toHtml"
- whitespace
- string "(\\"
- whitespace
- wtf <- token
- whitespace
- string "->"
- whitespace
- renderer <- token
- whitespace
- string wtf
- whitespace
+ void $ string "(toHtml"
+ void whitespace
+ void $ string "(\\"
+ void whitespace
+ wtf <- hstoken
+ void whitespace
+ void $ string "->"
+ void whitespace
+ renderer <- hstoken
+ void whitespace
+ void $ string wtf
+ void whitespace
return $ "(toHtml (flip " ++ renderer ++ " "
whitespace :: Parser String
whitespace = many $ oneOf " \t\r\n"
- token :: Parser String
- token = many1 $ satisfy isAlphaNum <|> oneOf "_"
+ hstoken :: Parser String
+ hstoken = many1 $ satisfy isAlphaNum <|> oneOf "_"
{- Use exported symbol. -}
text_builder_hack :: String -> String
@@ -591,7 +592,7 @@ text_builder_hack = replace "Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Internal.fromText" "Data.Tex
- Rather slow, but crazy powerful. -}
parsecAndReplace :: Parser String -> String -> String
parsecAndReplace p s = case parse find "" s of
- Left e -> s
+ Left _e -> s
Right l -> concatMap (either return id) l
find :: Parser [Either Char String]