path: root/Backend/Hash.hs
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authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2013-10-01 20:34:06 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2013-10-01 20:34:36 -0400
commit2d8a1ba354653fb01f9f33ec126ca53d64200acf (patch)
tree19606245947fa4824d3ce5dcec5c645341f4ef98 /Backend/Hash.hs
parentdf58caaee491b729d35fa6a9a5e59eaa3c80cdc3 (diff)
Added SKEIN256 and SKEIN512 backends
SHA3 is still waiting for final standardization. Although this is looking less likely given In the meantime, cryptohash implements skein, and it's used by some of the haskell ecosystem (for yesod sessions, IIRC), so this implementation is likely to continue working. Also, I've talked with the cryprohash author and he's a reasonable guy. It makes sense to have an alternate high security hash, in case some horrible attack is found against SHA2 tomorrow, or in case SHA3 comes out and worst fears are realized. I'd also like to support using skein for HMAC. But no hurry there and a new version of cryptohash has much nicer HMAC code, so I will probably wait until I can use that version.
Diffstat (limited to 'Backend/Hash.hs')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Backend/Hash.hs b/Backend/Hash.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..309c0fe9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Backend/Hash.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+{- git-annex hashing backends
+ -
+ - Copyright 2011-2013 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Backend.Hash (backends) where
+import Common.Annex
+import qualified Annex
+import Types.Backend
+import Types.Key
+import Types.KeySource
+import Utility.Hash
+import Utility.ExternalSHA
+import qualified Build.SysConfig as SysConfig
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
+import Data.Char
+data Hash = SHAHash HashSize | SkeinHash HashSize
+type HashSize = Int
+{- Order is slightly significant; want SHA256 first, and more general
+ - sizes earlier. -}
+hashes :: [Hash]
+hashes = concat
+ [ map SHAHash [256, 1, 512, 224, 384]
+ , map SkeinHash [256, 512]
+ ]
+{- The SHA256E backend is the default, so genBackendE comes first. -}
+backends :: [Backend]
+backends = catMaybes $ map genBackendE hashes ++ map genBackend hashes
+genBackend :: Hash -> Maybe Backend
+genBackend hash = Just Backend
+ { name = hashName hash
+ , getKey = keyValue hash
+ , fsckKey = Just $ checkKeyChecksum hash
+ , canUpgradeKey = Just needsUpgrade
+ }
+genBackendE :: Hash -> Maybe Backend
+genBackendE hash = do
+ b <- genBackend hash
+ return $ b
+ { name = hashNameE hash
+ , getKey = keyValueE hash
+ }
+hashName :: Hash -> String
+hashName (SHAHash size) = "SHA" ++ show size
+hashName (SkeinHash size) = "SKEIN" ++ show size
+hashNameE :: Hash -> String
+hashNameE hash = hashName hash ++ "E"
+{- A key is a hash of its contents. -}
+keyValue :: Hash -> KeySource -> Annex (Maybe Key)
+keyValue hash source = do
+ let file = contentLocation source
+ stat <- liftIO $ getFileStatus file
+ let filesize = fromIntegral $ fileSize stat
+ s <- hashFile hash file filesize
+ return $ Just $ stubKey
+ { keyName = s
+ , keyBackendName = hashName hash
+ , keySize = Just filesize
+ }
+{- Extension preserving keys. -}
+keyValueE :: Hash -> KeySource -> Annex (Maybe Key)
+keyValueE hash source = keyValue hash source >>= maybe (return Nothing) addE
+ where
+ addE k = return $ Just $ k
+ { keyName = keyName k ++ selectExtension (keyFilename source)
+ , keyBackendName = hashNameE hash
+ }
+selectExtension :: FilePath -> String
+selectExtension f
+ | null es = ""
+ | otherwise = intercalate "." ("":es)
+ where
+ es = filter (not . null) $ reverse $
+ take 2 $ takeWhile shortenough $
+ reverse $ split "." $ filter validExtension $ takeExtensions f
+ shortenough e = length e <= 4 -- long enough for "jpeg"
+{- A key's checksum is checked during fsck. -}
+checkKeyChecksum :: Hash -> Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool
+checkKeyChecksum hash key file = do
+ fast <- Annex.getState
+ mstat <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ getFileStatus file
+ case (mstat, fast) of
+ (Just stat, False) -> do
+ let filesize = fromIntegral $ fileSize stat
+ check <$> hashFile hash file filesize
+ _ -> return True
+ where
+ expected = keyHash key
+ check s
+ | s == expected = True
+ {- A bug caused checksums to be prefixed with \ in some
+ - cases; still accept these as legal now that the bug has been
+ - fixed. -}
+ | '\\' : s == expected = True
+ | otherwise = False
+keyHash :: Key -> String
+keyHash key = dropExtensions (keyName key)
+validExtension :: Char -> Bool
+validExtension c
+ | isAlphaNum c = True
+ | c == '.' = True
+ | otherwise = False
+{- Upgrade keys that have the \ prefix on their sha due to a bug, or
+ - that contain non-alphanumeric characters in their extension. -}
+needsUpgrade :: Key -> Bool
+needsUpgrade key = "\\" `isPrefixOf` keyHash key ||
+ any (not . validExtension) (takeExtensions $ keyName key)
+hashFile :: Hash -> FilePath -> Integer -> Annex String
+hashFile hash file filesize = do
+ showAction "checksum"
+ liftIO $ go hash
+ where
+ go (SHAHash hashsize) = case shaCommand hashsize filesize of
+ Left sha -> sha <$> L.readFile file
+ Right command ->
+ either error return
+ =<< externalSHA command hashsize file
+ go (SkeinHash hashsize) = skeinHasher hashsize <$> L.readFile file
+skeinHasher :: HashSize -> (L.ByteString -> String)
+skeinHasher hashsize
+ | hashsize == 256 = show . skein256
+ | hashsize == 512 = show . skein512
+ | otherwise = error $ "bad skein size " ++ show hashsize
+shaCommand :: HashSize -> Integer -> Either (L.ByteString -> String) String
+shaCommand hashsize filesize
+ | hashsize == 1 = use SysConfig.sha1 sha1
+ | hashsize == 256 = use SysConfig.sha256 sha256
+ | hashsize == 224 = use SysConfig.sha224 sha224
+ | hashsize == 384 = use SysConfig.sha384 sha384
+ | hashsize == 512 = use SysConfig.sha512 sha512
+ | otherwise = error $ "bad sha size " ++ show hashsize
+ where
+ use Nothing hasher = Left $ show . hasher
+ use (Just c) hasher
+ {- Use builtin, but slightly slower hashing for
+ - smallish files. Cryptohash benchmarks 90 to 101%
+ - faster than external hashers, depending on the hash
+ - and system. So there is no point forking an external
+ - process unless the file is large. -}
+ | filesize < 1048576 = use Nothing hasher
+ | otherwise = Right c