path: root/Assistant
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authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-10-18 13:42:17 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-10-18 13:42:17 -0400
commit3e657d3db6bc65ab09343eb019ce5bf73666213e (patch)
treea8e62ecb65a7a95d80a39ad063465604495f8657 /Assistant
parent40cfbecb52ba993c76022bccae8f8fcc441443f1 (diff)
minor transfer scanner code reworking
Also a small optimisation using a Set
Diffstat (limited to 'Assistant')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/TransferScanner.hs b/Assistant/Threads/TransferScanner.hs
index bc5837529..a664f3112 100644
--- a/Assistant/Threads/TransferScanner.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/TransferScanner.hs
@@ -87,16 +87,26 @@ failedTransferScan st dstatus transferqueue r = do
transferqueue dstatus (associatedFile info) t r
{- This is a expensive scan through the full git work tree, finding
- - files to download from or upload to any known remote.
- -
- - The scan is blocked when the transfer queue gets too large. -}
+ - files to transfer. The scan is blocked when the transfer queue gets
+ - too large.
+ -
+ - This also finds files that are present either here or on a remote
+ - but that are not preferred content, and drops them. Searching for files
+ - to drop is done concurrently with the scan for transfers.
+ -
+ - TODO: It would be better to first drop as much as we can, before
+ - transferring much, to minimise disk use.
+ -}
expensiveScan :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferQueue -> [Remote] -> IO ()
expensiveScan st dstatus transferqueue rs = unless onlyweb $ do
liftIO $ debug thisThread ["starting scan of", show visiblers]
void $ alertWhile dstatus (scanAlert visiblers) $ do
g <- runThreadState st gitRepo
(files, cleanup) <- LsFiles.inRepo [] g
- go files
+ forM_ files $ \f -> do
+ ts <- runThreadState st $
+ ifAnnexed f (findtransfers f) (return [])
+ mapM_ (enqueue f) ts
void cleanup
return True
liftIO $ debug thisThread ["finished scan of", show visiblers]
@@ -104,32 +114,30 @@ expensiveScan st dstatus transferqueue rs = unless onlyweb $ do
onlyweb = all (== webUUID) $ map Remote.uuid rs
visiblers = let rs' = filter (not . Remote.readonly) rs
in if null rs' then rs else rs'
- go [] = noop
- go (f:fs) = do
- mapM_ (enqueue f) =<< runThreadState st
- (ifAnnexed f (findtransfers f) $ return [])
- go fs
enqueue f (r, t) = do
debug thisThread ["queuing", show t]
queueTransferWhenSmall transferqueue dstatus (Just f) t r
findtransfers f (key, _) = do
- locs <- loggedLocations key
- {- Queue transfers from any known remote. The known
- - remotes may have changed since this scan began. -}
+ locs <- S.fromList <$> loggedLocations key
+ {- Queue transfers from any syncable remote. The
+ - syncable remotes may have changed since this
+ - scan began. -}
let use a = do
syncrs <- liftIO $ syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus dstatus
return $ catMaybes $ map (a key locs) syncrs
ifM (inAnnex key)
( filterM (wantSend (Just f) . Remote.uuid . fst)
- =<< use (check Upload False)
+ =<< use (genTransfer Upload False)
, ifM (wantGet $ Just f)
- ( use (check Download True) , return [] )
+ ( use (genTransfer Download True) , return [] )
- check direction want key locs r
- | direction == Upload && Remote.readonly r = Nothing
- | (Remote.uuid r `elem` locs) == want = Just
- (r, Transfer direction (Remote.uuid r) key)
- | otherwise = Nothing
+genTransfer :: Direction -> Bool -> Key -> S.Set UUID -> Remote -> Maybe (Remote, Transfer)
+genTransfer direction want key locs r
+ | direction == Upload && Remote.readonly r = Nothing
+ | (S.member (Remote.uuid r) locs) == want = Just
+ (r, Transfer direction (Remote.uuid r) key)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
remoteHas :: Remote -> Key -> Annex Bool
remoteHas r key = elem