path: root/Assistant
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authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-09-08 02:02:39 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-09-08 02:02:39 -0400
commit0c01348b65bb3d0364f90ce9785236fa05985f75 (patch)
treec96bb6612882c6db04a8a4b48f34dead0f6ec3c6 /Assistant
parent3bee6b3c74cede7c9099e6bf298ffa585ebf3b80 (diff)
pairing passphrase entry form, validation, etc
Actually 3 forms in one, this handles the initial passphrase entry, and the confirmation, and also varys wording if the same user or a different user is confirming.
Diffstat (limited to 'Assistant')
2 files changed, 78 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/Pairing.hs b/Assistant/Pairing.hs
index f384895bd..8a9d897eb 100644
--- a/Assistant/Pairing.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Pairing.hs
@@ -21,14 +21,20 @@ data PairReq = PairReq (Verifiable PairData)
data PairAck = PairAck (Verifiable PairData)
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
+fromPairReq :: PairReq -> Verifiable PairData
+fromPairReq (PairReq v) = v
+fromPairAck :: PairAck -> Verifiable PairData
+fromPairAck (PairAck v) = v
data PairMsg
= PairReqM PairReq
| PairAckM PairAck
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
data PairData = PairData
- { hostName :: HostName
- , userName :: UserName
+ { remoteHostName :: HostName
+ , remoteUserName :: UserName
, sshPubKey :: Maybe SshPubKey
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
diff --git a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Pairing.hs b/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Pairing.hs
index f555b2905..82f413a00 100644
--- a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Pairing.hs
+++ b/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Pairing.hs
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- Pairing works like this:
- - * The user optns StartPairR, which prompts them for a secret.
+ - * The user opens StartPairR, which prompts them for a secret.
- * The user submits it. A PairReq is broadcast out. The secret is
- stashed away in a list of known pairing secrets.
- * On another device, it's received, and that causes its webapp to
@@ -29,23 +29,84 @@ module Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Pairing where
import Assistant.Common
import Assistant.Pairing
+import Utility.Verifiable
import Assistant.WebApp
import Assistant.WebApp.Types
import Assistant.WebApp.SideBar
import Utility.Yesod
-import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Local
-import qualified Types.Remote as R
-import qualified Remote.Rsync as Rsync
-import qualified Command.InitRemote
-import Logs.UUID
-import Logs.Remote
import Yesod
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
+import Data.Char
+import System.Posix.User
getStartPairR :: Handler RepHtml
-getStartPairR = undefined
+getStartPairR = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
+ sideBarDisplay
+ setTitle "Pairing"
+ promptSecret Nothing $ error "TODO"
getFinishPairR :: PairReq -> Handler RepHtml
-getFinishPairR = undefined
+getFinishPairR req = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
+ sideBarDisplay
+ setTitle "Pairing"
+ promptSecret (Just req) $ error "TODO"
+data InputSecret = InputSecret { secretText :: Maybe Text }
+promptSecret :: Maybe PairReq -> Widget -> Widget
+promptSecret req cont = do
+ ((result, form), enctype) <- lift $
+ runFormGet $ renderBootstrap $
+ InputSecret <$> aopt textField "Secret phrase" Nothing
+ case result of
+ FormSuccess v -> do
+ let secret = toSecret $ fromMaybe "" $ secretText v
+ case req of
+ Nothing -> case secretProblem secret of
+ Nothing -> cont
+ Just problem ->
+ showform form enctype $ Just problem
+ Just r ->
+ if verified (fromPairReq r) secret
+ then cont
+ else showform form enctype $ Just
+ "That's not the right secret phrase."
+ _ -> showform form enctype Nothing
+ where
+ showform form enctype mproblem = do
+ let start = isNothing req
+ let badphrase = isJust mproblem
+ let msg = fromMaybe "" mproblem
+ let (username, hostname) = maybe ("", "")
+ (\v -> (T.pack $ remoteUserName v, T.pack $ remoteHostName v))
+ (verifiableVal . fromPairReq <$> req)
+ u <- liftIO $ T.pack . userName
+ <$> (getUserEntryForID =<< getEffectiveUserID)
+ let sameusername = username == u
+ let authtoken = webAppFormAuthToken
+ $(widgetFile "configurators/pairing")
+{- This counts unicode characters as more than one character,
+ - but that's ok; they *do* provide additional entropy. -}
+secretProblem :: Secret -> Maybe Text
+secretProblem s
+ | B.null s = Just "The secret phrase cannot be left empty. (Remember that punctuation and white space is ignored.)"
+ | B.length s < 7 = Just "Enter a longer secret phrase, at least 6 characters, but really, a phrase is best! This is not a password you'll need to enter every day."
+ | s == toSecret sampleQuote = Just "Speaking of foolishness, don't paste in the example I gave. Enter a different phrase, please!"
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+toSecret :: Text -> Secret
+toSecret s = B.fromChunks [T.encodeUtf8 $ T.toLower $ T.filter isAlphaNum s]
+{- From Dickens -}
+sampleQuote :: Text
+sampleQuote = T.unwords
+ [ "It was the best of times,"
+ , "it was the worst of times,"
+ , "it was the age of wisdom,"
+ , "it was the age of foolishness."
+ ]