path: root/Assistant/Threads/PushNotifier.hs
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authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-11-03 14:16:17 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-11-03 14:16:17 -0400
commit1279d72b4e4fe77abb983954dc937021559d4169 (patch)
tree6c7d718be97634ddaaa2a9dd90637363cc0ebeb0 /Assistant/Threads/PushNotifier.hs
parent85eb13a57a7c0c4f2df46ab4c01c434585370999 (diff)
refactor XMPP client
Diffstat (limited to 'Assistant/Threads/PushNotifier.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/PushNotifier.hs b/Assistant/Threads/PushNotifier.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index bdb9e1e12..000000000
--- a/Assistant/Threads/PushNotifier.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-{- git-annex assistant push notification thread, using XMPP
- -
- - This handles both sending outgoing push notifications, and receiving
- - incoming push notifications.
- -
- - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <>
- -
- - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
- -}
-module Assistant.Threads.PushNotifier where
-import Assistant.Common
-import Assistant.XMPP
-import Assistant.XMPP.Client
-import Assistant.Pushes
-import Assistant.Types.Buddies
-import Assistant.XMPP.Buddies
-import Assistant.Sync
-import Assistant.DaemonStatus
-import qualified Remote
-import Utility.ThreadScheduler
-import Network.Protocol.XMPP
-import Control.Concurrent
-import qualified Data.Set as S
-import qualified Git.Branch
-import Data.Time.Clock
-pushNotifierThread :: NamedThread
-pushNotifierThread = NamedThread "PushNotifier" $ do
- iodebug <- asIO1 debug
- iopull <- asIO1 pull
- iowaitpush <- asIO waitPush
- ioupdatebuddies <- asIO1 $ \p -> do
- updateBuddyList (updateBuddies p) <<~ buddyList
- debug =<< map show <$> getBuddyList <<~ buddyList
- ioemptybuddies <- asIO $
- updateBuddyList (const noBuddies) <<~ buddyList
- ioclient <- asIO $
- xmppClient iowaitpush iodebug iopull ioupdatebuddies ioemptybuddies
- forever $ do
- tid <- liftIO $ forkIO ioclient
- waitRestart
- liftIO $ killThread tid
- :: (IO [UUID])
- -> ([String] -> IO ())
- -> ([UUID] -> IO ())
- -> (Presence -> IO ())
- -> IO ()
- -> Assistant ()
-xmppClient iowaitpush iodebug iopull ioupdatebuddies ioemptybuddies = do
- v <- liftAnnex getXMPPCreds
- case v of
- Nothing -> noop
- Just c -> liftIO $ loop c =<< getCurrentTime
- where
- loop c starttime = do
- void $ connectXMPP c $ \jid -> do
- fulljid <- bindJID jid
- liftIO $ iodebug ["XMPP connected", show fulljid]
- {- The buddy list starts empty each time the client
- - connects, so that stale info is not retained. -}
- liftIO ioemptybuddies
- putStanza $ gitAnnexPresence gitAnnexSignature
- s <- getSession
- _ <- liftIO $ forkIO $ void $ runXMPP s $
- receivenotifications fulljid
- sendnotifications
- now <- getCurrentTime
- if diffUTCTime now starttime > 300
- then do
- iodebug ["XMPP connection lost; reconnecting"]
- loop c now
- else do
- iodebug ["XMPP connection failed; will retry"]
- threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 300)
- loop c =<< getCurrentTime
- sendnotifications = forever $ do
- us <- liftIO iowaitpush
- putStanza $ gitAnnexPresence $ encodePushNotification us
- receivenotifications fulljid = forever $ do
- s <- getStanza
- liftIO $ iodebug ["received XMPP:", show s]
- case s of
- ReceivedPresence p@(Presence { presenceFrom = from })
- | from == Just fulljid -> noop
- | otherwise -> do
- liftIO $ ioupdatebuddies p
- when (isGitAnnexPresence p) $
- liftIO $ iopull $ concat $ catMaybes $
- map decodePushNotification $
- presencePayloads p
- _ -> noop
-{- We only pull from one remote out of the set listed in the push
- - notification, as an optimisation.
- -
- - Note that it might be possible (though very unlikely) for the push
- - notification to take a while to be sent, and multiple pushes happen
- - before it is sent, so it includes multiple remotes that were pushed
- - to at different times.
- -
- - It could then be the case that the remote we choose had the earlier
- - push sent to it, but then failed to get the later push, and so is not
- - fully up-to-date. If that happens, the pushRetryThread will come along
- - and retry the push, and we'll get another notification once it succeeds,
- - and pull again. -}
-pull :: [UUID] -> Assistant ()
-pull [] = noop
-pull us = do
- rs <- filter matching . syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
- debug $ "push notification for" : map (fromUUID . Remote.uuid ) rs
- pullone rs =<< liftAnnex (inRepo Git.Branch.current)
- where
- matching r = Remote.uuid r `S.member` s
- s = S.fromList us
- pullone [] _ = noop
- pullone (r:rs) branch =
- unlessM (all id . fst <$> manualPull branch [r]) $
- pullone rs branch