path: root/Assistant/Alert.hs
diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2014-04-02 21:42:53 +0100
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2014-04-02 21:42:53 +0100
commit6da7cdf0fbf26f1faf7d5710e6ed488f1a4e9589 (patch)
tree7a903e2eca579335b7ce73d0220854e7a25c3bb9 /Assistant/Alert.hs
git-annex (5.20140402) unstable; urgency=medium
* unannex, uninit: Avoid committing after every file is unannexed, for massive speedup. * --notify-finish switch will cause desktop notifications after each file upload/download/drop completes (using the dbus Desktop Notifications Specification) * --notify-start switch will show desktop notifications when each file upload/download starts. * webapp: Automatically install Nautilus integration scripts to get and drop files. * tahoe: Pass -d parameter before subcommand; putting it after the subcommand no longer works with tahoe-lafs version 1.10. (Thanks, Alberto Berti) * forget --drop-dead: Avoid removing the dead remote from the trust.log, so that if git remotes for it still exist anywhere, git annex info will still know it's dead and not show it. * git-annex-shell: Make configlist automatically initialize a remote git repository, as long as a git-annex branch has been pushed to it, to simplify setup of remote git repositories, including via gitolite. * add --include-dotfiles: New option, perhaps useful for backups. * Version 5.20140227 broke creation of glacier repositories, not including the datacenter and vault in their configuration. This bug is fixed, but glacier repositories set up with the broken version of git-annex need to have the datacenter and vault set in order to be usable. This can be done using git annex enableremote to add the missing settings. For details, see * Added required content configuration. * assistant: Improve ssh authorized keys line generated in local pairing or for a remote ssh server to set environment variables in an alternative way that works with the non-POSIX fish shell, as well as POSIX shells. # imported from the archive
Diffstat (limited to 'Assistant/Alert.hs')
1 files changed, 452 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/Alert.hs b/Assistant/Alert.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..192952f56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Alert.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+{- git-annex assistant alerts
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012-2014 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, CPP, BangPatterns #-}
+module Assistant.Alert where
+import Common.Annex
+import Assistant.Types.Alert
+import Assistant.Alert.Utility
+import qualified Remote
+import Utility.Tense
+import Logs.Transfer
+import Types.Distribution
+import Data.String
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Control.Exception as E
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.WebApp.Types
+import Assistant.WebApp (renderUrl)
+import Yesod
+import Assistant.Monad
+import Assistant.Types.UrlRenderer
+{- Makes a button for an alert that opens a Route.
+ -
+ - If autoclose is set, the button will close the alert it's
+ - attached to when clicked. -}
+mkAlertButton :: Bool -> T.Text -> UrlRenderer -> Route WebApp -> Assistant AlertButton
+mkAlertButton autoclose label urlrenderer route = do
+ close <- asIO1 removeAlert
+ url <- liftIO $ renderUrl urlrenderer route []
+ return $ AlertButton
+ { buttonLabel = label
+ , buttonUrl = url
+ , buttonAction = if autoclose then Just close else Nothing
+ , buttonPrimary = True
+ }
+renderData :: Alert -> TenseText
+renderData = tenseWords . alertData
+baseActivityAlert :: Alert
+baseActivityAlert = Alert
+ { alertClass = Activity
+ , alertHeader = Nothing
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertData = []
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = False
+ , alertClosable = False
+ , alertPriority = Medium
+ , alertIcon = Just ActivityIcon
+ , alertCombiner = Nothing
+ , alertName = Nothing
+ , alertButtons = []
+ }
+warningAlert :: String -> String -> Alert
+warningAlert name msg = Alert
+ { alertClass = Warning
+ , alertHeader = Just $ tenseWords ["warning"]
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertData = [UnTensed $ T.pack msg]
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = True
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertIcon = Just ErrorIcon
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
+ , alertName = Just $ WarningAlert name
+ , alertButtons = []
+ }
+errorAlert :: String -> [AlertButton] -> Alert
+errorAlert msg buttons = Alert
+ { alertClass = Error
+ , alertHeader = Nothing
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertData = [UnTensed $ T.pack msg]
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = True
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertPriority = Pinned
+ , alertIcon = Just ErrorIcon
+ , alertCombiner = Nothing
+ , alertName = Nothing
+ , alertButtons = buttons
+ }
+activityAlert :: Maybe TenseText -> [TenseChunk] -> Alert
+activityAlert header dat = baseActivityAlert
+ { alertHeader = header
+ , alertData = dat
+ }
+startupScanAlert :: Alert
+startupScanAlert = activityAlert Nothing
+ [Tensed "Performing" "Performed", "startup scan"]
+{- Displayed when a shutdown is occurring, so will be seen after shutdown
+ - has happened. -}
+shutdownAlert :: Alert
+shutdownAlert = warningAlert "shutdown" "git-annex has been shut down"
+commitAlert :: Alert
+commitAlert = activityAlert Nothing
+ [Tensed "Committing" "Committed", "changes to git"]
+showRemotes :: [Remote] -> TenseChunk
+showRemotes = UnTensed . T.intercalate ", " . map (T.pack .
+syncAlert :: [Remote] -> Alert
+syncAlert rs = baseActivityAlert
+ { alertName = Just SyncAlert
+ , alertHeader = Just $ tenseWords
+ [Tensed "Syncing" "Synced", "with", showRemotes rs]
+ , alertPriority = Low
+ , alertIcon = Just SyncIcon
+ }
+syncResultAlert :: [Remote] -> [Remote] -> Alert
+syncResultAlert succeeded failed = makeAlertFiller (not $ null succeeded) $
+ baseActivityAlert
+ { alertName = Just SyncAlert
+ , alertHeader = Just $ tenseWords msg
+ }
+ where
+ msg
+ | null succeeded = ["Failed to sync with", showRemotes failed]
+ | null failed = ["Synced with", showRemotes succeeded]
+ | otherwise =
+ [ "Synced with", showRemotes succeeded
+ , "but not with", showRemotes failed
+ ]
+sanityCheckAlert :: Alert
+sanityCheckAlert = activityAlert
+ (Just $ tenseWords [Tensed "Running" "Ran", "daily sanity check"])
+ ["to make sure everything is ok."]
+sanityCheckFixAlert :: String -> Alert
+sanityCheckFixAlert msg = Alert
+ { alertClass = Warning
+ , alertHeader = Just $ tenseWords ["Fixed a problem"]
+ , alertMessageRender = render
+ , alertData = [UnTensed $ T.pack msg]
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = True
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertIcon = Just ErrorIcon
+ , alertName = Just SanityCheckFixAlert
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner (++)
+ , alertButtons = []
+ }
+ where
+ render alert = tenseWords $ alerthead : alertData alert ++ [alertfoot]
+ alerthead = "The daily sanity check found and fixed a problem:"
+ alertfoot = "If these problems persist, consider filing a bug report."
+fsckingAlert :: AlertButton -> Maybe Remote -> Alert
+fsckingAlert button mr = baseActivityAlert
+ { alertData = case mr of
+ Nothing -> [ UnTensed $ T.pack $ "Consistency check in progress" ]
+ Just r -> [ UnTensed $ T.pack $ "Consistency check of " ++ r ++ " in progress"]
+ , alertButtons = [button]
+ }
+showFscking :: UrlRenderer -> Maybe Remote -> IO (Either E.SomeException a) -> Assistant a
+showFscking urlrenderer mr a = do
+ button <- mkAlertButton False (T.pack "Configure") urlrenderer ConfigFsckR
+ r <- alertDuring (fsckingAlert button mr) $
+ liftIO a
+ r <- liftIO a
+ either (liftIO . E.throwIO) return r
+notFsckedNudge :: UrlRenderer -> Maybe Remote -> Assistant ()
+notFsckedNudge urlrenderer mr = do
+ button <- mkAlertButton True (T.pack "Configure") urlrenderer ConfigFsckR
+ void $ addAlert (notFsckedAlert mr button)
+notFsckedNudge _ _ = noop
+notFsckedAlert :: Maybe Remote -> AlertButton -> Alert
+notFsckedAlert mr button = Alert
+ { alertHeader = Just $ fromString $ concat
+ [ "You should enable consistency checking to protect your data"
+ , maybe "" (\r -> " in " ++ r) mr
+ , "."
+ ]
+ , alertIcon = Just InfoIcon
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertButtons = [button]
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertClass = Message
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = True
+ , alertName = Just NotFsckedAlert
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
+ , alertData = []
+ }
+baseUpgradeAlert :: [AlertButton] -> TenseText -> Alert
+baseUpgradeAlert buttons message = Alert
+ { alertHeader = Just message
+ , alertIcon = Just UpgradeIcon
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertButtons = buttons
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertClass = Message
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = True
+ , alertName = Just UpgradeAlert
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ fullCombiner $ \new _old -> new
+ , alertData = []
+ }
+canUpgradeAlert :: AlertPriority -> GitAnnexVersion -> AlertButton -> Alert
+canUpgradeAlert priority version button =
+ (baseUpgradeAlert [button] $ fromString msg)
+ { alertPriority = priority
+ , alertData = [fromString $ " (version " ++ version ++ ")"]
+ }
+ where
+ msg = if priority >= High
+ then "An important upgrade of git-annex is available!"
+ else "An upgrade of git-annex is available."
+upgradeReadyAlert :: AlertButton -> Alert
+upgradeReadyAlert button = baseUpgradeAlert [button] $
+ fromString "A new version of git-annex has been installed."
+upgradingAlert :: Alert
+upgradingAlert = activityAlert Nothing [ fromString "Upgrading git-annex" ]
+upgradeFinishedAlert :: Maybe AlertButton -> GitAnnexVersion -> Alert
+upgradeFinishedAlert button version =
+ baseUpgradeAlert (maybeToList button) $ fromString $
+ "Finished upgrading git-annex to version " ++ version
+upgradeFailedAlert :: String -> Alert
+upgradeFailedAlert msg = (errorAlert msg [])
+ { alertHeader = Just $ fromString "Upgrade failed." }
+unusedFilesAlert :: [AlertButton] -> String -> Alert
+unusedFilesAlert buttons message = Alert
+ { alertHeader = Just $ fromString $ unwords
+ [ "Old and deleted files are piling up --"
+ , message
+ ]
+ , alertIcon = Just InfoIcon
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertButtons = buttons
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertClass = Message
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = True
+ , alertName = Just UnusedFilesAlert
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ fullCombiner $ \new _old -> new
+ , alertData = []
+ }
+brokenRepositoryAlert :: [AlertButton] -> Alert
+brokenRepositoryAlert = errorAlert "Serious problems have been detected with your repository. This needs your immediate attention!"
+repairingAlert :: String -> Alert
+repairingAlert repodesc = activityAlert Nothing
+ [ Tensed "Attempting to repair" "Repaired"
+ , UnTensed $ T.pack repodesc
+ ]
+pairingAlert :: AlertButton -> Alert
+pairingAlert button = baseActivityAlert
+ { alertData = [ UnTensed "Pairing in progress" ]
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertButtons = [button]
+ }
+pairRequestReceivedAlert :: String -> AlertButton -> Alert
+pairRequestReceivedAlert who button = Alert
+ { alertClass = Message
+ , alertHeader = Nothing
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertData = [UnTensed $ T.pack $ who ++ " is sending a pair request."]
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = False
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertIcon = Just InfoIcon
+ , alertName = Just $ PairAlert who
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
+ , alertButtons = [button]
+ }
+pairRequestAcknowledgedAlert :: String -> Maybe AlertButton -> Alert
+pairRequestAcknowledgedAlert who button = baseActivityAlert
+ { alertData = ["Pairing with", UnTensed (T.pack who), Tensed "in progress" "complete"]
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertName = Just $ PairAlert who
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
+ , alertButtons = maybeToList button
+ }
+xmppNeededAlert :: AlertButton -> Alert
+xmppNeededAlert button = Alert
+ { alertHeader = Just "Share with friends, and keep your devices in sync across the cloud."
+ , alertIcon = Just TheCloud
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertButtons = [button]
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertClass = Message
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = True
+ , alertName = Just $ XMPPNeededAlert
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
+ , alertData = []
+ }
+cloudRepoNeededAlert :: Maybe String -> AlertButton -> Alert
+cloudRepoNeededAlert friendname button = Alert
+ { alertHeader = Just $ fromString $ unwords
+ [ "Unable to download files from"
+ , (fromMaybe "your other devices" friendname) ++ "."
+ ]
+ , alertIcon = Just ErrorIcon
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertButtons = [button]
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertClass = Message
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = True
+ , alertName = Just $ CloudRepoNeededAlert
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
+ , alertData = []
+ }
+remoteRemovalAlert :: String -> AlertButton -> Alert
+remoteRemovalAlert desc button = Alert
+ { alertHeader = Just $ fromString $
+ "The repository \"" ++ desc ++
+ "\" has been emptied, and can now be removed."
+ , alertIcon = Just InfoIcon
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertButtons = [button]
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertClass = Message
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = True
+ , alertName = Just $ RemoteRemovalAlert desc
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
+ , alertData = []
+ }
+{- Show a message that relates to a list of files.
+ -
+ - The most recent several files are shown, and a count of any others. -}
+fileAlert :: TenseChunk -> [FilePath] -> Alert
+fileAlert msg files = (activityAlert Nothing shortfiles)
+ { alertName = Just $ FileAlert msg
+ , alertMessageRender = renderer
+ , alertCounter = counter
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ fullCombiner combiner
+ }
+ where
+ maxfilesshown = 10
+ (!somefiles, !counter) = splitcounter (dedupadjacent files)
+ !shortfiles = map (fromString . shortFile . takeFileName) somefiles
+ renderer alert = tenseWords $ msg : alertData alert ++ showcounter
+ where
+ showcounter = case alertCounter alert of
+ 0 -> []
+ _ -> [fromString $ "and " ++ show (alertCounter alert) ++ " other files"]
+ dedupadjacent (x:y:rest)
+ | x == y = dedupadjacent (y:rest)
+ | otherwise = x : dedupadjacent (y:rest)
+ dedupadjacent (x:[]) = [x]
+ dedupadjacent [] = []
+ {- Note that this ensures the counter is never 1; no need to say
+ - "1 file" when the filename could be shown. -}
+ splitcounter l
+ | length l <= maxfilesshown = (l, 0)
+ | otherwise =
+ let (keep, rest) = splitAt (maxfilesshown - 1) l
+ in (keep, length rest)
+ combiner new old =
+ let (!fs, n) = splitcounter $
+ dedupadjacent $ alertData new ++ alertData old
+ !cnt = n + alertCounter new + alertCounter old
+ in old
+ { alertData = fs
+ , alertCounter = cnt
+ }
+addFileAlert :: [FilePath] -> Alert
+addFileAlert = fileAlert (Tensed "Adding" "Added")
+{- This is only used as a success alert after a transfer, not during it. -}
+transferFileAlert :: Direction -> Bool -> FilePath -> Alert
+transferFileAlert direction True file
+ | direction == Upload = fileAlert "Uploaded" [file]
+ | otherwise = fileAlert "Downloaded" [file]
+transferFileAlert direction False file
+ | direction == Upload = fileAlert "Upload failed" [file]
+ | otherwise = fileAlert "Download failed" [file]
+dataCombiner :: ([TenseChunk] -> [TenseChunk] -> [TenseChunk]) -> AlertCombiner
+dataCombiner combiner = fullCombiner $
+ \new old -> old { alertData = alertData new `combiner` alertData old }
+fullCombiner :: (Alert -> Alert -> Alert) -> AlertCombiner
+fullCombiner combiner new old
+ | alertClass new /= alertClass old = Nothing
+ | alertName new == alertName old =
+ Just $! new `combiner` old
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+shortFile :: FilePath -> String
+shortFile f
+ | len < maxlen = f
+ | otherwise = take half f ++ ".." ++ drop (len - half) f
+ where
+ len = length f
+ maxlen = 20
+ half = (maxlen - 2) `div` 2