path: root/Annex
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authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2016-02-03 14:56:34 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2016-02-03 15:04:42 -0400
commit11c3a7cd331f7b07e62493a4e8e37e0cecffc5b0 (patch)
tree746fb1ccdfe06f8eb093a0d2d4a2757a8090d3e3 /Annex
parent01c701b5a5c18cfa952394ae1cbd2249cfd08f51 (diff)
Limit annex.largefiles parsing to the subset of preferred content expressions that make sense in its context.
So, not "standard" or "lackingcopies", etc.
Diffstat (limited to 'Annex')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/Annex/FileMatcher.hs b/Annex/FileMatcher.hs
index e3482ec8b..b4a4b6d9a 100644
--- a/Annex/FileMatcher.hs
+++ b/Annex/FileMatcher.hs
@@ -5,7 +5,15 @@
- Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
-module Annex.FileMatcher where
+module Annex.FileMatcher (
+ GetFileMatcher,
+ checkFileMatcher,
+ checkMatcher,
+ matchAll,
+ preferredContentParser,
+ parsedToMatcher,
+ largeFilesMatcher,
+) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
@@ -13,8 +21,6 @@ import Annex.Common
import Limit
import Utility.Matcher
import Types.Group
-import Logs.Group
-import Annex.UUID
import qualified Annex
import Types.FileMatcher
import Git.FilePath
@@ -53,53 +59,38 @@ fileMatchInfo file = do
matchAll :: FileMatcher Annex
matchAll = generate []
-parsedToMatcher :: [Either String (Token (MatchFiles Annex))] -> Either String (FileMatcher Annex)
+parsedToMatcher :: [ParseResult] -> Either String (FileMatcher Annex)
parsedToMatcher parsed = case partitionEithers parsed of
([], vs) -> Right $ generate vs
(es, _) -> Left $ unwords $ map ("Parse failure: " ++) es
-exprParser :: FileMatcher Annex -> FileMatcher Annex -> Annex GroupMap -> M.Map UUID RemoteConfig -> Maybe UUID -> String -> [Either String (Token (MatchFiles Annex))]
-exprParser matchstandard matchgroupwanted getgroupmap configmap mu expr =
- map parse $ tokenizeMatcher expr
- where
- parse = parseToken
- matchstandard
- matchgroupwanted
- (limitPresent mu)
- (limitInDir preferreddir)
- getgroupmap
- preferreddir = fromMaybe "public" $
- M.lookup "preferreddir" =<< (`M.lookup` configmap) =<< mu
+data ParseToken
+ = SimpleToken String ParseResult
+ | ValueToken String (String -> ParseResult)
-parseToken :: FileMatcher Annex -> FileMatcher Annex -> MatchFiles Annex -> MatchFiles Annex -> Annex GroupMap -> String -> Either String (Token (MatchFiles Annex))
-parseToken matchstandard matchgroupwanted checkpresent checkpreferreddir getgroupmap t
+type ParseResult = Either String (Token (MatchFiles Annex))
+parseToken :: [ParseToken] -> String -> ParseResult
+parseToken l t
| t `elem` tokens = Right $ token t
- | otherwise = case t of
- "standard" -> call matchstandard
- "groupwanted" -> call matchgroupwanted
- "present" -> simply checkpresent
- "inpreferreddir" -> simply checkpreferreddir
- "unused" -> simply limitUnused
- "anything" -> simply limitAnything
- "nothing" -> simply limitNothing
- _ -> case k of
- "include" -> usev limitInclude
- "exclude" -> usev limitExclude
- "copies" -> usev limitCopies
- "lackingcopies" -> usev $ limitLackingCopies False
- "approxlackingcopies" -> usev $ limitLackingCopies True
- "inbackend" -> usev limitInBackend
- "largerthan" -> usev $ limitSize (>)
- "smallerthan" -> usev $ limitSize (<)
- "metadata" -> usev limitMetaData
- "inallgroup" -> usev $ limitInAllGroup getgroupmap
- _ -> Left $ "near " ++ show t
+ | otherwise = go l
+ go [] = Left $ "near " ++ show t
+ go (SimpleToken s r : _) | s == t = r
+ go (ValueToken s mkr : _) | s == k = mkr v
+ go (_ : ps) = go ps
(k, v) = separate (== '=') t
- simply = Right . Operation
- usev a = Operation <$> a v
- call sub = Right $ Operation $ \notpresent mi ->
- matchMrun sub $ \a -> a notpresent mi
+commonTokens :: [ParseToken]
+commonTokens =
+ [ SimpleToken "unused" (simply limitUnused)
+ , SimpleToken "anything" (simply limitAnything)
+ , SimpleToken "nothing" (simply limitNothing)
+ , ValueToken "include" (usev limitInclude)
+ , ValueToken "exclude" (usev limitExclude)
+ , ValueToken "largerthan" (usev $ limitSize (>))
+ , ValueToken "smallerthan" (usev $ limitSize (<))
+ ]
{- This is really dumb tokenization; there's no support for quoted values.
- Open and close parens are always treated as standalone tokens;
@@ -109,6 +100,30 @@ tokenizeMatcher = filter (not . null ) . concatMap splitparens . words
splitparens = segmentDelim (`elem` "()")
+preferredContentParser :: FileMatcher Annex -> FileMatcher Annex -> Annex GroupMap -> M.Map UUID RemoteConfig -> Maybe UUID -> String -> [ParseResult]
+preferredContentParser matchstandard matchgroupwanted getgroupmap configmap mu expr =
+ map parse $ tokenizeMatcher expr
+ where
+ parse = parseToken $
+ [ SimpleToken "standard" (call matchstandard)
+ , SimpleToken "groupwanted" (call matchgroupwanted)
+ , SimpleToken "present" (simply $ limitPresent mu)
+ , SimpleToken "inpreferreddir" (simply $ limitInDir preferreddir)
+ , ValueToken "copies" (usev limitCopies)
+ , ValueToken "lackingcopies" (usev $ limitLackingCopies False)
+ , ValueToken "approxlackingcopies" (usev $ limitLackingCopies True)
+ , ValueToken "inbacked" (usev limitInBackend)
+ , ValueToken "metadata" (usev limitMetaData)
+ , ValueToken "inallgroup" (usev $ limitInAllGroup getgroupmap)
+ ] ++ commonTokens
+ preferreddir = fromMaybe "public" $
+ M.lookup "preferreddir" =<< (`M.lookup` configmap) =<< mu
+largeFilesParser :: String -> [ParseResult]
+largeFilesParser expr = map parse $ tokenizeMatcher expr
+ where
+ parse = parseToken commonTokens
{- Generates a matcher for files large enough (or meeting other criteria)
- to be added to the annex, rather than directly to git. -}
largeFilesMatcher :: Annex GetFileMatcher
@@ -123,13 +138,15 @@ largeFilesMatcher = go =<< annexLargeFiles <$> Annex.getGitConfig
then return matchAll
else mkmatcher expr
- mkmatcher expr = do
- u <- getUUID
- -- No need to read remote configs, that's only needed for
- -- inpreferreddir, which is used in preferred content
- -- expressions but does not make sense in the
- -- annex.largefiles expression.
- let emptyconfig = M.empty
- either badexpr return $
- parsedToMatcher $ exprParser matchAll matchAll groupMap emptyconfig (Just u) expr
+ mkmatcher = either badexpr return . parsedToMatcher . largeFilesParser
badexpr e = error $ "bad annex.largefiles configuration: " ++ e
+simply :: MatchFiles Annex -> ParseResult
+simply = Right . Operation
+usev :: MkLimit Annex -> String -> ParseResult
+usev a v = Operation <$> a v
+call :: FileMatcher Annex -> ParseResult
+call sub = Right $ Operation $ \notpresent mi ->
+ matchMrun sub $ \a -> a notpresent mi