path: root/Annex/AutoMerge.hs
diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2014-03-04 16:26:15 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2014-03-04 16:26:15 -0400
commitf29236e0d983709fb544214fe4d819657cadc915 (patch)
treefe610ca5d26a6736a921dda3aa672e41afe3deec /Annex/AutoMerge.hs
parentf470bb435c1d49af5931088743e8efed05c1f095 (diff)
factor out Annex.AutoMerge from Command.Sync
Diffstat (limited to 'Annex/AutoMerge.hs')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Annex/AutoMerge.hs b/Annex/AutoMerge.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4045008b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Annex/AutoMerge.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+{- git-annex automatic merge conflict resolution
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012-2014 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Annex.AutoMerge (autoMergeFrom) where
+import Common.Annex
+import qualified Annex.Queue
+import Annex.Direct
+import Annex.CatFile
+import Annex.Link
+import qualified Git.Command
+import qualified Git.LsFiles as LsFiles
+import qualified Git.UpdateIndex as UpdateIndex
+import qualified Git.Merge
+import qualified Git.Branch
+import qualified Git.Ref
+import qualified Git
+import Git.Types (BlobType(..))
+import Config
+import Annex.ReplaceFile
+import Git.FileMode
+import Annex.VariantFile
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+{- Merges from a branch into the current branch, with automatic merge
+ - conflict resolution. -}
+autoMergeFrom :: Git.Ref -> Annex Bool
+autoMergeFrom branch = do
+ showOutput
+ ifM isDirect
+ ( maybe go godirect =<< inRepo Git.Branch.current
+ , go
+ )
+ where
+ go = inRepo (Git.Merge.mergeNonInteractive branch) <||> resolveMerge branch
+ godirect currbranch = do
+ old <- inRepo $ Git.Ref.sha currbranch
+ d <- fromRepo gitAnnexMergeDir
+ r <- inRepo (mergeDirect d branch) <||> resolveMerge branch
+ new <- inRepo $ Git.Ref.sha currbranch
+ case (old, new) of
+ (Just oldsha, Just newsha) ->
+ mergeDirectCleanup d oldsha newsha
+ _ -> noop
+ return r
+{- Resolves a conflicted merge. It's important that any conflicts be
+ - resolved in a way that itself avoids later merge conflicts, since
+ - multiple repositories may be doing this concurrently.
+ -
+ - Only annexed files are resolved; other files are left for the user to
+ - handle.
+ -
+ - This uses the Keys pointed to by the files to construct new
+ - filenames. So when both sides modified file foo,
+ - it will be deleted, and replaced with files foo.variant-A and
+ - foo.variant-B.
+ -
+ - On the other hand, when one side deleted foo, and the other modified it,
+ - it will be deleted, and the modified version stored as file
+ - foo.variant-A (or B).
+ -
+ - It's also possible that one side has foo as an annexed file, and
+ - the other as a directory or non-annexed file. The annexed file
+ - is renamed to resolve the merge, and the other object is preserved as-is.
+ -
+ - In indirect mode, the merge is resolved in the work tree and files
+ - staged, to clean up from a conflicted merge that was run in the work
+ - tree. In direct mode, the work tree is not touched here; files are
+ - staged to the index, and written to the gitAnnexMergeDir, and later
+ - mergeDirectCleanup handles updating the work tree.
+ -}
+resolveMerge :: Git.Ref -> Annex Bool
+resolveMerge branch = do
+ top <- fromRepo Git.repoPath
+ (fs, cleanup) <- inRepo (LsFiles.unmerged [top])
+ mergedfs <- catMaybes <$> mapM (resolveMerge' branch) fs
+ let merged = not (null mergedfs)
+ void $ liftIO cleanup
+ unlessM isDirect $ do
+ (deleted, cleanup2) <- inRepo (LsFiles.deleted [top])
+ unless (null deleted) $
+ Annex.Queue.addCommand "rm" [Params "--quiet -f --"] deleted
+ void $ liftIO cleanup2
+ when merged $ do
+ unlessM isDirect $
+ cleanConflictCruft mergedfs top
+ Annex.Queue.flush
+ void $ inRepo $ Git.Command.runBool
+ [ Param "commit"
+ , Param "-m"
+ , Param "git-annex automatic merge conflict fix"
+ ]
+ showLongNote "Merge conflict was automatically resolved; you may want to examine the result."
+ return merged
+resolveMerge' :: Git.Ref -> LsFiles.Unmerged -> Annex (Maybe FilePath)
+resolveMerge' branch u
+ | mergeable LsFiles.valUs && mergeable LsFiles.valThem = do
+ kus <- getKey LsFiles.valUs
+ kthem <- getKey LsFiles.valThem
+ case (kus, kthem) of
+ -- Both sides of conflict are annexed files
+ (Just keyUs, Just keyThem) -> do
+ unstageoldfile
+ if keyUs == keyThem
+ then makelink keyUs
+ else do
+ makelink keyUs
+ makelink keyThem
+ return $ Just file
+ -- Our side is annexed, other side is not.
+ (Just keyUs, Nothing) -> do
+ unstageoldfile
+ whenM isDirect $
+ stagefromdirectmergedir file
+ makelink keyUs
+ return $ Just file
+ -- Our side is not annexed, other side is.
+ (Nothing, Just keyThem) -> do
+ unstageoldfile
+ makelink keyThem
+ return $ Just file
+ -- Neither side is annexed; cannot resolve.
+ (Nothing, Nothing) -> return Nothing
+ | otherwise = return Nothing
+ where
+ file = LsFiles.unmergedFile u
+ mergeable select = select (LsFiles.unmergedBlobType u)
+ `elem` [Just SymlinkBlob, Nothing]
+ makelink key = do
+ let dest = variantFile file key
+ l <- inRepo $ gitAnnexLink dest key
+ ifM isDirect
+ ( do
+ d <- fromRepo gitAnnexMergeDir
+ replaceFile (d </> dest) $ makeAnnexLink l
+ , replaceFile dest $ makeAnnexLink l
+ )
+ stageSymlink dest =<< hashSymlink l
+ getKey select = case select (LsFiles.unmergedSha u) of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just sha -> catKey sha symLinkMode
+ -- removing the conflicted file from cache clears the conflict
+ unstageoldfile = Annex.Queue.addCommand "rm" [Params "--quiet -f --cached --"] [file]
+ {- stage an item from the direct mode merge directory, which may
+ - be a directory with arbitrary contents -}
+ stagefromdirectmergedir item = Annex.Queue.addUpdateIndex
+ =<< fromRepo (UpdateIndex.lsSubTree branch item)
+{- git-merge moves conflicting files away to files
+ - named something like f~HEAD or f~branch, but the
+ - exact name chosen can vary. Once the conflict is resolved,
+ - this cruft can be deleted. To avoid deleting legitimate
+ - files that look like this, only delete files that are
+ - A) not staged in git and B) look like git-annex symlinks.
+ -}
+cleanConflictCruft :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Annex ()
+cleanConflictCruft resolvedfs top = do
+ (fs, cleanup) <- inRepo $ LsFiles.notInRepo False [top]
+ mapM_ clean fs
+ void $ liftIO cleanup
+ where
+ clean f
+ | matchesresolved f = whenM (isJust <$> isAnnexLink f) $
+ liftIO $ nukeFile f
+ | otherwise = noop
+ s = S.fromList resolvedfs
+ matchesresolved f = S.member (base f) s
+ base f = reverse $ drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= '~') $ reverse f