diff options
authorGravatar s998758@d9eef097c6baf74cc86fd8dbb003c33be91873b8 <s998758@web>2017-11-26 01:01:18 +0000
committerGravatar admin <>2017-11-26 01:01:18 +0000
commit23c3df8421b0d012b26b49479d9d8a999dcab5e7 (patch)
parentb606d37f7911996e8dadd79c294157061c328376 (diff)
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/forum/ga_dev_newbie_Q__58___pointers_to_start_playing_with_metadata_cache_plz.mdwn b/doc/forum/ga_dev_newbie_Q__58___pointers_to_start_playing_with_metadata_cache_plz.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da8c03070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/forum/ga_dev_newbie_Q__58___pointers_to_start_playing_with_metadata_cache_plz.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Hello. Am a newbie to Git Annex(ga), but love it already. I kept trying to index own important files for the past long time, but ended up all tangled up. With ga I now see a light at the end of the tunnel! (Hope it's not a train heading my way :)
+So thanks a bucket for writing Git Annex!
+I am an "archiver": Every file I add to ga repo is a never-to-be-changed file (it's checksum stays same throughout eternity, only metadata keeps changin). All I need ga for atm is to tag all files. Unfortunately we are talking about few hundred thousand files and the performance with the master git-annex-6.20170519 is not quite what one might hope for.
+From your design/caching_database doc I gather that the outlook with metadata is positive ( "For metadata, the story is much nicer. Querying for 30000 keys that all have a particular tag in their metadata takes 0.65s. So fast enough to be used in views." ), but is not in a db (sqlite) yet in the master (git-annex-6.20170519) . I tried to dig through some of the Links there to find out which commit could I checkout and build to try out a cached metadata, but no avail.
+Since I don't ever change any file once it gets checked into the ga repo, does that simplify my possible use of current metadata cache code, or will I have to try to learn haskell and will I need to code stuff to get performance (creating views and such).
+TIA for any pointers, tips and cavats and THANKS AGAIN FOR WRITING GIT-ANNEX.
+ ganewbie01