diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-08-04 18:17:16 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2012-08-04 18:17:16 -0400
commite125ce74b87a86b80f1eead371390ce72c58428b (patch)
parente0c3958d9acc97c15a209c287c1d49e859ca4fea (diff)
work toward adding new repos on removable drives
This actually does add a new repo, but it doesn't yet set up remotes, or sync to it.
7 files changed, 196 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators.hs b/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators.hs
index 2771a2284..30c7c9330 100644
--- a/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators.hs
+++ b/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators.hs
@@ -23,12 +23,17 @@ import qualified Git.Config
import qualified Annex
import Locations.UserConfig
import Utility.FreeDesktop
+import Utility.Mounts
+import Utility.DiskFree
+import Utility.DataUnits
import Yesod
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Char
import System.Posix.Directory
+import System.Posix.User
+import qualified Control.Exception as E
{- The main configuration screen. -}
getConfigR :: Handler RepHtml
@@ -117,7 +122,8 @@ checkRepositoryPath p = do
, (doesFileExist path, "A file already exists with that name.")
, (return $ path == home, "Sorry, using git-annex for your whole home directory is not currently supported.")
, (not <$> doesDirectoryExist parent, "Parent directory does not exist.")
- , (cannotWrite path, "Cannot write a repository there.")
+ , (not <$> canWrite path, "Cannot write a repository there.")
+ , (not <$> canMakeSymlink path, "That directory is on a filesystem that does not support symlinks. Try a different location.")
return $
case headMaybe problems of
@@ -128,10 +134,6 @@ checkRepositoryPath p = do
( return $ Just msg
, return Nothing
- cannotWrite path = do
- tocheck <- ifM (doesDirectoryExist path)
- (return path, return $ parentDir path)
- not <$> (catchBoolIO $ fileAccess tocheck False True False)
expandTilde home ('~':'/':path) = home </> path
expandTilde _ path = path
@@ -150,8 +152,8 @@ defaultRepositoryPath firstrun = do
(relHome (desktop </> "annex"), return "~/annex")
else return cwd
-addLocalRepositoryForm :: Form RepositoryPath
-addLocalRepositoryForm msg = do
+localRepositoryForm :: Form RepositoryPath
+localRepositoryForm msg = do
path <- T.pack . addTrailingPathSeparator
<$> (liftIO . defaultRepositoryPath =<< lift inFirstRun)
(pathRes, pathView) <- mreq (repositoryPathField True) "" (Just path)
@@ -164,16 +166,117 @@ addLocalRepositoryForm msg = do
$(widgetFile "configurators/localrepositoryform")
return (RepositoryPath <$> pathRes, form)
+{- Making the first repository, when starting the webapp for the first time. -}
getFirstRepositoryR :: Handler RepHtml
getFirstRepositoryR = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
setTitle "Getting started"
- ((res, form), enctype) <- lift $ runFormGet addLocalRepositoryForm
+ ((res, form), enctype) <- lift $ runFormGet localRepositoryForm
case res of
FormSuccess (RepositoryPath p) -> lift $
startFullAssistant $ T.unpack p
_ -> $(widgetFile "configurators/firstrepository")
+data RemovableDrive = RemovableDrive
+ { diskFree :: Maybe Integer
+ , mountPoint :: Text
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+selectDriveForm :: [RemovableDrive] -> Maybe RemovableDrive -> Form RemovableDrive
+selectDriveForm drives def = renderBootstrap $ RemovableDrive
+ <$> pure Nothing
+ <*> areq (selectFieldList pairs) "Select drive:" (mountPoint <$> def)
+ where
+ pairs = zip (map describe drives) (map mountPoint drives)
+ describe drive = case diskFree drive of
+ Nothing -> mountPoint drive
+ Just free ->
+ let sz = roughSize storageUnits True free
+ in T.unwords
+ [ mountPoint drive
+ , T.concat ["(", T.pack sz]
+ , "free)"
+ ]
+{- Making the first repository, when starting the webapp for the first time. -}
+getAddDriveR :: Handler RepHtml
+getAddDriveR = bootstrap (Just Config) $ do
+ sideBarDisplay
+ setTitle "Clone to a removable drive"
+ removabledrives <- liftIO $ driveList
+ writabledrives <- liftIO $
+ filterM (canWrite . T.unpack . mountPoint) removabledrives
+ ((res, form), enctype) <- lift $ runFormGet $
+ selectDriveForm (sort writabledrives) Nothing
+ case res of
+ FormSuccess (RemovableDrive { mountPoint = d }) -> lift $ do
+ liftIO $ go $ T.unpack d </> "annex"
+ setMessage $ toHtml $ T.unwords ["Added", d]
+ redirect ListRepositoriesR
+ _ -> do
+ let authtoken = webAppFormAuthToken
+ $(widgetFile "configurators/adddrive")
+ where
+ {- There may already be a git-annex repo on the drive.
+ - If so, avoid re-initualizing it; this will be the
+ - case if a user is adding the same removable drive
+ - to several computers.
+ -
+ - Some drives will have FAT or another horrible filesystem
+ - that does not support symlinks; make a bare repo on those.
+ -
+ - Use the basename of the mount point, along with the
+ - username (but without the hostname as this repo
+ - travels!), as the repo description, and use the basename
+ - of the mount point as the git remote name.
+ -}
+ go dir = do
+ r <- E.try getannex :: IO (Either E.SomeException Annex.AnnexState)
+ state <- case r of
+ Right state -> return state
+ Left _e -> do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
+ bare <- not <$> canMakeSymlink dir
+ makeRepo dir bare
+ getannex
+ desc <- getdesc
+ Annex.eval state $
+ unlessM isInitialized $
+ initialize $ Just desc
+ where
+ getannex = =<< Git.Construct.fromAbsPath dir
+ remotename = takeFileName dir
+ getdesc = do
+ username <- userName <$>
+ (getUserEntryForID =<< getEffectiveUserID)
+ return $ concat
+ [ username
+ , ":"
+ , remotename
+ ]
+{- List of removable drives. -}
+driveList :: IO [RemovableDrive]
+driveList = mapM (gen . mnt_dir) =<< filter sane <$> getMounts
+ where
+ gen dir = RemovableDrive
+ <$> getDiskFree dir
+ <*> pure (T.pack dir)
+ -- filter out some things that are surely not removable drives
+ sane Mntent { mnt_dir = dir, mnt_fsname = dev }
+ -- We want real disks like /dev/foo, not
+ -- dummy mount points like proc or tmpfs or
+ -- gvfs-fuse-daemon
+ | not ('/' `elem` dev) = False
+ -- Just in case: These mount points are surely not
+ -- removable disks.
+ | dir == "/" = False
+ | dir == "/tmp" = False
+ | dir == "/run/shm" = False
+ | dir == "/run/lock" = False
+ | otherwise = True
{- Bootstraps from first run mode to a fully running assistant in a
- repository, by running the postFirstRun callback, which returns the
- url to the new webapp. -}
@@ -181,19 +284,53 @@ startFullAssistant :: FilePath -> Handler ()
startFullAssistant path = do
webapp <- getYesod
url <- liftIO $ do
- makeRepo path
+ makeRepo path False
+ initRepo path Nothing
+ addAutoStart path
changeWorkingDirectory path
fromJust $ postFirstRun webapp
redirect $ T.pack url
{- Makes a new git-annex repository. -}
-makeRepo :: FilePath -> IO ()
-makeRepo path = do
- unlessM (boolSystem "git" [Param "init", Param "--quiet", File path]) $
+makeRepo :: FilePath -> Bool -> IO ()
+makeRepo path bare = do
+ unlessM (boolSystem "git" params) $
error "git init failed!"
+ where
+ baseparams = [Param "init", Param "--quiet"]
+ params
+ | bare = baseparams ++ [Param "--bare", File path]
+ | otherwise = baseparams ++ [File path]
+{- Initializes a git-annex repository in a directory with a description. -}
+initRepo :: FilePath -> Maybe String -> IO ()
+initRepo path desc = do
g <- =<< Git.Construct.fromPath path
state <- g
- Annex.eval state $ initialize Nothing
+ Annex.eval state $ initialize desc
+{- Adds a directory to the autostart file. -}
+addAutoStart :: FilePath -> IO ()
+addAutoStart path = do
autostart <- autoStartFile
createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir autostart)
appendFile autostart $ path ++ "\n"
+{- Checks if the user can write to a directory.
+ -
+ - The directory may be in the process of being created; if so
+ - the parent directory is checked instead. -}
+canWrite :: FilePath -> IO Bool
+canWrite dir = do
+ tocheck <- ifM (doesDirectoryExist dir)
+ (return dir, return $ parentDir dir)
+ catchBoolIO $ fileAccess tocheck False True False
+{- Checks if a directory is on a filesystem that supports symlinks. -}
+canMakeSymlink :: FilePath -> IO Bool
+canMakeSymlink dir = catchBoolIO $ do
+ createSymbolicLink link link
+ removeLink link
+ return True
+ where
+ link = dir </> ""
diff --git a/Assistant/WebApp/routes b/Assistant/WebApp/routes
index 12b9564ee..a53caf5ef 100644
--- a/Assistant/WebApp/routes
+++ b/Assistant/WebApp/routes
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
/config ConfigR GET
/config/repository/add AddRepositoryR GET
+/config/repository/add/drive AddDriveR GET
/config/repository/first FirstRepositoryR GET
/config/repository/list ListRepositoriesR GET
diff --git a/Utility/Mounts.hsc b/Utility/Mounts.hsc
index 6b69e844a..0b1468521 100644
--- a/Utility/Mounts.hsc
+++ b/Utility/Mounts.hsc
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (catch)
- fields available everywhere. -}
data Mntent = Mntent
{ mnt_fsname :: String
- , mnt_dir :: String
+ , mnt_dir :: FilePath
, mnt_type :: String
} deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
diff --git a/templates/configurators/adddrive.hamlet b/templates/configurators/adddrive.hamlet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..030ef8a4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/configurators/adddrive.hamlet
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+<div .span9 .hero-unit>
+ <h2>
+ Adding a removable drive
+ <p>
+ Clone this repository to a USB drive, memory stick, or other #
+ removable media.
+ <p>
+ $if (null writabledrives)
+ <div .span6 .alert .alert-error .alert-block>
+ $if (null removabledrives)
+ <h4 .alert-heading>
+ No removable drives found
+ Please make sure you have a removable drive plugged in and mounted.
+ $else
+ <h4 .alert-heading>
+ No usable removable drives found
+ Seems you cannot write to any of the removable drives that are #
+ currently mounted. Try plugging in a removable drive that you can #
+ write to, or correcting the write permissions.
+ <p>
+ <a .btn .btn-primary href="@{AddDriveR}">
+ Rescan for removable drives
+ $else
+ <form enctype=#{enctype}>
+ <fieldset>
+ ^{form}
+ ^{authtoken}
+ <button .btn .btn-primary type=submit>Use this drive</button> #
+ <a .btn href="@{AddDriveR}">
+ Rescan for removable drives
diff --git a/templates/configurators/addrepository.hamlet b/templates/configurators/addrepository.hamlet
index d91286ad8..1ba4f94bf 100644
--- a/templates/configurators/addrepository.hamlet
+++ b/templates/configurators/addrepository.hamlet
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
<div .span9>
- <h2>
- Add repositories
<div .row-fluid>
<div .span4>
- <a href="">
+ <a href="@{AddDriveR}">
Clone to a removable drive
Clone this repository to a USB drive, memory stick, or other #
diff --git a/templates/configurators/firstrepository.hamlet b/templates/configurators/firstrepository.hamlet
index f4ffcf372..ac28119eb 100644
--- a/templates/configurators/firstrepository.hamlet
+++ b/templates/configurators/firstrepository.hamlet
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
<div .span9 .hero-unit>
- <h2>
- Welcome to git-annex!
- <p>
- There's just one thing to do before you can start using the power #
- and convenience of git-annex.
- <h2>
- Create a git-annex repository
- <p>
- Files in this repository will managed by git-annex, #
- and kept in sync with your repositories on other devices.
- <p>
- <form .form-inline enctype=#{enctype}>
- ^{form}
+ <h2>
+ Welcome to git-annex!
+ <p>
+ There's just one thing to do before you can start using the power #
+ and convenience of git-annex.
+ <h2>
+ Create a git-annex repository
+ <p>
+ Files in this repository will managed by git-annex, #
+ and kept in sync with your repositories on other devices.
+ <p>
+ <form .form-inline enctype=#{enctype}>
+ ^{form}
diff --git a/templates/page.hamlet b/templates/page.hamlet
index 6321f7a18..5544221da 100644
--- a/templates/page.hamlet
+++ b/templates/page.hamlet
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
Current Repository: #{reldir}
<b .caret></b>
<ul .dropdown-menu>
- <li><a href="#">#{reldir}</a></li>
- <li .divider></li>
<li><a href="@{AddRepositoryR}">Add another repository</a></li>
<div .container-fluid>