diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2016-11-20 15:45:01 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2016-11-20 15:48:12 -0400
commitdce8e76ef443e33d88b8301c86ebf080fceff511 (patch)
parent8e28135b26db1c920ebde7438db9bad87d3026ee (diff)
remotedaemon: serve tor hidden service
8 files changed, 83 insertions, 11 deletions
index 692a22ea4..28a30c206 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
git-annex (6.20161119) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ * enable-tor: New command, enables tor hidden service for P2P syncing.
+ * remotedaemon: Serve tor hidden service.
* remotedaemon: Fork to background by default. Added --foreground switch
to enable old behavior.
diff --git a/Command/RemoteDaemon.hs b/Command/RemoteDaemon.hs
index c68cf816a..c17417104 100644
--- a/Command/RemoteDaemon.hs
+++ b/Command/RemoteDaemon.hs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import RemoteDaemon.Core
import Utility.Daemon
cmd :: Command
-cmd = noCommit $ dontCheck repoExists $
+cmd = noCommit $
command "remotedaemon" SectionMaintenance
"persistent communication with remotes"
paramNothing (run <$$> const parseDaemonOptions)
diff --git a/Remote/Helper/P2P/IO.hs b/Remote/Helper/P2P/IO.hs
index 7179adc2b..82ba2d6f9 100644
--- a/Remote/Helper/P2P/IO.hs
+++ b/Remote/Helper/P2P/IO.hs
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
module Remote.Helper.P2P.IO
( RunProto
- , runProtoHandle
+ , runNetProtoHandle
) where
import Remote.Helper.P2P
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ data S = S
-- Implementation of the protocol, communicating with a peer
-- over a Handle. No Local actions will be run.
-runProtoHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle -> Repo -> Proto a -> m a
-runProtoHandle h r = go
+runNetProtoHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle -> Repo -> Proto a -> m a
+runNetProtoHandle h r = go
go :: RunProto
go (Pure a) = pure a
diff --git a/RemoteDaemon/Core.hs b/RemoteDaemon/Core.hs
index 3b3f6d98d..446948da6 100644
--- a/RemoteDaemon/Core.hs
+++ b/RemoteDaemon/Core.hs
@@ -45,7 +45,9 @@ runInteractive = do
let controller = runController ichan ochan
-- If any thread fails, the rest will be killed.
- void $ tryIO $ reader `concurrently` writer `concurrently` controller
+ void $ tryIO $ reader
+ `concurrently` writer
+ `concurrently` controller
runNonInteractive :: IO ()
runNonInteractive = do
@@ -59,7 +61,9 @@ runNonInteractive = do
void $ atomically $ readTChan ochan
let controller = runController ichan ochan
- void $ tryIO $ reader `concurrently` writer `concurrently` controller
+ void $ tryIO $ reader
+ `concurrently` writer
+ `concurrently` controller
type RemoteMap = M.Map Git.Repo (IO (), TChan Consumed)
@@ -70,6 +74,7 @@ runController ichan ochan = do
h <- genTransportHandle
m <- genRemoteMap h ochan
startrunning m
+ mapM_ (\s -> async (s h)) remoteServers
go h False m
go h paused m = do
diff --git a/RemoteDaemon/Transport.hs b/RemoteDaemon/Transport.hs
index 0e2040d1f..6605012de 100644
--- a/RemoteDaemon/Transport.hs
+++ b/RemoteDaemon/Transport.hs
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module RemoteDaemon.Transport where
import RemoteDaemon.Types
import qualified RemoteDaemon.Transport.Ssh
import qualified RemoteDaemon.Transport.GCrypt
+import qualified RemoteDaemon.Transport.Tor
import qualified Git.GCrypt
import qualified Data.Map as M
@@ -22,3 +23,6 @@ remoteTransports = M.fromList
[ ("ssh:", RemoteDaemon.Transport.Ssh.transport)
, (Git.GCrypt.urlScheme, RemoteDaemon.Transport.GCrypt.transport)
+remoteServers :: [TransportHandle -> IO ()]
+remoteServers = [RemoteDaemon.Transport.Tor.server]
diff --git a/RemoteDaemon/Transport/Tor.hs b/RemoteDaemon/Transport/Tor.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1527939b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RemoteDaemon/Transport/Tor.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+{- git-remote-daemon, tor hidden service transport
+ -
+ - Copyright 2016 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module RemoteDaemon.Transport.Tor (server) where
+import Common
+import RemoteDaemon.Types
+import RemoteDaemon.Common
+import Utility.Tor
+import Utility.FileMode
+import Remote.Helper.P2P
+import Remote.Helper.P2P.IO
+import Annex.UUID
+import Types.UUID
+import System.PosixCompat.User
+import Network.Socket
+import Control.Concurrent
+import System.Log.Logger (debugM)
+-- Run tor hidden service.
+server :: TransportHandle -> IO ()
+server th@(TransportHandle (LocalRepo r) _) = do
+ u <- liftAnnex th getUUID
+ uid <- getRealUserID
+ let ident = fromUUID u
+ let sock = socketFile uid ident
+ nukeFile sock
+ soc <- socket AF_UNIX Stream defaultProtocol
+ bind soc (SockAddrUnix sock)
+ -- Allow everyone to read and write to the socket; tor is probably
+ -- running as a different user. Connections have to authenticate
+ -- to do anything, so it's fine that other local users can connect.
+ modifyFileMode sock $ addModes
+ [groupReadMode, groupWriteMode, otherReadMode, otherWriteMode]
+ listen soc 2
+ debugM "remotedaemon" "tor hidden service running"
+ forever $ do
+ (conn, _) <- accept soc
+ forkIO $ do
+ debugM "remotedaemon" "handling a connection"
+ h <- socketToHandle conn ReadWriteMode
+ hSetBuffering h LineBuffering
+ hSetBinaryMode h False
+ runNetProtoHandle h r (serve u)
+ hClose h
diff --git a/Utility/Tor.hs b/Utility/Tor.hs
index a0a609008..b673c7105 100644
--- a/Utility/Tor.hs
+++ b/Utility/Tor.hs
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import Data.Char
type OnionPort = Int
type OnionAddress = String
type OnionSocket = FilePath
+type UniqueIdent = String
-- | Adds a hidden service connecting to localhost, using some kind
-- of unique identifier.
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ type OnionSocket = FilePath
-- If there is already a hidden service for the specified unique
-- identifier, returns its information without making any changes.
-addHiddenService :: UserID -> String -> IO (OnionAddress, OnionPort, OnionSocket)
+addHiddenService :: UserID -> UniqueIdent -> IO (OnionAddress, OnionPort, OnionSocket)
addHiddenService uid ident = do
ls <- lines <$> readFile torrc
let portssocks = mapMaybe (parseportsock . separate isSpace) ls
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ addHiddenService uid ident = do
writeFile torrc $ unlines $
ls ++
[ ""
- , "HiddenServiceDir " ++ hsdir
+ , "HiddenServiceDir " ++ hiddenServiceDir uid ident
, "HiddenServicePort " ++ show newport ++
" unix:" ++ sockfile
@@ -58,13 +59,12 @@ addHiddenService uid ident = do
return (p, drop 1 (dropWhile (/= ':') l))
parseportsock _ = Nothing
- hsdir = libDir </> "hidden_service_" ++ show uid ++ "_" ++ ident
- sockfile = runDir uid </> ident ++ ".sock"
+ sockfile = socketFile uid ident
waithiddenservice :: Int -> OnionPort -> IO (OnionAddress, OnionPort, OnionSocket)
waithiddenservice 0 _ = error "tor failed to create hidden service, perhaps the tor service is not running"
waithiddenservice n p = do
- v <- tryIO $ readFile (hsdir </> "hostname")
+ v <- tryIO $ readFile $ hiddenServiceHostnameFile uid ident
case v of
Right s | ".onion\n" `isSuffixOf` s ->
return (takeWhile (/= '\n') s, p, sockfile)
@@ -80,3 +80,12 @@ libDir = "/var/lib/tor"
runDir :: UserID -> FilePath
runDir uid = "/var/run/user" </> show uid
+socketFile :: UserID -> UniqueIdent -> FilePath
+socketFile uid ident = runDir uid </> ident ++ ".sock"
+hiddenServiceDir :: UserID -> UniqueIdent -> FilePath
+hiddenServiceDir uid ident = libDir </> "hidden_service_" ++ show uid ++ "_" ++ ident
+hiddenServiceHostnameFile :: UserID -> UniqueIdent -> FilePath
+hiddenServiceHostnameFile uid ident = hiddenServiceDir uid ident </> "hostname"
diff --git a/git-annex.cabal b/git-annex.cabal
index 77c50b66e..7a0e34b3a 100644
--- a/git-annex.cabal
+++ b/git-annex.cabal
@@ -937,6 +937,7 @@ Executable git-annex
+ RemoteDaemon.Transport.Tor