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authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2014-05-06 15:25:48 -0300
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2014-05-06 16:32:41 -0300
commit04826ca938b2a785403bb8590385dadf0cdbf0b1 (patch)
parentea618bf6a73711531e84c4d02a94691831ce1341 (diff)
reorg and add a start of a design for requests and ad-hoc routing with TTL in git-annex branch
-rw-r--r--doc/design/requests_routing/simroutes.hs (renamed from doc/design/assistant/syncing/simroutes.hs)111
3 files changed, 131 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/doc/design/assistant/syncing/efficiency.mdwn b/doc/design/assistant/syncing/efficiency.mdwn
index 192dd6ecb..09bcc11b6 100644
--- a/doc/design/assistant/syncing/efficiency.mdwn
+++ b/doc/design/assistant/syncing/efficiency.mdwn
@@ -74,21 +74,4 @@ cloud for a while.
## syncing only requested content
-In some situations, nodes only want particular files, and not everything.
-(Or don't have the bandwidth to get everything.) A way to handle this,
-that should work in a fully ad-hoc, offline distributed network,
-suggested by Vincenzo Tozzi:
-* Nodes generate a request for a specific file they want, committed
- to git somewhere.
-* This request has a TTL (of eg 3).
-* When syncing, copy the requests that a node has, and decrease their TTL
- by 1. Requests with a TTL of 0 have timed out and are not copied.
- (So, requests are stored in git, but on eg, per-node branches.)
-* Only copy content to nodes that have a request for it (either one
- originating with them, or one they copied from another node).
-* Each request indicates the requesting node, so once no nodes have an
- active request for a particular file, it's ok to drop it from the
- transfer nodes (honoring numcopies etc of course).
-A simulation of a network using this method is in [[simroutes.hs]]
+See [[adhoc_routing]]
diff --git a/doc/design/requests_routing.mdwn b/doc/design/requests_routing.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3cc49ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/requests_routing.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+## requesting content
+In some situations, nodes only want particular files, and not everything.
+(Or don't have the bandwidth to get everything.) A way to handle this,
+that should work in a fully ad-hoc, offline distributed network,
+suggested by Vincenzo Tozzi:
+* Nodes generate a request for a specific file they want, committed
+ to git somewhere.
+* This request has a TTL (of eg 3 or 4).
+* When syncing, copy the requests that a node has, and decrease their TTL
+ by 1. Requests with a TTL of 0 have timed out and are not copied.
+ (So, requests are stored in git, but on eg, per-node branches.)
+* Only copy content to nodes that have a request for it (either one
+ originating with them, or one they copied from another node).
+* Each request indicates the requesting node, so once no nodes have an
+ active request for a particular file, it's ok to drop it from the
+ transfer nodes (honoring numcopies etc of course).
+A simulation of a network using this method is in [[simroutes.hs]]
+## storing requests
+Requests could be stored in the location tracking file.
+ time 0|1 uuid1
+ time 0|1 uuid2
+* Use negative numbers for the TTL of a request.
+* To propigate a request, set -1 * (TTL+1) in the line
+ for the uuid of the repository that is propigating it.
+ This should be done as part of the git-annex branch merging,
+ so if a location tracking file is merged, any open requests
+ get propigated to the current repository.
+* When a requested file reaches a node that requested it,
+ the location is set to 1; this automatically clears the
+ request.
+## generating requests
+ git annex request [file...]
+Indicates that the file is wanted in the current repository.
+(git annex get could also do this on failure, or suggest doing this)
+## acting on requests
+Add a preferred content expression that looks at request data:
+ requestedby=N
+Matches files that have been requested by at least N nodes.
+ requested
+Matches files that the current node has requested.
diff --git a/doc/design/assistant/syncing/simroutes.hs b/doc/design/requests_routing/simroutes.hs
index 6f66478cf..90ab03d40 100644
--- a/doc/design/assistant/syncing/simroutes.hs
+++ b/doc/design/requests_routing/simroutes.hs
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Ord
import Data.List
+import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
@@ -38,11 +39,9 @@ transferMoveFrequencyRange = (0.10, 1.00)
-- counts both immobile and transfer nodes as hops, so double Vince's
-- theoretical TTL of 3.
+-- (30% loss on mocambos network w/o ttl of 4!)
maxTTL :: TTL
-maxTTL = TTL 6
-minTTL :: TTL
-minTTL = TTL 1
+maxTTL = TTL (4 * 2)
numImmobileNodes :: Int
numImmobileNodes = 10
@@ -54,11 +53,17 @@ numSteps :: Int
numSteps = 100
-- IO code
---main = putStrLn . summarize =<< evalRandIO (simulate numSteps =<< genNetwork)
+main :: IO ()
main = do
- initialnetwork <- evalRandIO mocambos
- putStrLn . summarize initialnetwork
- =<< evalRandIO (simulate numSteps initialnetwork)
+-- initialnetwork <- evalRandIO (seedFiles totalFiles =<< genNetwork)
+ initialnetwork <- evalRandIO (seedFiles totalFiles =<< mocambosNetwork)
+ networks <- evalRandIO (simulate numSteps initialnetwork)
+ let finalnetwork = last networks
+ putStrLn $ summarize initialnetwork finalnetwork
+ putStrLn "location history of file 1:"
+ print $ trace (traceHaveFile (File 1)) networks
+ putStrLn "request history of file 1:"
+ print $ trace (traceWantFile (File 1)) networks
-- Only pure code below :)
data Network = Network (M.Map NodeName ImmobileNode) [TransferNode]
@@ -131,9 +136,14 @@ type Probability = Float
randomProbability :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g Probability
randomProbability = getRandomR (0, 1)
-simulate :: (RandomGen g) => Int -> Network -> Rand g Network
-simulate 0 net = return net
-simulate c net = simulate (c - 1) =<< step net
+-- Returns the state of the network at each step of the simulation.
+simulate :: (RandomGen g) => Int -> Network -> Rand g [Network]
+simulate n net = go n [net]
+ where
+ go 0 nets = return (reverse nets)
+ go c (prev:nets) = do
+ new <- step prev
+ go (c - 1) (new:prev:nets)
-- Each step of the simulation, check if each TransferNode wants to move,
-- and if so:
@@ -197,30 +207,12 @@ move t = do
genNetwork :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g Network
genNetwork = do
- l <- sequence (replicate numImmobileNodes mkImmobile)
- let immobiles = M.fromList (zip (map show [1..]) l)
+ let immobiles = M.fromList (zip (map show [1..]) (replicate numImmobileNodes emptyImmobile))
transfers <- sequence (replicate numTransferNodes (mkTransfer $ M.keys immobiles))
return $ Network immobiles transfers
-mkImmobile :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g ImmobileNode
-mkImmobile = ImmobileNode <$> mkImmobileRepo
-mkImmobileRepo :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g NodeRepo
-mkImmobileRepo = NodeRepo
- -- The files this node wants.
- -- Currently assumes each file is equally popular.
- <$> sequence (replicate (truncate (fromIntegral totalFiles * probabilityFilesWanted)) randomRequest)
- -- The files this node already has.
- --
- -- We'll assume equal production, so split the total
- -- number of files amoung the immobile nodes.
- -- (This will produce some duplication of files
- -- (consider birthday paradox), and some missing files.)
- --
- -- TODO: Some immobile nodes are internet connected,
- -- and these should all share their files automatically)
- -- (Also when running the sim.)
- <*> (S.fromList <$> sequence (replicate (totalFiles `div` numImmobileNodes) randomFile))
+emptyImmobile :: ImmobileNode
+emptyImmobile = ImmobileNode (NodeRepo [] S.empty)
mkTransfer :: (RandomGen g) => [NodeName] -> Rand g TransferNode
mkTransfer immobiles = do
@@ -243,6 +235,27 @@ randomfrom l = do
i <- getRandomR (1, length l)
return $ l !! (i - 1)
+-- Seeds the network with the given number of files. Each file is added to
+-- one of the immobile nodes of the network at random. And, one other node,
+-- at random, is selected which wants to get the file.
+seedFiles :: (RandomGen g) => Int -> Network -> Rand g Network
+seedFiles 0 network = return network
+seedFiles n network@(Network m t) = do
+ (origink, ImmobileNode originr) <- randnode
+ (destinationk, ImmobileNode destinationr) <- randnode
+ let file = File n
+ let origin = ImmobileNode $ originr
+ { haveFiles = S.insert file (haveFiles originr) }
+ let destination = ImmobileNode $ destinationr
+ { wantFiles = Request file originTTL : wantFiles destinationr }
+ let m' = M.insert origink origin $
+ M.insert destinationk destination m
+ seedFiles (n - 1) (Network m' t)
+ where
+ randnode = do
+ k <- randomfrom (M.keys m)
+ return (k, fromJust $ M.lookup k m)
summarize :: Network -> Network -> String
summarize _initial@(Network origis _) _final@(Network is _ts) = format
[ ("Total wanted files",
@@ -270,19 +283,33 @@ summarize _initial@(Network origis _) _final@(Network is _ts) = format
concatMap (\(k, v) -> map (\f -> (f, k)) (S.toList $ haveFiles $ repo v)) $
M.toList origis
-mocambos :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g Network
-mocambos = do
- major <- mapM (immobilenamed . fst) communities
- minor <- mapM immobilenamed (concatMap snd communities)
+trace :: (Network -> S.Set NodeName) -> [Network] -> String
+trace tracer networks = show $ go [] S.empty $ map tracer networks
+ where
+ go c old [] = reverse c
+ go c old (new:l) = go ((S.toList $ new `S.difference` old):c) new l
+traceHaveFile :: File -> Network -> S.Set NodeName
+traceHaveFile f (Network m _) = S.fromList $ M.keys $
+ M.filter (\(ImmobileNode r) -> f `S.member` haveFiles r) m
+traceWantFile :: File -> Network -> S.Set NodeName
+traceWantFile f (Network m _) = S.fromList $ M.keys $
+ M.filter (\(ImmobileNode r) -> any wantf (wantFiles r)) m
+ where
+ wantf (Request rf _ttl) = rf == f
+mocambosNetwork :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g Network
+mocambosNetwork = do
+ let major = map (immobilenamed . fst) communities
+ let minor = map immobilenamed (concatMap snd communities)
majortransfer <- mapM mkTransferBetween majorroutes
- minortransfer <- mapM mkTransferBetween (concatMap minorroutes communities)
+ minortransfer <- mapM mkTransferBetween (concatMap minorroutes (concat (replicate 5 communities)))
return $ Network
(M.fromList (major++minor))
(majortransfer ++ minortransfer)
- immobilenamed name = do
- node <- mkImmobile
- return (name, node)
+ immobilenamed name = (name, emptyImmobile)
-- As a simplification, this only makes 2 hop routes, between minor
-- and major communities; no 3-legged routes.
@@ -353,4 +380,8 @@ majorroutes =
, ["Boneco/BA", "Coco/PE"]
-- internet connections
, ["Tainá/SP", "MercadoSul/DF", "Coco/PE", "Purarue/PA", "Odomode/RS", "Madiba/NET"]
+ , ["Tainá/SP", "MercadoSul/DF", "Coco/PE", "Purarue/PA", "Odomode/RS", "Madiba/NET"]
+ , ["Tainá/SP", "MercadoSul/DF", "Coco/PE", "Purarue/PA", "Odomode/RS", "Madiba/NET"]
+ , ["Tainá/SP", "MercadoSul/DF", "Coco/PE", "Purarue/PA", "Odomode/RS", "Madiba/NET"]
+ , ["Tainá/SP", "MercadoSul/DF", "Coco/PE", "Purarue/PA", "Odomode/RS", "Madiba/NET"]