diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2014-01-02 20:29:54 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2014-01-02 20:29:54 -0400
commitb43f518dcaa6eee106f41f9884dc73721becd769 (patch)
parenteb774f49acd148f04b64f582a9696ede9f9e25fb (diff)
parentb3c837ae41d974649d27d6e4f5f9b2fb89e133da (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
6 files changed, 90 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/bugs/assistant_eats_all_CPU/comment_4_ce85b4715a2f7315b68bed62e26d4f0e._comment b/doc/bugs/assistant_eats_all_CPU/comment_4_ce85b4715a2f7315b68bed62e26d4f0e._comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d4392c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/bugs/assistant_eats_all_CPU/comment_4_ce85b4715a2f7315b68bed62e26d4f0e._comment
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username=""
+ ip=""
+ subject="comment 4"
+ date="2014-01-02T19:04:26Z"
+ content="""
+I've tested with the current release's Linux standalone amd64 build, and once the webapp shows no activity, strace shows it sitting there waiting for a futex, which causes no cpu load at all.
diff --git a/doc/bugs/assistant_eats_all_CPU/comment_5_8cf846b9b7bd1c70a006163a9cc2d9de._comment b/doc/bugs/assistant_eats_all_CPU/comment_5_8cf846b9b7bd1c70a006163a9cc2d9de._comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a688bcdf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/bugs/assistant_eats_all_CPU/comment_5_8cf846b9b7bd1c70a006163a9cc2d9de._comment
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username=""
+ ip="2001:1928:1:9::1"
+ subject="comment 5"
+ date="2014-01-02T22:21:34Z"
+ content="""
+I rebuilt using the current git head, i was expecting 20131230 but I got 5.20140102-gd93f946. The problem is still there:
+[[!format txt \"\"\"
+anarcat@marcos:mp3$ top -b -n 1 | head
+top - 17:18:23 up 2 days, 4:24, 9 users, load average: 4,01, 3,91, 3,80
+Tasks: 295 total, 1 running, 294 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
+%Cpu(s): 44,0 us, 4,9 sy, 0,6 ni, 49,7 id, 0,6 wa, 0,0 hi, 0,3 si, 0,0 st
+KiB Mem: 8162960 total, 6778608 used, 1384352 free, 397144 buffers
+KiB Swap: 4022268 total, 45752 used, 3976516 free, 2750720 cached
+28910 anarcat 20 0 158m 37m 21m S 90,2 0,5 42:49.44 git-annex
+29550 anarcat 20 0 173m 44m 21m S 72,2 0,6 36:49.59 git-annex
+29673 anarcat 20 0 304m 175m 21m S 12,0 2,2 34:09.70 git-annex
+This doesn't seem to be proportional to the repository size or anything. pid 28910 is /srv/books, a moderately small repository. 29550 is my video repository and 29673 is my music.
+I suspect this is because I build git-annex myself. I am guessing that the ghc version I am using doesn't build with the proper thread patches and so on. I will try the backport to see if it fixes the issue.
diff --git a/doc/bugs/assistant_eats_all_CPU/comment_6_a7c9f3262b6eca6258ba53324d321a7a._comment b/doc/bugs/assistant_eats_all_CPU/comment_6_a7c9f3262b6eca6258ba53324d321a7a._comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1f750170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/bugs/assistant_eats_all_CPU/comment_6_a7c9f3262b6eca6258ba53324d321a7a._comment
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username=""
+ ip="2001:1928:1:9::1"
+ subject="comment 6"
+ date="2014-01-02T23:30:38Z"
+ content="""
+bad news: i can reproduce this with the backport:
+Version: 4.20131106~bpo70+1
+Build flags: Assistant Webapp Pairing Testsuite S3 Inotify DBus Feeds Quvi TDFA
+oddly enough, one of the repository saw some files be committed by the assistant during the startup scan that were not found by the 5.x version I was running earlier.
+but processor usage is still maxed out.
+i would be happy to provide you a shell here if you send me a OpenPGP-signed SSH public-key (or if you use monkeysphere).
diff --git a/doc/design/assistant/polls/what_is_preventing_me_from_using_git-annex_assistant/comment_21_9185b0e05b1b1997533694da1de83073._comment b/doc/design/assistant/polls/what_is_preventing_me_from_using_git-annex_assistant/comment_21_9185b0e05b1b1997533694da1de83073._comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ec65ad98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/design/assistant/polls/what_is_preventing_me_from_using_git-annex_assistant/comment_21_9185b0e05b1b1997533694da1de83073._comment
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username=""
+ nickname="Martyn"
+ subject="Can't seem to get the configuration I am looking for from the webapp"
+ date="2014-01-02T23:41:44Z"
+ content="""
+Currently, I have a local server, desktop and laptop (all on the same network). My laptop leaves the house occasionally where I work on it...
+Quite simply, I want make the local server the centralised repository and have the desktop + laptop sync up and down to and from the server. The server would act as a backup and file change history between all local repositories on desktop and laptop. So I would sync between trips away.
+Sadly every combination with git-annex webapp fails for a number of reasons, it could be just me but here is what I've experienced:
+a) I want to use direct mode ALL the time or at least be able to configure it without the command line. Currently server side set ups are indirect depending on the repository group. So no symlinks basically. I think \"full backup\" and \"client\" are the only two that do what I was hoping for here.
+b) The list of repository group types miss something I'm looking for, I want the \"full backup\" with \"transfer\" for the remote server - I guess?
+c) For remote cloud solutions, I would like the files to exist, not just the raw .git/ directory to exist on the server. When I tested it, I couldn't see a way to test on the server itself the integrity of the files (could be my lack of git-annex knowledge :)
+d) I would like it if the assistant made it simpler to configure remotes, i.e. right now if I have 2 directories I believe I would need 4 configurations to push/pull locally and remotely to the 1 server with each machine. I've had this working and it's the closest I've got so far, but tedious if I want to do it for 5 directories on 2 machines (that's 20 configurations to add in all unless there is an easier way?)
+e) The \"share with other devices\" option seems one of the best right now, but it suffers with the issues of c) AFAICT. Why not have the server just be a remote when unencrypted?
+From some reading up on the command line tools, it seems like it would be easier to set up using those for what I want than using the webapp.
+I currently love the webapp, it's just missing some polish and options to do what I need.
+Thanks for the great work so far! :)
diff --git a/doc/tips/recover_data_from_lost+found/comment_1_f0901527a4f0faf0b1fd916d5b809314._comment b/doc/tips/recover_data_from_lost+found/comment_1_f0901527a4f0faf0b1fd916d5b809314._comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f609d8def
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/tips/recover_data_from_lost+found/comment_1_f0901527a4f0faf0b1fd916d5b809314._comment
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username=""
+ nickname="Jarno"
+ subject="Why fsck?"
+ date="2014-01-02T22:09:03Z"
+ content="""
+Other steps I understand but what is the purpose of the last, \"git annex fsck\"?
+Shouldn't \"git annex add\" recreate any missing annex files and therefore fix dangling symlinks?
diff --git a/doc/todo/wishlist:_derived_content_support.mdwn b/doc/todo/wishlist:_derived_content_support.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19556a13e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/todo/wishlist:_derived_content_support.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+I handle some video and music files with git annex and it would be awesome if git annex supported tracking of relations between files.
+I have music in flac on my htpc, but i think flac is way overkill to have on my Android device, so i transcode them to ogg/mp3 on my htpc and then sync them to my Android device.
+Transcoding is a good example for this type of feature, but there might be other uses too.
+The basic thing is to know a file is a "copy" of another file, but its a generated result, so the actual file is not important, but the source is.