diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2010-10-14 14:49:19 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2010-10-14 14:49:19 -0400
commita0c013605699a4b1509ba1b04b4522ac43f033c6 (patch)
parent90cdc61c7c8d08590e054018c54c542c463be7e9 (diff)
cooler command-line handling
2 files changed, 24 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/Commands.hs b/Commands.hs
index b631664d6..05ea65880 100644
--- a/Commands.hs
+++ b/Commands.hs
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
{- git-annex command line -}
module Commands (
- argvToMode,
- dispatch,
- Mode
+ argvToActions
) where
import System.Console.GetOpt
@@ -23,43 +21,31 @@ import LocationLog
import Types
import Core
-data Mode = Default | Add | Push | Pull | Want | Get | Drop | Unannex
- deriving Show
-options :: [OptDescr Mode]
+options :: [OptDescr (String -> Annex ())]
options =
- [ Option ['a'] ["add"] (NoArg Add) "add files to annex"
- , Option ['p'] ["push"] (NoArg Push) "push annex to repos"
- , Option ['P'] ["pull"] (NoArg Pull) "pull annex from repos"
- , Option ['w'] ["want"] (NoArg Want) "request file contents"
- , Option ['g'] ["get"] (NoArg Get) "transfer file contents"
- , Option ['d'] ["drop"] (NoArg Drop) "indicate file contents not needed"
- , Option ['u'] ["unannex"] (NoArg Unannex) "undo --add"
+ [ Option ['a'] ["add"] (NoArg addCmd) "add files to annex"
+ , Option ['p'] ["push"] (NoArg pushCmd) "push annex to repos"
+ , Option ['P'] ["pull"] (NoArg pullCmd) "pull annex from repos"
+ , Option ['w'] ["want"] (NoArg wantCmd) "request file contents"
+ , Option ['g'] ["get"] (NoArg getCmd) "transfer file contents"
+ , Option ['d'] ["drop"] (NoArg dropCmd) "indicate file contents not needed"
+ , Option ['u'] ["unannex"] (NoArg unannexCmd) "undo --add"
-argvToMode argv = do
+{- Parses command line and returns a list of actons to be run in the Annex
+ - monad. -}
+argvToActions :: [String] -> IO [Annex ()]
+argvToActions argv = do
case getOpt Permute options argv of
- ([],files,[]) -> return (Default, files)
+ ([],files,[]) -> return $ map defaultCmd files
-- one mode is normal case
- (m:[],files,[]) -> return (m, files)
+ (m:[],files,[]) -> return $ map m files
-- multiple modes is an error
(ms,files,[]) -> ioError (userError ("only one mode should be specified\n" ++ usageInfo header options))
-- error case
(_,files,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options))
where header = "Usage: git-annex [mode] file"
-dispatch :: Mode -> FilePath -> Annex ()
-dispatch mode item = do
- case (mode) of
- Default -> defaultCmd item
- Add -> addCmd item
- Push -> pushCmd item
- Pull -> pullCmd item
- Want -> wantCmd item
- Get -> getCmd item
- Drop -> dropCmd item
- Unannex -> unannexCmd item
{- Default mode is to annex a file if it is not already, and otherwise
- get its content. -}
defaultCmd :: FilePath -> Annex ()
diff --git a/git-annex.hs b/git-annex.hs
index a038107e9..77dd29fac 100644
--- a/git-annex.hs
+++ b/git-annex.hs
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import Commands
main = do
args <- getArgs
- (mode, params) <- argvToMode args
+ actions <- argvToActions args
state <- start
- tryRun state mode params
+ tryRun state actions
{- Processes each param in the list by dispatching the handler function
- for the user-selection operation mode. Catches exceptions, not stopping
@@ -23,17 +23,17 @@ main = do
- or more likely I missed an easy way to do it. So, I have to laboriously
- thread AnnexState through this function.
-tryRun :: AnnexState -> Mode -> [String] -> IO ()
-tryRun state mode params = tryRun' state mode 0 0 params
-tryRun' state mode errnum oknum (f:fs) = do
+tryRun :: AnnexState -> [Annex ()] -> IO ()
+tryRun state actions = tryRun' state 0 0 actions
+tryRun' state errnum oknum (a:as) = do
result <- try
- ( state (dispatch mode f))::IO (Either SomeException ((), AnnexState))
+ ( state a)::IO (Either SomeException ((), AnnexState))
case (result) of
Left err -> do
showErr err
- tryRun' state mode (errnum + 1) oknum fs
- Right (_,state') -> tryRun' state' mode errnum (oknum + 1) fs
-tryRun' state mode errnum oknum [] = do
+ tryRun' state (errnum + 1) oknum as
+ Right (_,state') -> tryRun' state' errnum (oknum + 1) as
+tryRun' state errnum oknum [] = do
if (errnum > 0)
then error $ (show errnum) ++ " failed ; " ++ show (oknum) ++ " ok"
else return ()