diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <>2014-12-17 23:53:20 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <>2014-12-17 23:53:20 -0400
commitabf7122a822fd714cde899670491f16d2a7258b8 (patch)
parentbe0ad1112355ca03ca96732b497a5fe9426af403 (diff)
parent60771da932ced9730fa6a2e37c276e631624f676 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
5 files changed, 97 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/doc/bugs/Direct_mode_sync_fails_to_transfer_a_10GB_file.mdwn b/doc/bugs/Direct_mode_sync_fails_to_transfer_a_10GB_file.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..773d452f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/bugs/Direct_mode_sync_fails_to_transfer_a_10GB_file.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+### Please describe the problem.
+On Windows, a 10GB file of mine is successfully indexed (``git annex add``'ed), but ``git annex sync --content`` always fails with rsync, saying "recvkey: received key with wrong size". This is the largest file I've tested so far, and the only one that's failed.
+### What steps will reproduce the problem?
+1. Copy a 10GB file to a working copy (mine is ''PNG_Sequence.rar'', 10 361 629 980 bytes).
+2. Run ``git annex add``
+3. Run ``git annex sync --content``
+### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?
+Windows 7 x64 with:
+ git-annex version: 5.20141128-g70f997e
+ build flags: Assistant Webapp Webapp-secure Pairing Testsuite S3 WebDAV DNS Feed
+ s Quvi TDFA CryptoHash
+ key/value backends: SHA256E SHA1E SHA512E SHA224E SHA384E SKEIN256E SKEIN512E SH
+ remote types: git gcrypt S3 bup directory rsync web webdav tahoe glacier ddar ho
+ ok external
+### Please provide any additional information below.
+[[!format sh """
+# If you can, paste a complete transcript of the problem occurring here.
+# If the problem is with the git-annex assistant, paste in .git/annex/daemon.log
+commit (Recording state in git...)
+pull origin
+copy Art/PlanetPioneers/PNG_Sequence.rar copy Art/PlanetPioneers/PNG_Sequence.ra
+r (checking origin...) (to origin...)
+ recvkey: received key with wrong size; discarding
+sent 39 bytes received 12 bytes 102.00 bytes/sec
+rsync error: syntax or usage error (code 1) at /home/lapo/package/rsync-3.0.9-1/
+src/rsync-3.0.9/main.c(1052) [sender=3.0.9]total size is 10361629980 speedup is
+ 203169215.29
+ rsync failed -- run git annex again to resume file transfer
+pull origin
+push origin
+Counting objects: 24, done.
+Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
+Compressing objects: 100% (11/11), done.
+Writing objects: 100% (13/13), 1.06 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
+Total 13 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0)
+To ssh://gitannex@serv-gitannex:/home/gitannex/git-annex-test.git
+ f8f70de..41bec92 git-annex -> synced/git-annex
+ 090ca15..e9e842b annex/direct/master -> synced/master
+git-annex: sync: 1 failed
+# End of transcript or log.
diff --git a/doc/devblog/day_239-240__bittorrent_remote.mdwn b/doc/devblog/day_239-240__bittorrent_remote.mdwn
index 771a01fa5..3b466540f 100644
--- a/doc/devblog/day_239-240__bittorrent_remote.mdwn
+++ b/doc/devblog/day_239-240__bittorrent_remote.mdwn
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ bittornado). I looked into using
but that package is out of date and doesn't currently build. I've got a
patch fixing that, but am waiting to hear back from the library's author.
-There is a bit of a behavior change here; while before `git annex adurl` of
+There is a bit of a behavior change here; while before `git annex addurl` of
a torrent file would add the torrent file itself to the repository, it now will
download and add the contents of the torrent. I think/hope this behavior
change is ok..
diff --git a/doc/forum/repair_stuck_on_ls-tree_command/comment_7_5d9e5fd148d5f9e918ad818e07009d69._comment b/doc/forum/repair_stuck_on_ls-tree_command/comment_7_5d9e5fd148d5f9e918ad818e07009d69._comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b27b50377
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/forum/repair_stuck_on_ls-tree_command/comment_7_5d9e5fd148d5f9e918ad818e07009d69._comment
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="vho"
+ subject="update"
+ date="2014-12-18T00:43:22Z"
+ content="""
+I have uploaded the repository to:
+You can decrypt it with your gpg key. It weights 200 Mo.
+Moreover when I try to run git annex whereis on files present only on the defective annex from another annex I get the following error:
+ $ git annex whereis IMG_4701.JPG
+ whereis IMG_4701.JPG (0 copies) failed
+ git-annex: whereis: 1 failed
+I guess the defective annex could not completely synchronize with the others.
+I also tried to look at the git tree with gitk --all.
+Well there seems to be a lot of commit with message update (recovery from race)
+I am forced to kill gitk because it starts lagging a lot.
+Hopefully you will be able to provide me some hints on how to resolve this issue.
+Best regards
diff --git a/doc/forum/repair_stuck_on_ls-tree_command/comment_8_726c9a887b7df1833d7aef3bdce50517._comment b/doc/forum/repair_stuck_on_ls-tree_command/comment_8_726c9a887b7df1833d7aef3bdce50517._comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f79b16f19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/forum/repair_stuck_on_ls-tree_command/comment_8_726c9a887b7df1833d7aef3bdce50517._comment
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="vho"
+ subject="(recovery from race)"
+ date="2014-12-18T00:46:09Z"
+ content="""
+git show 7dc2be23ddb9bda2edc0f01d4bbec2fdb5216763 seems quite abnormal.
diff --git a/doc/todo/Bittorrent-like_features.mdwn b/doc/todo/Bittorrent-like_features.mdwn
index 82e7d8405..f1075a124 100644
--- a/doc/todo/Bittorrent-like_features.mdwn
+++ b/doc/todo/Bittorrent-like_features.mdwn
@@ -46,4 +46,4 @@ This way, a torrent would just become another source for a specific file. When w
That way we avoid the implementation complexity of shoving a complete bittorrent client within the assistant. The `get` operation would block until the torrent is downloaded, i guess... --[[anarcat]]
-> This is now implemented. Including magnet link support, and multi-file torrent support. Leaving toto item open for the blue-sky stuff at top. --[[Joey]]
+> This is now [[implemented|special_remotes/bittorrent/]]. Including magnet link support, and multi-file torrent support. Leaving todo item open for the blue-sky stuff at top. --[[Joey]]