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authorGravatar wsha.code+ga@b38779424f41c5701bbe5937340be43ff1474b2d <wsha.code+ga@b38779424f41c5701bbe5937340be43ff1474b2d@web>2015-12-26 12:31:13 +0000
committerGravatar admin <>2015-12-26 12:31:13 +0000
commit144c2a181f3c1919b7f8ab43c01eb0e35f2dd2dd (patch)
parenta29dd5fe20081742747a1fa6de97f320669babbe (diff)
Added a comment
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/forum/Future_proofing___47___disaster_recovery_with_an_encrypted_special_remote/comment_6_ab0b660e5a3d7fc7d3d3a4b460022da5._comment b/doc/forum/Future_proofing___47___disaster_recovery_with_an_encrypted_special_remote/comment_6_ab0b660e5a3d7fc7d3d3a4b460022da5._comment
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index 000000000..eda99e459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/forum/Future_proofing___47___disaster_recovery_with_an_encrypted_special_remote/comment_6_ab0b660e5a3d7fc7d3d3a4b460022da5._comment
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="wsha.code+ga@b38779424f41c5701bbe5937340be43ff1474b2d"
+ subject="comment 6"
+ date="2015-12-26T12:31:13Z"
+ content="""
+joey, thanks for answering my questions. I have put together a bash script to check my understanding of how the different encryption methods work. The script is below. With it, I am able to generate the encrypted keys for items for `hybrid` and `shared` encrypted `directory` remotes and to decrypt items for `hybrid`, `shared`, and `pubkey` encrypted `directory` remotes (and presumably other special remotes but I tested with `directory` remotes since those were simplest). The only thing I have not been able to get to work is the generation of the encrypted item keys for `pubkey` remotes. Do you see what I am doing wrong for that case? Once I figure that out, I can make a tip entry on the wiki with the script.
+ #!/usr/bin/env bash
+ # args: file_path remote decrypt decrypt_path
+ # For shared, pubkey, and hybrid encryption:
+ # 1. Take in symlink and output encrypted key
+ # 2. Take in path to encrypted file and print decrypted file to stdout
+ #
+ # args: -r remote [-k symlink] [-d encrypted_file_path]
+ usage() {
+ echo \"Usage: -r REMOTE [-k SYMLINK] [-d FILE]\"
+ echo \"\"
+ echo \" Either lookups up key on REMOTE for annex file linked with SYMLINK\"
+ echo \" or decrypts FILE encrypted for REMOTE.\"
+ echo \"\"
+ echo \" -r: REMOTE is special remote to use\"
+ echo \" -k: SYMLINK is symlink in annex to print encrypted special remote key for\"
+ echo \" -d: FILE is path to special remote file to decrypt to STDOUT\"
+ echo \"\"
+ echo \"NOTES: \"
+ echo \" * Run in an indirect git annex repo.\"
+ echo \" * Must specify -k or -d.\"
+ echo \" * -k prints the key including the leading directory names used for a \"
+ echo \" directory remote (even if REMOTE is not a directory remote)\"
+ echo \" * -d works on a locally accessible file. It does not fetch a remote file\"
+ echo \" * Must have gpg and openssl\"
+ }
+ decrypt_cipher() {
+ cipher=\"$1\"
+ echo \"$(echo -n \"$cipher\" | base64 -d | gpg --decrypt --quiet)\"
+ }
+ lookup_key() {
+ encryption=\"$1\"
+ cipher=\"$2\"
+ symlink=\"$3\"
+ if [ \"$encryption\" == \"hybrid\" ] || [ \"$encryption\" == \"pubkey\" ]; then
+ cipher=\"$(decrypt_cipher \"$cipher\")\"
+ fi
+ # Pull out MAC cipher from beginning of cipher
+ if [ \"$encryption\" = \"hybrid\" ] ; then
+ cipher=\"$(echo -n \"$cipher\" | head -c 256 )\"
+ elif [ \"$encryption\" = \"shared\" ] ; then
+ cipher=\"$(echo -n \"$cipher\" | base64 -d | tr -d '\n' | head -c 256 )\"
+ elif [ \"$encryption\" = \"pubkey\" ] ; then
+ # ???
+ : # Use entire base64 decrypted cipher
+ # cipher=\"$(echo -n \"$cipher\" | head -c 256 )\"
+ # cipher=\"$(echo -n \"$cipher\" | base64 -d | tr -d '\n' | head -c 256 )\"
+ # cipher=\"$(echo -n \"$cipher\" | base64 -d | tr -d '\n' )\"
+ fi
+ annex_key=\"$(basename \"$(readlink \"$symlink\")\")\"
+ hash=\"$(echo -n \"$annex_key\" | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac \"$cipher\" | sed 's/(stdin)= //')\"
+ key=\"GPGHMACSHA1--$hash\"
+ checksum=\"$(echo -n $key | md5sum)\"
+ echo \"${checksum:0:3}/${checksum:3:3}/$key\"
+ }
+ decrypt_file() {
+ encryption=\"$1\"
+ cipher=\"$2\"
+ file_path=\"$3\"
+ if [ \"$encryption\" = \"pubkey\" ] ; then
+ gpg --quiet --decrypt \"${file_path}\"
+ else
+ if [ \"$encryption\" = \"hybrid\" ] ; then
+ cipher=\"$(decrypt_cipher \"$cipher\" | tail -c +257)\"
+ elif [ \"$encryption\" = \"shared\" ] ; then
+ cipher=\"$(echo -n \"$cipher\" | base64 -d | tr -d '\n' | tail -c +257 )\"
+ fi
+ gpg --quiet --batch --passphrase \"$cipher\" --output - \"${file_path}\"
+ fi
+ }
+ main() {
+ mode=\"\"
+ remote=\"\"
+ while getopts \"r:k:d:\" opt; do
+ case \"$opt\" in
+ r) remote=\"$OPTARG\"
+ ;;
+ k) if [ -z \"$mode\" ] ; then
+ mode=\"lookup key\"
+ else
+ usage
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ symlink=\"$OPTARG\"
+ ;;
+ d) if [ -z \"$mode\" ] ; then
+ mode=\"decrypt file\"
+ else
+ usage
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ file_path=\"$OPTARG\"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if [ -z \"$mode\" ] || [ -z \"$remote\" ] ; then
+ usage
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ shift $((OPTIND-1))
+ # Pull out config for desired remote name
+ remote_config=\"$(git show git-annex:remote.log | grep 'name='\"$remote \")\"
+ # Get encryption type and cipher from config
+ encryption=\"$(echo \"$remote_config\" | grep -oP 'encryption\=.*? ' | tr -d ' \n' | sed 's/encryption=//')\"
+ cipher=\"$(echo \"$remote_config\" | grep -oP 'cipher\=.*? ' | tr -d ' \n' | sed 's/cipher=//')\"
+ if [ \"$mode\" = \"lookup key\" ] ; then
+ lookup_key \"$encryption\" \"$cipher\" \"$symlink\"
+ elif [ \"$mode\" = \"decrypt file\" ] ; then
+ decrypt_file \"$encryption\" \"$cipher\" \"${file_path}\"
+ fi
+ }
+ main \"$@\"