path: root/Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/firebase_assert.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Minor cleanups to firebase_assert.h (#1051)Gravatar Gil2018-04-10
* Add lint checking for Objective-C++ sources (#1048)Gravatar Gil2018-04-09
* Fix build breakage on linux (#997)Gravatar rsgowman2018-04-05
* Add Status and StatusOr (#935)Gravatar rsgowman2018-03-19
* port Firestore Auth module in C++ (#733)Gravatar zxu2018-02-09
* C++ port: port FSTFieldPath and FSTResourcePath to C++ (#749)Gravatar Konstantin Varlamov2018-02-06
* implement FieldValue for null, boolean, and array in C++. (#637)Gravatar zxu2018-01-17
* Run style.sh (#636)Gravatar Michael Lehenbauer2018-01-10
* implement C++ assert (stdio, apple) (#612)Gravatar zxu2018-01-08