path: root/Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/nanopb
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Suppress uninitialized read error under VS2017 (#1523)Gravatar Gil2018-07-13
* Convert googletest and nanopb CMake builds to add_subdirectory (#1522)Gravatar Gil2018-07-13
* Firestore CMake cleanup (#1510)Gravatar Gil2018-07-11
* Refactor nanopb decoding methods (#1438)Gravatar rsgowman2018-06-25
* Avoid closing unintialized substreams (#1411)Gravatar Mina Farid2018-06-18
* Skip unknown fields while decoding FieldValue proto objects. (#1354)Gravatar rsgowman2018-06-04
* Rename nanopb generated headers from foo.pb.h to foo.nanopb.h (#1371)Gravatar rsgowman2018-06-04
* Add a HARD_ASSERT C++ assertion macro (#1304)Gravatar Gil2018-05-22
* [De]serialize empty Document instances (#1262)Gravatar rsgowman2018-05-15
* Refactor serializer (#1250)Gravatar rsgowman2018-05-11