path: root/Firestore/Source/Util/FSTDispatchQueue.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Defend against users making API calls during deinit (#863)Gravatar Gil2018-03-13
* Add 10 second timeout waiting for connection before client behaves as-if offl...Gravatar Michael Lehenbauer2018-03-05
* DispatchQueue delayed callback improvements + testing (#784)Gravatar Michael Lehenbauer2018-02-15
* Closing the write and watch stream after 60s of idleness (#388)Gravatar Sebastian Schmidt2017-10-30
* Fix warnings exposed by Xcode 9.1 in Firestore source (#354)Gravatar Paul Beusterien2017-10-09
* Release 4.3.0 (#327)Gravatar Gil2017-10-03