path: root/Firestore/Source/Core/FSTFirestoreClient.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Firestore: use C++ Executor for user queue. (#1238)Gravatar Konstantin Varlamov2018-05-10
* Add GetOptions for controlling offline get behaviour (#655)Gravatar rsgowman2018-04-18
* replacing Auth by C++ auth implementation (#802)Gravatar zxu2018-02-27
* Implement Firestore DatabaseInfo and port both Database{Id,Info} C++ to the i...Gravatar zxu2018-02-06
* b/68276665: Raise isFromCache=true events when offline (#567)Gravatar Michael Lehenbauer2017-12-15
* Use fully qualified imports in Firestore (#467)Gravatar Gil2017-11-16
* Adding goOnline/goOffline to the RemoteStore (#347)Gravatar Sebastian Schmidt2017-10-11
* Release 4.3.0 (#327)Gravatar Gil2017-10-03