path: root/Firestore/Protos
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Convert grpc and protobuf CMake builds to add_subdirectory (#1537)Gravatar Gil2018-07-16
* Convert googletest and nanopb CMake builds to add_subdirectory (#1522)Gravatar Gil2018-07-13
* Firestore CMake cleanup (#1510)Gravatar Gil2018-07-11
* Check CMake files for copyrights (#1509)Gravatar Gil2018-07-10
* Install protobuf during CMake build (#1460)Gravatar Gil2018-06-26
* Rename nanopb generated headers from foo.pb.h to foo.nanopb.h (#1371)Gravatar rsgowman2018-06-04
* Adjust serializer test to verify via libprotobuf. (#1039)Gravatar rsgowman2018-04-24
* Update protos. (#1075)Gravatar Michael Lehenbauer2018-04-12
* Rebuild proto artifacts from existing sources and update README.md instructio...Gravatar Michael Lehenbauer2018-04-11
* Only add nanopb proto headers to the -I path when depending on the nanopb pro...Gravatar rsgowman2018-03-27
* Serialize and deserialize null (#783)Gravatar rsgowman2018-02-13
* Keep track of number of queries in the query cache (#776)Gravatar Greg Soltis2018-02-13
* Downgrade nanopb from 0.4.0-dev to 0.3.8.Gravatar Rich Gowman2018-02-06
* Import "well-known" protos (and generated nanopb files)Gravatar Rich Gowman2018-02-06
* Add generated nanopb protos.Gravatar Rich Gowman2018-02-06
* Add instructions for building nanopb protosGravatar Rich Gowman2018-02-06
* Revert "Fully qualify protoc-generated outputs (#626)" (#653)Gravatar Gil2018-01-11
* Fully qualify protoc-generated outputs (#626)Gravatar Gil2018-01-08
* Use fully qualified imports in Firestore (#467)Gravatar Gil2017-11-16
* Release 4.3.0 (#327)Gravatar Gil2017-10-03