path: root/Firestore/Example/Tests/Util/FSTIntegrationTestCase.mm
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* More macOS/static library prep (#1280)Gravatar Gil2018-05-15
* Add GetOptions for controlling offline get behaviour (#655)Gravatar rsgowman2018-04-18
* Integration tests, changelog, and minor fixes for array transforms. (#1108)Gravatar Michael Lehenbauer2018-04-17
* Replace `DocumentListenOptions` with a simple boolean. (#1099)Gravatar Gil2018-04-14
* Add lint checking for Objective-C++ sources (#1048)Gravatar Gil2018-04-09
* Add a flag to control whether DocumentSnapshots return Dates or Timestamps fo...Gravatar Konstantin Varlamov2018-03-30
* replacing Auth by C++ auth implementation (#802)Gravatar zxu2018-02-27
* Avoid wrapping and rewrapping NSStrings when constructing DatabaseId (#833)Gravatar Gil2018-02-22
* DispatchQueue delayed callback improvements + testing (#784)Gravatar Michael Lehenbauer2018-02-15
* Implement Firestore DatabaseInfo and port both Database{Id,Info} C++ to the i...Gravatar zxu2018-02-06
* Fix FSTLocalDocumentsView to allow multiple mutations while offline (#644)Gravatar rsgowman2018-01-11
* Test cleanup: Adds a helper for waiting for FSTVoidErrorBlock callbacks.Gravatar Michael Lehenbauer2017-12-18
* Move sources into firebase::firestore and internal namespaces (#494)Gravatar Gil2017-11-30
* Port autoid to C++ and remove FSTUtil (#475)Gravatar Gil2017-11-27
* Buildable and interoperable source pods (#444)Gravatar Paul Beusterien2017-11-21
* Use fully qualified imports in Firestore (#467)Gravatar Gil2017-11-16
* Clang-formatting StorageGravatar Sebastian Schmidt2017-11-09
* Make FSTIntegrationTestCase Objective-C++ (#439)Gravatar Gil2017-11-09