path: root/Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/status.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/status.cc')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/status.cc b/Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/status.cc
index 46f3ce6..3e8585a 100644
--- a/Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/status.cc
+++ b/Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/status.cc
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
#include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/status.h"
+#include <cerrno>
+#include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/strerror.h"
#include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/string_format.h"
namespace firebase {
@@ -29,6 +32,154 @@ Status::Status(FirestoreErrorCode code, absl::string_view msg) {
state_->msg = static_cast<std::string>(msg);
+/// Returns the Canonical error code for the given errno value.
+static FirestoreErrorCode CodeForErrno(int errno_code) {
+ switch (errno_code) {
+ case 0:
+ return FirestoreErrorCode::Ok;
+ // Internal canonical mappings call these failed preconditions, but for
+ // our purposes these must indicate an internal error in file handling.
+ case EBADF: // Invalid file descriptor
+#if defined(EBADFD)
+ case EBADFD: // File descriptor in bad state
+ return FirestoreErrorCode::Internal;
+ case EINVAL: // Invalid argument
+ case ENAMETOOLONG: // Filename too long
+ case E2BIG: // Argument list too long
+ case EDESTADDRREQ: // Destination address required
+ case EDOM: // Mathematics argument out of domain of function
+ case EFAULT: // Bad address
+ case EILSEQ: // Illegal byte sequence
+ case ENOPROTOOPT: // Protocol not available
+ case ENOSTR: // Not a STREAM
+ case ENOTSOCK: // Not a socket
+ case ENOTTY: // Inappropriate I/O control operation
+ case EPROTOTYPE: // Protocol wrong type for socket
+ case ESPIPE: // Invalid seek
+ return FirestoreErrorCode::InvalidArgument;
+ case ETIMEDOUT: // Connection timed out
+ case ETIME: // Timer expired
+ return FirestoreErrorCode::DeadlineExceeded;
+ case ENODEV: // No such device
+ case ENOENT: // No such file or directory
+#if defined(ENOMEDIUM)
+ case ENOMEDIUM: // No medium found
+ case ENXIO: // No such device or address
+ case ESRCH: // No such process
+ return FirestoreErrorCode::NotFound;
+ case EEXIST: // File exists
+ case EADDRNOTAVAIL: // Address not available
+ case EALREADY: // Connection already in progress
+#if defined(ENOTUNIQ)
+ case ENOTUNIQ: // Name not unique on network
+ return FirestoreErrorCode::AlreadyExists;
+ case EPERM: // Operation not permitted
+ case EACCES: // Permission denied
+#if defined(ENOKEY)
+ case ENOKEY: // Required key not available
+ case EROFS: // Read only file system
+ return FirestoreErrorCode::PermissionDenied;
+ case ENOTEMPTY: // Directory not empty
+ case EISDIR: // Is a directory
+ case ENOTDIR: // Not a directory
+ case EADDRINUSE: // Address already in use
+ case EBUSY: // Device or resource busy
+ case ECHILD: // No child processes
+ case EISCONN: // Socket is connected
+#if defined(EISNAM)
+ case EISNAM: // Is a named type file
+ case ENOTBLK: // Block device required
+ case ENOTCONN: // The socket is not connected
+ case EPIPE: // Broken pipe
+ case ESHUTDOWN: // Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown
+ case ETXTBSY: // Text file busy
+#if defined(EUNATCH)
+ case EUNATCH: // Protocol driver not attached
+ return FirestoreErrorCode::FailedPrecondition;
+ case ENOSPC: // No space left on device
+ case EDQUOT: // Disk quota exceeded
+ case EMFILE: // Too many open files
+ case EMLINK: // Too many links
+ case ENFILE: // Too many open files in system
+ case ENOBUFS: // No buffer space available
+ case ENODATA: // No message is available on the STREAM read queue
+ case ENOMEM: // Not enough space
+ case ENOSR: // No STREAM resources
+ case EUSERS: // Too many users
+ return FirestoreErrorCode::ResourceExhausted;
+#if defined(ECHRNG)
+ case ECHRNG: // Channel number out of range
+ case EFBIG: // File too large
+ case EOVERFLOW: // Value too large to be stored in data type
+ case ERANGE: // Result too large
+ return FirestoreErrorCode::OutOfRange;
+#if defined(ENOPKG)
+ case ENOPKG: // Package not installed
+ case ENOSYS: // Function not implemented
+ case ENOTSUP: // Operation not supported
+ case EAFNOSUPPORT: // Address family not supported
+ case EPFNOSUPPORT: // Protocol family not supported
+ case EPROTONOSUPPORT: // Protocol not supported
+ case ESOCKTNOSUPPORT: // Socket type not supported
+ case EXDEV: // Improper link
+ return FirestoreErrorCode::Unimplemented;
+ case EAGAIN: // Resource temporarily unavailable
+#if defined(ECOMM)
+ case ECOMM: // Communication error on send
+ case ECONNREFUSED: // Connection refused
+ case ECONNABORTED: // Connection aborted
+ case ECONNRESET: // Connection reset
+ case EINTR: // Interrupted function call
+ case EHOSTDOWN: // Host is down
+ case EHOSTUNREACH: // Host is unreachable
+ case ENETDOWN: // Network is down
+ case ENETRESET: // Connection aborted by network
+ case ENETUNREACH: // Network unreachable
+ case ENOLCK: // No locks available
+ case ENOLINK: // Link has been severed
+#if defined(ENONET)
+ case ENONET: // Machine is not on the network
+ return FirestoreErrorCode::Unavailable;
+ case EDEADLK: // Resource deadlock avoided
+ case ESTALE: // Stale file handle
+ return FirestoreErrorCode::Aborted;
+ case ECANCELED: // Operation cancelled
+ return FirestoreErrorCode::Cancelled;
+ default: { return FirestoreErrorCode::Unknown; }
+ }
+Status Status::FromErrno(int errno_code, absl::string_view msg) {
+ FirestoreErrorCode canonical_code = CodeForErrno(errno_code);
+ return Status{canonical_code,
+ util::StringFormat("%s (errno %s: %s)", msg, errno_code,
+ StrError(errno_code))};
void Status::Update(const Status& new_status) {
if (ok()) {
*this = new_status;