path: root/Firestore/Source/Public
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Diffstat (limited to 'Firestore/Source/Public')
3 files changed, 86 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Firestore/Source/Public/FIRDocumentReference.h b/Firestore/Source/Public/FIRDocumentReference.h
index 4aa8c45..7baa30a 100644
--- a/Firestore/Source/Public/FIRDocumentReference.h
+++ b/Firestore/Source/Public/FIRDocumentReference.h
@@ -92,6 +92,23 @@ NS_SWIFT_NAME(DocumentReference)
- (void)setData:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)documentData merge:(BOOL)merge;
+ * Writes to the document referred to by `document` and only replace the fields
+ * specified under `mergeFields`. Any field that is not specified in `mergeFields`
+ * is ignored and remains untouched. If the document doesn't yet exist,
+ * this method creates it and then sets the data.
+ *
+ * It is an error to include a field in `mergeFields` that does not have a corresponding
+ * value in the `data` dictionary.
+ *
+ * @param documentData An `NSDictionary` containing the fields that make up the document
+ * to be written.
+ * @param mergeFields An `NSArray` that contains a list of `NSString` or `FIRFieldPath` elements
+ * specifying which fields to merge. Fields can contain dots to reference nested fields within
+ * the document.
+ */
+- (void)setData:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)documentData mergeFields:(NSArray<id> *)mergeFields;
* Overwrites the document referred to by this `FIRDocumentReference`. If no document exists, it
* is created. If a document already exists, it is overwritten.
@@ -121,6 +138,28 @@ NS_SWIFT_NAME(DocumentReference)
completion:(nullable void (^)(NSError *_Nullable error))completion;
+ * Writes to the document referred to by `document` and only replace the fields
+ * specified under `mergeFields`. Any field that is not specified in `mergeFields`
+ * is ignored and remains untouched. If the document doesn't yet exist,
+ * this method creates it and then sets the data.
+ *
+ * It is an error to include a field in `mergeFields` that does not have a corresponding
+ * value in the `data` dictionary.
+ *
+ * @param documentData An `NSDictionary` containing the fields that make up the document
+ * to be written.
+ * @param mergeFields An `NSArray` that contains a list of `NSString` or `FIRFieldPath` elements
+ * specifying which fields to merge. Fields can contain dots to reference nested fields within
+ * the document.
+ * @param completion A block to execute once the document has been successfully written to the
+ * server. This block will not be called while the client is offline, though local
+ * changes will be visible immediately.
+ */
+- (void)setData:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)documentData
+ mergeFields:(NSArray<id> *)mergeFields
+ completion:(nullable void (^)(NSError *_Nullable error))completion;
* Updates fields in the document referred to by this `FIRDocumentReference`.
* If the document does not exist, the update fails (specify a completion block to be notified).
diff --git a/Firestore/Source/Public/FIRTransaction.h b/Firestore/Source/Public/FIRTransaction.h
index 2fa4430..e53414d 100644
--- a/Firestore/Source/Public/FIRTransaction.h
+++ b/Firestore/Source/Public/FIRTransaction.h
@@ -65,6 +65,30 @@ NS_SWIFT_NAME(Transaction)
// clang-format on
+ * Writes to the document referred to by `document` and only replace the fields
+ * specified under `mergeFields`. Any field that is not specified in `mergeFields`
+ * is ignored and remains untouched. If the document doesn't yet exist,
+ * this method creates it and then sets the data.
+ *
+ * It is an error to include a field in `mergeFields` that does not have a corresponding
+ * value in the `data` dictionary.
+ *
+ * @param data An `NSDictionary` containing the fields that make up the document
+ * to be written.
+ * @param document A reference to the document whose data should be overwritten.
+ * @param mergeFields An `NSArray` that contains a list of `NSString` or `FIRFieldPath` elements
+ * specifying which fields to merge. Fields can contain dots to reference nested fields within
+ * the document.
+ * @return This `FIRTransaction` instance. Used for chaining method calls.
+ */
+// clang-format off
+- (FIRTransaction *)setData:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)data
+ forDocument:(FIRDocumentReference *)document
+ mergeFields:(NSArray<id> *)mergeFields
+ NS_SWIFT_NAME(setData(_:forDocument:mergeFields:));
+// clang-format on
* Updates fields in the document referred to by `document`.
* If the document does not exist, the transaction will fail.
diff --git a/Firestore/Source/Public/FIRWriteBatch.h b/Firestore/Source/Public/FIRWriteBatch.h
index 1568723..22d1b16 100644
--- a/Firestore/Source/Public/FIRWriteBatch.h
+++ b/Firestore/Source/Public/FIRWriteBatch.h
@@ -68,6 +68,29 @@ NS_SWIFT_NAME(WriteBatch)
// clang-format on
+ * Writes to the document referred to by `document` and only replace the fields
+ * specified under `mergeFields`. Any field that is not specified in `mergeFields`
+ * is ignored and remains untouched. If the document doesn't yet exist,
+ * this method creates it and then sets the data.
+ *
+ * It is an error to include a field in `mergeFields` that does not have a corresponding
+ * value in the `data` dictionary.
+ *
+ * @param data An `NSDictionary` that contains the fields and data to write to the document.
+ * @param document A reference to the document whose data should be overwritten.
+ * @param mergeFields An `NSArray` that contains a list of `NSString` or `FIRFieldPath` elements
+ * specifying which fields to merge. Fields can contain dots to reference nested fields within
+ * the document.
+ * @return This `FIRWriteBatch` instance. Used for chaining method calls.
+ */
+// clang-format off
+- (FIRWriteBatch *)setData:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)data
+ forDocument:(FIRDocumentReference *)document
+ mergeFields:(NSArray<id> *)mergeFields
+ NS_SWIFT_NAME(setData(_:forDocument:mergeFields:));
+// clang-format on
* Updates fields in the document referred to by `document`.
* If document does not exist, the write batch will fail.