path: root/Firestore/Source/Local
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Firestore/Source/Local')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/Firestore/Source/Local/FSTLocalStore.mm b/Firestore/Source/Local/FSTLocalStore.mm
index 7469c71..6aab78e 100644
--- a/Firestore/Source/Local/FSTLocalStore.mm
+++ b/Firestore/Source/Local/FSTLocalStore.mm
@@ -268,46 +268,32 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN
FSTListenSequenceNumber sequenceNumber = [self.listenSequence next];
id<FSTQueryCache> queryCache = self.queryCache;
- [remoteEvent.targetChanges enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(
- NSNumber *targetIDNumber, FSTTargetChange *change, BOOL *stop) {
- FSTTargetID targetID = targetIDNumber.intValue;
+ for (const auto &entry : remoteEvent.targetChanges) {
+ FSTTargetID targetID = entry.first;
+ FSTBoxedTargetID *boxedTargetID = @(targetID);
+ FSTTargetChange *change = entry.second;
// Do not ref/unref unassigned targetIDs - it may lead to leaks.
- FSTQueryData *queryData = self.targetIDs[targetIDNumber];
+ FSTQueryData *queryData = self.targetIDs[boxedTargetID];
if (!queryData) {
- return;
+ continue;
+ [queryCache removeMatchingKeys:change.removedDocuments forTargetID:targetID];
+ [queryCache addMatchingKeys:change.addedDocuments forTargetID:targetID];
// Update the resume token if the change includes one. Don't clear any preexisting value.
// Bump the sequence number as well, so that documents being removed now are ordered later
// than documents that were previously removed from this target.
NSData *resumeToken = change.resumeToken;
if (resumeToken.length > 0) {
- queryData = [queryData queryDataByReplacingSnapshotVersion:change.snapshotVersion
+ queryData = [queryData queryDataByReplacingSnapshotVersion:remoteEvent.snapshotVersion
- self.targetIDs[targetIDNumber] = queryData;
+ self.targetIDs[boxedTargetID] = queryData;
[self.queryCache updateQueryData:queryData];
- FSTTargetMapping *mapping = change.mapping;
- if (mapping) {
- // First make sure that all references are deleted.
- if ([mapping isKindOfClass:[FSTResetMapping class]]) {
- FSTResetMapping *reset = (FSTResetMapping *)mapping;
- [queryCache removeMatchingKeysForTargetID:targetID];
- [queryCache addMatchingKeys:reset.documents forTargetID:targetID];
- } else if ([mapping isKindOfClass:[FSTUpdateMapping class]]) {
- FSTUpdateMapping *update = (FSTUpdateMapping *)mapping;
- [queryCache removeMatchingKeys:update.removedDocuments forTargetID:targetID];
- [queryCache addMatchingKeys:update.addedDocuments forTargetID:targetID];
- } else {
- HARD_FAIL("Unknown mapping type: %s", mapping);
- }
- }
- }];
+ }
// TODO(klimt): This could probably be an NSMutableDictionary.
DocumentKeySet changedDocKeys;