path: root/Firestore/Example/Tests/SpecTests/FSTSyncEngineTestDriver.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'Firestore/Example/Tests/SpecTests/FSTSyncEngineTestDriver.h')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Firestore/Example/Tests/SpecTests/FSTSyncEngineTestDriver.h b/Firestore/Example/Tests/SpecTests/FSTSyncEngineTestDriver.h
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+ * Copyright 2017 Google
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import "Core/FSTTypes.h"
+@class FSTDocumentKey;
+@class FSTMutation;
+@class FSTMutationResult;
+@class FSTQuery;
+@class FSTQueryData;
+@class FSTSnapshotVersion;
+@class FSTUser;
+@class FSTViewSnapshot;
+@class FSTWatchChange;
+@protocol FSTGarbageCollector;
+@protocol FSTPersistence;
+ * Interface used for object that contain exactly one of either a view snapshot or an error for the
+ * given query.
+ */
+@interface FSTQueryEvent : NSObject
+@property(nonatomic, strong) FSTQuery *query;
+@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) FSTViewSnapshot *viewSnapshot;
+@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSError *error;
+/** Holds an outstanding write and its result. */
+@interface FSTOutstandingWrite : NSObject
+/** The write that is outstanding. */
+@property(nonatomic, strong, readwrite) FSTMutation *write;
+/** Whether this write is done (regardless of whether it was successful or not). */
+@property(nonatomic, assign, readwrite) BOOL done;
+/** The error - if any - of this write. */
+@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable, readwrite) NSError *error;
+/** Mapping of user => array of FSTMutations for that user. */
+typedef NSDictionary<FSTUser *, NSArray<FSTOutstandingWrite *> *> FSTOutstandingWriteQueues;
+ * A test driver for FSTSyncEngine that allows simulated event delivery and capture. As much as
+ * possible, all sources of nondeterminism are removed so that test execution is consistent and
+ * reliable.
+ *
+ * FSTSyncEngineTestDriver:
+ *
+ * + constructs an FSTSyncEngine using a mocked FSTDatastore for the backend;
+ * + allows the caller to trigger events (user API calls and incoming FSTDatastore messages);
+ * + performs sequencing validation internally (e.g. that when a user mutation is initiated, the
+ * FSTSyncEngine correctly sends it to the remote store); and
+ * + exposes the set of FSTQueryEvents generated for the caller to verify.
+ *
+ * Events come in three major flavors:
+ *
+ * + user events: simulate user API calls
+ * + watch events: simulate RPC interactions with the Watch backend
+ * + write events: simulate RPC interactions with the Streaming Write backend
+ *
+ * Each method on the driver injects a different event into the system.
+ */
+@interface FSTSyncEngineTestDriver : NSObject
+ * Initializes the underlying FSTSyncEngine with the given local persistence implementation and
+ * garbage collection policy.
+ */
+- (instancetype)initWithPersistence:(id<FSTPersistence>)persistence
+ garbageCollector:(id<FSTGarbageCollector>)garbageCollector;
+ * Initializes the underlying FSTSyncEngine with the given local persistence implementation and
+ * a set of existing outstandingWrites (useful when your FSTPersistence object has
+ * persisted mutation queues).
+ */
+- (instancetype)initWithPersistence:(id<FSTPersistence>)persistence
+ garbageCollector:(id<FSTGarbageCollector>)garbageCollector
+ initialUser:(FSTUser *)initialUser
+ outstandingWrites:(FSTOutstandingWriteQueues *)outstandingWrites
+- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+/** Starts the FSTSyncEngine and its underlying components. */
+- (void)start;
+/** Validates that the API has been used correctly after a test is complete. */
+- (void)validateUsage;
+/** Shuts the FSTSyncEngine down. */
+- (void)shutdown;
+ * Adds a listener to the FSTSyncEngine as if the user had initiated a new listen for the given
+ * query.
+ *
+ * Resulting events are captured and made available via the capturedEventsSinceLastCall method.
+ *
+ * @param query A valid query to execute against the backend.
+ * @return The target ID assigned by the system to track the query.
+ */
+- (FSTTargetID)addUserListenerWithQuery:(FSTQuery *)query;
+ * Removes a listener from the FSTSyncEngine as if the user had removed a listener corresponding
+ * to the given query.
+ *
+ * Resulting events are captured and made available via the capturedEventsSinceLastCall method.
+ *
+ * @param query An identical query corresponding to one passed to -addUserListenerWithQuery.
+ */
+- (void)removeUserListenerWithQuery:(FSTQuery *)query;
+ * Delivers a WatchChange RPC to the FSTSyncEngine as if it were received from the backend watch
+ * service, either in response to addUserListener: or removeUserListener calls or because the
+ * simulated backend has new data.
+ *
+ * Resulting events are captured and made available via the capturedEventsSinceLastCall method.
+ *
+ * @param change Any type of watch change
+ * @param snapshot A snapshot version to attach, if applicable. This should be sent when
+ * simulating the server having sent a complete snapshot.
+ */
+- (void)receiveWatchChange:(FSTWatchChange *)change
+ snapshotVersion:(FSTSnapshotVersion *_Nullable)snapshot;
+ * Delivers a watch stream error as if the Streaming Watch backend has generated some kind of error.
+ *
+ * @param errorCode A FIRFirestoreErrorCode value, from FIRFirestoreErrors.h
+ * @param userInfo Any additional details that the server might have sent along with the error.
+ * For the moment this is effectively unused, but is logged.
+ */
+- (void)receiveWatchStreamError:(int)errorCode userInfo:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)userInfo;
+ * Performs a mutation against the FSTSyncEngine as if the user had written the mutation through
+ * the API.
+ *
+ * Also retains the mutation so that the driver can validate that the sync engine sent the mutation
+ * to the remote store before receiveWatchChange:snapshotVersion: and receiveWriteError:userInfo:
+ * events are processed.
+ *
+ * @param mutation Any type of valid mutation.
+ */
+- (void)writeUserMutation:(FSTMutation *)mutation;
+ * Delivers a write error as if the Streaming Write backend has generated some kind of error.
+ *
+ * For the moment write errors are usually must be in response to a mutation that has been written
+ * with writeUserMutation:. Spontaneously errors due to idle timeout, server restart, or credential
+ * expiration aren't yet supported.
+ *
+ * @param errorCode A FIRFirestoreErrorCode value, from FIRFirestoreErrors.h
+ * @param userInfo Any additional details that the server might have sent along with the error.
+ * For the moment this is effectively unused, but is logged.
+ */
+- (FSTOutstandingWrite *)receiveWriteError:(int)errorCode
+ userInfo:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)userInfo;
+ * Delivers a write acknowledgement as if the Streaming Write backend has acknowledged a write with
+ * the snapshot version at which the write was committed.
+ *
+ * @param commitVersion The snapshot version at which the simulated server has committed
+ * the mutation. Snapshot versions must be monotonically increasing.
+ * @param mutationResults The mutation results for the write that is being acked.
+ */
+- (FSTOutstandingWrite *)receiveWriteAckWithVersion:(FSTSnapshotVersion *)commitVersion
+ mutationResults:(NSArray<FSTMutationResult *> *)mutationResults;
+ * A count of the mutations written to the write stream by the FSTSyncEngine, but not yet
+ * acknowledged via receiveWriteError: or receiveWriteAckWithVersion:mutationResults.
+ */
+@property(nonatomic, readonly) int sentWritesCount;
+ * Switches the FSTSyncEngine to a new user. The test driver tracks the outstanding mutations for
+ * each user, so future receiveWriteAck/Error operations will validate the write sent to the mock
+ * datastore matches the next outstanding write for that user.
+ */
+- (void)changeUser:(FSTUser *)user;
+ * Returns all query events generated by the FSTSyncEngine in response to the event injection
+ * methods called previously. The events are cleared after each invocation of this method.
+ */
+- (NSArray<FSTQueryEvent *> *)capturedEventsSinceLastCall;
+ * The writes that have been sent to the FSTSyncEngine via writeUserMutation: but not yet
+ * acknowledged by calling receiveWriteAck/Error:. They are tracked per-user.
+ *
+ * It is mostly an implementation detail used internally to validate that the writes sent to the
+ * mock backend by the FSTSyncEngine match the user mutations that initiated them.
+ *
+ * It is exposed specifically for use with the
+ * initWithPersistence:GCEnabled:outstandingWrites: initializer to test persistence
+ * scenarios where the FSTSyncEngine is restarted while the FSTPersistence implementation still has
+ * outstanding persisted mutations.
+ *
+ * Note: The size of the list for the current user will generally be the same as
+ * sentWritesCount, but not necessarily, since the FSTRemoteStore limits the number of
+ * outstanding writes to the backend at a given time.
+ */
+@property(nonatomic, strong, readonly) FSTOutstandingWriteQueues *outstandingWrites;
+/** The current user for the FSTSyncEngine; determines which mutation queue is active. */
+@property(nonatomic, strong, readonly) FSTUser *currentUser;
+/** The current set of documents in limbo. */
+@property(nonatomic, strong, readonly)
+ NSDictionary<FSTDocumentKey *, FSTBoxedTargetID *> *currentLimboDocuments;
+/** The expected set of documents in limbo. */
+@property(nonatomic, strong, readwrite) NSSet<FSTDocumentKey *> *expectedLimboDocuments;
+/** The set of active targets as observed on the watch stream. */
+@property(nonatomic, strong, readonly)
+ NSDictionary<FSTBoxedTargetID *, FSTQueryData *> *activeTargets;
+/** The expected set of active targets, keyed by target ID. */
+@property(nonatomic, strong, readwrite)
+ NSDictionary<FSTBoxedTargetID *, FSTQueryData *> *expectedActiveTargets;