path: root/Firebase/Auth
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diff --git a/Firebase/Auth/Source/Public/FIRAuth.h b/Firebase/Auth/Source/Public/FIRAuth.h
index a3ed960..cfc59b1 100644
--- a/Firebase/Auth/Source/Public/FIRAuth.h
+++ b/Firebase/Auth/Source/Public/FIRAuth.h
@@ -410,20 +410,6 @@ NS_SWIFT_NAME(Auth)
@param password The user's password.
@param completion Optionally; a block which is invoked when the sign in flow finishes, or is
canceled. Invoked asynchronously on the main thread in the future.
- @remarks Possible error codes:
- + `FIRAuthErrorCodeOperationNotAllowed` - Indicates that email and password
- accounts are not enabled. Enable them in the Auth section of the
- Firebase console.
- + `FIRAuthErrorCodeUserDisabled` - Indicates the user's account is disabled.
- + `FIRAuthErrorCodeWrongPassword` - Indicates the user attempted
- sign in with an incorrect password.
- + `FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidEmail` - Indicates the email address is malformed.
- @remarks See `FIRAuthErrors` for a list of error codes that are common to all API methods.
- (void)signInAndRetrieveDataWithEmail:(NSString *)email
password:(NSString *)password
@@ -543,21 +529,6 @@ NS_SWIFT_NAME(Auth)
`signInAnonymously(Completion:)` for Swift instead.
@param completion Optionally; a block which is invoked when the sign in finishes, or is
canceled. Invoked asynchronously on the main thread in the future.
- @remarks If there is already an anonymous user signed in, that user will be returned instead.
- If there is any other existing user signed in, that user will be signed out.
- @remarks Possible error codes:
- + `FIRAuthErrorCodeOperationNotAllowed` - Indicates that anonymous accounts are
- not enabled. Enable them in the Auth section of the Firebase console.
- @remarks See `FIRAuthErrors` for a list of error codes that are common to all API methods.
- @remarks This method will only exist until the next major Firebase release following 4.x.x.
- After the next major release the method `signInAnonymouslyWithCompletion` will support the
- `FIRAuthDataResultCallback`.
- (void)signInAnonymouslyAndRetrieveDataWithCompletion:
(nullable FIRAuthDataResultCallback)completion
@@ -592,22 +563,6 @@ NS_SWIFT_NAME(Auth)
@param token A self-signed custom auth token.
@param completion Optionally; a block which is invoked when the sign in finishes, or is
canceled. Invoked asynchronously on the main thread in the future.
- @remarks Possible error codes:
- + `FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidCustomToken` - Indicates a validation error with
- the custom token.
- + `FIRAuthErrorCodeCustomTokenMismatch` - Indicates the service account and the API key
- belong to different projects.
- @remarks See `FIRAuthErrors` for a list of error codes that are common to all API methods.
- @remarks This method will only exist until the next major Firebase release following 4.x.x.
- After the next major release the method `createUserWithEmail:password:completion:` will
- support the `FIRAuthDataResultCallback`.
- (void)signInAndRetrieveDataWithCustomToken:(NSString *)token
completion:(nullable FIRAuthDataResultCallback)completion
@@ -650,24 +605,6 @@ NS_SWIFT_NAME(Auth)
@param password The user's desired password.
@param completion Optionally; a block which is invoked when the sign up flow finishes, or is
canceled. Invoked asynchronously on the main thread in the future.
- @remarks Possible error codes:
- + `FIRAuthErrorCodeInvalidEmail` - Indicates the email address is malformed.
- + `FIRAuthErrorCodeEmailAlreadyInUse` - Indicates the email used to attempt sign up
- already exists. Call fetchProvidersForEmail to check which sign-in mechanisms the user
- used, and prompt the user to sign in with one of those.
- + `FIRAuthErrorCodeOperationNotAllowed` - Indicates that email and password accounts
- are not enabled. Enable them in the Auth section of the Firebase console.
- + `FIRAuthErrorCodeWeakPassword` - Indicates an attempt to set a password that is
- considered too weak. The NSLocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey field in the NSError.userInfo
- dictionary object will contain more detailed explanation that can be shown to the user.
- @remarks See `FIRAuthErrors` for a list of error codes that are common to all API methods.
- @remarks This method will only exist until the next major Firebase release following 4.x.x.
- After the next major release the method `createUserWithEmail:password:completion:` will
- support the `FIRAuthDataResultCallback`.
- (void)createUserAndRetrieveDataWithEmail:(NSString *)email
password:(NSString *)password