path: root/Example/Database/Tests/Integration/FData.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Example/Database/Tests/Integration/FData.m')
1 files changed, 2687 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Example/Database/Tests/Integration/FData.m b/Example/Database/Tests/Integration/FData.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..390522c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Example/Database/Tests/Integration/FData.m
@@ -0,0 +1,2687 @@
+ * Copyright 2017 Google
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#import "FData.h"
+#import "FTestHelpers.h"
+#import "FEventTester.h"
+#import "FTupleEventTypeString.h"
+#import "FIRApp.h"
+#import "FIRDatabaseQuery_Private.h"
+#import "FIRDatabaseConfig_Private.h"
+#import "FIROptions.h"
+#import "FRepo_Private.h"
+#import <limits.h>
+@implementation FData
+- (void) testGetNode {
+ __unused FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ XCTAssertTrue(YES, @"Properly created node without throwing error");
+- (void) testWriteData {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ [node setValue:@42];
+ XCTAssertTrue(YES, @"Properly write to node without throwing error");
+- (void) testWriteDataWithDebugLogging {
+ [FIRDatabase setLoggingEnabled:YES];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ [node setValue:@42];
+ [FIRDatabase setLoggingEnabled:NO];
+ XCTAssertTrue(YES, @"Properly write to node without throwing error");
+- (void) testWriteAndReadData {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ [node setValue:@42];
+ [self snapWaiter:node withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(@42, [snapshot value], @"Properly saw correct value");
+ }];
+- (void) testProperParamChecking {
+ // ios doesn't have an equivalent of this test
+- (void) testNamespaceCaseInsensitivityWithinARepo {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref1 = [[FIRDatabase database] referenceFromURL:[self.databaseURL uppercaseString]];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref2 = [[FIRDatabase database] referenceFromURL:[self.databaseURL lowercaseString]];
+ XCTAssertTrue([ref1.description isEqualToString:ref2.description], @"Descriptions should match");
+- (void) testRootProperty {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * root = node.root;
+ XCTAssertTrue(root != nil, @"Should get a root");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[root description] isEqualToString:self.databaseURL], @"Root is actually the root");
+- (void) testValReturnsCompoundObjectWithChildren {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ [node setValue:@{@"foo": @{@"bar": @5}}];
+ [self snapWaiter:node withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([[[snapshot value] objectForKey:@"foo"] objectForKey:@"bar"], @5, @"Properly saw compound object");
+ }];
+- (void) testWriteDataAndWaitForServerConfirmation {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:node setValue:@42];
+- (void) testWriteAValueAndRead {
+ // dupe of FEvent testWriteLeafExpectValueChanged
+- (void) testWriteABunchOfDataAndRead {
+ FTupleFirebase* tuple = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writeNode = tuple.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * readNode = tuple.two;
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ [[[[writeNode child:@"a"] child:@"b"] child:@"c"] setValue:@1];
+ [[[[writeNode child:@"a"] child:@"d"] child:@"e"] setValue:@2];
+ [[[[writeNode child:@"a"] child:@"d"] child:@"f"] setValue:@3];
+ [[writeNode child:@"g"] setValue:@4 withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* err, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) { done = YES; }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{ return done; }];
+ [super snapWaiter:readNode withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *s) {
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([[[[s childSnapshotForPath:@"a"] childSnapshotForPath:@"b"] childSnapshotForPath:@"c"] value], @1, @"Proper child value");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([[[[s childSnapshotForPath:@"a"] childSnapshotForPath:@"d"] childSnapshotForPath:@"e"] value], @2, @"Proper child value");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([[[[s childSnapshotForPath:@"a"] childSnapshotForPath:@"d"] childSnapshotForPath:@"f"] value], @3, @"Proper child value");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([[s childSnapshotForPath:@"g"] value], @4, @"Proper child value");
+ }];
+- (void) testWriteABunchOfDataWithLeadingZeroesAndRead {
+ FTupleFirebase* tuple = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writeNode = tuple.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * readNode = tuple.two;
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:[writeNode child:@"1"] setValue:@1];
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:[writeNode child:@"01"] setValue:@2];
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:[writeNode child:@"001"] setValue:@3];
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:[writeNode child:@"0001"] setValue:@4];
+ [super snapWaiter:readNode withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *s) {
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([[s childSnapshotForPath:@"1"] value], @1, @"Proper child value");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([[s childSnapshotForPath:@"01"] value], @2, @"Proper child value");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([[s childSnapshotForPath:@"001"] value], @3, @"Proper child value");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([[s childSnapshotForPath:@"0001"] value], @4, @"Proper child value");
+ }];
+- (void) testLeadingZeroesTurnIntoDictionary {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:[ref child:@"1"] setValue:@1];
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:[ref child:@"01"] setValue:@2];
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * snap = nil;
+ [ref observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ snap = snapshot;
+ done = YES;
+ }];
+ WAIT_FOR(done);
+ XCTAssertTrue([snap.value isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]], @"Should be dictionary");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([snap.value objectForKey:@"1"], @1, @"Proper child value");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([snap.value objectForKey:@"01"], @2, @"Proper child value");
+- (void) testLeadingZerosDontCollapseLocally {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * snap = nil;
+ [ref observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ snap = snapshot;
+ done = (snapshot.childrenCount == 2);
+ }];
+ [[ref child:@"3"] setValue:@YES];
+ [[ref child:@"03"] setValue:@NO];
+ WAIT_FOR(done);
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([[snap childSnapshotForPath:@"3"] value], @YES, @"Proper child value");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([[snap childSnapshotForPath:@"03"] value], @NO, @"Proper child value");
+- (void) testSnapshotRef {
+ FIRDatabaseReference *ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ [ref observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ [snapshot.ref observeSingleEventOfType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ done = YES;
+ }];
+ }];
+ WAIT_FOR(done);
+- (void) testWriteLeafNodeOverwriteAtParentVerifyExpectedEvents {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * connected = [[[FIRDatabase database] reference] child:@".info/connected"];
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [connected observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSNumber *val = [snapshot value];
+ ready = [val boolValue];
+ }];
+ WAIT_FOR(ready);
+ NSArray* lookingFor = @[
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a/aa"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil], // 4
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded withString:@"aa"], // 0
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a/aa"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil], // 4
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildChanged withString:@"aa"], // 2
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil], // 4
+ ];
+ [[node repo] interrupt]; // Going offline ensures that local events get queued up before server events
+ FEventTester* et = [[FEventTester alloc] initFrom:self];
+ [et addLookingFor:lookingFor];
+ [[node child:@"a/aa"] setValue:@1];
+ [[node child:@"a"] setValue:@{@"aa": @2}];
+ [[node repo] resume];
+ [et wait];
+- (void) testWriteLeafNodeOverwriteAtParentMultipleTimesVerifyExpectedEvents {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ NSArray* lookingFor = @[
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a/aa"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded withString:@"aa"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a/aa"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a/bb"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildChanged withString:@"aa"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a/aa"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildChanged withString:@"aa"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ ];
+ [[node repo] interrupt]; // Going offline ensures that local events get queued up before server events
+ FEventTester* et = [[FEventTester alloc] initFrom:self];
+ [et addLookingFor:lookingFor];
+ [[node child:@"a/aa"] setValue:@1];
+ [[node child:@"a"] setValue:@{@"aa": @2}];
+ [[node child:@"a"] setValue:@{@"aa": @3}];
+ [[node child:@"a"] setValue:@{@"aa": @3}];
+ [[node repo] resume];
+ [et wait];
+- (void) testWriteParentNodeOverwriteAtLeafVerifyExpectedEvents {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ NSArray* lookingFor = @[
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a/aa"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded withString:@"aa"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a/aa"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildChanged withString:@"aa"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ ];
+ [[node repo] interrupt]; // Going offline ensures that local events get queued up before server events
+ FEventTester* et = [[FEventTester alloc] initFrom:self];
+ [et addLookingFor:lookingFor];
+ [[node child:@"a"] setValue:@{@"aa": @2}];
+ [[node child:@"a/aa"] setValue:@1];
+ [[node repo] resume];
+ [et wait];
+- (void) testWriteLeafNodeRemoveParentNodeVerifyExpectedEvents {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.two;
+ NSArray* lookingFor = @[
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[writer child:@"a/aa"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[writer child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded withString:@"aa"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[writer child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:writer withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded withString:@"a"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:writer withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ ];
+ FEventTester* et = [[FEventTester alloc] initFrom:self];
+ [et addLookingFor:lookingFor];
+ [[writer child:@"a/aa"] setValue:@42];
+ // the local events
+ [et wait];
+ // the reader should get all of the events intermingled
+ FEventTester* readerEvents = [[FEventTester alloc] initFrom:self];
+ lookingFor = @[
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[reader child:@"a/aa"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[reader child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded withString:@"aa"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[reader child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:reader withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded withString:@"a"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:reader withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil]
+ ];
+ [readerEvents addLookingFor:lookingFor];
+ [readerEvents wait];
+ lookingFor = @[
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[reader child:@"a/aa"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[reader child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildRemoved withString:@"aa"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[reader child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:reader withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildRemoved withString:@"a"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:reader withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil]
+ ];
+ [readerEvents addLookingFor:lookingFor];
+ lookingFor = @[
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[writer child:@"a/aa"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[writer child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildRemoved withString:@"aa"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[writer child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:writer withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildRemoved withString:@"a"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:writer withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil]
+ ];
+ [et addLookingFor:lookingFor];
+ [[writer child:@"a"] removeValue];
+ [et wait];
+ [readerEvents wait];
+ [et unregister];
+ [readerEvents unregister];
+ // Ensure we can write a new value
+ __block NSNumber* readVal = @0.0;
+ __block NSNumber* writeVal = @0.0;
+ [[reader child:@"a/aa"] observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ id val = [snapshot value];
+ if (val != [NSNull null]) {
+ readVal = val;
+ }
+ }];
+ [[writer child:@"a/aa"] observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ id val = [snapshot value];
+ if (val != [NSNull null]) {
+ writeVal = val;
+ }
+ }];
+ [[writer child:@"a/aa"] setValue:@3.1415];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return fabs([readVal doubleValue] - 3.1415) < 0.001 && fabs([writeVal doubleValue] - 3.1415) < 0.001;
+ //return [readVal isEqualToNumber:@3.1415] && [writeVal isEqualToNumber:@3.1415];
+ }];
+- (void) testWriteLeafNodeRemoveLeafVerifyExpectedEvents {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.two;
+ NSArray* lookingFor = @[
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[writer child:@"a/aa"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[writer child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded withString:@"aa"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[writer child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:writer withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded withString:@"a"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:writer withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ ];
+ FEventTester* et = [[FEventTester alloc] initFrom:self];
+ [et addLookingFor:lookingFor];
+ [[writer child:@"a/aa"] setValue:@42];
+ // the local events
+ [et wait];
+ // the reader should get all of the events intermingled
+ FEventTester* readerEvents = [[FEventTester alloc] initFrom:self];
+ lookingFor = @[
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[reader child:@"a/aa"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[reader child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded withString:@"aa"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[reader child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:reader withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded withString:@"a"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:reader withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil]
+ ];
+ [readerEvents addLookingFor:lookingFor];
+ [readerEvents wait];
+ lookingFor = @[
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[reader child:@"a/aa"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[reader child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildRemoved withString:@"aa"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[reader child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:reader withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildRemoved withString:@"a"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:reader withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil]
+ ];
+ [readerEvents addLookingFor:lookingFor];
+ lookingFor = @[
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[writer child:@"a/aa"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[writer child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildRemoved withString:@"aa"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[writer child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:writer withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildRemoved withString:@"a"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:writer withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil]
+ ];
+ [et addLookingFor:lookingFor];
+ // remove just the leaf
+ [[writer child:@"a/aa"] removeValue];
+ [et wait];
+ [readerEvents wait];
+ [et unregister];
+ [readerEvents unregister];
+ // Ensure we can write a new value
+ __block NSNumber* readVal = @0.0;
+ __block NSNumber* writeVal = @0.0;
+ [[reader child:@"a/aa"] observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ id val = [snapshot value];
+ if (val != [NSNull null]) {
+ readVal = val;
+ }
+ }];
+ [[writer child:@"a/aa"] observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ id val = [snapshot value];
+ if (val != [NSNull null]) {
+ writeVal = val;
+ }
+ }];
+ [[writer child:@"a/aa"] setValue:@3.1415];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ //NSLog(@"readVal: %@, writeVal: %@, vs %@", readVal, writeVal, @3.1415);
+ //return [readVal isEqualToNumber:@3.1415] && [writeVal isEqualToNumber:@3.1415];
+ return fabs([readVal doubleValue] - 3.1415) < 0.001 && fabs([writeVal doubleValue] - 3.1415) < 0.001;
+ }];
+- (void) testWriteMultipleLeafNodesRemoveOnlyOneVerifyExpectedEvents {
+ // XXX impl
+- (void) testVerifyNodeNamesCantStartWithADot {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ XCTAssertThrows([ref child:@".foo"], @"not a valid .prefix");
+ XCTAssertThrows([ref child:@"foo/.foo"], @"not a valid path");
+ // Should not throw
+ [[ref parent] child:@".info"];
+- (void) testVerifyWritingToDotLengthAndDotKeysThrows {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ XCTAssertThrows([[ref child:@".keys"] setValue:@42], @"not a valid .prefix");
+ XCTAssertThrows([[ref child:@".length"] setValue:@42], @"not a valid path");
+- (void) testNumericKeysGetTurnedIntoArrays {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ [[ref child:@"0"] setValue:@"alpha"];
+ [[ref child:@"1"] setValue:@"bravo"];
+ [[ref child:@"2"] setValue:@"charlie"];
+ [[ref child:@"3"] setValue:@"delta"];
+ [[ref child:@"4"] setValue:@"echo"];
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [ref observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ id val = [snapshot value];
+ XCTAssertTrue([val isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]], @"Expected an array");
+ NSArray *expected = @[@"alpha", @"bravo", @"charlie", @"delta", @"echo"];
+ XCTAssertTrue([expected isEqualToArray:val], @"Did not get the correct array");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^{ return ready; }];
+// This was an issue on 64-bit.
+- (void) testLargeNumericKeysDontGetTurnedIntoArrays {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ [[ref child:@"100003354884401"] setValue:@"alpha"];
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [ref observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ id val = [snapshot value];
+ XCTAssertTrue([val isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]], @"Expected a dictionary.");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^{ return ready; }];
+- (void) testWriteCompoundObjectAndGetItBack {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ NSDictionary* data = @{
+ @"a": @{@"aa": @5,
+ @"ab": @3},
+ @"b": @{@"ba": @"hey there!",
+ @"bb": @{@"bba": @NO}},
+ @"c": @[@0,
+ @{@"c_1": @4},
+ @"hey",
+ @YES,
+ @NO,
+ @"dude"]
+ };
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot *snap = nil;
+ [node observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ snap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ [node setValue:data withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* err, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) { done = YES; }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+ [self snapWaiter:node withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[[snapshot value] objectForKey:@"c"] objectAtIndex:3] boolValue], @"Got proper boolean");
+ }];
+- (void) testCanPassValueToPush {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * pushA = [node childByAutoId];
+ [pushA setValue:@5];
+ [self snapWaiter:pushA withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(@5, [snapshot value], @"Got proper value");
+ }];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * pushB = [node childByAutoId];
+ [pushB setValue:@{@"a": @5, @"b": @6}];
+ [self snapWaiter:pushB withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(@5, [[snapshot value] objectForKey:@"a"], @"Got proper value");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(@6, [[snapshot value] objectForKey:@"b"], @"Got proper value");
+ }];
+// Dropped test that tested callbacks to push. Support was removed.
+- (void) testRemoveCallbackHit {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block BOOL setDone = NO;
+ __block BOOL removeDone = NO;
+ __block BOOL readDone = NO;
+ [node setValue:@42 withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ setDone = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return setDone;
+ }];
+ [node observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ id val = [snapshot value];
+ if (val == [NSNull null]) {
+ readDone = YES;
+ }
+ }];
+ [node removeValueWithCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ XCTAssertTrue(error == nil, @"Should not be an error removing");
+ removeDone = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return readDone && removeDone;
+ }];
+- (void) testRemoveCallbackIsHitForNodesThatAreAlreadyRemoved {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block int removes = 0;
+ [node removeValueWithCompletionBlock:^(NSError* err, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ removes = removes + 1;
+ }];
+ [node removeValueWithCompletionBlock:^(NSError* err, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ removes = removes + 1;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return removes == 2;
+ }];
+- (void) testUsingNumbersAsKeysDoesntCreateHugeSparseArrays {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ [[ref child:@"3024"] setValue:@5];
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [ref observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ id val = [snapshot value];
+ XCTAssertTrue(![val isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]], @"Should not be an array");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+- (void) testOnceWithACallbackHitsServer {
+ FTupleFirebase* tuple = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodeTriple];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writeNode = tuple.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * readNode = tuple.two;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * readNodeB = tuple.three;
+ __block BOOL initialReadDone = NO;
+ [readNode observeSingleEventOfType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snapshot value] isEqual:[NSNull null]], @"First callback is null");
+ initialReadDone = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return initialReadDone;
+ }];
+ __block BOOL writeDone = NO;
+ [writeNode setValue:@42 withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* err, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ writeDone = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return writeDone;
+ }];
+ __block BOOL readDone = NO;
+ [readNodeB observeSingleEventOfType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(@42, [snapshot value], @"Proper second read");
+ readDone = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return readDone;
+ }];
+// Removed test of forEach aborting iteration. Support dropped, use for .. in syntax
+- (void) testSetAndThenListenForValueEventsAreCorrect {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block BOOL setDone = NO;
+ [node setValue:@"moo" withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* err, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ setDone = YES;
+ }];
+ __block int calls = 0;
+ [node observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ calls = calls + 1;
+ XCTAssertTrue(calls == 1, @"Only called once");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([snapshot value], @"moo", @"Proper snapshot value");
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return setDone && calls == 1;
+ }];
+- (void) testHasChildrenWorksCorrectly {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ [node setValue:@{@"one" : @42, @"two": @{@"a": @5}, @"three": @{@"a": @5, @"b": @6}}];
+ __block BOOL removedTwo = NO;
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ [node observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ if (!removedTwo) {
+ XCTAssertFalse([[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"one"] hasChildren], @"nope");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"two"] hasChildren], @"nope");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"three"] hasChildren], @"nope");
+ XCTAssertFalse([[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"four"] hasChildren], @"nope");
+ removedTwo = YES;
+ [[node child:@"two"] removeValue];
+ }
+ else {
+ XCTAssertFalse([[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"two"] hasChildren], @"Second time around");
+ done = YES;
+ }
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+- (void) testNumChildrenWorksCorrectly {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ [node setValue:@{@"one" : @42, @"two": @{@"a": @5}, @"three": @{@"a": @5, @"b": @6}}];
+ __block BOOL removedTwo = NO;
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ [node observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ if (!removedTwo) {
+ XCTAssertTrue([snapshot childrenCount] == 3, @"Total children");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"one"] childrenCount] == 0, @"Two's children");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"two"] childrenCount] == 1, @"Two's children");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"three"] childrenCount] == 2, @"Two's children");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"four"] childrenCount] == 0, @"Two's children");
+ removedTwo = YES;
+ [[node child:@"two"] removeValue];
+ }
+ else {
+ XCTAssertTrue([snapshot childrenCount] == 2, @"Total children");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"two"] childrenCount] == 0, @"Two's children");
+ done = YES;
+ }
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+- (void) testSettingANodeWithChildrenToAPrimitiveAndBack {
+ // Can't tolerate stale data; so disable persistence.
+ FTupleFirebase* tuple = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePairWithoutPersistence];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writeNode = tuple.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * readNode = tuple.two;
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ NSDictionary* compound = @{@"a": @5, @"b": @6};
+ NSNumber* number = @76;
+ [writeNode setValue:compound];
+ [self snapWaiter:writeNode withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ XCTAssertTrue([snapshot hasChildren], @"Has children");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(@5, [[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"a"] value], @"First child");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(@6, [[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"b"] value], @"First child");
+ done = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+ done = NO;
+ [self snapWaiter:readNode withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ XCTAssertTrue([snapshot hasChildren], @"has children");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(@5, [[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"a"] value], @"First child");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(@6, [[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"b"] value], @"First child");
+ done = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+ done = NO;
+ [writeNode setValue:number withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* err, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ done = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+ done = NO;
+ [self snapWaiter:readNode withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ XCTAssertFalse([snapshot hasChildren], @"No more children");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(number, [snapshot value], @"Proper non compound value");
+ done = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+ done = NO;
+ [writeNode setValue:compound withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* err, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ done = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+ done = NO;
+ [self snapWaiter:readNode withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ XCTAssertTrue([snapshot hasChildren], @"Has children");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(@5, [[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"a"] value], @"First child");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(@6, [[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"b"] value], @"First child");
+ done = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue(done, @"Properly finished");
+- (void) testWriteLeafRemoveLeafAddChildToRemovedNode {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.two;
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [writer setValue:@5];
+ [writer removeValue];
+ [[writer child:@"abc"] setValue:@5 withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ __block NSDictionary* readVal = nil;
+ [reader observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ readVal = [snapshot value];
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return readVal != nil;
+ }];
+ NSNumber* five = [readVal objectForKey:@"abc"];
+ XCTAssertTrue([five isEqualToNumber:@5], @"Should get 5");
+- (void) testListenForValueAndThenWriteOnANodeWithExistingData {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.two;
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:writer setValue:@{@"a": @5, @"b": @2}];
+ __block int calls = 0;
+ [reader observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ calls++;
+ if (calls == 1) {
+ NSDictionary *val = [snapshot value];
+ NSDictionary *expected = @{@"a" : @10, @"b" : @2};
+ XCTAssertTrue([val isEqualToDictionary:expected], @"Got the correct value");
+ } else {
+ XCTFail(@"Should only be called once");
+ }
+ }];
+ [[reader child:@"a"] setValue:@10];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return calls == 1;
+ }];
+- (void) testSetPriorityOnNonexistentNodeFails {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [ref setPriority:@5 withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ XCTAssertTrue(error != nil, @"This should not succeed");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+- (void) testSetPriorityOnExistentNodeSucceeds {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [ref setValue:@"hello!"];
+ [ref setPriority:@5 withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ XCTAssertTrue(error == nil, @"This should succeed");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+- (void) testSetWithPrioritySetsValueAndPriority {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.two;
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:writer setValue:@"hello" andPriority:@5];
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * writeSnap = nil;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * readSnap = nil;
+ [writer observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ writeSnap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [reader observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ readSnap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return readSnap != nil && writeSnap != nil;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue([@"hello" isEqualToString:[readSnap value]], @"Got the value on the reader");
+ XCTAssertTrue([@"hello" isEqualToString:[writeSnap value]], @"Got the value on the writer");
+ XCTAssertTrue([@5 isEqualToNumber:[readSnap priority]], @"Got the priority on the reader");
+ XCTAssertTrue([@5 isEqualToNumber:[writeSnap priority]], @"Got the priority on the writer");
+- (void) testEffectsOfSetPriorityIsImmediatelyEvident {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ NSMutableArray* values = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+ NSMutableArray* priorities = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+ [ref observeSingleEventOfType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ [values addObject:[snapshot value]];
+ [priorities addObject:[snapshot priority]];
+ }];
+ [ref setValue:@5];
+ [ref setPriority:@10];
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [ref observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ [values addObject:[snapshot value]];
+ [priorities addObject:[snapshot priority]];
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ NSArray* expectedValues = @[@5, @5];
+ NSArray* expectedPriorites = @[[NSNull null], @10];
+ XCTAssertTrue([values isEqualToArray:expectedValues], @"Expected both listeners to get 5, got %@ instead", values);
+ XCTAssertTrue([priorities isEqualToArray:expectedPriorites], @"The first listener should have missed the priority, got %@ instead", priorities);
+- (void) testSetOverwritesPriorityOfTopLevelNodeAndSubnodes {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.two;
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [writer setValue:@{@"a": @5}];
+ [writer setPriority:@10];
+ [[writer child:@"a"] setPriority:@18];
+ [writer setValue:@{@"a": @7} withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ ready = NO;
+ [reader observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ id pri = [snapshot priority];
+ XCTAssertTrue([NSNull null] == pri, @"Expected null priority");
+ FIRDataSnapshot *child = [snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"a"];
+ XCTAssertTrue([NSNull null] == [child priority], @"Child priority should be null too");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+- (void) testSetPriorityOfLeafSavesCorrectly {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.two;
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [writer setValue:@"testleaf" andPriority:@992 withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ ready = NO;
+ [reader observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ id pri = [snapshot priority];
+ XCTAssertTrue([@992 isEqualToNumber:pri], @"Expected non-null priority");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+- (void) testSetPriorityOfObjectSavesCorrectly {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.two;
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [writer setValue:@{@"a": @5} andPriority:@991 withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ ready = NO;
+ [reader observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ id pri = [snapshot priority];
+ XCTAssertTrue([@991 isEqualToNumber:pri], @"Expected non-null priority");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+- (void) testSetWithPriorityFollowedBySetClearsPriority {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.two;
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [writer setValue:@{@"a": @5} andPriority:@991 withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ ready = NO;
+ [reader setValue:@{@"a": @19} withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ ready = NO;
+ [reader observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ id pri = [snapshot priority];
+ XCTAssertTrue([NSNull null] == pri, @"Expected null priority");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+- (void) testGetPriorityReturnsCorrectType {
+ FIRDatabaseReference *ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * snap = nil;
+ [ref observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ snap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [ref setValue:@"a"];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return snap != nil;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue([snap priority] == [NSNull null], @"Expect null priority");
+ snap = nil;
+ [ref setValue:@"b" andPriority:@5];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return snap != nil;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snap priority] isEqualToNumber:@5], @"Expect priority");
+ snap = nil;
+ [ref setValue:@"c" andPriority:@"6"];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return snap != nil;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snap priority] isEqualToString:@"6"], @"Expect priority");
+ snap = nil;
+ [ref setValue:@"d" andPriority:@7];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return snap != nil;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snap priority] isEqualToNumber:@7], @"Expect priority");
+ snap = nil;
+ [ref setValue:@{@".value": @"e", @".priority": @8}];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return snap != nil;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snap priority] isEqualToNumber:@8], @"Expect priority");
+ snap = nil;
+ [ref setValue:@{@".value": @"f", @".priority": @"8"}];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return snap != nil;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snap priority] isEqualToString:@"8"], @"Expect priority");
+ snap = nil;
+ [ref setValue:@{@".value": @"e", @".priority": [NSNull null]}];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return snap != nil;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue([snap priority] == [NSNull null], @"Expect priority");
+ snap = nil;
+- (void) testExportValIncludesPriorities {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ NSDictionary* contents = @{@"foo": @{@"bar": @{@".value": @5, @".priority": @7}, @".priority": @"hi"}};
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * snap = nil;
+ [ref observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ snap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [ref setValue:contents];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return snap != nil;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue([contents isEqualToDictionary:[snap valueInExportFormat]], @"Expected priorities in snapshot");
+- (void) testPriorityIsOverwrittenByServer {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.two;
+ __block int event = 0;
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ [reader observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSLog(@"%@ Snapshot", snapshot);
+ id pri = [snapshot priority];
+ if (event == 0) {
+ XCTAssertTrue([@100 isEqualToNumber:pri], @"Expect local priority. Got %@ instead.", pri);
+ } else if (event == 1) {
+ XCTAssertTrue(pri == [NSNull null], @"Expect remote priority. Got %@ instead.", pri);
+ } else {
+ XCTFail(@"Extra event");
+ }
+ event++;
+ if (event == 2) {
+ done = YES;
+ }
+ }];
+ [writer observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ id pri = [snapshot priority];
+ if ([[pri class] isSubclassOfClass:[NSNumber class]] && [@100 isEqualToNumber:pri]) {
+ [writer setValue:@"whatever"];
+ }
+ }];
+ [reader setValue:@"hi" andPriority:@100];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+- (void) testLargeNumericPrioritiesWork {
+ NSNumber* bigPriority = @1356721306842;
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.two;
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:writer setValue:@5 andPriority:bigPriority];
+ __block NSNumber* serverPriority = @0;
+ [reader observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ serverPriority = [snapshot priority];
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue([bigPriority isEqualToNumber:serverPriority], @"Expect big priority back");
+- (void) testToString {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * parent = [ref parent];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[parent description] isEqualToString:self.databaseURL], @"Expect domain");
+ FIRDatabaseReference * child = [parent child:@"a/b/c"];
+ NSString* expected = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/a/b/c", self.databaseURL];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[child description] isEqualToString:expected], @"Expected path");
+- (void) testURLEncodingOfDescriptionAndURLDecodingOfNewFirebase {
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ NSString* test1 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/a%%b&c@d/space: /non-ascii_character:ø", self.databaseURL];
+ NSString* expected1 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/a%%25b%%26c%%40d/space%%3A%%20/non-ascii_character%%3A%%C3%%B8", self.databaseURL];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [[FIRDatabase database] referenceFromURL:test1];
+ NSString* result = [ref description];
+ XCTAssertTrue([result isEqualToString:expected1], @"Encodes properly");
+ int rnd = arc4random_uniform(100000000);
+ NSString* path = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i", rnd];
+ [[ref child:path] setValue:@"testdata" withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * childRef) {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * other = [[FIRDatabase database] referenceFromURL:[ref description]];
+ [[other child:path] observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSString *val = snapshot.value;
+ XCTAssertTrue([val isEqualToString:@"testdata"], @"Expected to get testdata back");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+- (void) testNameAtRootAndNonRootLocations {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [[FIRDatabase database] referenceFromURL:self.databaseURL];
+ XCTAssertTrue(ref.key == nil, @"Root key should be nil");
+ FIRDatabaseReference * child = [ref child:@"a"];
+ XCTAssertTrue([child.key isEqualToString:@"a"], @"Should be 'a'");
+ FIRDatabaseReference * deeperChild = [child child:@"b/c"];
+ XCTAssertTrue([deeperChild.key isEqualToString:@"c"], @"Should be 'c'");
+- (void) testNameAndRefOnSnapshotsForRootAndNonRootLocations {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [[FIRDatabase database] reference];
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [ref removeValueWithCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ ready = NO;
+ [ref observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ XCTAssertTrue(snapshot.key == nil, @"Root snap should not have a key");
+ NSString *snapString = [snapshot.ref description];
+ XCTAssertTrue([snapString isEqualToString:snapString], @"Refs should be equivalent");
+ FIRDataSnapshot *childSnap = [snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"a"];
+ XCTAssertTrue([childSnap.key isEqualToString:@"a"], @"Properly keys children");
+ FIRDatabaseReference *childRef = [ref child:@"a"];
+ NSString *refString = [childRef description];
+ snapString = [childSnap.ref description];
+ XCTAssertTrue([refString isEqualToString:snapString], @"Refs should be equivalent");
+ childSnap = [childSnap childSnapshotForPath:@"b/c"];
+ childRef = [childRef child:@"b/c"];
+ XCTAssertTrue([childSnap.key isEqualToString:@"c"], @"properly keys children");
+ refString = [childRef description];
+ snapString = [childSnap.ref description];
+ XCTAssertTrue([refString isEqualToString:snapString], @"Refs should be equivalent");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ ready = NO;
+ // generate value event at root
+ [ref setValue:@"foo"];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+- (void) testParentForRootAndNonRootLocations {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [[FIRDatabase database] reference];
+ XCTAssertTrue(ref.parent == nil, @"Parent of root should be nil");
+ FIRDatabaseReference * child = [ref child:@"a"];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[child.parent description] isEqualToString:[ref description]], @"Should be equivalent locations");
+ child = [ref child:@"a/b/c"];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[child.parent.parent.parent description] isEqualToString:[ref description]], @"Should be equivalent locations");
+- (void) testSettingNumericKeysConvertsToStrings {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ NSDictionary* toSet = @{@4: @"hi", @5: @"test"};
+ XCTAssertThrows([ref setValue:toSet], @"Keys must be strings");
+- (void) testSetChildAndListenAtRootRegressionTest {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.two;
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [writer removeValue];
+ [[writer child:@"foo"] setValue:@"hi" withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ [reader observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSDictionary *val = [snapshot value];
+ NSDictionary *expected = @{@"foo" : @"hi"};
+ XCTAssertTrue([val isEqualToDictionary:expected], @"Got child");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+- (void) testAccessingInvalidPathsThrows {
+ NSArray* badPaths = @[
+ @".test",
+ @"test.",
+ @"fo$o",
+ @"[what",
+ @"ever]",
+ @"ha#sh"
+ ];
+ for (NSString* key in badPaths) {
+ NSString* url = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", self.databaseURL, key];
+ XCTAssertThrows(^{
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [[FIRDatabase database] referenceFromURL:url];
+ XCTFail(@"Should not get here with ref: %@", ref);
+ }(), @"should throw");
+ url = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/TESTS/%@", self.databaseURL, key];
+ XCTAssertThrows(^{
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [[FIRDatabase database] referenceFromURL:url];
+ XCTFail(@"Should not get here with ref: %@", ref);
+ }(), @"should throw");
+ }
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ [ref observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ for (NSString *key in badPaths) {
+ XCTAssertThrows([snapshot childSnapshotForPath:key], @"should throw");
+ XCTAssertThrows([snapshot hasChild:key], @"should throw");
+ }
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [ref setValue:nil];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+- (void) testSettingObjectsAtInvalidKeysThrow {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ NSArray* badPaths = @[
+ @".test",
+ @"test.",
+ @"fo$o",
+ @"[what",
+ @"ever]",
+ @"ha#sh",
+ @"/thing",
+ @"th/ing",
+ @"thing/"
+ ];
+ NSMutableArray* badObjs = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+ for (NSString* key in badPaths) {
+ [badObjs addObject:@{key: @"test"}];
+ [badObjs addObject:@{@"deeper": @{key: @"test"}}];
+ }
+ for (NSDictionary* badObj in badObjs) {
+ XCTAssertThrows([ref setValue:badObj], @"Should throw");
+ XCTAssertThrows([ref setValue:badObj andPriority:@5], @"Should throw");
+ XCTAssertThrows([ref onDisconnectSetValue:badObj], @"Should throw");
+ XCTAssertThrows([ref onDisconnectSetValue:badObj andPriority:@5], @"Should throw");
+ // XXX transaction
+ }
+- (void) testSettingInvalidObjectsThrow {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ XCTAssertThrows([ref setValue:[NSDate date]], @"Should throw");
+ NSDictionary *data = @{@"invalid":@"data", @".sv":@"timestamp"};
+ XCTAssertThrows([ref setValue:data], @"Should throw");
+ data = @{@".value": @{}};
+ XCTAssertThrows([ref setValue:data], @"Should throw");
+- (void) testInvalidUpdateThrow {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ NSArray *badUpdates = @[
+ @{@"/":@"t", @"a":@"t"},
+ @{@"a":@"t", @"a/b":@"t"},
+ @{@"/a":@"t", @"a/b":@"t"},
+ @{@"/a/b":@"t", @"a":@"t"},
+ @{@"/a/b/.priority":@"t", @"/a/b":@"t"},
+ @{@"/a/b/.sv":@"timestamp"},
+ @{@"/a/b/.value":@"t"},
+ @{@"/a/b/.priority":@{@"x": @"y"}}];
+ for (NSDictionary* update in badUpdates) {
+ XCTAssertThrows([ref updateChildValues:update], @"Should throw");
+ XCTAssertThrows([ref onDisconnectUpdateChildValues:update], @"Should throw");
+ }
+- (void) testSettingNull {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ XCTAssertNoThrow([ref setValue:nil], @"Should not throw");
+ XCTAssertNoThrow([ref setValue:[NSNull null]], @"Should not throw");
+- (void) testSettingNaN {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ XCTAssertThrows([ref setValue:[NSDecimalNumber notANumber]], @"Should throw");
+- (void) testSettingInvalidPriority {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ XCTAssertThrows([ref setValue:@"3" andPriority:[NSDecimalNumber notANumber]], @"Should throw");
+ XCTAssertThrows([ref setValue:@"4" andPriority:@{}], @"Should throw");
+ XCTAssertThrows([ref setValue:@"5" andPriority:@[]], @"Should throw");
+- (void) testRemoveFromOnMobileGraffitiBugAtAngelHack {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ [node observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ [[node child:[snapshot key]] removeValueWithCompletionBlock:^(NSError *err, FIRDatabaseReference *ref) {
+ done = YES;
+ }];
+ }];
+ [[node childByAutoId] setValue:@"moo"];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue(done, @"Properly finished");
+- (void) testSetANodeWithAQuotedKey {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * snap;
+ [node observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ snap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [node setValue:@{@"\"herp\"": @1234} withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* err, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ done = YES;
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(@1234, [[snap childSnapshotForPath:@"\"herp\""] value], @"Got it back");
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue(done, @"Properly finished");
+- (void) testSetANodeWithASingleQuoteKey {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * snap;
+ [node observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ snap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [node setValue:@{@"\"": @1234} withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* err, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ done = YES;
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(@1234, [[snap childSnapshotForPath:@"\""] value], @"Got it back");
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue(done, @"Properly finished");
+- (void) testEmptyChildGetValueEventBeforeParent {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ NSArray* lookingFor = @[
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a/aa/aaa"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a/aa"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ ];
+ FEventTester* et = [[FEventTester alloc] initFrom:self];
+ [et addLookingFor:lookingFor];
+ [node setValue:@{@"b": @5}];
+ [et wait];
+// iOS behavior is different from what the recursive set test looks for. We don't raise events synchronously
+- (void) testOnAfterSetWaitsForLatestData {
+ // We test here that we don't cache sets, but they would be persisted so make sure we are running without
+ // persistence
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePairWithoutPersistence];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node1 = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node2 = refs.two;
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [node1 setValue:@5 withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ [node2 setValue:@42 withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ ready = NO;
+ [node1 observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSNumber *val = [snapshot value];
+ XCTAssertTrue([val isEqualToNumber:@42], @"Should not have cached earlier set");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+- (void) testOnceWaitsForLatestData {
+ // Can't tolerate stale data; so disable persistence.
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePairWithoutPersistence];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node1 = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node2 = refs.two;
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [node1 observeSingleEventOfType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ id val = [snapshot value];
+ XCTAssertTrue([NSNull null] == val, @"First value should be null");
+ [node2 setValue:@5 withCompletionBlock:^(NSError *error, FIRDatabaseReference *ref) {
+ [node1 observeSingleEventOfType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSNumber *val = [snapshot value];
+ XCTAssertTrue([val isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]] && [val isEqualToNumber:@5], @"Should get first value");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ }];
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ ready = NO;
+ [node2 setValue:@42 withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ [node1 observeSingleEventOfType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSNumber *val = [snapshot value];
+ XCTAssertTrue([val isEqualToNumber:@42], @"Got second number");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+- (void) testMemoryFreeingOnUnlistenDoesNotCorruptData {
+ // Can't tolerate stale data; so disable persistence.
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePairWithoutPersistence];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node2 = [[refs.one root] childByAutoId];
+ __block BOOL hasRun = NO;
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ FIRDatabaseHandle handle1 = [refs.one observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ if (!hasRun) {
+ hasRun = YES;
+ id val = [snapshot value];
+ XCTAssertTrue([NSNull null] == val, @"First time should be null");
+ [refs.one setValue:@"test" withCompletionBlock:^(NSError *error, FIRDatabaseReference *ref) {
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ }
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ [refs.one removeObserverWithHandle:handle1];
+ ready = NO;
+ [node2 setValue:@"hello" withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ [refs.one observeSingleEventOfType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSString *val = [snapshot value];
+ XCTAssertTrue([val isEqualToString:@"test"], @"Get back the value we set above");
+ [refs.two observeSingleEventOfType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSString *val = [snapshot value];
+ XCTAssertTrue([val isEqualToString:@"test"], @"Get back the value we set above");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ }];
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ //write {x: 1, y : {t: 2, u: 3}}
+ //Listen at /. Then listen at /x/t
+ //unlisten at /y/t. Off at /. Once at /. Ensure data is still all there.
+ //Once at /y. Ensure data is still all there.
+ refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePairWithoutPersistence];
+ ready = NO;
+ __block FIRDatabaseHandle deeplisten = NSNotFound;
+ __block FIRDatabaseHandle slashlisten = NSNotFound;
+ __weak FIRDatabaseReference * refOne = refs.one;
+ [refs.one setValue:@{@"x": @1, @"y": @{@"t": @2, @"u": @3}} withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ slashlisten = [refOne observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ deeplisten = [[refOne child:@"y/t"] observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ [[refOne child:@"y/t"] removeObserverWithHandle:deeplisten];
+ [refOne removeObserverWithHandle:slashlisten];
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ }];
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ ready = NO;
+ [[refs.one child:@"x"] setValue:@"test" withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ [refs.one observeSingleEventOfType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSDictionary *val = [snapshot value];
+ NSDictionary *expected = @{@"x" : @"test", @"y" : @{@"t" : @2, @"u" : @3}};
+ XCTAssertTrue([val isEqualToDictionary:expected], @"Got the final value");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+- (void) testUpdateRaisesCorrectLocalEvents {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * snap = nil;
+ [node observeSingleEventOfType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ snap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [node setValue:@{@"a": @1, @"b": @2, @"c": @3, @"d": @4} withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ FEventTester* et = [[FEventTester alloc] initFrom:self];
+ NSArray* expectations = @[
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[node child:@"d"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:node withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildChanged withString:@"a"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:node withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildChanged withString:@"d"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:node withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil]
+ ];
+ [et addLookingFor:expectations];
+ [et waitForInitialization];
+ [node updateChildValues:@{@"a": @4, @"d": @1}];
+ [et wait];
+- (void) testUpdateRaisesCorrectRemoteEvents {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.two;
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [writer setValue:@{@"a": @1, @"b": @2, @"c": @3, @"d": @4} withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ FEventTester* et = [[FEventTester alloc] initFrom:self];
+ NSArray* expectations = @[
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[reader child:@"a"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:[reader child:@"d"] withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:reader withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildChanged withString:@"a"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:reader withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeChildChanged withString:@"d"],
+ [[FTupleEventTypeString alloc] initWithFirebase:reader withEvent:FIRDataEventTypeValue withString:nil]
+ ];
+ [et addLookingFor:expectations];
+ [et waitForInitialization];
+ [writer updateChildValues:@{@"a": @4, @"d": @1}];
+ [et wait];
+ ready = NO;
+ [reader observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSDictionary *result = [snapshot value];
+ NSDictionary *expected = @{@"a" : @4, @"b" : @2, @"c" : @3, @"d" : @1};
+ XCTAssertTrue([result isEqualToDictionary:expected], @"Got expected results");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+- (void) testUpdateChangesAreStoredCorrectlyByTheServer {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.two;
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:writer setValue:@{@"a": @1, @"b": @2, @"c": @3, @"d": @4}];
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:writer updateChildValues:@{@"a": @42}];
+ [self snapWaiter:reader withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSDictionary* result = [snapshot value];
+ NSDictionary* expected = @{@"a": @42, @"b": @2, @"c": @3, @"d": @4};
+ XCTAssertTrue([result isEqualToDictionary:expected], @"Expected updated value");
+ }];
+- (void) testUpdateDoesntAffectPriorityLocally {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * snap = nil;
+ [ref observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ snap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [ref setValue:@{@"a": @1, @"b": @2, @"c": @3} andPriority:@"testpri"];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return snap != nil;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snap priority] isEqualToString:@"testpri"], @"Got initial priority");
+ snap = nil;
+ [ref updateChildValues:@{@"a": @4}];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return snap != nil;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snap priority] isEqualToString:@"testpri"], @"Got initial priority");
+- (void) testUpdateDoesntAffectPriorityRemotely {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.two;
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [writer setValue:@{@"a": @1, @"b": @2, @"c": @3} andPriority:@"testpri" withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ ready = NO;
+ [reader observeSingleEventOfType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSString *result = [snapshot priority];
+ XCTAssertTrue([result isEqualToString:@"testpri"], @"Expected initial priority");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ ready = NO;
+ [writer updateChildValues:@{@"a": @4} withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ ready = NO;
+ [reader observeSingleEventOfType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSString *result = [snapshot priority];
+ XCTAssertTrue([result isEqualToString:@"testpri"], @"Expected initial priority");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+- (void) testUpdateReplacesChildrenAndIsNotRecursive {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.two;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * localSnap = nil;
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [writer observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ localSnap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [writer setValue:@{@"a": @{@"aa": @1, @"ab": @2}}];
+ [writer updateChildValues:@{@"a": @{@"aa": @1}} withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ ready = NO;
+ [reader observeSingleEventOfType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSDictionary *result = [snapshot value];
+ NSDictionary *expected = @{@"a" : @{@"aa" : @1}};
+ XCTAssertTrue([result isEqualToDictionary:expected], @"Should get new value");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ NSDictionary* result = [localSnap value];
+ NSDictionary* expected = @{@"a": @{@"aa": @1}};
+ return ready && [result isEqualToDictionary:expected];
+ }];
+- (void) testDeepUpdatesWork {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.two;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * localSnap = nil;
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [writer observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ localSnap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [writer setValue:@{@"a": @{@"aa": @1, @"ab": @2}}];
+ [writer updateChildValues:@{@"a/aa": @10,
+ @".priority": @3.0,
+ @"a/ab": @{@".priority": @2.0,
+ @".value": @20}}
+ withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ ready = NO;
+ [reader observeSingleEventOfType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSDictionary *result = [snapshot value];
+ NSDictionary *expected = @{@"a" : @{@"aa" : @10, @"ab" : @20}};
+ XCTAssertTrue([result isEqualToDictionary:expected], @"Should get new value");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ NSDictionary* result = [localSnap value];
+ NSDictionary* expected = @{@"a": @{@"aa": @10, @"ab": @20}};
+ return ready && [result isEqualToDictionary:expected];
+ }];
+// Type signature means we don't need a test for updating scalars. They wouldn't compile
+- (void) testEmptyUpdateWorks {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [ref updateChildValues:@{} withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ XCTAssertTrue(error == nil, @"Should not be an error");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+// XXX update stress test
+- (void) testUpdateFiresCorrectEventWhenAChildIsDeleted {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.two;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * localSnap = nil;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * remoteSnap = nil;
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:writer setValue:@{@"a": @12, @"b": @6}];
+ [writer observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ localSnap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [reader observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ remoteSnap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return localSnap != nil && remoteSnap != nil;
+ }];
+ localSnap = nil;
+ remoteSnap = nil;
+ [writer updateChildValues:@{@"a": [NSNull null]}];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return localSnap != nil && remoteSnap != nil;
+ }];
+ NSDictionary* expected = @{@"b": @6};
+ XCTAssertTrue([[remoteSnap value] isEqualToDictionary:expected], @"Removed child");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[localSnap value] isEqualToDictionary:expected], @"Removed child");
+- (void) testUpdateFiresCorrectEventOnNewChildren {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.two;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * localSnap = nil;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * remoteSnap = nil;
+ [[writer child:@"a"] observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ localSnap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [[reader child:@"a"] observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ remoteSnap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return localSnap != nil && remoteSnap != nil;
+ }];
+ localSnap = nil;
+ remoteSnap = nil;
+ [writer updateChildValues:@{@"a": @42}];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return localSnap != nil && remoteSnap != nil;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[remoteSnap value] isEqualToNumber:@42], @"Added child");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[localSnap value] isEqualToNumber:@42], @"Added child");
+- (void) testUpdateFiresCorrectEventOnDeletedChildren {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.two;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * localSnap = nil;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * remoteSnap = nil;
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:writer setValue:@{@"a": @12}];
+ [[writer child:@"a"] observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ localSnap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [[reader child:@"a"] observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ remoteSnap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return localSnap != nil && remoteSnap != nil;
+ }];
+ localSnap = nil;
+ remoteSnap = nil;
+ [writer updateChildValues:@{@"a": [NSNull null]}];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return localSnap != nil && remoteSnap != nil;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue([remoteSnap value] == [NSNull null], @"Removed child");
+ XCTAssertTrue([localSnap value] == [NSNull null], @"Removed child");
+- (void) testUpdateFiresCorrectEventOnChangedChildren {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.two;
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:writer setValue:@{@"a": @12}];
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * localSnap = nil;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * remoteSnap = nil;
+ [[writer child:@"a"] observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ localSnap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [[reader child:@"a"] observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ remoteSnap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return localSnap != nil && remoteSnap != nil;
+ }];
+ localSnap = nil;
+ remoteSnap = nil;
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:writer updateChildValues:@{@"a": @11}];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return localSnap != nil && remoteSnap != nil;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[remoteSnap value] isEqualToNumber:@11], @"Changed child");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[localSnap value] isEqualToNumber:@11], @"Changed child");
+- (void) testUpdateOfPriorityWorks {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.two;
+ __block BOOL ready = NO;
+ [writer setValue:@{@"a": @5, @".priority": @"pri1"}];
+ [writer updateChildValues:@{@"a": @6, @".priority": @"pri2", @"b": @{ @".priority": @"pri3", @"c": @10 } } withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ NSLog(@"error? %@", error);
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+ ready = NO;
+ [reader observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"a"] value], @6, @"Should match write values");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snapshot priority] isEqualToString:@"pri2"], @"Should get updated priority");
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"b"] priority] isEqualToString:@"pri3"], @"Should get updated priority");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"b/c"] value], @10, @"Should match write values");
+ ready = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return ready;
+ }];
+- (void) testSetWithCircularReferenceFails {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ NSMutableDictionary* toSet = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
+ NSDictionary* lol = @{@"foo": @"bar", @"circular": toSet};
+ [toSet setObject:lol forKey:@"lol"];
+ XCTAssertThrows([ref setValue:toSet], @"Should not be able to set circular dictionary");
+- (void) testLargeNumbers {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ long long jsMaxInt = 9007199254740992;
+ long jsMaxIntPlusOne = jsMaxInt + 1;
+ NSNumber* toSet = [NSNumber numberWithLong:jsMaxIntPlusOne];
+ [ref setValue:toSet];
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot * snap = nil;
+ [ref observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ snap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return snap != nil;
+ }];
+ NSNumber* result = [snap value];
+ XCTAssertTrue([result isEqualToNumber:toSet], @"Should get back same number");
+ toSet = [NSNumber numberWithLong:LONG_MAX];
+ snap = nil;
+ [ref setValue:toSet];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return snap != nil;
+ }];
+ result = [snap value];
+ XCTAssertTrue([result isEqualToNumber:toSet], @"Should get back same number");
+ snap = nil;
+ toSet = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:DBL_MAX];
+ [ref setValue:toSet];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return snap != nil;
+ }];
+ result = [snap value];
+ XCTAssertTrue([result isEqualToNumber:toSet], @"Should get back same number");
+- (void) testParentDeleteShadowsChildListeners {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * deleter = refs.two;
+ NSString* childName = [writer childByAutoId].key;
+ __block BOOL called = NO;
+ [[deleter child:childName] observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ XCTAssertFalse(called, @"Should only be hit once");
+ called = YES;
+ XCTAssertTrue(snapshot.value == [NSNull null], @"Value should be null");
+ }];
+ WAIT_FOR(called);
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ [[writer child:childName] setValue:@"foo"];
+ [deleter removeValueWithCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ done = YES;
+ }];
+ WAIT_FOR(done);
+- (void) testParentDeleteShadowsChildListenersWithNonDefaultQuery {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * deleter = refs.two;
+ NSString* childName = [writer childByAutoId].key;
+ __block BOOL queryCalled = NO;
+ __block BOOL deepChildCalled = NO;
+ [[[[deleter child:childName] queryOrderedByPriority] queryStartingAtValue:nil childKey:@"b"] observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ XCTAssertFalse(queryCalled, @"Should only be hit once");
+ queryCalled = YES;
+ XCTAssertTrue(snapshot.value == [NSNull null], @"Value should be null");
+ }];
+ [[[deleter child:childName] child:@"a"] observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ XCTAssertFalse(deepChildCalled, @"Should only be hit once");
+ deepChildCalled = YES;
+ XCTAssertTrue(snapshot.value == [NSNull null], @"Value should be null");
+ }];
+ WAIT_FOR(deepChildCalled && queryCalled);
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ [[writer child:childName] setValue:@"foo"];
+ [deleter removeValueWithCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ done = YES;
+ }];
+ WAIT_FOR(done);
+- (void) testLocalServerValuesEventuallyButNotImmediatelyMatchServer {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference* writer = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference* reader = refs.two;
+ __block int done = 0;
+ NSMutableArray* readSnaps = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+ NSMutableArray* writeSnaps = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
+ [reader observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ if ([snapshot value] != [NSNull null]) {
+ [readSnaps addObject:snapshot];
+ if (readSnaps.count == 1) {
+ done += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }];
+ [writer observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ if ([snapshot value] != [NSNull null]) {
+ [writeSnaps addObject:snapshot];
+ if (writeSnaps.count == 2) {
+ done += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }];
+ [writer setValue:[FIRServerValue timestamp] andPriority:[FIRServerValue timestamp]];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done == 2;
+ }];
+ XCTAssertEqual((unsigned long)[readSnaps count], (unsigned long)1, @"Should have received one snapshot on reader");
+ XCTAssertEqual((unsigned long)[writeSnaps count], (unsigned long)2, @"Should have received two snapshots on writer");
+ FIRDataSnapshot * firstReadSnap = [readSnaps objectAtIndex:0];
+ FIRDataSnapshot * firstWriteSnap = [writeSnaps objectAtIndex:0];
+ FIRDataSnapshot * secondWriteSnap = [writeSnaps objectAtIndex:1];
+ NSNumber* now = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:round([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]*1000)];
+ XCTAssertTrue([now doubleValue] - [firstWriteSnap.value doubleValue] < 3000, @"Should have received a local event with a value close to timestamp");
+ XCTAssertTrue([now doubleValue] - [firstWriteSnap.priority doubleValue] < 3000, @"Should have received a local event with a priority close to timestamp");
+ XCTAssertTrue([now doubleValue] - [secondWriteSnap.value doubleValue] < 3000, @"Should have received a server event with a value close to timestamp");
+ XCTAssertTrue([now doubleValue] - [secondWriteSnap.priority doubleValue] < 3000, @"Should have received a server event with a priority close to timestamp");
+ XCTAssertFalse([firstWriteSnap value] == [secondWriteSnap value], @"Initial and future writer values should be different");
+ XCTAssertFalse([firstWriteSnap priority] == [secondWriteSnap priority], @"Initial and future writer priorities should be different");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(firstReadSnap.value, secondWriteSnap.value, @"Eventual reader and writer values should be equal");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(firstReadSnap.priority, secondWriteSnap.priority, @"Eventual reader and writer priorities should be equal");
+- (void) testServerValuesSetWithPriorityRemoteEvents {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.two;
+ NSDictionary* data = @{
+ @"a": [FIRServerValue timestamp],
+ @"b": @{
+ @".value": [FIRServerValue timestamp],
+ @".priority": [FIRServerValue timestamp]
+ }
+ };
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ [writer setValue:data andPriority:[FIRServerValue timestamp] withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* err, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) { done = YES; }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+ [self snapWaiter:reader withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSDictionary* value = [snapshot value];
+ NSNumber* now = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:round([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]*1000)];
+ NSNumber* timestamp = [snapshot priority];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snapshot priority] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Should get back number");
+ XCTAssertTrue([now doubleValue] - [timestamp doubleValue] < 2000, @"Number should be no more than 2 seconds ago");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([snapshot priority], [value objectForKey:@"a"], @"Should get back matching ServerValue.TIMESTAMP");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([snapshot priority], [value objectForKey:@"b"], @"Should get back matching ServerValue.TIMESTAMP");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([snapshot priority], [[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"b"] priority], @"Should get back matching ServerValue.TIMESTAMP");
+ }];
+- (void) testServerValuesSetPriorityRemoteEvents {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.two;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot *snap = nil;
+ [reader observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeChildMoved withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ snap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:[writer child:@"a"] setValue:@1 andPriority:nil];
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:[writer child:@"b"] setValue:@1 andPriority:@1];
+ [self waitForValueOf:[reader child:@"a"] toBe:@1];
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ [[writer child:@"a"] setPriority:[FIRServerValue timestamp] withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ done = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done && snap != nil;
+ }];
+ NSNumber* now = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:round([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]*1000)];
+ NSNumber* timestamp = [snap priority];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snap priority] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Should get back number");
+ XCTAssertTrue([now doubleValue] - [timestamp doubleValue] < 2000, @"Number should be no more than 2 seconds ago");
+- (void) testServerValuesUpdateRemoteEvents {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.two;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot *snap = nil;
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ [reader observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ snap = snapshot;
+ if (snap && [[snap childSnapshotForPath:@"a/b/d"] value] != [NSNull null]) {
+ done = YES;
+ }
+ }];
+ [[writer child:@"a/b/c"] setValue:@1];
+ [[writer child:@"a"] updateChildValues:@{ @"b": @{ @"c": [FIRServerValue timestamp], @"d":@1 } }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+ NSNumber* now = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:round([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]*1000)];
+ NSNumber* timestamp = [[snap childSnapshotForPath:@"a/b/c"] value];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[snap childSnapshotForPath:@"a/b/c"] value] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Should get back number");
+ XCTAssertTrue([now doubleValue] - [timestamp doubleValue] < 2000, @"Number should be no more than 2 seconds ago");
+- (void) testServerValuesSetWithPriorityLocalEvents {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ NSDictionary* data = @{
+ @"a": [FIRServerValue timestamp],
+ @"b": @{
+ @".value": [FIRServerValue timestamp],
+ @".priority": [FIRServerValue timestamp]
+ }
+ };
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot *snap = nil;
+ [node observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ snap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ [node setValue:data andPriority:[FIRServerValue timestamp] withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* err, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) { done = YES; }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+ [self snapWaiter:node withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ NSDictionary* value = [snapshot value];
+ NSNumber* now = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:round([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]*1000)];
+ NSNumber* timestamp = [snapshot priority];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snapshot priority] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Should get back number");
+ XCTAssertTrue([now doubleValue] - [timestamp doubleValue] < 2000, @"Number should be no more than 2 seconds ago");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([snapshot priority], [value objectForKey:@"a"], @"Should get back matching ServerValue.TIMESTAMP");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([snapshot priority], [value objectForKey:@"b"], @"Should get back matching ServerValue.TIMESTAMP");
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([snapshot priority], [[snapshot childSnapshotForPath:@"b"] priority], @"Should get back matching ServerValue.TIMESTAMP");
+ }];
+- (void) testServerValuesSetPriorityLocalEvents {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot *snap = nil;
+ [node observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeChildMoved withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ snap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ [[node child:@"a"] setValue:@1 andPriority:nil];
+ [[node child:@"b"] setValue:@1 andPriority:@1];
+ [[node child:@"a"] setPriority:[FIRServerValue timestamp] withCompletionBlock:^(NSError* error, FIRDatabaseReference * ref) {
+ done = YES;
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+ NSNumber* now = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:round([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]*1000)];
+ NSNumber* timestamp = [snap priority];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snap priority] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Should get back number");
+ XCTAssertTrue([now doubleValue] - [timestamp doubleValue] < 2000, @"Number should be no more than 2 seconds ago");
+- (void) testServerValuesUpdateLocalEvents {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node1 = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot *snap1 = nil;
+ [node1 observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ snap1 = snapshot;
+ }];
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot *snap2 = nil;
+ [node1 observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ snap2 = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [node1 runTransactionBlock:^FIRTransactionResult *(FIRMutableData *currentData) {
+ [currentData setValue:[FIRServerValue timestamp]];
+ return [FIRTransactionResult successWithValue:currentData];
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return snap1 != nil && snap2 != nil && [snap1 value] != nil && [snap2 value] != nil;
+ }];
+ NSNumber* now = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:round([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]*1000)];
+ NSNumber* timestamp1 = [snap1 value];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snap1 value] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Should get back number");
+ XCTAssertTrue([now doubleValue] - [timestamp1 doubleValue] < 2000, @"Number should be no more than 2 seconds ago");
+ NSNumber* timestamp2 = [snap2 value];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[snap2 value] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Should get back number");
+ XCTAssertTrue([now doubleValue] - [timestamp2 doubleValue] < 2000, @"Number should be no more than 2 seconds ago");
+- (void) testServerValuesTransactionLocalEvents {
+ FIRDatabaseReference * node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot *snap = nil;
+ [node observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ snap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [[node child:@"a/b/c"] setValue:@1];
+ [[node child:@"a"] updateChildValues:@{ @"b": @{ @"c": [FIRServerValue timestamp], @"d":@1 } }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return snap != nil && [[snap childSnapshotForPath:@"a/b/d"] value] != nil;
+ }];
+ NSNumber* now = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:round([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]*1000)];
+ NSNumber* timestamp = [[snap childSnapshotForPath:@"a/b/c"] value];
+ XCTAssertTrue([[[snap childSnapshotForPath:@"a/b/c"] value] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]], @"Should get back number");
+ XCTAssertTrue([now doubleValue] - [timestamp doubleValue] < 2000, @"Number should be no more than 2 seconds ago");
+- (void) testUpdateAfterChildSet {
+ FIRDatabaseReference *node = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ __weak FIRDatabaseReference *weakRef = node;
+ [node setValue:@{@"a": @"a"} withCompletionBlock:^(NSError *error, FIRDatabaseReference *ref) {
+ [weakRef observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ if (snapshot.childrenCount == 3 && [snapshot hasChild:@"a"] && [snapshot hasChild:@"b"] && [snapshot hasChild:@"c"]) {
+ done = YES;
+ }
+ }];
+ [[weakRef child:@"b"] setValue:@"b"];
+ [weakRef updateChildValues:@{@"c" : @"c"}];
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ return done;
+ }];
+- (void) testDeltaSyncNoDataUpdatesAfterReconnect {
+ FIRDatabaseReference *ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ FIRDatabaseConfig *cfg = [FIRDatabaseConfig configForName:@"test-config"];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * ref2 = [[[FIRDatabaseReference alloc] initWithConfig:cfg] child:ref.key];
+ __block id data = @{ @"a": @1, @"b": @2, @"c": @{ @".priority": @3, @".value": @3}, @"d": @4 };
+ [self waitForCompletionOf:ref setValue:data];
+ __block BOOL gotData = NO;
+ [ref2 observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ XCTAssertFalse(gotData, @"event triggered twice.");
+ gotData = YES;
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(snapshot.valueInExportFormat, data, @"Got wrong data.");
+ }];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{ return gotData; }];
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ XCTAssertEqual(ref2.repo.dataUpdateCount, 1L, @"Should have gotten one update.");
+ // Bounce connection
+ [FRepoManager interrupt:cfg];
+ [FRepoManager resume:cfg];
+ [[[ref2 root] child:@".info/connected"] observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue
+ withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ if ([snapshot.value boolValue]) {
+ // We're connected. Do one more round-trip to make sure all state restoration is done
+ [[[ref2 root] child:@"foobar/empty/blah"] setValue:nil withCompletionBlock:^(NSError *error, FIRDatabaseReference *ref) {
+ XCTAssertEqual(ref2.repo.dataUpdateCount, 1L, @"Should have gotten one update.");
+ done = YES;
+ }];
+ }
+ }
+ ];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{ return done; }];
+ // cleanup
+ [FRepoManager interrupt:cfg];
+ [FRepoManager disposeRepos:cfg];
+- (void) testServerValuesEventualConsistencyBetweenLocalAndRemote {
+ FTupleFirebase* refs = [FTestHelpers getRandomNodePair];
+ FIRDatabaseReference * writer = refs.one;
+ FIRDatabaseReference * reader = refs.two;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot *writerSnap = nil;
+ __block FIRDataSnapshot *readerSnap = nil;
+ [reader observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ readerSnap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [writer observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeValue withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ writerSnap = snapshot;
+ }];
+ [writer setValue:[FIRServerValue timestamp] andPriority:[FIRServerValue timestamp]];
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL{
+ if (readerSnap && writerSnap && [[readerSnap value] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]] && [[writerSnap value] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
+ if ([[readerSnap value] doubleValue] == [[writerSnap value] doubleValue]) {
+ return YES;
+ }
+ }
+ return NO;
+ }];
+// Listens at a location and then creates a bunch of children, waiting for them all to complete.
+- (void) testChildAddedPerf1 {
+ if (!runPerfTests) return;
+ FIRDatabaseReference *ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode];
+ [ref observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ }];
+ NSDate *start = [NSDate date];
+ int COUNT = 1000;
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ __block NSDate *finished = nil;
+ for(int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
+ [[ref childByAutoId] setValue:@"01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" withCompletionBlock:^(NSError *error, FIRDatabaseReference *ref) {
+ if (i == (COUNT - 1)) {
+ finished = [NSDate date];
+ done = YES;
+ }
+ }];
+ }
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL {
+ return done;
+ } timeout:300];
+ NSTimeInterval elapsed = [finished timeIntervalSinceDate:start];
+ NSLog(@"Elapsed: %f", elapsed);
+// Listens at a location, then adds a bunch of grandchildren under a single child.
+- (void) testDeepChildAddedPerf1 {
+ if (!runPerfTests) return;
+ FIRDatabaseReference *ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode],
+ *childRef = [ref child:@"child"];
+ [ref observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ }];
+ NSDate *start = [NSDate date];
+ int COUNT = 1000;
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ __block NSDate *finished = nil;
+ for(int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
+ [[childRef childByAutoId] setValue:@"01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789" withCompletionBlock:^(NSError *error, FIRDatabaseReference *ref) {
+ if (i == (COUNT - 1)) {
+ finished = [NSDate date];
+ done = YES;
+ }
+ }];
+ }
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL {
+ return done;
+ } timeout:300];
+ NSTimeInterval elapsed = [finished timeIntervalSinceDate:start];
+ NSLog(@"Elapsed: %f", elapsed);
+// Listens at a location, then adds a bunch of grandchildren under a single child, but does it with merges.
+// NOTE[2015-07-14]: This test is still pretty slow, because [FWriteTree removeWriteId] ends up rebuilding the tree after
+// every ack.
+- (void) testDeepChildAddedPerfViaMerge1 {
+ if (!runPerfTests) return;
+ FIRDatabaseReference *ref = [FTestHelpers getRandomNode],
+ *childRef = [ref child:@"child"];
+ [ref observeEventType:FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded withBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *snapshot) {
+ }];
+ NSDate *start = [NSDate date];
+ int COUNT = 250;
+ __block BOOL done = NO;
+ __block NSDate *finished = nil;
+ for(int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
+ NSString *childName = [childRef childByAutoId].key;
+ [childRef updateChildValues:@{
+ childName: @"01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789"
+ } withCompletionBlock:^(NSError *error, FIRDatabaseReference *ref) {
+ if (i == (COUNT - 1)) {
+ finished = [NSDate date];
+ done = YES;
+ }
+ }];
+ }
+ [self waitUntil:^BOOL {
+ return done;
+ } timeout:300];
+ NSTimeInterval elapsed = [finished timeIntervalSinceDate:start];
+ NSLog(@"Elapsed: %f", elapsed);