path: root/scripts
diff options
authorGravatar Gil <mcg@google.com>2018-04-09 11:54:39 -0700
committerGravatar GitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-04-09 11:54:39 -0700
commit0a6618705389543191a8c44278d4c6791c84602a (patch)
tree4f195f31da90b29ffa5219e016b2cfd9ad0a7ccf /scripts
parent2f2bb7f4c717bb95df69735e93ae84de8b8feaad (diff)
Add lint checking for Objective-C++ sources (#1048)
* lint.sh now lints Objective-C++ too * cpplint checks system-style includes that should be user-style This prevents it from recognizing project sources as if they were C system headers and then complaining that they're in the wrong place. * cpplint checks #imports and #includes * cpplint checks that C++ system headers aren't #imported * cpplint checks for C system headers that could be C++ system headers * cpplint checks that Objective-C sources include their headers
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
2 files changed, 94 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/cpplint.py b/scripts/cpplint.py
index d1c80b3..f09695c 100644
--- a/scripts/cpplint.py
+++ b/scripts/cpplint.py
@@ -428,6 +428,11 @@ _CPP_HEADERS = frozenset([
+_C_SYSTEM_DIRECTORIES = frozenset([
+ 'libkern',
+ 'sys',
# Type names
_TYPES = re.compile(
@@ -685,7 +690,7 @@ def Search(pattern, s):
def _IsSourceExtension(s):
"""File extension (excluding dot) matches a source file extension."""
- return s in ('c', 'cc', 'cpp', 'cxx')
+ return s in ('c', 'cc', 'cpp', 'cxx', 'm', 'mm')
class _IncludeState(object):
@@ -4411,7 +4416,7 @@ def CheckStyle(filename, clean_lines, linenum, file_extension, nesting_state,
CheckSectionSpacing(filename, clean_lines, classinfo, linenum, error)
-_RE_PATTERN_INCLUDE = re.compile(r'^\s*#\s*include\s*([<"])([^>"]*)[>"].*$')
+_RE_PATTERN_INCLUDE = re.compile(r'^\s*#\s*(?:include|import)\s*([<"])([^>"]*)[>"].*$')
# Matches the first component of a filename delimited by -s and _s. That is:
# _RE_FIRST_COMPONENT.match('foo').group(0) == 'foo'
# _RE_FIRST_COMPONENT.match('foo.cc').group(0) == 'foo'
@@ -4444,6 +4449,11 @@ def _DropCommonSuffixes(filename):
if (filename.endswith(suffix) and len(filename) > len(suffix) and
filename[-len(suffix) - 1] in ('-', '_')):
return filename[:-len(suffix) - 1]
+ for suffix in ['Tests.h', 'Test.m', 'Test.mm', 'Tests.m', 'Tests.mm']:
+ if (filename.endswith(suffix) and len(filename) > len(suffix)):
+ return filename[:-len(suffix)]
return os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
@@ -4524,6 +4534,30 @@ def CheckIncludeLine(filename, clean_lines, linenum, include_state, error):
fileinfo = FileInfo(filename)
line = clean_lines.lines[linenum]
+ # system-style includes should not be used for project includes
+ match = Match(r'#include\s*<(([^/>]+)/[^>]+)', line)
+ if match:
+ if match.group(2) not in _C_SYSTEM_DIRECTORIES:
+ error(filename, linenum, 'build/include', 4,
+ '<%s> should be #include "%s" or #import <%s>' %
+ (match.group(1), match.group(1), match.group(1)))
+ # C++ system files should not be #imported
+ match = Match(r'#import\s*<([^/>.]+)>', line)
+ if match:
+ error(filename, linenum, 'build/include', 4,
+ 'C++ header <%s> was #imported. Should be #include <%s>' %
+ (match.group(1), match.group(1)))
+ # Prefer C++ wrappers for C headers
+ match = Match(r'#include\s*<(([^>]+).h)>', line)
+ if match:
+ wrapper = 'c' + match.group(2)
+ if wrapper in _CPP_HEADERS:
+ error(filename, linenum, 'build/include', 4,
+ 'Prefer C++ header <%s> for C system header %s' %
+ (wrapper, match.group(1)))
# "include" should use the new style "foo/bar.h" instead of just "bar.h"
# Only do this check if the included header follows google naming
# conventions. If not, assume that it's a 3rd party API that
diff --git a/scripts/lint.sh b/scripts/lint.sh
index d0f82b1..9e33c87 100755
--- a/scripts/lint.sh
+++ b/scripts/lint.sh
@@ -14,21 +14,74 @@
# Lints C++ files for conformance with the Google C++ style guide
+# Joins the given arguments with the separator given as the first argument.
+function join() {
+ local IFS="$1"
+ shift
+ echo "$*"
-z # \0 terminate output
+ # Objective-C uses #import and does not use header guards
+ -build/header_guard
+ # Inline definitions of Objective-C blocks confuse
+ -readability/braces
+ # C-style casts are acceptable in Objective-C++
+ -readability/casting
+ # Objective-C needs use type 'long' for interop between types like NSInteger
+ # and printf-style functions.
+ -runtime/int
+ # cpplint is generally confused by Objective-C mixing with C++.
+ # * Objective-C method invocations in a for loop make it think its a
+ # range-for
+ # * Objective-C dictionary literals confuse brace spacing
+ # * Empty category declarations ("@interface Foo ()") look like function
+ # invocations
+ -whitespace
+ # cpplint normally excludes Objective-C++
+ --extensions=h,m,mm
+ # Objective-C style allows longer lines
+ --linelength=100
+ --filter=$(join , "${objc_lint_filters[@]}")
if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then
# Interpret any command-line argument as a revision range
command=(git diff --name-only)
- options+=("$@")
+ git_options+=("$@")
# Default to operating on all files that match the pattern
command=(git ls-files)
-"${command[@]}" "${options[@]}" \
+# Straight C++ files get regular cpplint
+"${command[@]}" "${git_options[@]}" \
-- 'Firestore/core/**/*.'{h,cc} \
- | xargs -0 python scripts/cpplint.py --quiet
+ | xargs -0 python scripts/cpplint.py --quiet 2>&1
+# Objective-C++ files get a looser cpplint
+"${command[@]}" "${git_options[@]}" \
+ -- 'Firestore/Source/**/*.'{h,m,mm} \
+ 'Firestore/Example/Tests/**/*.'{h,m,mm} \
+ 'Firestore/core/**/*.mm' \
+ | xargs -0 python scripts/cpplint.py "${objc_lint_options[@]}" --quiet 2>&1
+if [[ $CPP_STATUS != 0 || $OBJC_STATUS != 0 ]]; then
+ exit 1