path: root/Firestore/core/test/firebase/firestore/local
diff options
authorGravatar Gil <mcg@google.com>2018-03-21 18:43:29 -0700
committerGravatar GitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-03-21 18:43:29 -0700
commitcf630bfee60694f9bf1577972df169badda0b6e0 (patch)
tree2b815ec0e241666aa04da5e58e7c85ce23518e50 /Firestore/core/test/firebase/firestore/local
parent5f49b2f3f9866e4db13d09857eb3b548239cc62e (diff)
Port FSTLevelDBKey to C++ (#937)
Diffstat (limited to 'Firestore/core/test/firebase/firestore/local')
2 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Firestore/core/test/firebase/firestore/local/CMakeLists.txt b/Firestore/core/test/firebase/firestore/local/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f52e394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firestore/core/test/firebase/firestore/local/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright 2018 Google
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ firebase_firestore_local_test
+ leveldb_key_test.cc
+ firebase_firestore_local
+ firebase_firestore_model
diff --git a/Firestore/core/test/firebase/firestore/local/leveldb_key_test.cc b/Firestore/core/test/firebase/firestore/local/leveldb_key_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9032473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Firestore/core/test/firebase/firestore/local/leveldb_key_test.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ * Copyright 2018 Google
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/local/leveldb_key.h"
+#include "Firestore/core/src/firebase/firestore/util/string_util.h"
+#include "Firestore/core/test/firebase/firestore/testutil/testutil.h"
+#include "absl/strings/match.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+using firebase::firestore::model::BatchId;
+using firebase::firestore::model::DocumentKey;
+using firebase::firestore::model::TargetId;
+namespace firebase {
+namespace firestore {
+namespace local {
+namespace {
+std::string RemoteDocKey(absl::string_view path_string) {
+ return LevelDbRemoteDocumentKey::Key(testutil::Key(path_string));
+std::string RemoteDocKeyPrefix(absl::string_view path_string) {
+ return LevelDbRemoteDocumentKey::KeyPrefix(testutil::Resource(path_string));
+std::string DocMutationKey(absl::string_view user_id,
+ absl::string_view key,
+ model::BatchId batch_id) {
+ return LevelDbDocumentMutationKey::Key(user_id, testutil::Key(key), batch_id);
+std::string TargetDocKey(TargetId target_id, absl::string_view key) {
+ return LevelDbTargetDocumentKey::Key(target_id, testutil::Key(key));
+std::string DocTargetKey(absl::string_view key, TargetId target_id) {
+ return LevelDbDocumentTargetKey::Key(testutil::Key(key), target_id);
+} // namespace
+ * Asserts that the description for given key is equal to the expected
+ * description.
+ *
+ * @param key A StringView of a textual key
+ * @param key An NSString that [LevelDbKey descriptionForKey:] is expected to
+ * produce.
+ */
+#define AssertExpectedKeyDescription(expected_description, key) \
+ ASSERT_EQ((expected_description), Describe(key))
+TEST(LevelDbMutationKeyTest, Prefixing) {
+ auto tableKey = LevelDbMutationKey::KeyPrefix();
+ auto emptyUserKey = LevelDbMutationKey::KeyPrefix("");
+ auto fooUserKey = LevelDbMutationKey::KeyPrefix("foo");
+ auto foo2Key = LevelDbMutationKey::Key("foo", 2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(absl::StartsWith(emptyUserKey, tableKey));
+ // This is critical: prefixes of the a value don't convert into prefixes of
+ // the key.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(absl::StartsWith(fooUserKey, tableKey));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(absl::StartsWith(fooUserKey, emptyUserKey));
+ // However whole segments in common are prefixes.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(absl::StartsWith(foo2Key, tableKey));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(absl::StartsWith(foo2Key, fooUserKey));
+TEST(LevelDbMutationKeyTest, EncodeDecodeCycle) {
+ LevelDbMutationKey key;
+ std::string user("foo");
+ std::vector<BatchId> batch_ids{0, 1, 100, INT_MAX - 1, INT_MAX};
+ for (auto batch_id : batch_ids) {
+ auto encoded = LevelDbMutationKey::Key(user, batch_id);
+ bool ok = key.Decode(encoded);
+ ASSERT_EQ(user, key.user_id());
+ ASSERT_EQ(batch_id, key.batch_id());
+ }
+TEST(LevelDbMutationKeyTest, Description) {
+ AssertExpectedKeyDescription("[mutation: incomplete key]",
+ LevelDbMutationKey::KeyPrefix());
+ AssertExpectedKeyDescription("[mutation: user_id=user1 incomplete key]",
+ LevelDbMutationKey::KeyPrefix("user1"));
+ auto key = LevelDbMutationKey::Key("user1", 42);
+ AssertExpectedKeyDescription("[mutation: user_id=user1 batch_id=42]", key);
+ AssertExpectedKeyDescription(
+ "[mutation: user_id=user1 batch_id=42 invalid "
+ "key=<hW11dGF0aW9uAAGNdXNlcjEAAYqqgCBleHRyYQ==>]",
+ key + " extra");
+ // Truncate the key so that it's missing its terminator.
+ key.resize(key.size() - 1);
+ AssertExpectedKeyDescription(
+ "[mutation: user_id=user1 batch_id=42 incomplete key]", key);
+TEST(LevelDbDocumentMutationKeyTest, Prefixing) {
+ auto table_key = LevelDbDocumentMutationKey::KeyPrefix();
+ auto empty_user_key = LevelDbDocumentMutationKey::KeyPrefix("");
+ auto foo_user_key = LevelDbDocumentMutationKey::KeyPrefix("foo");
+ DocumentKey document_key = testutil::Key("foo/bar");
+ auto foo2_key = LevelDbDocumentMutationKey::Key("foo", document_key, 2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(absl::StartsWith(empty_user_key, table_key));
+ // While we want a key with whole segments in common be considered a prefix
+ // it's vital that partial segments in common not be prefixes.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(absl::StartsWith(foo_user_key, table_key));
+ // Here even though "" is a prefix of "foo", that prefix is within a segment,
+ // so keys derived from those segments cannot be prefixes of each other.
+ ASSERT_FALSE(absl::StartsWith(foo_user_key, empty_user_key));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(absl::StartsWith(empty_user_key, foo_user_key));
+ // However whole segments in common are prefixes.
+ ASSERT_TRUE(absl::StartsWith(foo2_key, table_key));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(absl::StartsWith(foo2_key, foo_user_key));
+TEST(LevelDbDocumentMutationKeyTest, EncodeDecodeCycle) {
+ LevelDbDocumentMutationKey key;
+ std::string user("foo");
+ std::vector<DocumentKey> document_keys{testutil::Key("a/b"),
+ testutil::Key("a/b/c/d")};
+ std::vector<BatchId> batch_ids{0, 1, 100, INT_MAX - 1, INT_MAX};
+ for (BatchId batch_id : batch_ids) {
+ for (auto&& document_key : document_keys) {
+ auto encoded =
+ LevelDbDocumentMutationKey::Key(user, document_key, batch_id);
+ bool ok = key.Decode(encoded);
+ ASSERT_EQ(user, key.user_id());
+ ASSERT_EQ(document_key, key.document_key());
+ ASSERT_EQ(batch_id, key.batch_id());
+ }
+ }
+TEST(LevelDbDocumentMutationKeyTest, Ordering) {
+ // Different user:
+ ASSERT_LT(DocMutationKey("1", "foo/bar", 0),
+ DocMutationKey("10", "foo/bar", 0));
+ ASSERT_LT(DocMutationKey("1", "foo/bar", 0),
+ DocMutationKey("2", "foo/bar", 0));
+ // Different paths:
+ ASSERT_LT(DocMutationKey("1", "foo/bar", 0),
+ DocMutationKey("1", "foo/baz", 0));
+ ASSERT_LT(DocMutationKey("1", "foo/bar", 0),
+ DocMutationKey("1", "foo/bar2", 0));
+ ASSERT_LT(DocMutationKey("1", "foo/bar", 0),
+ DocMutationKey("1", "foo/bar/suffix/key", 0));
+ ASSERT_LT(DocMutationKey("1", "foo/bar/suffix/key", 0),
+ DocMutationKey("1", "foo/bar2", 0));
+ // Different batch_id:
+ ASSERT_LT(DocMutationKey("1", "foo/bar", 0),
+ DocMutationKey("1", "foo/bar", 1));
+TEST(LevelDbDocumentMutationKeyTest, Description) {
+ AssertExpectedKeyDescription("[document_mutation: incomplete key]",
+ LevelDbDocumentMutationKey::KeyPrefix());
+ AssertExpectedKeyDescription(
+ "[document_mutation: user_id=user1 incomplete key]",
+ LevelDbDocumentMutationKey::KeyPrefix("user1"));
+ auto key = LevelDbDocumentMutationKey::KeyPrefix(
+ "user1", testutil::Resource("foo/bar"));
+ AssertExpectedKeyDescription(
+ "[document_mutation: user_id=user1 key=foo/bar incomplete key]", key);
+ key = LevelDbDocumentMutationKey::Key("user1", testutil::Key("foo/bar"), 42);
+ AssertExpectedKeyDescription(
+ "[document_mutation: user_id=user1 key=foo/bar batch_id=42]", key);
+TEST(LevelDbTargetGlobalKeyTest, EncodeDecodeCycle) {
+ LevelDbTargetGlobalKey key;
+ auto encoded = LevelDbTargetGlobalKey::Key();
+ bool ok = key.Decode(encoded);
+TEST(LevelDbTargetGlobalKeyTest, Description) {
+ AssertExpectedKeyDescription("[target_global:]",
+ LevelDbTargetGlobalKey::Key());
+TEST(LevelDbTargetKeyTest, EncodeDecodeCycle) {
+ LevelDbTargetKey key;
+ TargetId target_id = 42;
+ auto encoded = LevelDbTargetKey::Key(42);
+ bool ok = key.Decode(encoded);
+ ASSERT_EQ(target_id, key.target_id());
+TEST(LevelDbTargetKeyTest, Description) {
+ AssertExpectedKeyDescription("[target: target_id=42]",
+ LevelDbTargetKey::Key(42));
+TEST(LevelDbQueryTargetKeyTest, EncodeDecodeCycle) {
+ LevelDbQueryTargetKey key;
+ std::string canonical_id("foo");
+ TargetId target_id = 42;
+ auto encoded = LevelDbQueryTargetKey::Key(canonical_id, 42);
+ bool ok = key.Decode(encoded);
+ ASSERT_EQ(canonical_id, key.canonical_id());
+ ASSERT_EQ(target_id, key.target_id());
+TEST(LevelDbQueryKeyTest, Description) {
+ AssertExpectedKeyDescription("[query_target: canonical_id=foo target_id=42]",
+ LevelDbQueryTargetKey::Key("foo", 42));
+TEST(TargetDocumentKeyTest, EncodeDecodeCycle) {
+ LevelDbTargetDocumentKey key;
+ auto encoded = LevelDbTargetDocumentKey::Key(42, testutil::Key("foo/bar"));
+ bool ok = key.Decode(encoded);
+ ASSERT_EQ(42, key.target_id());
+ ASSERT_EQ(testutil::Key("foo/bar"), key.document_key());
+TEST(TargetDocumentKeyTest, Ordering) {
+ // Different target_id:
+ ASSERT_LT(TargetDocKey(1, "foo/bar"), TargetDocKey(2, "foo/bar"));
+ ASSERT_LT(TargetDocKey(2, "foo/bar"), TargetDocKey(10, "foo/bar"));
+ ASSERT_LT(TargetDocKey(10, "foo/bar"), TargetDocKey(100, "foo/bar"));
+ ASSERT_LT(TargetDocKey(42, "foo/bar"), TargetDocKey(100, "foo/bar"));
+ // Different paths:
+ ASSERT_LT(TargetDocKey(1, "foo/bar"), TargetDocKey(1, "foo/baz"));
+ ASSERT_LT(TargetDocKey(1, "foo/bar"), TargetDocKey(1, "foo/bar2"));
+ ASSERT_LT(TargetDocKey(1, "foo/bar"), TargetDocKey(1, "foo/bar/suffix/key"));
+ ASSERT_LT(TargetDocKey(1, "foo/bar/suffix/key"), TargetDocKey(1, "foo/bar2"));
+TEST(TargetDocumentKeyTest, Description) {
+ auto key = LevelDbTargetDocumentKey::Key(42, testutil::Key("foo/bar"));
+ ASSERT_EQ("[target_document: target_id=42 key=foo/bar]", Describe(key));
+TEST(DocumentTargetKeyTest, EncodeDecodeCycle) {
+ LevelDbDocumentTargetKey key;
+ auto encoded = LevelDbDocumentTargetKey::Key(testutil::Key("foo/bar"), 42);
+ bool ok = key.Decode(encoded);
+ ASSERT_EQ(testutil::Key("foo/bar"), key.document_key());
+ ASSERT_EQ(42, key.target_id());
+TEST(DocumentTargetKeyTest, Description) {
+ auto key = LevelDbDocumentTargetKey::Key(testutil::Key("foo/bar"), 42);
+ ASSERT_EQ("[document_target: key=foo/bar target_id=42]", Describe(key));
+TEST(DocumentTargetKeyTest, Ordering) {
+ // Different paths:
+ ASSERT_LT(DocTargetKey("foo/bar", 1), DocTargetKey("foo/baz", 1));
+ ASSERT_LT(DocTargetKey("foo/bar", 1), DocTargetKey("foo/bar2", 1));
+ ASSERT_LT(DocTargetKey("foo/bar", 1), DocTargetKey("foo/bar/suffix/key", 1));
+ ASSERT_LT(DocTargetKey("foo/bar/suffix/key", 1), DocTargetKey("foo/bar2", 1));
+ // Different target_id:
+ ASSERT_LT(DocTargetKey("foo/bar", 1), DocTargetKey("foo/bar", 2));
+ ASSERT_LT(DocTargetKey("foo/bar", 2), DocTargetKey("foo/bar", 10));
+ ASSERT_LT(DocTargetKey("foo/bar", 10), DocTargetKey("foo/bar", 100));
+ ASSERT_LT(DocTargetKey("foo/bar", 42), DocTargetKey("foo/bar", 100));
+TEST(RemoteDocumentKeyTest, Prefixing) {
+ auto tableKey = LevelDbRemoteDocumentKey::KeyPrefix();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(absl::StartsWith(RemoteDocKey("foo/bar"), tableKey));
+ // This is critical: foo/bar2 should not contain foo/bar.
+ absl::StartsWith(RemoteDocKey("foo/bar2"), RemoteDocKey("foo/bar")));
+ // Prefixes must be encoded specially
+ ASSERT_FALSE(absl::StartsWith(RemoteDocKey("foo/bar/baz/quu"),
+ RemoteDocKey("foo/bar")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(absl::StartsWith(RemoteDocKey("foo/bar/baz/quu"),
+ RemoteDocKeyPrefix("foo/bar")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(absl::StartsWith(RemoteDocKeyPrefix("foo/bar/baz/quu"),
+ RemoteDocKeyPrefix("foo/bar")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(absl::StartsWith(RemoteDocKeyPrefix("foo/bar/baz"),
+ RemoteDocKeyPrefix("foo/bar")));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(absl::StartsWith(RemoteDocKeyPrefix("foo/bar"),
+ RemoteDocKeyPrefix("foo")));
+TEST(RemoteDocumentKeyTest, Ordering) {
+ ASSERT_LT(RemoteDocKey("foo/bar"), RemoteDocKey("foo/bar2"));
+ ASSERT_LT(RemoteDocKey("foo/bar"), RemoteDocKey("foo/bar/suffix/key"));
+TEST(RemoteDocumentKeyTest, EncodeDecodeCycle) {
+ LevelDbRemoteDocumentKey key;
+ std::vector<std::string> paths{"foo/bar", "foo/bar2", "foo/bar/baz/quux"};
+ for (auto&& path : paths) {
+ auto encoded = RemoteDocKey(path);
+ bool ok = key.Decode(encoded);
+ ASSERT_EQ(testutil::Key(path), key.document_key());
+ }
+TEST(RemoteDocumentKeyTest, Description) {
+ AssertExpectedKeyDescription(
+ "[remote_document: key=foo/bar/baz/quux]",
+ LevelDbRemoteDocumentKey::Key(testutil::Key("foo/bar/baz/quux")));
+#undef AssertExpectedKeyDescription
+} // namespace local
+} // namespace firestore
+} // namespace firebase